BDS and "The Color Purple."

Oh, and, by the way, the UK Cooperative Group is in deep shit, financially; small wonder, when they take sides with Losers and run their business into the ground... not to mention counter-boycott efforts being directed against their company.

Oh, and, another by-the-way... most of these so-called produce boycott spasms claim that they are not boycotting Israel, but only the produce coming from occupied-territories farmland.

There's an easy fix to that...

Use the so-called occupied-territories farmland for internal consumption...

And use the so-called unoccupied territories farmland for export...

Or just lie on the product-labeling...

Same difference....
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I loved reading and watching how child abusers and torturers G4S could not even hold their annual meeting in the UK free of talk of their child torture and abuse they participate in and profit from, inside Palestine. Forever the name G4S means child torturer. And it is all because of BDS. BDS brings Truth into Light. Thank God for creating BDS. Sherri
. Israel deliberately targets the Palestinian child to abuse. This is despicable conduct and completely unjustifiable. And people of conscience worldwide are never ever going to stop speaking out against these egregious atrocities against humanity as long as they keep happening. All the posters here who defend these crimes against the child show all how low Zionism is and how low people are willing to sink to defend it! Not a pretty picture! And BDS is a tool any person can embrace to oppose these crimes against humanity in Palestine. Sherri
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G4S? Little ado about even less... nothing to see here... move along... move along...
"G4S is a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israeli prisons, checkpoints, the Apartheid Wall and the Israeli police.In 2007,*G4S signed a contract with the Israeli Prison Authority*to provide security systems and other services for major Israeli prisons. G4S provides systems for the Ketziot and Megiddo prisons, which hold Palestinian political prisoners from occupied Palestinian territory inside Israel. Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the transfer of prisoners from occupied territory into the territory of the occupier.G4S*also provides*equipment for Ofer prison, located in the occupied West Bank, and for Kishon and Moskobiyyeh detention facilities, at which human rights organisations have documented systematic torture and ill treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including child prisoners. Defence for Children-Palestine (DCI-Palestine) has released an urgent appeal to end the practice of holding Palestinian children from the West Bank in solitary confinement in facilities in Israel. The organization has*documented 53 such cases*since 2008." Stop G4S | G4S is complicit in Israels violation of international laws against Palestinian political prisoners, in Israel and Occupied Palestine, against adult and child prisoners. Sherri
"...Israel deliberately targets the Palestinian child to abuse..."
English as a second language? Absolutely atrocious grammar.

The video shows one (1) lonely fellow outside a prison posing for the camera, and vomiting some of the worst Palestinian propaganda that I've seen in quite some time.

Do we have an Emoticon for "Tin-Foil Hat"?

"...This is despicable conduct and completely unjustifiable..."

Yes. Vomiting propaganda 24 x 7 for a living is, indeed, despicable conduct, and completely unjustifiable.

"...And people of conscience worldwide are never ever going to stop speaking out against these egregious atrocities against humanity as long as they keep happening..."

Unfortunately for you, most people of good conscience worldwide would usually check their facts before trusting the word of a fringe-nutter wearing a tin-foil hat, as may be seen in that video.

"...All the posters here who defend these crimes against the child show all how low Zionism is and how low people are willing to sink to defend it! Not a pretty picture!..."

I haven't seen one person here defend the torture of any child; regardless of nationality.

For that matter, we have yet to see you serve-up credible evidence that G4S IS torturing children.

"...And BDS is a tool any person can embrace to oppose these crimes against humanity in Palestine. Sherri"

The preceding message was brought to you by: Sand-Flea Propper-Uppers, LLC, a division of Palestinian Hokey-Pokey-Smoke-and-Mirrors Global Enterprises, Unlimited.

Next slide, please.
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Golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou...

Teenagers getting arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Hell, that can happen HERE, or damned-near anyplace ELSE in the world, never mind Israel.

What news service is serving this up?

What is this British Lawyers' group that the video talks about?

Lots of accusations, but very little accountability on the part of the accusers.

Don't want your kid to be arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Teach him not to throw stones at the cops and Army guys.

Otherwise, the cops and Army guys will teach the lesson that you should have taught your child in the first place.

Breaking the law has consequences... even for teenagers.
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Golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou...

Teenagers getting arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Hell, that can happen HERE, or damned-near anyplace ELSE in the world, never mind Israel.

What news service is serving this up?

What is this British Lawyers' group that the video talks about?

Lots of accusations, but very little accountability on the part of the accusers.

Don't want your kid to be arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Teach him not to throw stones at the cops and Army guys.

Otherwise, the cops and Army guys will teach the lesson that you should have taught your child in the first place.

Breaking the law has consequences... even for teenagers.
What's the lesson, Gomer?
It's A-OK to steal other people's land and water or use their kids as target practice?
Otherwise, you make perfect sense.
Israel’s war against Palestinian children continues

"SILWAN, occupied East Jerusalem (IPS) 16 June -- "Father please help me! Don’t let them take me away," screamed 12-year-old Ahmed Siyam as approximately fifty heavily armed Israeli soldiers and police dragged the handcuffed and blindfolded boy*away." " Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) 18 June -- A 14-year old boy was abducted by Israeli undercover forces from Bir Ayyub this morning. Ahmed Siyam was taken by an undercover unit from outside his uncle’s shop in Bir Ayyub and transferred to Salah al-Din police station." "Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) 18 June -- A child attacked by Israeli forces in Issawiya, north Jerusalem has been transferred to Hadassah Hospital. Ahmed Dahoud Siyam was beaten severely by Israeli security and undercover forces and was found by doctors to have broken his right hand" "AIC 16 June -- ...From the beginning of 2011 Israel has demolished 215 structures in East Jerusalem and Area C. As a result of these demolitions, 437 Palestinians have been displaced from their homes, including 213 children. " Israel?s war against Palestinian children continues | Mondoweiss. Crimes against the Palestinian child by Israel and those who work in her security system and prisons carrying out these crimes for her are continuous and continuously being documented, as this article from 2011 illustrates. Sherri
Oh, and, George...

Don't look now...

But Agrexco is still alive and well, as is its Carmel brand...

Different principals and capital, quite possibly...

But business-as-usual, by the look of it...

And business is good, according to the performance stats they're displaying on their website...


As I said... that blasted BDS Kool-Aid will screw ya up every time...
Live and Learn, Kondor:

"The largest Co-operative in Europe, the Co-Operative Group in the UK, introduced a policy to end trade with companies that source products from Israel’s illegal settlements, following a determined campaign by Co-Op members. Campaigners are working to pressure other supermarkets to adopt a similarly comprehensive position. Many supermarkets across Europe already claim not to sell produce from illegal settlements.

"- A sustained campaign against Ahava, the Israeli cosmetics company situated in an illegal Israeli colony, forced the company to close its flagship London store and retailers in the UK, Norway,Japan and Canada to announce boycotts of the company.

"Inspired by the integral role that Israeli academic institutions play in developing the knowledge and technology behind Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid, and planning and justifying Israel’s worst crimes, academic boycott campaigns have spread to campuses across the world..."

BDS Victories |

I remember how long it took for BDS movements to bring South Africa to its White knees.
The Jewish State is swirling the same drain.

Yes, we've been hearing that for quite long now. The situation is not even close to being similar to SOuth Africa, that is just part of the Arab propaganda campaign .
One of many things hasbara is still confused about:

"Israel and the apartheid analogy is a comparison between Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era.[1]

"The analogy has been used by United Nations investigators, human rights groups and critics of Israeli policy, some of which have also accused Israel of committing the crime of apartheid.[2][3]

"Critics of Israeli policy say that 'a system of control' in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, including Jewish-only settlements, separate roads for Israeli and Palestinian citizens, military checkpoints, discriminatory marriage law, the West Bank barrier, use of Palestinians as cheap labour, Palestinian West Bank enclaves, inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli residents in the Israeli-occupied territories resembles some aspects of the South African apartheid regime, and that elements of Israel's occupation constitute forms of colonialism and of apartheid, which are contrary to international law..."

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou...

Teenagers getting arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Hell, that can happen HERE, or damned-near anyplace ELSE in the world, never mind Israel.

What news service is serving this up?

What is this British Lawyers' group that the video talks about?

Lots of accusations, but very little accountability on the part of the accusers.

Don't want your kid to be arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Teach him not to throw stones at the cops and Army guys.

Otherwise, the cops and Army guys will teach the lesson that you should have taught your child in the first place.

Breaking the law has consequences... even for teenagers.
"What's the lesson...?..."
The lesson has already been articulated.

Next slide, please.
"...Israel and the apartheid analogy is a comparison between Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era..."
That's nice.

The difference being that the non-white South Africans were not suicide-bombing innocent civilians and lobbing thousands of rockets indiscriminately at civilian population centers.

Launched from their own population centers, no less - hiding behind their womens' skirts like the pussies they are.
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Golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou...

Teenagers getting arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Hell, that can happen HERE, or damned-near anyplace ELSE in the world, never mind Israel.

What news service is serving this up?

What is this British Lawyers' group that the video talks about?

Lots of accusations, but very little accountability on the part of the accusers.

Don't want your kid to be arrested for throwing stones at the cops and the Army guys?

Teach him not to throw stones at the cops and Army guys.

Otherwise, the cops and Army guys will teach the lesson that you should have taught your child in the first place.

Breaking the law has consequences... even for teenagers.
"What's the lesson...?..."
The lesson has already been articulated.

Next slide, please.
Sure thing..."inhuman acts":

"In 1973 the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (ICSPCA) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.[33] The ICSPCA defines the crime of apartheid as 'inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group ... over another racial group ... and systematically oppressing them."[34]

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"...Israel and the apartheid analogy is a comparison between Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era..."
That's nice.

The difference being that the non-white South Africans were not suicide-bombing innocent civilians and lobbing thousands of rockets indiscriminately at civilian population centers.

Launched from their own population centers, no less - hiding behind their womens' skirts like the pussies they are.
Even White South Africans weren't cowardly enough to cluster bomb children.
What's your amateurish excuse?
Human nature is to strike back against Injustices like Occupations and Apartheid. The fact there is violent resistance sometimes, taking different forms at different points in time, does not lesson any of the crimes a part of Occupation and Apartheid. This was true about Apartheid in South Africa and Apartheid in Palestine. We all see the crimes of Occupation. Like 1519 Palestinian children killed by Israel listed by name and how they each were killed by Israel on Remember These Children website. BDS is a method to keep these human rights abuses in the spotlight . All of the time. A way to ensure the world never forgets about or stops speaking about these killings of and abuses against children and others in Apartheid and Occupation in Palestine. Sherri
"...Israel and the apartheid analogy is a comparison between Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era..."
That's nice.

The difference being that the non-white South Africans were not suicide-bombing innocent civilians and lobbing thousands of rockets indiscriminately at civilian population centers.

Launched from their own population centers, no less - hiding behind their womens' skirts like the pussies they are.
Even White South Africans weren't cowardly enough to cluster bomb children.
I've already outlined the major operative difference.

Don't want your kids harmed?

Stop launching rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilian population centers.

Or move your rocket launchers away from your own civilian population centers and stop hiding behind your womens' skirts.

Launch rockets, and you're gonna get hurt in return, quite probably hurting you an order of magnitude more than the harm that you inflicted in the first place.

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