BDS and "The Color Purple."

Baloney, Israel treats Muslims and Christians equally because they are equally not Jews.

Baloney, Palestine poses no threat to any of its neighbors.

How do they treat Christians and Muslims ?? Please provide examples

And to say the Palestinians don't pose a threat is BALONEY

Which of its neighbors have been threatened?

Actually, besides the horrific things they have done to Israel, the PLO tried to take over Jordan in 1970, and participated in the Civil War in Lebanon. I have read that Palestinians played soccer with Christian skulls in Lebanon.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You go to court to seek restitution.

toastman, et al,

This is an extension of the argument that the entire State of Israel is an Occupation of Palestine.


They selectively read the International Law to justify the attacks. They disregard the part where it states that you cannot attack a member state of the UN.

Hence, the need to quarantine the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,

Interesting, The Palestinians have been "attacking Israel" since it joined the UN.

Why is it that nobody has taken them to court?

What would that accomplish ?

Yes, what could you possibly get out of the Palestinian? They can't even make payroll by themselves.

They would have to give-up territory; as did the Spanish did at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War. We got the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam (WOW, what a deal!). Who wants the Gaza Strip? It is next to worthless, especially with the people.

Most Respectfully,
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How do they treat Christians and Muslims ?? Please provide examples

And to say the Palestinians don't pose a threat is BALONEY

Which of its neighbors have been threatened?

Actually, besides the horrific things they have done to Israel, the PLO tried to take over Jordan in 1970, and participated in the Civil War in Lebanon. I have read that Palestinians played soccer with Christian skulls in Lebanon.

My source for the "skulls" thing is Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis. I'll try to find the article.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You go to court to seek restitution.

Interesting, The Palestinians have been "attacking Israel" since it joined the UN.

Why is it that nobody has taken them to court?

What would that accomplish ?

Yes, what could you possibly get out of the Palestinian? They can't even make payroll by themselves.

They would have to give-up territory; as did the Spanish did at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War. We got the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam (WOW, what a deal!). Who wants the Gaza Strip? It is next to worthless, especially with the people.

Most Respectfully,

We will see what happens if this war ever concludes.
Activists deliver petition to Alicia Keys’ Brooklyn charity asking her to cancel Israel show

by*US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel*on June 11, 2013A delegation of Palestinian-Americans, representing coalitions of over 500 US organizations, delivered*a petition*today*signed*by over 12,000 people to*the New York City office of Alicia Keys’ nonprofit fighting HIV/AIDS,*Keep a Child Alive, calling on Keys to cancel her July 4th concert in Israel. *The petition asked Keys “to stand on the side of justice and cancel her gig in Tel Aviv, Israel,” and to “join us now in the cultural boycott of Israel, and help stop entertaining apartheid. The petition’s 12,000+*plus signers outnumber the audience expected to attend her Tel Aviv show.The delegation met with staff at the organization, who explained that they were aware of the ongoing efforts to encourage Keys’ cancellation. Delegates passed along materials that included details of the global boycott campaign and reports from rights organizations documenting Israel’s violation of Palestinian children rights, which they confirmed Keep a Child Alive’s Chief Executive Officer, Peter Twyman, received. Keys recently*told the New York Times*that she planned to go ahead with the show, despite letters calling on her to cancel from the*Palestinian Campaign for the Academic Cultural Boycott of Israel, US novelist*Alice Walker,*Roger Waters*of Pink Floyd, and the Israeli group,*Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from Within." The article also mentions*an opinion piece in NBC’s *The Grio*entitled “Alicia Keys Planned Israel Concert Inspires Backlash from Black Peers. “ Activists deliver petition to Alicia Keys? Brooklyn charity asking her to cancel Israel show | Mondoweiss
BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri
BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri

If you want to know what the BDS is, delete the D.
BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri

If you want to know what the BDS is, delete the D.

WHAT that comment tells me is who you are, that and nothing else. We have a conscience or we choose to not have one. Thank God we still live in a world where people have a conscience and embrace BDS.
"This week, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and social justice activist*Alice Walker*wrote an*open letter to Keys, urging her not to cross the international picket line, and to learn more about Israel's policies against Palestinians.*The letter reads:** * Dear Alicia Keys,** * I have learned today that you are due to perform in Israel very soon. We have never met, though I believe we are mutually respectful of each other's path and work. It would grieve me to know you are putting yourself in danger (soul danger) by performing in an apartheid country that is being boycotted by many global conscious artists.** * You were not born when we, your elders who love you, boycotted institutions in the US South to end an American apartheid less lethal than Israel's against the Palestinian people. Google Montgomery Bus Boycott, if you don't know about this civil rights history already. We changed our country fundamentally, and the various boycotts of Israeli institutions and products will do the same there. It is our only nonviolent option and, as we learned from our own struggle in America, nonviolence is the only path to a peaceful future." Alice Walker Open Letter to Alicia Keys - Don't Perform in Israel; Roger Waters Also Appeals to Keys | Portside
BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri

If you want to know what the BDS is, delete the D.

WHAT that comment tells me is who you are, that and nothing else. We have a conscience or we choose to not have one. Thank God we still live in a world where people have a conscience and embrace BDS.

Thank God we live in a world in which thinly-veiled efforts to de-legitimize and, ultimately, destroy Israel are recognized as such and rejected by the vast majority of people.

P.S. - You do get that many of the countries who sign off on each UN Israel-bashing Resolution of the Week also maintain strong economic ties to Israel because they recognize the benefit of maintaining a connection to Israel's advances in technology, agriculture, medicine, etc., right?
Christian Organizations Supporting Palestine | BDS Index: A Guide to Non-Violent actions in Support of Peace in Palestine. BDS, a nonviolent movement with its roots in Christianity and Christian groups worldwide following the teachings of Jesus Christ and supporting it, Christians like Alice Walker. Now, this is beautiful to behold. So much nicer when we have such positive movements like BDS to focus on and watch and behold and meditate on and talk about. I can just ignore and block out all the hate and negativity around me. Sherri
BDS: the last gasp and last desperate gambit of an untrustworthy, uncompromising, blood-stained bunch who could have negotiated a middle-ground anywhere up-and-down the line in the first couple of decades of this conflict, but who have long-since lost any claim to moral high ground, who have lost whatever few poker chips they still had for use at the playing-table, and whose turf continues to shrink with each passing hour. I mean... after all... 65 years in camps and refugee-slums? 65 years? Really? Go someplace else and re-learn the meaning of life and happiness. It's over. And this BDS business is a sand-flea that's been around for eight years already and gone nowhere - and which continues to go nowhere... fast... it's a flea.
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BDS is a Movement of people of conscience worldwide to those who benefit from Israels Occupation to open their eyes to its abuses and to act on that knowledge and to personally have a conscience. If Alicia Keyes plays this concert in Israel, she shows the world who she is, one who has no conscience and one whose music should be thrown in the trash. Sherri
If the people involved in this BDS nonsense are such "people of conscience," why are they not protesting what is happening in Muslim countries where non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects are harassed and/or murdered and their houses of worship destroyed. One would think that "people of conscience" would be right on top of things like this. However, like you, they probably don't care what is happening to innocent others elsewhere since the Jews are not involved. Maybe you can arrange for Alicia Keys to sing in Nigeria where your friends are right now busily slitting the throats of Christians. Her singing might cheer these people up after what has happened to them and is still happening. By the way, Frau Sherri, do you ever take any time out from your busy day of bashing Israel to condemn what is happening to your Christian brethren in the countries of your friends?
A long-time advocate for the Palestinians speaks out?

Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou, I wonder whatever-in-the-world will she say about the condition of the Palestinians?

I wonder if she also has anything to say about the Arab-Muslim neighbor-states of the Palestinians, not wanting them, and not supporting them?

Perhaps the Palestinians would be happier living elsewhere.

I suggest that they take the hint after 65 years, and begin packing, and moving...
BDS is complete hypocricy. It singles out Israel and ignores every nation in the world where real human rights abuses are actually occurring.

Thankfully, it is a marginal movement that has failed to impact Israel in any significant way. Sure, there is an occasional "statement" by an Elvis Costello or Roger Waters, but artists such as Paul McCartney, Madonna, Macy Gray, Black Eyed Peas, Paul Simon, Elton John, Metallica, Rihanna and Lady Gaga have all rejected the BDS platform and performed in Israel.

So, go ahead, Sherri... keep spamming us with BDS nonsense. Israel will be just fine despite your efforts.

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