Be careful on Friday: Libs planning "day of rage"

This may have been a hoax but the three dead cops who were assassinated in Baton Rouge, 4 critically injured, isn't. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.
This may have been a hoax but the three dead cops who were assassinated in Baton Rouge, 4 critically injured, isn't. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(
This may have been a hoax but the three dead cops who were assassinated in Baton Rouge, 4 critically injured, isn't. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(

Word is that it was a copy cat of the Dallas shootings.

Tune is the same and I will wager it is going to continue.
This may have been a hoax but the three dead cops who were assassinated in Baton Rouge, 4 critically injured, isn't. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(

Word is that it was a copy cat of the Dallas shootings.

Tune is the same and I will wager it is going to continue.

He was also in the Marines. I didn't see your attack on the Military here. 2 guys and both said they were acting alone.
This may have been a hoax but the three dead cops who were assassinated in Baton Rouge, 4 critically injured, isn't. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(

Word is that it was a copy cat of the Dallas shootings.

Tune is the same and I will wager it is going to continue.

He was also in the Marines. I didn't see your attack on the Military here. 2 guys and both said they were acting alone.

And? BLM is the catalyst. They were Marines. And? Pts possibility? And? BLM is the catalyst.

BLM celebrated the death of the Dallas cops, google it. Killer said he wanted to kill white cops, google it. Yeah, keep your head in the sand by telling yourself there's no connection.
Another genius with no info, but "knows" who to blame.

"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(

Word is that it was a copy cat of the Dallas shootings.

Tune is the same and I will wager it is going to continue.

He was also in the Marines. I didn't see your attack on the Military here. 2 guys and both said they were acting alone.

And? BLM is the catalyst. They were Marines. And? Pts possibility? And? BLM is the catalyst.

BLM celebrated the death of the Dallas cops, google it. Killer said he wanted to kill white cops, google it. Yeah, keep your head in the sand by telling yourself there's no connection.

Police shootings are the catalyst...both guys said they were unaffiliated. But both were in the Military.
"The dead shooter of the three BR cops is black, I'm so surprised!" said no one ever.


"The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News. He was born on July 17, 1987.

Dead Baton Rouge shooter attacked police on his birthday

And obama yammers on making no note of the shooter being black.

BLM will be the catalyst for these deaths, just like Dallas.

He was also Marines and reported but not confirmed Sovereign Citizen. Now yiu have to change your tune :(

Word is that it was a copy cat of the Dallas shootings.

Tune is the same and I will wager it is going to continue.

He was also in the Marines. I didn't see your attack on the Military here. 2 guys and both said they were acting alone.

And? BLM is the catalyst. They were Marines. And? Pts possibility? And? BLM is the catalyst.

BLM celebrated the death of the Dallas cops, google it. Killer said he wanted to kill white cops, google it. Yeah, keep your head in the sand by telling yourself there's no connection.

Police shootings are the catalyst...both guys said they were unaffiliated. But both were in the Military.

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops as blacks. You'd never think that was the case, listening to the media, listening to BLM.

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

New evidence shows no bias in cops shootings of blacks

BLM is the catalyst for these cop shootings, and it's based on lies and misinformation.

Continue to tell yourself otherwise, but you're wrong.
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst.

"BATON ROUGE, Louisiana — The gunman who killed three Baton Rouge police officers did not lure them to their deaths on Sunday but instead carried out the ambush after a member of the public called 911, an official told NBC News.

The shooter was identified as Gavin Long, 29, of Kansas City, Missouri. Edmonson said Long had been in Baton Rouge for days before he carried out the attack. Investigators are now looking for people who saw or spoke with him during that time.

Long was also apparently in Dallas after five officers were shot and killed there last week, according to a video posted on a Twitter account that a senior law enforcement official said belonged to the suspect. The video, posted on July 10 — three days after the attack in that city — was titled: "My body-cam footage of me in Dallas out in them streets educating our people."

On Monday, Edmonson told The Associated Press that Long "certainly was seeking out police officers."

"His movements, his direction, his attention was on police officers," Edmonson said, using the word "ambush" to describe the attack."

Baton Rouge Cop Killer Didn't Make 911 Call: Official
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol
They'll never learn. They're just pushing more people to vote for the law and order candidate - Donald Trump.
That's why I called on Trump to declare he was for Law & Order. The fuckin' Libs are playing into our hands.

Mr 3500 lawsuits is the "Law and Order" candidate? o_O
As opposed to the candidate who just committed perjury a number of times in her FBI testimony?

No, not opposed to. Him being labeled the Law and Order candidate is hilarious. 3500 lawsuits!
Tardacious, if you had a multi billion dollar business, you would be sued just as much. There's no shortage of greedy Leftists who don't want to work for what they have so they find ways to extort it from others.
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.
BLM has morphed into a terrorist group, what with targeting and killing cops. Congratulations.

Cops shooting blacks is a symptom, blacks need to get to the cause of the problem. Why is crime skyhigh among blacks? Why is unemployment skyhigh among blacks? What's missing? All that's been done to help/advance minorities, yet look at the rates. Why? Blacks need to address the fundamental causes/problems within their communities, they need to fix it from within. Others can help but it needs to start with blacks addressing the problems and helping themselves.
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.

Sorry, no. Blacks commit crime at a higher percentage even though there are less of them.

Already posted this, guess you decided to ignore it.

2016 to date: 593 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016 yet BLM continue to imply something different. Don't they have the facts?

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

BLM is based on a false narrative.
If this civil unrest indeed takes place and/or other incidents between now and election day, Clinton would find herself in a bit of a box as a result. If she somehow tries to distance herself from them she risks alienating voters who support such action, be they dimocrats, independents, crossover Republicans, or whomever. Conversely, if she does nothing it would be construed as supporting/favoring unrest in the streets, but that risks alienating good Democrats (i.e. folks who work hard, pay federal income tax, etc.) and others who are appalled at the reality of the promised fundamental change the administration she's been a part of has wrought on our nation.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.

Sorry, no. Blacks commit crime at a higher percentage even though there are less of them.

Already posted this, guess you decided to ignore it.

2016 to date: 593 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016 yet BLM continue to imply something different. Don't they have the facts?

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

BLM is based on a false narrative.

And whites are more of the population. So statistically they shoot blacks more often. Or you dont get how percentages are calculated?
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.

Sorry, no. Blacks commit crime at a higher percentage even though there are less of them.

Already posted this, guess you decided to ignore it.

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016 yet BLM continue to imply something different. Don't they have the facts?

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

BLM is based on a false narrative.

And whites are more of the population. So statistically they shoot blacks more often. Or you dont get how percentages are calculated?

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016

Cry me a river.
ClosedCaption Tell me again how BLM isn't the catalyst

They aren't. Police shhotings created BLM. Police shootings are the catalyst.

Let's pretend BLM never existed. Are you saying people would feel differently about police shootings? Lol

Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.

Sorry, no. Blacks commit crime at a higher percentage even though there are less of them.

Already posted this, guess you decided to ignore it.

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016 yet BLM continue to imply something different. Don't they have the facts?

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

BLM is based on a false narrative.

And whites are more of the population. So statistically they shoot blacks more often. Or you dont get how percentages are calculated?

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016

Cry me a river.

And whites are 3-4 times the population of blacks. Percentages confuse you?
Police shoot whites at twice the rates of blacks ... but blacks somehow believe that they're ... what, more 'special'? More dead? That it matters more because they're black? Newflash, cops shoot suspects when suspects don't cooperate. Cops shoot suspects regardless of their skin color. BLM is based on a false narrative that cops shoot blacks more than others. BLM is a lie.

Whites are also 3-4 times more of the population. Soo, your number games dont make sense.

Sorry, no. Blacks commit crime at a higher percentage even though there are less of them.

Already posted this, guess you decided to ignore it.

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016 yet BLM continue to imply something different. Don't they have the facts?

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

BLM is based on a false narrative.

And whites are more of the population. So statistically they shoot blacks more often. Or you dont get how percentages are calculated?

2016 to date: 591 people killed by cops, 293 white, 146 black. Twice as many whites killed by cops in 2016

Cry me a river.

And whites are 3-4 times the population of blacks. Percentages confuse you?

Yet blacks crime rates are higher.

The numbers I posted aren't a percentage.

Why'd you ignore this? Do you disagree?

BLM has morphed into a terrorist group, what with targeting and killing cops. Congratulations.

Cops shooting blacks is a symptom, blacks need to get to the cause of the problem. Why is crime skyhigh among blacks? Why is unemployment skyhigh among blacks? What's missing? All that's been done to help/advance minorities, yet look at the rates. Why? Blacks need to address the fundamental causes/problems within their communities, they need to fix it from within. Others can help but it needs to start with blacks addressing the problems and helping themselves.

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