Be very afraid, Trumpies....Beto raises $6.1M FIRST DAY..No PAC $

He writes about running over children and having cows wash his balls. Ideal liberal.
No surprise the bought and paid for skateboarding drunk driver gets his dirty money. That’s supposedly claimed as “donations”.
So what raising a lot of money doesn’t guarantee a primary nomination a number of Republicans found that out in 2016 as did one Democrat in the general election.
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""

Afraid of what?

Is your life so meaningless and shallow that if your guy is not president its a tragedy?


Where did I say he was my guy?
Can't you fuckers read even simple sentences?
I bring you simple facts and your reptilian little brain can't parse them.
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

And just think... All that and he still beat Hillary.

Beto the fake Mexican for president


Pocahontas Warren the fake Indian for his VP

The perfect liberal loon 2020 dream ticket!! ... :lol: :lol:
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

And just think... All that and he still beat Hillary.


I'm afraid that says a lot more about empty-headed cocksockets like you than it does about Trump.
"Party of Family Values" my ass.
Actually, Hillary won the election, she didn't win the E.C.

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
Clinton raised 2 billion and lost. :D I am not afraid of that idiot Francis the fake mexican.

$2 billion on the first day she announced?
And no PAC money?
Want to put up a link to that?
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

And just think... All that and he still beat Hillary.


I'm afraid that says a lot more about empty-headed cocksockets like you than it does about Trump.
"Party of Family Values" my ass.
Actually, Hillary won the election, she didn't win the E.C.

You're sweet when you blither.
Beto the fake Mexican for president


Pocahontas Warren the fake Indian for his VP

The perfect liberal loon 2020 dream ticket!! ... :lol: :lol:

Do they both hate Jews same as you, nutcase? scurry off to beg a mod for help (again)

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