BDS and "The Color Purple."

Only when it is portrayed as the beginning when it is actually in the middle.

Post a news article showing that the Palestinians targeted women and children.

Palestine, 1922.

Britain violated the League of Nations Covenant on mandates. You cannot blame the Palestinians for that.

No you won't. You will just go back to Israel's propaganda.

I asked several simple questions and you failed to answer ALL of them.
Every time I bring up hostilies perpetrated against JEws, you call it propaganda. Sorry Tinnie, but you are just making yourself to look like a fool.
Answer the questions
There, questions answered.

SO if PAlestine was already a state in 1922 (Which btw is the dumbest thing you've said, becasue it was controlled by the British) why was there a partition plan in 1947 that was suggested to give Palestine a state??
Concerning the violation by the British, even if that is true, then the beef the Palestinians have is with the British, not the Jews.
When I say the Palestinian Arabs targeted women and children, I was referring to the Hebron Massacre:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They included a dozen women and three children under the age of three
I asked several simple questions and you failed to answer ALL of them.
Every time I bring up hostilies perpetrated against JEws, you call it propaganda. Sorry Tinnie, but you are just making yourself to look like a fool.
Answer the questions
There, questions answered.

SO if PAlestine was already a state in 1922 (Which btw is the dumbest thing you've said, becasue it was controlled by the British) why was there a partition plan in 1947 that was suggested to give Palestine a state??
Concerning the violation by the British, even if that is true, then the beef the Palestinians have is with the British, not the Jews.
When I say the Palestinian Arabs targeted women and children, I was referring to the Hebron Massacre:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They included a dozen women and three children under the age of three

And don't forget that Britain tore away 78% of the Palestine Mandate, forbade Jewish immigration there, and named this artificial country after a river. The Judge Jephthah came from that area, so it's really Jewish land as well.
There, questions answered.

SO if PAlestine was already a state in 1922 (Which btw is the dumbest thing you've said, becasue it was controlled by the British) why was there a partition plan in 1947 that was suggested to give Palestine a state??
Concerning the violation by the British, even if that is true, then the beef the Palestinians have is with the British, not the Jews.
When I say the Palestinian Arabs targeted women and children, I was referring to the Hebron Massacre:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They included a dozen women and three children under the age of three

And don't forget that Britain tore away 78% of the Palestine Mandate, forbade Jewish immigration there, and named this artificial country after a river. The Judge Jephthah came from that area, so it's really Jewish land as well.

Yes, but even after that, the Jews gracefully accepted the 1947 partition plan, which would have given them much less territory than the original proposal.
Arabs wanted all of the ME , they got greedy by rejecting the proposal !
Interesting note from your link :

The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law was passed by the Knesset in 2003 as an interim emergency measure after Israel had suffered its worst ever spate of suicide bombings[45] and after several Palestinians who had been granted permanent residency on the grounds of family reunification took part in terrorist attacks in Israel

Israel gave citizenship to Palestinians, and in return, they blew themselves up and took down Israelis with them.
650,000 Jews stole Palestine from 1.2 million Arabs in 1948.
Are you still in denial about that?

"In summary, this analysis shows that Israel was established by the Zionist movement over 60 years ago with the intention and effect of achieving the permanent removal en masse of the indigenous, predominantly Arab population of Palestine for the purpose of Jewish colonization and development of a 'Jewish state.'”

"This amounts to a policy of population transfer (ethnic cleansing)[1] which is defined as the 'systematic, coercive and deliberate… movement of population into or out of an area … with the effect or purpose of altering the demographic composition of a territory, particularly when that ideology or policy asserts the dominance of a certain group over another.'"

Apartheid, colonisation and occupation |

Your first line is just your usual Arab propaganda opening statement. It's a load of crap. BTW, why do you ignore the fact that the Palestinians (who BTW, were not even called Palestinians in 1948) were one of the belligerents who were allied with the Arab forces who clearly stated their clear intention to drive the Jews to the sea.
BTW, the violence started before 1948, but it seems like your head doesn't go that far back:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course, my personal favorite, the Arab Revolt from 1936-39 in which Palestinian Arabs, in combating the increase of Zionist immigration, started attacking Jews, their businesses and their convoys.
What happened in 1917 that began a gradual transition toward mass violence between Jews and Arabs in Palestine?

"The city of Hebron holds special significance in Islam and Judaism, it being the site of the Tomb of the Patriarchs. In 1929, the population numbered around 20,000, the majority of whom were Muslim Arabs.

"A small but significant community of around 700 Jews, most of them renting houses from Arab proprietors,[7] also lived there, mostly the descendants of Sephardim who had inhabited the town for centuries.

"Ashkenazi Jews had been established in the town for at least a century.[8]

"The two communities, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, maintained separate schools, worshipped in separate synagogues, and did not intermarry. The Sephardim were Arab-speakers, wore Arab-dress and were well-integrated, whereas many of the Ashkenazi community were yeshiva students who maintained 'foreign' ways, and had difficulties and misunderstandings with the Arab population.[9]

"Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, tensions had been growing between the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine..."

"Though Jews had suffered numerous vexations in the past, and this hostility was to take an anti-Zionist turn after the Balfour Declaration.[11] generally, a peaceful relationship existed between both communities."

Israel as a Jewish state was created by the UK to serve as a "little, loyal Jewish Ulster" in pursuit of Arab oil, and the Arabs of Palestine were fully aware of that. That doesn't justify their crimes, but it should cast light on who got rich from them and on similar atrocities committed by the US in Iraq.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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There, questions answered.

SO if PAlestine was already a state in 1922 (Which btw is the dumbest thing you've said, becasue it was controlled by the British) why was there a partition plan in 1947 that was suggested to give Palestine a state??
Concerning the violation by the British, even if that is true, then the beef the Palestinians have is with the British, not the Jews.
When I say the Palestinian Arabs targeted women and children, I was referring to the Hebron Massacre:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They included a dozen women and three children under the age of three[/QUOITE]

And don't forget that Britain tore away 78% of the Palestine Mandate, forbade Jewish immigration there, and named this artificial country after a river. The Judge Jephthah came from that area, so it's really Jewish land as well.

British Mandate Palestine never included Transjordan. You Zionists cannot stop distorting History.
reabhloideach, et al,

In the original posting, there was a premise:

(Alice)Walker’s full letter (Excerpt) said:
Palestine, whose major 'crime' is that they exist in their own land, land that Israel wants to control as its own.

Are these two premises really true? Can it be said that the Arab Palestinian has committed absolutely no crimes and that Israel want to control these lands?


In every piece of good propaganda, there is some truth.

Clearly, it can be said that, in the beginning, if the original Zionists (no meaning this in an ugly tone) did have a vision of an Israel much larger than it is today. Yes, there is some truth in this. It is fair to say, that the Jewish acceptance of the GA Resolution 181(II) did not meet the Jewish expectation; but, they accepted it anyway.

The Jewish accepted what the International Community offered as a solution. The Arab/Palestinian did not. The Jewish took the "peaceful" path, the Arab/Palestinian chose "war" as an alternative solution [hence becoming the Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP)].

Laws & Policies Pertaining to the Arab/Palestinian Choice for War said:
The strategy said:
To refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, participating in , financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities and to take appropriate practical measures to ensure that our respective territories are not used for terrorist installations or training camps, or for the preparation or organization of terrorist acts intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

SOURCE: Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy - UN Action to Counter Terrorism

Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States said:
1. Solemnly proclaims the following principles:

The principle that States shall refrain in their international ~ relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

A war of aggression constitutes a crime against the peace, for which there is responsibility under international law.

In accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, States have the duty to refrain from propaganda for wars of aggression.

Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

SOURCE: Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - Main Page

=UN A/RES/29/3314 (XXIX). Definition of Aggression said:
Article 1

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.

Explanatory note: In this Definition the term "State":

(a) Is used without prejudice to questions of recognition or to whether a State is a member of the United Nations;
(b) Includes the concept of a "group of States" where appropriate.​

Article 2

The First use of armed force by a State in contravention of the Charter shall constitute prima facie evidence of an act of aggression although the Security Council may, in conformity with the Charter, conclude that a determination that an act of aggression has been committed would not be justified in the light of other relevant circumstances, including the fact that the acts concerned or their consequences are not of sufficient gravity.​

Normally it would be hard to figure out who started what, when. But in this case it was easy.

The Question of Palestine and the United Nations said:
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day, regular troops of the neighboring Arab States entered the territory to assist the Palestinian Arabs.


In this case, it is clear that the neighboring military coalition of Arab States were already prepared for invasion (evidenced by troop movements for more than a month prior). The entry of the neighboring military coalition of Arab States made Chapter VII (Article 51 - Self Defense) of the UN Charter applicable. The Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP) does not deny this happened.

Even today, the HoAP talks of the confrontation lasting nearly 70 years. While the HoAP have lost some allies in that time, with very little support coming from any of the immediate neighboring Arab States, they have been successful in attaching themselves to the Islamic Republic of Iran (on rocky ground since the Arab Spring began in Syria).

While the HoAP now tries to use International Protocols to suggest that only they have the right to self determination, there is no question that the codification of those rights, which the HoAP claim exclusively, were authored by the very same body that allotted to Israel territory by the partition plan (which the Palestinians now recognize as legitimate) which triggered the conflict.

The occupation today, which admittedly is being very poorly administered by the Israelis, is a direct result of the outbreak of hostilities, and its continuation and amplification, over a Partition Plan which the Palestinians now accept as legitimate.

Letter dated 25 March 1999 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General said:
For the Palestinian side, and since the strategic decision to forge a peace on the basis of coexistence, resolution 181 (II) has become acceptable. The resolution provides the legal basis for the existence of both the Jewish and the Arab States in Mandated Palestine. According to the resolution, Jerusalem should become a corpus separatum, which the Palestinian side is willing to take into consideration and to reconcile with the Palestinian position that East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian territory and the capital of the Palestinian State. The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process.

(Signed) Nasser AL-KIDWA
Permanent Observer of
Palestine to the United Nations​

SOURCE: A/53/879-S/1999/334 of 25 March 1999


It has been customary law that the defeated party, in any war, pay an indemnity or series of payments intended to cover the cost of defense, damages and injury inflicted upon the winner. Normally, War Reparations can be in any form of value the parties agree upon; including goods, services, funds and the transfers of land for annexation. (Example: At the end of the Spanish-American War, the US acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam.)

What War Reparations should the HoAP face, given the extraordinary period of asymmetric warfare, terrorism and conventional conflict? What would be fair for them to forfeit?

Most Respectfully,
Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder

“In demanding the return of the Palestinian refugees the Arabs mean their return as masters, not slaves, or to put it more clearly – the intention is the extermination of Israel.”
- Salah al-Din, Egyptian Foreign Minister

“Israel, to the Arab world, is like a cancer to the human body, and the only way of remedy is to uproot it just like a cancer… Had we united then [in 1948] Israel would not have come into existence. Israel is a serious wound in the Arab world body, and we cannot endure the pain of this wound forever. We don’t have the patience to see Israel remain occupying part of Palestine for long… We Arabs total about 50,000,000. Why don’t we sacrifice 10,000,000 of our number to live in pride and self-respect?”
- King Saud of Saudi Arabia
(New York Times, January 10, 1954)

“We are awaiting aggression by Israel and any supporters of Israel. We will make it a decisive battle and get rid of Israel once and for all… This is the dream of every Arab.”
- Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt

“If the refugees return to Israel – Israel will cease to exist.”
- Gamal Abdel Nasser

“... collective Arab military preparations, when they are completed, will constitute the ultimate practical means for the final liquidation of Israel.”
- Arab League

“Our path to Palestine will not be covered with a red carpet or with yellow sand. Our path to Palestine will be covered with blood… In order that we may liberate Palestine, the Arab nation must unite, the Arab armies must unite, and a unified plan of action must be established.”
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Yeah, this is subject to interpretation. Clearly, the Royal Family has a different take on the history.

British Mandate Palestine never included Transjordan. You Zionists cannot stop distorting History.

The Making of Transjordan said:
In 1920 and for a brief duration, Faisal assumed the throne of Syria and his elder brother Abdullah was offered the crown of Iraq by the Iraqi representatives. However, the British government ignored the will of the Iraqi people. Shortly afterward, the newly-founded League of Nations awarded Britain the mandates over Transjordan, Palestine and Iraq. France was given the mandate over Syria and Lebanon, but had to take Damascus by force, removing King Faisal from the throne to which he had been elected by the General Syrian Congress in 1920.

SOURCE: Jordan - History - The Making of Transjordan


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.​

SOURCE: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the LoN/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)


I have heard many a pro-Palestinian, in an attempt to exaggerate the extent to which the percentage of distribution to the Jewish was disproportionately large, use this same argument.

It is simply propaganda, with a trace of truth in it.

The UK was administering the region jointly under the Mandate until it became obvious that the Hashemite Kingdom was going to evolve separately. One of the last Joint Annual Reports is found at:

[quote="As is" reference - not a United Nations document - Source: League of Nations 31 December 1931]

by His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland to the Council of the League of
Nations on the Administration of




SOURCE: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN (31 December 1931)

I hope this lays this question to rest.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, lets make its simple for Sherri, and Tinnie who thanked Sherris post about the original Mandate.
Did the original British Mandate include what is now called Jordan (Transjordan)

Yes or no ?
toastman, et al,

Rocco, lets make its simple for Sherri, and Tinnie who thanked Sherris post about the original Mandate.
Did the original British Mandate include what is now called Jordan (Transjordan)

Yes or no ?

Yes! No question; fully documented.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you! I already knew this (as did most rational people).
I simply don't understand how people like Sherri can deny events like this when the evidence contradicting what she says is RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER

Sherri, what do you have to say for yourself. Are you going to retract your statement ?
MANDATE FOR PALESTINE________LEAGUE OF NATIONS*MANDATE FOR PALESTINE. Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations (12 August 1922). That is the official League of Nations Mandate For Palestine and it does not include Transjordan. There was no prior Mandate approved that included Transjordan and Palestine. Jordan was set apart to be a separate nation in 1916 and was not a part of British Mandate Palestine. It was administered separately from the beginning.
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No one said it was approved or implemented . it was more of a 'proposal'
The fact that the original mandate includes Transjordan is not up for debate.

Let me make it easier for you Sherri.

Go to Google and type in 'Original British Mandate' . Since you're not capable of comprehending the articles regarding this, click on images. Then come back here and tell us what you learned
Thank you! I already knew this (as did most rational people).
I simply don't understand how people like Sherri can deny events like this when the evidence contradicting what she says is RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER

Sherri, what do you have to say for yourself. Are you going to retract your statement ?

I read the Official Mandate documents for myself and believe what is written in them.
The original British mandate included Transjordan

This is NOT up for debate .. End of story ! Jeez !!
SO if PAlestine was already a state in 1922 (Which btw is the dumbest thing you've said, becasue it was controlled by the British) why was there a partition plan in 1947 that was suggested to give Palestine a state??
Concerning the violation by the British, even if that is true, then the beef the Palestinians have is with the British, not the Jews.
When I say the Palestinian Arabs targeted women and children, I was referring to the Hebron Massacre:

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They included a dozen women and three children under the age of three[/QUOITE]

And don't forget that Britain tore away 78% of the Palestine Mandate, forbade Jewish immigration there, and named this artificial country after a river. The Judge Jephthah came from that area, so it's really Jewish land as well.

British Mandate Palestine never included Transjordan. You Zionists cannot stop distorting History.
Willful ignorance?



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