BDS and "The Color Purple."

No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News
Do you recognize a lie when you see it?

Your link:

"In my numerous visits to Israel, I did not see any of the above," stated Meshoe. "Black, brown and white Jews and the Arab minority mingle freely in all public places, universities, restaurants, voting stations and public transportation. All people have the right to vote."

In fact only a minority of Arabs living between the River and the sea have the right to vote for those writing the laws they currently live under. Is Meshoe calling for one person; one vote in Palestine?

Are you?
Sorry to take so long in answering you, Georgie Boy. Instead of sitting in a one-room apartment, I was out with some old buddies having a good time. It's really fun to actually have conversations with real human beings in person. Try it some time. Meanwhile, all citizens of Israel have the right to vote. Those living in the territories are not citizens of Israel, and they can vote in their own elections, I have a great idea. Why don't you take a bus down to Watts or Compton and ask your friends to contribute something to their brethren in Africa to make the lives of these Africans in need more comfortable since you seem so concerned about people?
There are approximately equal numbers of Arabs and Jews currently living between the River and the sea; all Jews are allowed a vote in determining who writes the laws they live under. The same is not true for all Arabs. Are you encouraging segregation forever in Palestine, Hossie?
Do you recognize a lie when you see it?

Your link:

"In my numerous visits to Israel, I did not see any of the above," stated Meshoe. "Black, brown and white Jews and the Arab minority mingle freely in all public places, universities, restaurants, voting stations and public transportation. All people have the right to vote."

In fact only a minority of Arabs living between the River and the sea have the right to vote for those writing the laws they currently live under. Is Meshoe calling for one person; one vote in Palestine?

Are you?
Sorry to take so long in answering you, Georgie Boy. Instead of sitting in a one-room apartment, I was out with some old buddies having a good time. It's really fun to actually have conversations with real human beings in person. Try it some time. Meanwhile, all citizens of Israel have the right to vote. Those living in the territories are not citizens of Israel, and they can vote in their own elections, I have a great idea. Why don't you take a bus down to Watts or Compton and ask your friends to contribute something to their brethren in Africa to make the lives of these Africans in need more comfortable since you seem so concerned about people?
There are approximately equal numbers of Arabs and Jews currently living between the River and the sea; all Jews are allowed a vote in determining who writes the laws they live under. The same is not true for all Arabs. Are you encouraging segregation forever in Palestine, Hossie?

Define racism
BDS is an AntiRacist Movement. As far as I am concerned, all who oppose it are racists. What does Alice Walker stand for? To me, she is a human being who has devoted much of her life to speaking out against prejudice and racism. It makes perfect since that she has become a spokesperson for BDS. Sherri
14 Posts have been cleaned from this thread for trolling/derailment - if yours is poofed, you know why.

If you want to talk about individual poster's personal attributes or lack there-of take it to the FLAME ZONE.

If you want to discuss what folks are doing in other parts of the world (ie - not Israel, not Palestine) - pull out your map, educate yourself and take it to the proper arena.

For those who are making the effort to stay topical - many thanks :)
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I don't see it this way at all.

BDS is an AntiRacist Movement. As far as I am concerned, all who oppose it are racists. Sherri

The Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is a campaign against Israel --- a non-violent means of protest that opposes perceived violations international law and Palestinian rights. It is a countermeasure to the security quarantine.

It has nothing to do with racism. The use of the "Race Card" (the world has seen many time before) is a secondary effort to instigate public dissent and chaos. The use of the "Race Card" is an organized effort that wants to portray or incite the idea that Israel discriminates against Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP) on the basis of ethnic or genetic inferiority; and suggesting it is not because the HoAP have a history of establish criminal behaviors or a background of past practices that create a security threat to the safety and integrity of Israel. It attempt to demonize the Israel.

Unfortunately, the use of the BDS Campaign to camouflage and spread Black Propaganda by means of the "Race Card", also has a negative effect on the BDS Campaign.

Essentially, there is nothing wrong with the original concept behind the BDS Campaign; very typical of a free political process using the non-violent tools at hand. But there will always be those elements that will attempt to high-jack the salient points the BDS Campaign has to make and replace them with material for the purpose of instigating and inciting trouble.

There is no effort (relative to the security quarantine) on the part of the Israeli to suggest that the HoAP is ethnically or genetically inferior. The "quarantine" minimizes the HoAP organizing, instigating, facilitating, participating in, financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities and to take appropriate practical measures to ensure that our respective territories are not used for terrorist installations or training camps, or for the preparation or organization of terrorist acts intended to be committed against Israel or its citizens; threatening the sovereign integrity of the nation. The BDS Movement take the opposite view and opposes this self-defense effort.

Most Respectfully,
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BDS is an AntiRacist Movement. As far as I am concerned, all who oppose it are racists. What does Alice Walker stand for? To me, she is a human being who has devoted much of her life to speaking out against prejudice and racism. It makes perfect since that she has become a spokesperson for BDS. Sherri

Like Rocco said, you played the race card ...AGAIN !
BDS is an AntiRacist Movement. As far as I am concerned, all who oppose it are racists. What does Alice Walker stand for? To me, she is a human being who has devoted much of her life to speaking out against prejudice and racism. It makes perfect since that she has become a spokesperson for BDS. Sherri

Like Rocco said, you played the race card ...AGAIN !

how many times have pro-palestinian posters been called anti-semites and the like by jews and zionists. meanwhile people like hossfly, roudy, marg, you and many others play the race card all the time.

the BDS campaign is not racist...and can't rocco spesk for himself or does he need you to parrot for him.

"Black Propaganda" actually sounds pretty racist to me.
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Seal, Sherri just stated that whoever opposes BDS is a racist. Go look above yourself post #123
People, use your minds. BDS was a response to Apartheid in South Africa. What is Apartheid? It is a system based on prejudice and racism. Israeli Apartheid is likewise a system based on prejudice and racism. BDS opposes Israeli Apartheid and prejudice and racism. It logically follows that supporting BDS is opposing racism and opposing BDS is supporting racism.
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Seal, Sherri just stated that whoever opposes BDS is a racist. Go look above yourself post #123

so what? that has nothing to do with what i said.

as for those opposing BDS, i don't think they are necessarily racist but they do support the racist policies of israel towards their palestinian population.

but it sure seems like you (zionists and jews) can call people racist anytime you want but when it comes back at you, you whine and things vanish.
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People, use your minds. BDS was a response to Apartheid in South Africa. What is Apartheid? It is a system based on prejudice and racism. Israeli Apartheid is likewise a system based on prejudice and racism. BDS opposes Israeli Apartheid and prejudice and racism. It logically follows that supporting BBD is opposing racism and opposing BDS is supporting racism.

i don't think you can make that leap. i think it is possible to oppose BDS on grounds not related to racism.

that does not , however, change the fact that most of those those opposing BDS are bigots of some sort or another and, indeed, some are racists.
reabhloideach, et al,

I had not thought your vocabulary was that limited.

Black propaganda originates from an undefined source. Propaganda is described in terms of colors (not related to race); black, grey, white propaganda. I just used the name in common practice.​

BDS is an AntiRacist Movement. As far as I am concerned, all who oppose it are racists. What does Alice Walker stand for? To me, she is a human being who has devoted much of her life to speaking out against prejudice and racism. It makes perfect since that she has become a spokesperson for BDS. Sherri

Like Rocco said, you played the race card ...AGAIN !

how many times have pro-palestinian posters been called anti-semites and the like by jews and zionists. meanwhile people like hossfly, roudy, marg, you and many others play the race card all the time.

the BDS campaign is not racist...and can't rocco spesk for himself or does he need you to parrot for him.

"Black Propaganda" actually sounds pretty racist to me.

I sincerely apologies to anyone that might have taken offense in using the phrase "Black Propaganda." It is not a racist term, but the technical term for a kind of propaganda used.

Black propaganda said:
Black propaganda is false information and material that purports to be from a source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.[1] Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, the source of which is not identified, and white propaganda, in which the real source is declared and usually more accurate information is given, albeit slanted, distorted and omissive. Black propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden.

SOURCE: Black propaganda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I should have, given the audience, taken better care not to use professional jargon.

The documentary Roadmap To Apartheid shows practices in South Africa and Palestine side by side and illustrates how similar Apartheid was in these two different places. The issue with BDS is the Apartheid it is a response to, not attacking Israel. Yes, it is a nonviolent response to Occupation and Apartheid and human rights abuses, a tool for human beings of conscience in the global community all over the world to use when intl law seems incapable of unrighting an Injustice of a colossal magnitude in our world. . And I find the reference to Black Propaganda in context with this discussion of BDD racist, as well. This is nothing to do with black propaganda.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News
Do you recognize a lie when you see it?

Your link:

"In my numerous visits to Israel, I did not see any of the above," stated Meshoe. "Black, brown and white Jews and the Arab minority mingle freely in all public places, universities, restaurants, voting stations and public transportation. All people have the right to vote."

In fact only a minority of Arabs living between the River and the sea have the right to vote for those writing the laws they currently live under. Is Meshoe calling for one person; one vote in Palestine?

Are you?
Sorry to take so long in answering you, Georgie Boy. Instead of sitting in a one-room apartment, I was out with some old buddies having a good time. It's really fun to actually have conversations with real human beings in person. Try it some time. Meanwhile, all citizens of Israel have the right to vote. Those living in the territories are not citizens of Israel, and they can vote in their own elections, I have a great idea. Why don't you take a bus down to Watts or Compton and ask your friends to contribute something to their brethren in Africa to make the lives of these Africans in need more comfortable since you seem so concerned about people?

Hoss don't you think it is racist for you to say that one group of blacks should take care of another group of blacks just because of the color of their skins. I don't know but it sure sounds racist to me. Also you were the one who a while back was saying that when Americans give they do so without regard to race religion or ethnicity, so you are not only racist but hypocritical also. As for the BDS movement I intend with my meger resources to support it to the fullest !!!
Sorry to take so long in answering you, Georgie Boy. Instead of sitting in a one-room apartment, I was out with some old buddies having a good time. It's really fun to actually have conversations with real human beings in person. Try it some time. Meanwhile, all citizens of Israel have the right to vote. Those living in the territories are not citizens of Israel, and they can vote in their own elections, I have a great idea. Why don't you take a bus down to Watts or Compton and ask your friends to contribute something to their brethren in Africa to make the lives of these Africans in need more comfortable since you seem so concerned about people?

Hoss don't you think it is racist for you to say that one group of blacks should take care of another group of blacks just because of the color of their skins. I don't know but it sure sounds racist to me. Also you were the one who a while back was saying that when Americans give they do so without regard to race religion or ethnicity, so you are not only racist but hypocritical also. As for the BDS movement I intend with my meger resources to support it to the fullest !!!

People take care of their own. Nothing racist about that. I have heard black ppl call other black ppl "brother" or "sister".
patrick, I have to questions for you:
Define Racism
Where is there any racism in Hossly's post . I asked the same questions to Georgie Boy and Seal but they ran away like usual
Sorry to take so long in answering you, Georgie Boy. Instead of sitting in a one-room apartment, I was out with some old buddies having a good time. It's really fun to actually have conversations with real human beings in person. Try it some time. Meanwhile, all citizens of Israel have the right to vote. Those living in the territories are not citizens of Israel, and they can vote in their own elections, I have a great idea. Why don't you take a bus down to Watts or Compton and ask your friends to contribute something to their brethren in Africa to make the lives of these Africans in need more comfortable since you seem so concerned about people?

Hoss don't you think it is racist for you to say that one group of blacks should take care of another group of blacks just because of the color of their skins. I don't know but it sure sounds racist to me. Also you were the one who a while back was saying that when Americans give they do so without regard to race religion or ethnicity, so you are not only racist but hypocritical also. As for the BDS movement I intend with my meger resources to support it to the fullest !!!

Wouldn't want you to waste your meager resources, Patrick, in a futile cause. Israel is a rich country.
reabhloideach, et al,

I had not thought your vocabulary was that limited.

Black propaganda originates from an undefined source. Propaganda is described in terms of colors (not related to race); black, grey, white propaganda. I just used the name in common practice.​

Like Rocco said, you played the race card ...AGAIN !

how many times have pro-palestinian posters been called anti-semites and the like by jews and zionists. meanwhile people like hossfly, roudy, marg, you and many others play the race card all the time.

the BDS campaign is not racist...and can't rocco spesk for himself or does he need you to parrot for him.

"Black Propaganda" actually sounds pretty racist to me.

I sincerely apologies to anyone that might have taken offense in using the phrase "Black Propaganda." It is not a racist term, but the technical term for a kind of propaganda used.

Black propaganda said:
Black propaganda is false information and material that purports to be from a source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.[1] Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, the source of which is not identified, and white propaganda, in which the real source is declared and usually more accurate information is given, albeit slanted, distorted and omissive. Black propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden.

SOURCE: Black propaganda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I should have, given the audience, taken better care not to use professional jargon.


everybody has a limited vocabulary. mine is not especially limited.

i was taught that the purpose of speaking and writing was to communicate effectively to an audience. i try to avoid using the esoteric and haughty jargon that seems to tumble so easily off the tongues of stuffed shirts.

i hope it is not beneath your position to try to understand how "Black Propaganda" could be misunderstood by common folk, especially on a thread that begins with a letter by alice walker to alicia keyes imploring her to cancel her concert due to the racist policies and practices of israel and then digressing into a discussion where several racist comment were made.

is misa le meas,
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patrick, I have to questions for you:
Define Racism
Where is there any racism in Hossly's post . I asked the same questions to Georgie Boy and Seal but they ran away like usual

i didn't run away. i ignored you.

i think racism is favouring or disfavouring a person or group in part or in whole by the racial character of that person or group, such as asking someone to solicit funds specifically from african americans, and those living in poor neighbourhoods no less, to donate to "their brethren in africa".

i am happy that some of the funds i donate to my charity goes to funding my bretheren in africa and palestine and, if need be, israel.

i think alice walker, who wrote the letter that begins this thread, would feel the same way about donating to those based upon their need and not based upon those in need being of the same race as she.
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patrick, I have to questions for you:
Define Racism
Where is there any racism in Hossly's post . I asked the same questions to Georgie Boy and Seal but they ran away like usual

In this case I would define racism as assuming that only one race should take care of another race because they are the same race. Say there was a charity drive where only whites were urged to contribute soley because all of the proceeds were going to whites. Another facet of this racism is when a person of a different race urges the people of the first race to contribute without lifting a finger himself.
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