*Be Careful What You Pray To Is The Moral Of This Story,....*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Catholics do not pray to statues as this man claims he did.
2. We pray to Jesus Christ.
3. The Father.
4. Some man has done a thing most unhinged, admittedly prayed to a stone statue, which is *no god*.
5. His mistake, and he claims by praying to this statue, his wife was cured of cancer.
6. At the end of the story, he asked to be the keeper of this statue to clean it up, well, in so doing the cleaning the statue falls on him pinning him, and he lost a leg over it.
7. Moral of the story is, *Don't Pray To Stone Objects*, or any objects.
8. I am Catholic.
9. LINK:deeply-religious-newburgh-man-crushed-by-falling-crucifix-loses-leg

"A deeply religious pizza parlor worker is suing the archdiocese that presides over the Church of St. Patrick in Newburgh, because he says this 600-pound crucifix fell on him, crushing one of his legs, which had to be amputated.

NEWBURGH, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – David Jimenez believed his devotion to a crucifix was responsible for his wife being cured of cancer. Well, the crucifix fell on him, crushing one of his legs.

And as CBS 2’s John Slattery reported Friday, the leg had to be amputated.

Jimenez sees tragic irony in losing his leg to a crucifix he had prayed to. The crucifix had been outside the Church of St. Patrick in Newburgh. For months, the 45-year-old pizza worker would stop and pray at the crucifix, that his wife would be cured of ovarian cancer."

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So the moral of the story is God punishes you in your human ignorance because you prayed to an inanimate object. Gotcha.
If the man sues, I do not believe he will have a leg to stand on.....

This whole thing reminds me of the Restoration by Ms. Giminez..

Sorry bout that,

So the moral of the story is God punishes you in your human ignorance because you prayed to an inanimate object. Gotcha.

1. Yes indeed.
2. Been that way since the beginning of time.


This sounds rational to you?

God, the most exalted being in the universe and beyond, the one who designed large and small planets. The one who designed galaxies, stars, protons, electrons, matter, anti-matter, gravity, pleasure, pain, intelligence, reason etc.

Is jealous of a rock?


Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

So the moral of the story is God punishes you in your human ignorance because you prayed to an inanimate object. Gotcha.

1. Yes indeed.
2. Been that way since the beginning of time.


This sounds rational to you?

God, the most exalted being in the universe and beyond, the one who designed large and small planets. The one who designed galaxies, stars, protons, electrons, matter, anti-matter, gravity, pleasure, pain, intelligence, reason etc.

Is jealous of a rock?



1. Jesus said himself "Upon this rock I shall build my kingdom" he is that rock, so when people worship other rocks, I think he does get jealous.
2. So in short, *yes*.:eusa_angel:
3. Heard that song, 'Rock of Ages'?


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