BDS and "The Color Purple."

New Israeli plan calls for more “intelligence” gathering to disrupt BDS movement

Submitted by*Ben White*on Sat, 06/01/2013 - 08:31This week in Jerusalem, the Israeli foreign ministry*hosted the*fourth international conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism.Reproduced below is the “Action Plan” presented to delegates by the working group tasked with examining “delegitimization” and BDS. This is transcribed from slides shown to the conference, and the video can be viewed above. New Israeli plan calls for more ?intelligence? gathering to disrupt BDS movement | The Electronic Intifada. We all can see how Israel does not take BDS seriously, lol!
Flies have been around since the beginning of time, I would not be underestimating the value of any of Gods creations. BDS is a Movement inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. I would not underestimate Jesus either. Here is a Petition for people of conscience who support BDS to sign.

I clicked the link and this came up:

Flies have been around since the beginning of time, I would not be underestimating the value of any of Gods creations. BDS is a Movement inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. I would not underestimate Jesus either.

Why should I? He was a nice Jewish boy.
BDS is complete hypocricy. It singles out Israel and ignores every nation in the world where real human rights abuses are actually occurring.

Thankfully, it is a marginal movement that has failed to impact Israel in any significant way. Sure, there is an occasional "statement" by an Elvis Costello or Roger Waters, but artists such as Paul McCartney, Madonna, Macy Gray, Black Eyed Peas, Paul Simon, Elton John, Metallica, Rihanna and Lady Gaga have all rejected the BDS platform and performed in Israel.

So, go ahead, Sherri... keep spamming us with BDS nonsense. Israel will be just fine despite your efforts.

Don't forget the Rolling Stones and Barbra Streisand. (Although some people might disregard Streisand and Simon since they are Jewish, and Jewish hearts always align with Israel.)
Jon Voight on Israel:

[ame=]Jon Voight on Israel - YouTube[/ame]
You could have a nice music festival with Jewish artists alone:

Paul Simon (or, even better, Simon and Garfunkel), Billy Joel, Kiss, the Beastie Boys, Lisa Loeb, Josh Radin, Susannah Hoffs (lead singer of The Bangles), The Ramones (sadly, no longer with us), Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, David Lee Roth, Veruca Salt, Lucy Kaplansky, Paula Abdul, Bob Dylan, Jakob Dylan (The Wallflowers) and Pink.

Heck... I'd go to that show!
Flies have been around since the beginning of time, I would not be underestimating the value of any of Gods creations. BDS is a Movement inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. I would not underestimate Jesus either.
Cockroaches must have been around at the beginning of time too and they crawl out of the woodwork every now and then. However, I can just imagine Jesus' reaction if he saw Frau Sherri's friends harassing and murdering his followers and destroying their churches. When Frau Sherri thinks about Jesus (if she actually does), no doubt she closes her eyes to what happens to his followers.

U.S. Defends "Human Rights" of Persecutors of Christians :: Gatestone Institute
"BDS is complete hypocricy. It singles out Israel and ignores every nation in the world where real human rights abuses are actually occurring. Thankfully, it is a marginal movement that has failed to impact Israel in any significant way. Sure, there is an occasional "statement" by an Elvis Costello or Roger Waters, but artists such as Paul McCartney, Madonna, Macy Gray, Black Eyed Peas, Paul Simon, Elton John, Metallica", Rihanna and Lady Gaga have all rejected the BDS platform and performed in Israel. So, go ahead, Sherri... keep spamming us with BDS nonsense. Israel will be just fine despite your efforts."

"Don't forget the Rolling Stones and Barbra Streisand. (Although some people might disregard Streisand and Simon since they are Jewish, and Jewish hearts always align with Israel.)"


Paul McCartney
Paul Simon
Elton John
Elvis Costello
Rolling Stones
Barbara Streisand
Roger Waters ?????

…and the rest.........

Rihanna or “beyonce” – *I won’t type what I REALLY think of them. It’ll get pulled (if this, in itself doesn’t get pulled)….THEY will never even come close to being legends….(MUSICALLY) will never-ever hold a candle to people like: Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Donna Summer, Gladys Knight, Tina Turner……forget it, the Black-women-Legend-list is way too long,
and she’s (they) are WAaaaay on the bottom of it. Sure they can hold a tune….But they have gorgeous figures…..etc. that’s what really HELPS sell their “music,” all their bumping and grinding…………(yeah, Madonna bumped and grinded….but her music is completely different than the ‘noise’ those 2 put out -a.f.a.i.c).

Lady Gaga: Not a fan at all. But I give her a giant “A” for those …costumes. Very artsy/interesting/creative. But she’s another one (musically, not legend material ---a.f.a.i.c)…..

Black-Eyed Peas: oh please……..see “Rihanna” *

Macy Gray: I liked that song she did……whatever………

Oh, that’s it.
"BDS is complete hypocricy. It singles out Israel and ignores every nation in the world where real human rights abuses are actually occurring. Thankfully, it is a marginal movement that has failed to impact Israel in any significant way. Sure, there is an occasional "statement" by an Elvis Costello or Roger Waters, but artists such as Paul McCartney, Madonna, Macy Gray, Black Eyed Peas, Paul Simon, Elton John, Metallica", Rihanna and Lady Gaga have all rejected the BDS platform and performed in Israel. So, go ahead, Sherri... keep spamming us with BDS nonsense. Israel will be just fine despite your efforts."

"Don't forget the Rolling Stones and Barbra Streisand. (Although some people might disregard Streisand and Simon since they are Jewish, and Jewish hearts always align with Israel.)"


Paul McCartney
Paul Simon
Elton John
Elvis Costello
Rolling Stones
Barbara Streisand
Roger Waters ?????

…and the rest.........

Rihanna or “beyonce” – *I won’t type what I REALLY think of them. It’ll get pulled (if this, in itself doesn’t get pulled)….THEY will never even come close to being legends….(MUSICALLY) will never-ever hold a candle to people like: Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Donna Summer, Gladys Knight, Tina Turner……forget it, the Black-women-Legend-list is way too long,
and she’s (they) are WAaaaay on the bottom of it. Sure they can hold a tune….But they have gorgeous figures…..etc. that’s what really HELPS sell their “music,” all their bumping and grinding…………(yeah, Madonna bumped and grinded….but her music is completely different than the ‘noise’ those 2 put out -a.f.a.i.c).

Lady Gaga: Not a fan at all. But I give her a giant “A” for those …costumes. Very artsy/interesting/creative. But she’s another one (musically, not legend material ---a.f.a.i.c)…..

Black-Eyed Peas: oh please……..see “Rihanna” *

Macy Gray: I liked that song she did……whatever………

Oh, that’s it.

What's wrong with Black-Eyed Peas? Cool video.

[ame=]The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit) - YouTube[/ame]
BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri

LMAO - so whoever doesn't knuckle under to your favorite band o' bullies 'has no conscience' and suddenly their music is 'trash'? What a very bigoted POV that is! It's also a quite blatant attempt to engage in emotional blackmail....

What's so ludicrous about that ploy is, it can only work with people who have any shred of respect for the 'feeewings' and opinions of the would-be blackmailer.

In this case, it's rather like Charlie Manson delivering a harangue on morality.........
"The world is no stranger to Israel's litany of misdeeds against the Palestinian people. But the situation of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is not the only arena in which Palestinians face daily oppression.

"Palestinian Arab citizens are a sizable minority in Israel who make up 20 percent of the country's population. They experience institutionalized discrimination in their daily lives much like the African-American community before and during the U.S. civil rights movement. But consistent, trustworthy information about the problems and specific concerns of this community is in short supply.

"Israeli Palestinians have been directly affected by such infamous initiatives as Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's loyalty oath bill and home demolitions. The loyalty oath – not yet law but approved by Netanyahu’s cabinet – requires new, non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

"This oath would adversely affect Palestinian citizens who are more likely to marry non-Jewish foreign nationals and would feel alienated by their spouses pledging allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state. Home demolitions, meanwhile, have made clear the government's policy to Judaize the country by forcibly evicting Arab residents and destroying their homes, from the Naqab to East Jerusalem."

Israel's Shrinking Minority Rights - IPS
This sand-flea (BDS) has been on its feet since 2005 and has accomplished precisely zero.

Goat $hit.

I'm sure the Israelis are just a-shakin' in their booties...

Still, it's fun to watch Palestinian propagandists and sympathizers exercise their imaginations about this wonder-of-wonders called BDS...
Last edited:
"The world is no stranger to Israel's litany of misdeeds against the Palestinian people. But the situation of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is not the only arena in which Palestinians face daily oppression.

"Palestinian Arab citizens are a sizable minority in Israel who make up 20 percent of the country's population. They experience institutionalized discrimination in their daily lives much like the African-American community before and during the U.S. civil rights movement. But consistent, trustworthy information about the problems and specific concerns of this community is in short supply.

"Israeli Palestinians have been directly affected by such infamous initiatives as Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's loyalty oath bill and home demolitions. The loyalty oath – not yet law but approved by Netanyahu’s cabinet – requires new, non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

"This oath would adversely affect Palestinian citizens who are more likely to marry non-Jewish foreign nationals and would feel alienated by their spouses pledging allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state. Home demolitions, meanwhile, have made clear the government's policy to Judaize the country by forcibly evicting Arab residents and destroying their homes, from the Naqab to East Jerusalem."

Israel's Shrinking Minority Rights - IPS
Well, Georgie Boy, everyone is entitled to his own opinion even if he continuously overlooks just what is going on in Muslim countries when it comes to the non Muslims and Muslims of different sects (including their murders for religious beliefs)..
"The world is no stranger to Israel's litany of misdeeds against the Palestinian people. But the situation of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is not the only arena in which Palestinians face daily oppression.

"Palestinian Arab citizens are a sizable minority in Israel who make up 20 percent of the country's population. They experience institutionalized discrimination in their daily lives much like the African-American community before and during the U.S. civil rights movement. But consistent, trustworthy information about the problems and specific concerns of this community is in short supply.

"Israeli Palestinians have been directly affected by such infamous initiatives as Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's loyalty oath bill and home demolitions. The loyalty oath – not yet law but approved by Netanyahu’s cabinet – requires new, non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

"This oath would adversely affect Palestinian citizens who are more likely to marry non-Jewish foreign nationals and would feel alienated by their spouses pledging allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state. Home demolitions, meanwhile, have made clear the government's policy to Judaize the country by forcibly evicting Arab residents and destroying their homes, from the Naqab to East Jerusalem."

Israel's Shrinking Minority Rights - IPS
Well, Georgie Boy, everyone is entitled to his own opinion even if he continuously overlooks just what is going on in Muslim countries when it comes to the non Muslims and Muslims of different sects (including their murders for religious beliefs)..
Maybe we should look for a way to verify this claim?

"One name that comes to mind is Omar Barghouti, founder of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, who is one of the leaders of the growing campaign to boycott Israeli universities.

"When Barghouti agitates against anyone who has anything to do with Israeli academia, he tells them they are collaborating with a 'racist and apartheid regime.'

"What he doesn’t say is that he himself doesn’t boycott Israeli academia, since he is studying for a doctorate at Tel Aviv University."

If the claim is true, Barghouti is a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean Israel isn't a Jewish State.
"The world is no stranger to Israel's litany of misdeeds against the Palestinian people. But the situation of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is not the only arena in which Palestinians face daily oppression.

"Palestinian Arab citizens are a sizable minority in Israel who make up 20 percent of the country's population. They experience institutionalized discrimination in their daily lives much like the African-American community before and during the U.S. civil rights movement. But consistent, trustworthy information about the problems and specific concerns of this community is in short supply.

"Israeli Palestinians have been directly affected by such infamous initiatives as Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's loyalty oath bill and home demolitions. The loyalty oath – not yet law but approved by Netanyahu’s cabinet – requires new, non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

"This oath would adversely affect Palestinian citizens who are more likely to marry non-Jewish foreign nationals and would feel alienated by their spouses pledging allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state. Home demolitions, meanwhile, have made clear the government's policy to Judaize the country by forcibly evicting Arab residents and destroying their homes, from the Naqab to East Jerusalem."

Israel's Shrinking Minority Rights - IPS
Well, Georgie Boy, everyone is entitled to his own opinion even if he continuously overlooks just what is going on in Muslim countries when it comes to the non Muslims and Muslims of different sects (including their murders for religious beliefs)..
Maybe we should look for a way to verify this claim?

"One name that comes to mind is Omar Barghouti, founder of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, who is one of the leaders of the growing campaign to boycott Israeli universities.

"When Barghouti agitates against anyone who has anything to do with Israeli academia, he tells them they are collaborating with a 'racist and apartheid regime.'

"What he doesn’t say is that he himself doesn’t boycott Israeli academia, since he is studying for a doctorate at Tel Aviv University."

If the claim is true, Barghouti is a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean Israel isn't a Jewish State.
It's a shame that you worry your little head over this, Georgie Boy, when so much is going on in Muslim countries. I know the Jews aren't involved, but give it a try to be concerned about what is happening to innocent people who are actually murdered for their religious beliefs. Meanwhile, perhaps you can get some synagogue in your general area to invite this Somali to speak, and you can sit and listen also. Didn't they just open up one in the Pico Union area?

Somali refugee counters ?apartheid? efforts | NJJN
"I have no intention of responding to posters who insultingly and continuously address me as Frau Sherri. If posters cannot post with a bit of basic courtesy, they do not deserve a response to their posts. Im not German or a Frau."

are you sure ?

...i know it's not neighborly, but why don't you put Hoss on ignore ? isn't there a way to do that, so you don't have to be subjected...?

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