BDS and "The Color Purple."

Well, Alicia Keys is showing herself to be a person who lacks morality. BDS separates those with morality from those deficient in morality. Some people, like Alice Walker, try to make a positive difference in our world with their lives and some just embrace immorality and violence in our societies and cultures. That is what a movie I just watched was all about, called Cloud Atlas. Our lives matter, the stands we take matters, individual choices and actions matter. I cannot get those twin babies born joined together in Hebron out of my mind, I check for news about them every day. I show their photos and tell their stories to those around me. I think about the positive impact their lives have made in our world, that I simply can see bits and pieces of right now. We do see through a glass darkly. Sherri
Well, Alicia Keys is showing herself to be a person who lacks morality. BDS separates those with morality from those deficient in morality. Some people, like Alice Walker, try to make a positive difference in our world with their lives and some just embrace immorality and violence in our societies and cultures. That is what a movie I just watched was all about, called Cloud Atlas. Our lives matter, the stands we take matters, individual choices and actions matter. I cannot get those twin babies born joined together in Hebron out of my mind, I check for news about them every day. I show their photos and tell their stories to those around me. I think about the positive impact their lives have made in our world, that I simply can see bits and pieces of right now. We do see through a glass darkly. Sherri

Am I the only one who hears cheesey violin music when reading Sherrilein's posts?

. Sometimes, I regret I missed living in certain past eras. Like The Civil Rights Movement era in the US. But I look at the Palestinian struggle for freedom and see I have an opportunity to be on the right side in another struggle against Injustice in our world. And embracing BDS is a way every person in our world today can take a positive stand against Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine. I am Blessed to live in todays world and be a part of taking a stand against the Injustices in Palestine. And to God is owed all the glory and praise. BDS, Jesus way, God's response to Injustice. Sherri
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This just in:

Jesus Rejects BDS
Jesus Christ, in a statement released by his press agent, Tim Tebow, has denounced the BDS movement. "We instruct all supporters of BDS to cease and desist from using Jesus' name to further their cause, Tebow stated. "Jesus does not support the BDS or its hypocritical mission, and invites people from throughout the world to visit Israel." In light of this announcement, Achbar Ben-Putzwagen, the leader of the New England Chapter of BDS, has called for a boycott of Patriot games this season.
Well, Alicia Keys is showing herself to be a person who lacks morality. BDS separates those with morality from those deficient in morality. Some people, like Alice Walker, try to make a positive difference in our world with their lives and some just embrace immorality and violence in our societies and cultures. That is what a movie I just watched was all about, called Cloud Atlas. Our lives matter, the stands we take matters, individual choices and actions matter. I cannot get those twin babies born joined together in Hebron out of my mind, I check for news about them every day. I show their photos and tell their stories to those around me. I think about the positive impact their lives have made in our world, that I simply can see bits and pieces of right now. We do see through a glass darkly. Sherri

Am I the only one who hears cheesey violin music when reading Sherrilein's posts?

I hear the background to a horror movie like Friday 13th or Exorcist. Her posts are straight from bullshit propaganda sites like RT news or Press TV. Sometimes, I regret I missed living in certain past eras. Like The Civil Rights Movement era in the US. But I look at the Palestinian struggle for freedom and see I have an opportunity to be on the right side in another struggle against Injustice in our world. And embracing BDS is a way every person in our world today can take a positive stand against Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine. I am Blessed to live in todays world and be a part of taking a stand against the Injustices in Palestine. And to God is owed all the glory and praise. BDS, Jesus way, God's response to Injustice. Sherri
BDS aka Bowel Discharge Movement should close shop. Israel just posted a record year of tourism and similar results occurred in many other industries. Ha ha.
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Palestinian Christians drafted The Kairos Palestine Document which sets forth their support of BDS.
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Movie quotes for Sherri:

"You blew it up! Spam you! Spam you all to Hell!"
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a spam."
"We must ride to Spamalot!"
"What happened to the spam, Clarice."
"Well... I only have one thing to say about the war in Vietspam..."
Movie quotes for Sherri:

"You blew it up! Spam you! Spam you all to Hell!"
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a spam."
"We must ride to Spamalot!"
"What happened to the spam, Clarice."
"Well... I only have one thing to say about the war in Vietspam..."

[ame=]Monty Python - Spam - YouTube[/ame]
This sand-flea (BDS) has been on its feet since 2005 and has accomplished precisely zero.

Goat $hit.

I'm sure the Israelis are just a-shakin' in their booties...

Still, it's fun to watch Palestinian propagandists and sympathizers exercise their imaginations about this wonder-of-wonders called BDS...
Are you delu$ional, too?

" Agrexco, Israel’s former largest exporter of agricultural produce, entered liquidation towards the end of 2011, following a campaign of blockades, demonstrations, lobbying of supermarkets and governments, popular boycotts and legal action in more than 13 countries across Europe. The campaign against the company was a major factor behind the lack of investors’ interest to salvage it."

BDS Victories |
This sand-flea (BDS) has been on its feet since 2005 and has accomplished precisely zero.

Goat $hit.

I'm sure the Israelis are just a-shakin' in their booties...

Still, it's fun to watch Palestinian propagandists and sympathizers exercise their imaginations about this wonder-of-wonders called BDS...
Are you delu$ional, too?

" Agrexco, Israel’s former largest exporter of agricultural produce, entered liquidation towards the end of 2011, following a campaign of blockades, demonstrations, lobbying of supermarkets and governments, popular boycotts and legal action in more than 13 countries across Europe. The campaign against the company was a major factor behind the lack of investors’ interest to salvage it."

BDS Victories |


Why did Agrexco go bankrupt?

Shir Hever on the connections between the demise of a company that exports settlement produce and the international boycott and divestment campaign.

By Shir Hever, JNews Blog - Friday, 7 October, 2011 - 12:52 - London, UK

Agrexco is a well-known company founded by the state of Israel to help Israeli farmers export their goods to the rest of the world. The company became a symbol of the Israeli economy, and its brands, such as Carmel, became well known in many European cities.

Despite being responsible for about 60-70% of all Israel’s agricultural exports, the company recently went bankrupt. In June, financial irregularities were discovered in the company’s accounts. In September, an Israeli court ruled that the company is to go into liquidation. It is still possible that the company will be bought, although currently an Israeli company (Bickel Flowers) is offering a meager £7 million for a company whose value was estimated at £104 million in June 2009. Bickel Flowers’ offer is yet to be approved by the court.

In today’s shaky global economy, another company collapsing is hardly a rare event. However, Agrexco, being Israel’s flagship exporter of agricultural goods, was not expected to run into trouble so fast. Several explanations have been given for the company’s bankruptcy. Journalists argued that the company overestimated its growth potential and invested money in terminals and ships, counting on a steady increase in demand that never materialized. The problem with this explanation is that it doesn’t explain what caused the sudden decline in demand for Agrexco’s goods, and why Agrexco’s management was not able to make adjustments in time.

Another explanation is that many Israeli farmers abandoned Agrexco and took their business to its competitors. If that is so, why did the farmers choose to leave Agrexco when Agrexco was offering them various perks to stay with the company?

A third explanation for the company’s collapse is that the Israeli government opted to allow it to happen. This could partly stem from a neoliberal ideology that opposes the concept of state-owned companies, or from pressure by Agrexco’s competitors. Yet, this explanation does not shed light on why the company collapsed in the first place, and why the government spent 55 million NIS in an attempt to help the company in December 2010.

Indeed, these three explanations may hold some of the truth, but a fourth explanation has been largely ignored by the Israeli economic media – the fact that Agrexco has been the target of an international boycott campaign, in protest at its role in repressing Palestinians.

Agrexco has been chosen as a focus for protests around the world for three reasons. First, the company’s exploitation of Palestinian workers; second, the company’s marketing and selling of agricultural products from the settlements in the West Bank (and from Gaza until 2005); and third, the company’s policy of misinforming its customers, labeling all its products as “made in Israel” even if said products were produced in the West Bank by Palestinians or by settlers.

In 2004, UK activists chained themselves to an Agrexco warehouse and were arrested, but the charges against them were dropped because Agrexco did not wish to defend its actions in court. Groups of activists formed in cities in which Agrexco had concentrated operations (such as Montpellier, France) to protest the company’s activities and inform the public that the company was involved in criminal activity, exploitation and repression.

Naturally, the company never released any data about the loss of sales as a result of this boycott, not wishing to further bolster the activists’ morale. However, at least some of the Israeli farmers who chose to leave the company must have realized that the company’s brands were no longer good for sales. Only the company’s German employees mentioned the boycott in their call to the Israeli government to bail the company out. Apart from Bickel Flowers, three companies expressed an interest in buying Agrexco: the Israeli Kislev, the Irish Total Produce and the Japanese Classic Japan. These companies received hundreds, possibly thousands, of letters from activists urging them not to buy the company, and eventually withdrew from their intention to buy it.

One company, Mehadrin, would have the most to gain from Agrexco’s demise. The privately-owned Israeli company is set to take Agrexco’s place as Israel’s biggest agricultural exporter. Mehadrin also sells agricultural products from the settlements in the West Bank. It also owns lands of destroyed Palestinian villages, given to it free of charge by the government in order to help conceal the ruins (PDF, Hebrew). With the fall of Agrexco, Mehadrin is now in danger of facing a boycott campaign too.


Shir Hever is an Israeli economist and commentator who researches the economic aspects of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

This article may be reproduced on condition that JNews is cited as its source

Why did Agrexco go bankrupt? | JNews


Ummmmm... George... there appears to be more than one school of thought on that.

And, I'd really consider laying-off the Kool-Aid on those BDS Propaganda beat-their-own-drum-whether-it's-warranted-or-not websites...
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Oh, and, George...

Don't look now...

But Agrexco is still alive and well, as is its Carmel brand...

Different principals and capital, quite possibly...

But business-as-usual, by the look of it...

And business is good, according to the performance stats they're displaying on their website...


As I said... that blasted BDS Kool-Aid will screw ya up every time...
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Oh, and, George...

Don't look now...

But Agrexco is still alive and well, as is its Carmel brand...

Different principals and capital, quite possibly...

But business-as-usual, by the look of it...

And business is good, according to the performance stats they're displaying on their website...


As I said... that blasted BDS Kool-Aid will screw ya up every time...
Live and Learn, Kondor:

"The largest Co-operative in Europe, the Co-Operative Group in the UK, introduced a policy to end trade with companies that source products from Israel’s illegal settlements, following a determined campaign by Co-Op members. Campaigners are working to pressure other supermarkets to adopt a similarly comprehensive position. Many supermarkets across Europe already claim not to sell produce from illegal settlements.

"- A sustained campaign against Ahava, the Israeli cosmetics company situated in an illegal Israeli colony, forced the company to close its flagship London store and retailers in the UK, Norway,Japan and Canada to announce boycotts of the company.

"Inspired by the integral role that Israeli academic institutions play in developing the knowledge and technology behind Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid, and planning and justifying Israel’s worst crimes, academic boycott campaigns have spread to campuses across the world..."

BDS Victories |

I remember how long it took for BDS movements to bring South Africa to its White knees.
The Jewish State is swirling the same drain.
Oh, and, George...

Don't look now...

But Agrexco is still alive and well, as is its Carmel brand...

Different principals and capital, quite possibly...

But business-as-usual, by the look of it...

And business is good, according to the performance stats they're displaying on their website...


As I said... that blasted BDS Kool-Aid will screw ya up every time...
Live and Learn, Kondor:

"The largest Co-operative in Europe, the Co-Operative Group in the UK, introduced a policy to end trade with companies that source products from Israel’s illegal settlements, following a determined campaign by Co-Op members. Campaigners are working to pressure other supermarkets to adopt a similarly comprehensive position. Many supermarkets across Europe already claim not to sell produce from illegal settlements.

"- A sustained campaign against Ahava, the Israeli cosmetics company situated in an illegal Israeli colony, forced the company to close its flagship London store and retailers in the UK, Norway,Japan and Canada to announce boycotts of the company.

"Inspired by the integral role that Israeli academic institutions play in developing the knowledge and technology behind Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid, and planning and justifying Israel’s worst crimes, academic boycott campaigns have spread to campuses across the world..."

BDS Victories |

I remember how long it took for BDS movements to bring South Africa to its White knees.
The Jewish State is swirling the same drain.

Yes, we've been hearing that for quite long now. The situation is not even close to being similar to SOuth Africa, that is just part of the Arab propaganda campaign .
Supporting Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel

Alice WalkerJun 07, 2010. "My heart is breaking; but I do not mind. For one thing, as soon as I wrote those words I was able to weep, which I had not been able to do since learning of the attack by armed Israeli commandos on defenseless peace activists carrying aid to Gaza who tried to fend them off using chairs and sticks. I am thankful to know what it means to be good; I know that the people of the Freedom Flotilla are/were, in some cases, some of the best people on earth. They have not stood silently by and watched the destruction of others, brutally, sustained, without offering themselves, weaponless except for their bodies, to the situation. I am thankful to have a long history of knowing people like this from my earliest years, beginning in my student days of marches and demonstrations: for peace, for non-separation among peoples, for justice for Women, for People of Color, for Cubans, for Animals, for Indians, and for Her, the planet." Alice Walker: Supporting Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel. We choose each one of us how we respond to the Injustices of Apartheid and Occupation in Palestine. SILENCE in the face of Injustice is complicity with it, that is what Martin Luther King Jr wrote. And so much Truth is in those words and these words speak of all Injustices that man have witnessed from the beginning of time. Sherri
"..."The largest Co-operative in Europe, the Co-Operative Group in the UK, introduced a policy to end trade with companies that source products from Israel’s illegal settlements..."


From: by The Commentator on 25 July 2012 16:14

In 2008, trade was suspended with various Israeli companies and in April this year, controversy arose when the group announced it would “no longer [be] engaging with any supplier of produce known to be sourcing from Israeli settlements”.

The organisation pays much attention to its ‘social responsibility’ arm, under which ‘international development and human rights’ plays a headline role, even though in 2009, the organisation missed or dropped 44 percent of its corporate targets in this area.

Co-Op group under fire for 'hypocritical' Israeli boycott - The Commentator


Given that Agrexco went into Liquidation in August 2011...

Given that the Co-Op announced its boycott of produce-suppliers in April 2012...

( confirmed by the Jerusalem Post: UK food retailer?s Israel boycott could harm Palestinians )

...a full 8 months AFTER Agrexco went into Liquidation...

...I'm having some difficulty in understanding just how the Co-Op's boycott was responsible for the (prematurely determined) death of Agrexco...

There's something not-quite-right about the timeline overlays...

Live and learn, indeed...
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Supporting Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel

Alice WalkerJun 07, 2010. "My heart is breaking; but I do not mind. For one thing, as soon as I wrote those words I was able to weep, which I had not been able to do since learning of the attack by armed Israeli commandos on defenseless peace activists carrying aid to Gaza who tried to fend them off using chairs and sticks. I am thankful to know what it means to be good; I know that the people of the Freedom Flotilla are/were, in some cases, some of the best people on earth. They have not stood silently by and watched the destruction of others, brutally, sustained, without offering themselves, weaponless except for their bodies, to the situation. I am thankful to have a long history of knowing people like this from my earliest years, beginning in my student days of marches and demonstrations: for peace, for non-separation among peoples, for justice for Women, for People of Color, for Cubans, for Animals, for Indians, and for Her, the planet." Alice Walker: Supporting Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel. We choose each one of us how we respond to the Injustices of Apartheid and Occupation in Palestine. SILENCE in the face of Injustice is complicity with it, that is what Martin Luther King Jr wrote. And so much Truth is in those words and these words speak of all Injustices that man have witnessed from the beginning of time. Sherri

It was so nice and peaceful without you here Sherri. What can we do so you can extend your vacation time ?

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