BDS and "The Color Purple."

I just read somewhere yesterday the Petition calling for Alicia Keyes to boycott Israel has had more signers then the concert has had tickets sold.
Last edited by a moderator: I just read somewhere yesterday the Petition calling for Alicia Keyes to boycott Israel has had more signers then the concert has had tickets sold.

Sign the petition:* From the video: "People around the world are calling on Alicia Keys to join figures such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alice Walker and Roger Waters who are boycotting Israel's human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.In the spirit of the South African movement that helped end Apartheid, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) was called for by Palestinian civil society in 2005.This film is inspired by the Palestinian women who everyday nonviolently resist the illegal occupation of their land."
Several years ago, I was at a speech by a local Jew. One thing he said was that the blacks came to them for help with their 'plight' as former slaves. He said the Jews told the blacks to 'never let it die.' That is exactly what is playing out in this country today even though there have been no slaves for over 100 years. They are holding every 'white' person at fault for something that occurred that long ago. They won't let it die, and they are so combative in their daily lives, that there is no way for them to progress.

I find, on the one had it is quite ironic that Alice Walker has turned on the Jews, although it is not surprising because Jews are a lot smarter making it through with a history of several documented genocide attempts. On the other hand, I am not surprised by the stupidity.

And everyone should read The Color Purple. There are hidden meanings in it and if you have not caught them, then you have missed the whole point of the book. You see it played out on this and other forums pretty much every day.
Last edited: I just read somewhere yesterday the Petition calling for Alicia Keyes to boycott Israel has had more signers then the concert has had tickets sold.

Sign the petition:* From the video: "People around the world are calling on Alicia Keys to join figures such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alice Walker and Roger Waters who are boycotting Israel's human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.In the spirit of the South African movement that helped end Apartheid, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) was called for by Palestinian civil society in 2005.This film is inspired by the Palestinian women who everyday nonviolently resist the illegal occupation of their land."
Or, alternatively, the Palestinians and their Arab-Muslim neighbor-countries have sworn to drown the Jews of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea, and have tried, and failed, repeatedly, and are now reaping what they have sown.

Nazi-ism is still alive and well with the Palestinians, as may be witnessed by looking at both historical and current photographs of their meetings and and celebrations and public propaganda rallies.

Support that? Never.

I don't care how many Do-Gooder I-Want-to-Buy-the-World-a-Coke Hold-Hands-Around-the-Campfire-and-Sing-Kumbya World-Without-Borders impractical types show up to the party.

Support that? Never.
Last edited: I just read somewhere yesterday the Petition calling for Alicia Keyes to boycott Israel has had more signers then the concert has had tickets sold.

Sign the petition:* From the video: "People around the world are calling on Alicia Keys to join figures such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alice Walker and Roger Waters who are boycotting Israel's human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.In the spirit of the South African movement that helped end Apartheid, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) was called for by Palestinian civil society in 2005.This film is inspired by the Palestinian women who everyday nonviolently resist the illegal occupation of their land."
Or, alternatively, the Palestinians and their Arab-Muslim neighbor-countries have sworn to drown the Jews of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea, and have tried, and failed, repeatedly, and are now reaping what they have sown.

Nazi-ism is still alive and well with the Palestinians, as may be witnessed by looking at both historical and current photographs of their meetings and and celebrations and public propaganda rallies.

Support that? Never.

I don't care how many Do-Gooder I-Want-to-Buy-the-World-a-Coke Hold-Hands-Around-the-Campfire-and-Sing-Kumbya World-Without-Borders impractical types show up to the party.

Support that? Never.

israel's neo-nazis are, or were, largely jewish immigrants from russia. i don't know if israel has eliminated thaat problem yet.

i haven't seen or heard of many public rallies etc recently...or at all other than husseini, and he was a dismal failure at rallying the palestinians and arabs around hitler.

"Israel Neo-Nazism activity is not common or widespread in Israel, and the few activities reported have all been the work of extremists, who were punished severely. One notable case is that of Patrol 36, a cell in Petah Tikva made up of eight teenage immigrants from the former Soviet Union who had been attacking foreign workers and homosexuals, and vandalizing synagogues with Nazi images. These neo-Nazis were reported to have operated in cities across Israel, and have been described as being influenced by the rise of neo-Nazism in Europe. Widely publicized arrests have led to a call to reform the Law of Return to permit the revocation of Israeli citizenship for – and the subsequent deportation of – neo-Nazis."

can't seem to get over those untruths you spout, can you?
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"...Baloney, Israel treats Muslims and Christians equally..."
There is a Grand Mosque in the Holy City of Rome...

Is there a Grand Cathedral in the Holy City of Mecca?

Those silly, silly Infidel Christians...

When a Christian in Mecca or Medinah can celebrate his-or-her religion openly and without fear like a Muslim can in Rome or London or New York or Chicago or Los Angeles, then, come back and talk to us about Islam treating other religions equally...

Meanwhile, a little counter-pointing humor designed by another non-Muslim, who didn't buy into that spiel either...

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P F Tinmore, et al,

We have to agree to disagree.

Israel has to keep the Palestinians from returning to their homes because they are the wrong religion.

While there is many an argument that can be made concerning the relative merits of the Muslim's Islamic following, and the impact it has had on humanity, and has today ... that is certainly no the reason or basis of the sequestering or quarantine.

The fact of the matter is that the Palestine has pledged to dismantle the Jewish State. The Palestinian not only make the pledge (establishing intent), but have taken actions to further that intent (terrorist attacks, hijackings, rocket launchings, assaults on the unarmed, etc) and have installed a government which has the continuation of the effort to destroy Israel embedded in its doctrine (Hamas Charter).

The use of the "race card" in the propaganda effort is only the latest effort to further stretch the "Apartheid" mantra to deflect the light off the fact that Palestinians celebrate martyrdom, teach the ethics of the suicide bomber to their children, and encourage the use of force to settle disputes. They are the poster board example of the corrupt culture that is Palestinian dream.

The Palestinian represents a danger to regional peace and extends the face of a failed culture that has not contributed a single step towards any human development.

No, it is not at all about race, or religion. The separation is based on the danger they represent.

Most Respectfully,

While there is many an argument that can be made concerning the relative merits of the Muslim's Islamic following,...

Baloney, Israel treats Muslims and Christians equally because they are equally not Jews.

The Palestinian represents a danger to regional peace ...

Baloney, Palestine poses no threat to any of its neighbors.

How do they treat Christians and Muslims ?? Please provide examples

And to say the Palestinians don't pose a threat is BALONEY
"...Baloney, Israel treats Muslims and Christians equally..."
There is a Grand Mosque in the Holy City of Rome...

Is there a Grand Cathedral in the Holy City of Mecca?

Those silly, silly Infidel Christians...

When a Christian in Mecca or Medinah can celebrate his-or-her religion openly and without fear like a Muslim can in Rome or London or New York or Chicago or Los Angeles, then, come back and talk to us about Islam treating other religions equally...

Meanwhile, a little counter-pointing humor designed by another non-Muslim, who didn't buy into that spiel either...


I believe there are several mosques in Israel.
"...I believe there are several mosques in Israel."
Correct... there are a fairly large number of mosques scattered throughout Israeli-controlled territory...

Not to mention several that exist in the Holy City of Jerusalem... one of them built right on top of the ruins of the Temple of Solomon... Judaism's holiest site... demonstrating just how respectful the Muslims were of the Jews far back into time... razing the ruins of their temple to the ground and building on top of it... and then rationalizing it with some bull$hit claim about their Founder getting an elevator to Paradise from that very same spot... how bloody convenient... how despicably disrespectful of the Muslims, to do something like that.

Islam is respectful of other religions? Bull$hit. Pull the other one.

What they preach, and what they do, are two entirely different things.
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P F Tinmore, et al,

We have to agree to disagree.


While there is many an argument that can be made concerning the relative merits of the Muslim's Islamic following, and the impact it has had on humanity, and has today ... that is certainly no the reason or basis of the sequestering or quarantine.

The fact of the matter is that the Palestine has pledged to dismantle the Jewish State. The Palestinian not only make the pledge (establishing intent), but have taken actions to further that intent (terrorist attacks, hijackings, rocket launchings, assaults on the unarmed, etc) and have installed a government which has the continuation of the effort to destroy Israel embedded in its doctrine (Hamas Charter).

The use of the "race card" in the propaganda effort is only the latest effort to further stretch the "Apartheid" mantra to deflect the light off the fact that Palestinians celebrate martyrdom, teach the ethics of the suicide bomber to their children, and encourage the use of force to settle disputes. They are the poster board example of the corrupt culture that is Palestinian dream.

The Palestinian represents a danger to regional peace and extends the face of a failed culture that has not contributed a single step towards any human development.

No, it is not at all about race, or religion. The separation is based on the danger they represent.

Most Respectfully,

Baloney, Israel treats Muslims and Christians equally because they are equally not Jews.

The Palestinian represents a danger to regional peace ...

Baloney, Palestine poses no threat to any of its neighbors.

How do they treat Christians and Muslims ?? Please provide examples

And to say the Palestinians don't pose a threat is BALONEY

Which of its neighbors have been threatened?
Well launching rockets seems like a threat to me. Of course we already know how you view them.
I had not heard of Palestinians launching weapons or rockets at their neighbors, I do recall Israel doing that in 2006 in Lebanon and this year in Syria.
toastman, et al,

This is an extension of the argument that the entire State of Israel is an Occupation of Palestine.

I had not heard of Palestinians launching weapons or rockets at their neighbors, I do recall Israel doing that in 2006 in Lebanon and this year in Syria.

W are talking about Palestinians launching rockets into Israel, not it's neighbors

They selectively read the International Law to justify the attacks. They disregard the part where it states that you cannot attack a member state of the UN.

Hence, the need to quarantine the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,
toastman, et al,

This is an extension of the argument that the entire State of Israel is an Occupation of Palestine.

W are talking about Palestinians launching rockets into Israel, not it's neighbors

They selectively read the International Law to justify the attacks. They disregard the part where it states that you cannot attack a member state of the UN.

Hence, the need to quarantine the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,

Interesting, The Palestinians have been "attacking Israel" since it joined the UN.

Why is it that nobody has taken them to court?
toastman, et al,

This is an extension of the argument that the entire State of Israel is an Occupation of Palestine.


They selectively read the International Law to justify the attacks. They disregard the part where it states that you cannot attack a member state of the UN.

Hence, the need to quarantine the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,

Interesting, The Palestinians have been "attacking Israel" since it joined the UN.

Why is it that nobody has taken them to court?

What would that accomplish ?

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