Spanish Inquisition wasn't that bad if you had calluses on your feet, no gnads, elastic skin, and high pain tolerances. Right?
For Heretics to go through readmisson into the Catholic church Raymond VII of Toulouse's and others were forced bare footed, a nose tied around the neck, and shirtless. (I am told this was how heretics were dressed before burnings).
They were paraded around the church a certain number of times and scourged by a church official.
Pope Innocent III 1161-1216 "Use against heretics the spiritual sword of excommunication, and if this does not prove effective, use the material sword."
The Art of Medieval Torture (this material sword) Torture was enthusiastically applied by early Church officials and noblemen in their employ for four reasons:
To force confessions or secret information from those accused of heresy or witchcraft, whether guilty or innocent; To punish or discourage dissent and intellectual freedom; To persuade Jews(who by the way they claim follow the same God), Muslims, and other non-believers to accept Christianity; and To enjoy the sadistic pleasure of inflicting agony, including experimenting with newly devised or perfected techniques of torture. Devices used by the Church: the foot was fitted into an oversized COPPER BOOT, boiling oil was slowly poured into the boot to strip the flesh from the bones.
Another device of the Church: was the infamous viselike FOOT PRESS which was slowly tightened by the crank to crush feet between its solid iron plates, which were lined with hundreds of razor-sharp spikes to make the torture even more intense. More sadistic torture could be found in the way they would devise FOOT ROASTING, which was the favorite torture of the Spanish Inquisition. Immobilized in the stocks, the soles of the victim's bare feet were thickly basted with lard and slowly broiled over red-hot coals.
Everyone has seen "the RACK" in movies: The rollers of this RACK pulled the victim's wrists and ankles in opposite directions to tear his body apart. A spiked drum might be installed to disembowel the face-downward victim. There was also a bench held which victim immobile while he was slowly SKINNED ALIVE with a scalpel-like instrument. Salt was rubbed into the raw flesh to make for a more horrifying experience.
They also had these toothed iron TESTICLE CRUSHERS slowly squeezed the victim's testicles until they were destroyed. *(note- today singers use these to hit their high notes)*
Surely we see there is a pattern here,
if it walks like satan, talks like satan, acts like satan & admits it is satan, off shoot sects admit the founders were satanist, then it is Satanic.
yes---but it was fair and moderate