Bearing False Witness

oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.

wrong-----seventh day Adventists DID NOT BUY INTO THE FILTH OF CONSTANTINE----and did not buy into the ---POPE thing and the Pope's rejection of the religion of their cult leader---JESUS. Seventh day Adventists are FAR MORE-----a jewish JESUS cult------than anything remotely related to the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----and would be----under the laws of
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----considered heretics and murdered

What "filth of Constantine"? I don't think you know what you are talking about.

I do know-----but it might be difficult for you to accept.
Constantine applied laws that are part and parcel of
"CANON LAW" which render the lives of non Christians
untenable. -------I will provide little examples. Did
you know that under the rule of Constantine---and later
on his heirs------that marriage between a Christian and non-
Christian was a BIG TIME CRIME? Did you know that
Constantine and his heirs enforced the absolute disarming
of non Christians? Did you know that Constantine and his
heirs rendered "conversion" to Christianity "IRREVERSIBLE"------which meant that if someone grabbed
a baby and BAPTIZED it----it was OFFICIALLY AND FOREVER A CHRISTIAN BABY?. Do not laugh, Constantine deprived, in HIS realm----the right of non-
Christians to ride a horse. (that law---at that time---was
something like denying a whole group of people----a driver's
license) Constantine's civil laws were the basis for the
Nuremburg laws
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS
Some might be interested in actual wording of fourth century laws. For example, here is the one on interfaith marriage:

10. Prohibition on Intermarriage

Emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I, and Arcadius, March 14, 388

No Jew shall take a Christian woman in marriage, neither shall a Christian marry a Jewess. Indeed, if anyone shall commit something of the kind, his crime shall be considered as adultery, with the right to accuse allowed the general public.


It is prohibited by this law's severity that a Jew shall have a Christian woman in matrimony, and that a Christian man shall take a Jewish wife. If any persons shall intermingle in such an intercourse against our interdiction, let them know that they shall be punished by the punishments inflicted on those condemned for adultery, and that accusation of this crime is allowed not only to relatives but also to all.

More such laws can be found: ROMAN IMPERIAL LAWS concerning Jews (329-553)
Some might be interested in actual wording of fourth century laws. For example, here is the one on interfaith marriage:

10. Prohibition on Intermarriage

Emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I, and Arcadius, March 14, 388

No Jew shall take a Christian woman in marriage, neither shall a Christian marry a Jewess. Indeed, if anyone shall commit something of the kind, his crime shall be considered as adultery, with the right to accuse allowed the general public.


It is prohibited by this law's severity that a Jew shall have a Christian woman in matrimony, and that a Christian man shall take a Jewish wife. If any persons shall intermingle in such an intercourse against our interdiction, let them know that they shall be punished by the punishments inflicted on those condemned for adultery, and that accusation of this crime is allowed not only to relatives but also to all.

More such laws can be found: ROMAN IMPERIAL LAWS concerning Jews (329-553)

notice the dates----these laws were imposed in the lands that the romans renamed PALESTINE----Those laws and others which were far more repressive of simple normal living were
actually GENOCIDAL---specifically upon JEWS. In fact Adolf---in his genocidal program ----lifted the laws of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE_-------which included the ABSOLUTEL AND COMPLETE DISARMING of jews-----and-----Adolf, poetically,
transformed the law against jews owning or riding on horses to
restrictions on using public transportation or even RIDING IN A CAR WITH ONE OF MERRI'S FELLOW CATHOLICS.
The yellow insignias that SAINT ADOLF imposed on jews ----
came from a law-------FROM THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE CANON. Saint Adolf could never be excommunicated---he was a GOOD CATHOLIC ----just as was the MASS MURDERESS ---SAINT ISABELLA---queen of Spain
(for the record-----muslims added these laws to shariah----feel free to ask questions----my very own husband was born in
that system-----the one that muslims adapted from Catholicis---he is available---feel free to ask questions)
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....

the truth annoys you?-------shouldn't you be in church right now adulating SAINT ISABELLA ----saint of the BARBECUE DE FE?
Some might be interested in actual wording of fourth century laws. For example, here is the one on interfaith marriage:

10. Prohibition on Intermarriage

Emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I, and Arcadius, March 14, 388

No Jew shall take a Christian woman in marriage, neither shall a Christian marry a Jewess. Indeed, if anyone shall commit something of the kind, his crime shall be considered as adultery, with the right to accuse allowed the general public.


It is prohibited by this law's severity that a Jew shall have a Christian woman in matrimony, and that a Christian man shall take a Jewish wife. If any persons shall intermingle in such an intercourse against our interdiction, let them know that they shall be punished by the punishments inflicted on those condemned for adultery, and that accusation of this crime is allowed not only to relatives but also to all.

More such laws can be found: ROMAN IMPERIAL LAWS concerning Jews (329-553)

Thanks but nothing new, Jews were not to intermarry anyway , and Ezra was quite upset about it. Remember a house divided seldom stands, and which is why RC's and Protestants did not marry for a many centuries.

I also noted on that site, that in 1948 the Jews came out with 18 statements, a few of them I would of refused to agree with, like God showed himself to the Jewish people first. Which God, the tribal war God, Yaweth, or isra el, the stuggle with god EL.

What the RC church took from the OT was to make an inclusive relgion which the Jews rejected, but the Jews stole their religion from the Canaanites , Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.
Thanks but nothing new, Jews were not to intermarry anyway , and Ezra was quite upset about it. Remember a house divided seldom stands, and which is why RC's and Protestants did not marry for a many centuries.

Correct. Jews were told not to marry outside their faith long before the fourth century. Also, Jews inquired (Can anyone say "inquisition"?) into questionable practices of those who were supposedly of the Jewish faith.

I also noted on that site, that in 1948 the Jews came out with 18 statements, a few of them I would of refused to agree with, like God showed himself to the Jewish people first. Which God, the tribal war God, Yaweth, or isra el, the stuggle with god EL.

We do disagree on some of this. God's revelation to a people was to the Jews--which they faithfully recorded--and many blessings on them for doing so. Now, this does not mean God's spirit was not at work elsewhere in other ways. Did some see Yahweh as a tribal war God? Possibly, but that's no one's fault. God (and good teachers as well) work with what they have and proceed from there. Warlike tribe or not, God chose them as a valued platform from which to reveal Himself.

What the RC church took from the OT was to make an inclusive relgion which the Jews rejected, but the Jews stole their religion from the Canaanites , Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.

I do not believe the Jews stole their religion from anyone. Certainly ancient Israelites were influenced by the beliefs and practices in which they were immersed. We can see a plan unfold where God set them apart, and for a time, made them exclusive. I don't think people appreciate the sacrifice God asked of the Jews, and the Jews undertook for the sake of God, for agreeing to become exclusive.

When anyone--group or individual--isolate themselves from others, others tend to isolate (reject, become prejudiced against) that group. There may be more than one truth in the word of God noting, "It is not good for man to be alone..."

It is interesting that some Jews today blame Christianity for the prejudice against them--but that prejudice was well established long before Christianity. Some also blame the Church for persecuting them, when in fact if one follows many of the stories of persecution, we see the Jews seeking and getting protection from the bishops from more isolated Christian groups. Bishops would not permit persecution of the Jews, because the Church believed that God still had plans for the Jews and it would go ill with those who interfered with that plan. (There is a scripture to this effect, but I can't recall it at the moment.)
You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....

the truth annoys you?-------shouldn't you be in church right now adulating SAINT ISABELLA ----saint of the BARBECUE DE FE?

lol... no the truth doesn't annoy me, I just find your use of language interesting.

Given your talent, I would even recommend that you be given a scholarship to Elijiahs school for wayward women... after you have a corrective lens inserted deep inside your brain.

Don't be surprised if you wake up one day after having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.
I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....

the truth annoys you?-------shouldn't you be in church right now adulating SAINT ISABELLA ----saint of the BARBECUE DE FE?

lol... no the truth doesn't annoy me, I just find your use of language interesting.

Given your talent, I would even recommend that you be given a scholarship to Elijiahs school for wayward women... after you have a corrective lens inserted deep inside your brain.

Don't be surprised if you wake up one day after having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.

I do have some talent in writing, nothing unusual. I am intrigued by your recognition. This is a messageboard.
Would you like to comment on CONTENT?
These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....

the truth annoys you?-------shouldn't you be in church right now adulating SAINT ISABELLA ----saint of the BARBECUE DE FE?

lol... no the truth doesn't annoy me, I just find your use of language interesting.

Given your talent, I would even recommend that you be given a scholarship to Elijiahs school for wayward women... after you have a corrective lens inserted deep inside your brain.

Don't be surprised if you wake up one day after having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.

I do have some talent in writing, nothing unusual. I am intrigued by your recognition. This is a messageboard.
Would you like to comment on CONTENT?
Please be more specific sweetie.

Is this the content that you would like for me to address?

"Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS"
Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS you really have a knack for saying the sweetest things....

the truth annoys you?-------shouldn't you be in church right now adulating SAINT ISABELLA ----saint of the BARBECUE DE FE?

lol... no the truth doesn't annoy me, I just find your use of language interesting.

Given your talent, I would even recommend that you be given a scholarship to Elijiahs school for wayward women... after you have a corrective lens inserted deep inside your brain.

Don't be surprised if you wake up one day after having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.

I do have some talent in writing, nothing unusual. I am intrigued by your recognition. This is a messageboard.
Would you like to comment on CONTENT?
Please be more specific sweetie.

Is this the content that you would like for me to address?

"Penelope fantasizes as she sucks shit out of the anus of the priest -----as the nun moans in orgiastic bliss-----SUNDAY MASS"

what ever floats your boat
Thanks but nothing new, Jews were not to intermarry anyway , and Ezra was quite upset about it. Remember a house divided seldom stands, and which is why RC's and Protestants did not marry for a many centuries.

Correct. Jews were told not to marry outside their faith long before the fourth century. Also, Jews inquired (Can anyone say "inquisition"?) into questionable practices of those who were supposedly of the Jewish faith.

I also noted on that site, that in 1948 the Jews came out with 18 statements, a few of them I would of refused to agree with, like God showed himself to the Jewish people first. Which God, the tribal war God, Yaweth, or isra el, the stuggle with god EL.

We do disagree on some of this. God's revelation to a people was to the Jews--which they faithfully recorded--and many blessings on them for doing so. Now, this does not mean God's spirit was not at work elsewhere in other ways. Did some see Yahweh as a tribal war God? Possibly, but that's no one's fault. God (and good teachers as well) work with what they have and proceed from there. Warlike tribe or not, God chose them as a valued platform from which to reveal Himself.

What the RC church took from the OT was to make an inclusive relgion which the Jews rejected, but the Jews stole their religion from the Canaanites , Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.

I do not believe the Jews stole their religion from anyone. Certainly ancient Israelites were influenced by the beliefs and practices in which they were immersed. We can see a plan unfold where God set them apart, and for a time, made them exclusive. I don't think people appreciate the sacrifice God asked of the Jews, and the Jews undertook for the sake of God, for agreeing to become exclusive.

When anyone--group or individual--isolate themselves from others, others tend to isolate (reject, become prejudiced against) that group. There may be more than one truth in the word of God noting, "It is not good for man to be alone..."

It is interesting that some Jews today blame Christianity for the prejudice against them--but that prejudice was well established long before Christianity. Some also blame the Church for persecuting them, when in fact if one follows many of the stories of persecution, we see the Jews seeking and getting protection from the bishops from more isolated Christian groups. Bishops would not permit persecution of the Jews, because the Church believed that God still had plans for the Jews and it would go ill with those who interfered with that plan. (There is a scripture to this effect, but I can't recall it at the moment.)

Persecution and murder of jews has been part and parcel of
Roman Catholic dogma since its inception. Constantine was as genocidal as was whore Isabella and Mengele------"bishops" is a big group-------of course a few were not depraved.
Thanks but nothing new, Jews were not to intermarry anyway , and Ezra was quite upset about it. Remember a house divided seldom stands, and which is why RC's and Protestants did not marry for a many centuries.

Correct. Jews were told not to marry outside their faith long before the fourth century. Also, Jews inquired (Can anyone say "inquisition"?) into questionable practices of those who were supposedly of the Jewish faith.

I also noted on that site, that in 1948 the Jews came out with 18 statements, a few of them I would of refused to agree with, like God showed himself to the Jewish people first. Which God, the tribal war God, Yaweth, or isra el, the stuggle with god EL.

We do disagree on some of this. God's revelation to a people was to the Jews--which they faithfully recorded--and many blessings on them for doing so. Now, this does not mean God's spirit was not at work elsewhere in other ways. Did some see Yahweh as a tribal war God? Possibly, but that's no one's fault. God (and good teachers as well) work with what they have and proceed from there. Warlike tribe or not, God chose them as a valued platform from which to reveal Himself.

What the RC church took from the OT was to make an inclusive relgion which the Jews rejected, but the Jews stole their religion from the Canaanites , Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.

I do not believe the Jews stole their religion from anyone. Certainly ancient Israelites were influenced by the beliefs and practices in which they were immersed. We can see a plan unfold where God set them apart, and for a time, made them exclusive. I don't think people appreciate the sacrifice God asked of the Jews, and the Jews undertook for the sake of God, for agreeing to become exclusive.

When anyone--group or individual--isolate themselves from others, others tend to isolate (reject, become prejudiced against) that group. There may be more than one truth in the word of God noting, "It is not good for man to be alone..."

It is interesting that some Jews today blame Christianity for the prejudice against them--but that prejudice was well established long before Christianity. Some also blame the Church for persecuting them, when in fact if one follows many of the stories of persecution, we see the Jews seeking and getting protection from the bishops from more isolated Christian groups. Bishops would not permit persecution of the Jews, because the Church believed that God still had plans for the Jews and it would go ill with those who interfered with that plan. (There is a scripture to this effect, but I can't recall it at the moment.)

Persecution and murder of jews has been part and parcel of
Roman Catholic dogma since its inception. Constantine was as genocidal as was whore Isabella and Mengele------"bishops" is a big group-------of course a few were not depraved.

did Constantine tells brothers to kill brothers and watched as 3000 of his followers were killed, don't think so. Moses was the real genocidal nutcase.
Thanks but nothing new, Jews were not to intermarry anyway , and Ezra was quite upset about it. Remember a house divided seldom stands, and which is why RC's and Protestants did not marry for a many centuries.

Correct. Jews were told not to marry outside their faith long before the fourth century. Also, Jews inquired (Can anyone say "inquisition"?) into questionable practices of those who were supposedly of the Jewish faith.

I also noted on that site, that in 1948 the Jews came out with 18 statements, a few of them I would of refused to agree with, like God showed himself to the Jewish people first. Which God, the tribal war God, Yaweth, or isra el, the stuggle with god EL.

We do disagree on some of this. God's revelation to a people was to the Jews--which they faithfully recorded--and many blessings on them for doing so. Now, this does not mean God's spirit was not at work elsewhere in other ways. Did some see Yahweh as a tribal war God? Possibly, but that's no one's fault. God (and good teachers as well) work with what they have and proceed from there. Warlike tribe or not, God chose them as a valued platform from which to reveal Himself.

What the RC church took from the OT was to make an inclusive relgion which the Jews rejected, but the Jews stole their religion from the Canaanites , Babylonians, Persians, and Egyptians.

I do not believe the Jews stole their religion from anyone. Certainly ancient Israelites were influenced by the beliefs and practices in which they were immersed. We can see a plan unfold where God set them apart, and for a time, made them exclusive. I don't think people appreciate the sacrifice God asked of the Jews, and the Jews undertook for the sake of God, for agreeing to become exclusive.

When anyone--group or individual--isolate themselves from others, others tend to isolate (reject, become prejudiced against) that group. There may be more than one truth in the word of God noting, "It is not good for man to be alone..."

It is interesting that some Jews today blame Christianity for the prejudice against them--but that prejudice was well established long before Christianity. Some also blame the Church for persecuting them, when in fact if one follows many of the stories of persecution, we see the Jews seeking and getting protection from the bishops from more isolated Christian groups. Bishops would not permit persecution of the Jews, because the Church believed that God still had plans for the Jews and it would go ill with those who interfered with that plan. (There is a scripture to this effect, but I can't recall it at the moment.)

Persecution and murder of jews has been part and parcel of
Roman Catholic dogma since its inception. Constantine was as genocidal as was whore Isabella and Mengele------"bishops" is a big group-------of course a few were not depraved.

did Constantine tells brothers to kill brothers and watched as 3000 of his followers were killed, don't think so. Moses was the real genocidal nutcase.

Constantine murdered far more than 3000 people for the glory of his HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE------in fact----he----and later on his minions murdered in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for the filth-----"holy" roman empire----first, second and third reichs.
Getting back to the Nazi dog---himself---CONSTANTINE----He murdered non-Christians------in a massive genocide----and then decided to murder his own son and wife-----for the glory of DA CROSS. moses? nope---he killed one person---an Egyptian------there was a civil war amongst the jews in Sinai----
instigated by-------sorry to say------LEVITES-----Moses was a levite ---------so am I. "brothers" achim---- in Hebrew refers to everyone ----it is a generic term for anyone vaguely related-------all the levites are "brothers"------all the descendants of Jacob are "brothers". In English a more equivalent term is "brethren"------vaguely

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