Bearing False Witness

Well, this argument is over, Godwin's Law is in effect. Reductio ad Hitlerum.

what a cop-out and one eyed jacks are wild. The POPE's POKER LAW

Nope, the longer an internet discussion goes on the greater the chances of someone invoking the Reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy, which is a version of ad hominem, ad misericordiam, or a fallacy of irrelevance. Stay on point.

Hitler----emperor of the third Reich ---aka Holy Roman empire is a irrelevant? He did not think so -----otherwise he would not have named is empire THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE nor would he have adopted CANON law

Once more: prove this garbage.

what "garbage"------Adolf did NOT refer to his empire as
THE THIRD REICH? well------there is nothing I can do
to help you out of your dense ignorance-------just google THIRD REICH ---and first reich and second reich------while you are at it-------google "laws imposed on non Christians in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----then review the Nuremburg laws

It's a figure of speech, deal with it.

words are very powerful -------and also important to
persons with any level of discernment. -------there is
nothing which with to deal-----no one in the world OWES
anything to the catholic church

My point stands, without the RCC there would have been no "Protestant" church, by definition. Deal with that.

oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.
what a cop-out and one eyed jacks are wild. The POPE's POKER LAW

Nope, the longer an internet discussion goes on the greater the chances of someone invoking the Reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy, which is a version of ad hominem, ad misericordiam, or a fallacy of irrelevance. Stay on point.

Hitler----emperor of the third Reich ---aka Holy Roman empire is a irrelevant? He did not think so -----otherwise he would not have named is empire THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE nor would he have adopted CANON law

Once more: prove this garbage.

what "garbage"------Adolf did NOT refer to his empire as
THE THIRD REICH? well------there is nothing I can do
to help you out of your dense ignorance-------just google THIRD REICH ---and first reich and second reich------while you are at it-------google "laws imposed on non Christians in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----then review the Nuremburg laws


you are in a state of denial-----I will TRY to help----but it is likely hopeless------the Laws applicable to NON CHRISTIANS in the first Holy Roman Empire----were designed to be GENOCIDAL----as were the laws applicable to NON CATHOLICS---by the
catholic INQUISITION-----as were the laws applicable to Jews on by the emperor of the THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (REICH) genocidal and remarkably SIMILAR -----in the case of the first REICH and the third reich----similar all the way down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA---(in fact such insignia were mandated in Inquisitional second holy roman empire law too)
Nope, the longer an internet discussion goes on the greater the chances of someone invoking the Reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy, which is a version of ad hominem, ad misericordiam, or a fallacy of irrelevance. Stay on point.

Hitler----emperor of the third Reich ---aka Holy Roman empire is a irrelevant? He did not think so -----otherwise he would not have named is empire THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE nor would he have adopted CANON law

Once more: prove this garbage.

what "garbage"------Adolf did NOT refer to his empire as
THE THIRD REICH? well------there is nothing I can do
to help you out of your dense ignorance-------just google THIRD REICH ---and first reich and second reich------while you are at it-------google "laws imposed on non Christians in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----then review the Nuremburg laws


you are in a state of denial-----I will TRY to help----but it is likely hopeless------the Laws applicable to NON CHRISTIANS in the first Holy Roman Empire----were designed to be GENOCIDAL----as were the laws applicable to NON CATHOLICS---by the
catholic INQUISITION-----as were the laws applicable to Jews on by the emperor of the THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (REICH) genocidal and remarkably SIMILAR -----in the case of the first REICH and the third reich----similar all the way down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA---(in fact such insignia were mandated in Inquisitional second holy roman empire law too)

Absolute nonsense.
oh----you mean CATHOLICS used the PLOY of blaspheming
in court so they could GET OFF-------because they could PROVE that they were good catholics and willing to do all the
rituals that penitent catholics do------I AM SOOO DAMNED
IMPRESSED. ------ you really do not mean to endorse the
torture and murder of non catholics and homo-sexuals-----you were just monetarily UNBALANCED-----of course you can fix that up with confession. In fact Gallileo "got out of it"----
by the same means. ------too broad a brush? (ps---I already knew that catholics had an "out")

In those days, all Christians were Catholics. There is no intent to impress.
Back in those days the secular authorities used torture, the Church court less so, mainly because they didn't think it had any value if you really wanted to know the truth. This is not to mention that for some reason the people of today want to anachronistically judge ancient history by their own standards (if they have any).

Yes, not to mention by the knowledge available today versus what was known at that time.
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish
oh----you mean CATHOLICS used the PLOY of blaspheming
in court so they could GET OFF-------because they could PROVE that they were good catholics and willing to do all the
rituals that penitent catholics do------I AM SOOO DAMNED
IMPRESSED. ------ you really do not mean to endorse the
torture and murder of non catholics and homo-sexuals-----you were just monetarily UNBALANCED-----of course you can fix that up with confession. In fact Gallileo "got out of it"----
by the same means. ------too broad a brush? (ps---I already knew that catholics had an "out")

In those days, all Christians were Catholics. There is no intent to impress.

In those days----not ALL people were Christians. In later days---the laws generated by the INQUISITION were used to
murder protestants-------and the spirit of those laws were used
to justify genocide of native americans in both south and north
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----

Correct. You don't have to do anything, but if you and I are to discuss this further, I need a specific case.
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----

Correct. You don't have to do anything, but if you and I are to discuss this further, I need a specific case.

I am not DISCUSSING anything WITH you ----I am responding to your idiot posts
In those days----not ALL people were Christians. In later days---the laws generated by the INQUISITION were used to
murder protestants-------and the spirit of those laws were used
to justify genocide of native americans in both south and north

Laws generated by the Inquisition? Specifically, which laws were newly generated by the Inquisition?
words are very powerful -------and also important to
persons with any level of discernment. -------there is
nothing which with to deal-----no one in the world OWES
anything to the catholic church

My point stands, without the RCC there would have been no "Protestant" church, by definition. Deal with that.

oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.

wrong-----seventh day Adventists DID NOT BUY INTO THE FILTH OF CONSTANTINE----and did not buy into the ---POPE thing and the Pope's rejection of the religion of their cult leader---JESUS. Seventh day Adventists are FAR MORE-----a jewish JESUS cult------than anything remotely related to the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----and would be----under the laws of
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----considered heretics and murdered
In those days----not ALL people were Christians. In later days---the laws generated by the INQUISITION were used to
murder protestants-------and the spirit of those laws were used
to justify genocide of native americans in both south and north

Laws generated by the Inquisition? Specifically, which laws were newly generated by the Inquisition?

good point-----the filth was nothing new----it was part and parcel of the CANON CODE----ie the murder of non catholics----just as the Nuremburg laws were nothing entirely new----more CANON LAW. REICH LAWS aka HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE laws are fairly stable over the past----approximately
1700 years
My point stands, without the RCC there would have been no "Protestant" church, by definition. Deal with that.

oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.

wrong-----seventh day Adventists DID NOT BUY INTO THE FILTH OF CONSTANTINE----and did not buy into the ---POPE thing and the Pope's rejection of the religion of their cult leader---JESUS. Seventh day Adventists are FAR MORE-----a jewish JESUS cult------than anything remotely related to the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----and would be----under the laws of
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----considered heretics and murdered

SDA's don't buy into worshiping on the Lord's day, either, like the rest of Christianity does. They follow the teaching of the false prophet Ellen G. White. They are just another heretical Millerite cult like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not surprised to find you defending them.
oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.

wrong-----seventh day Adventists DID NOT BUY INTO THE FILTH OF CONSTANTINE----and did not buy into the ---POPE thing and the Pope's rejection of the religion of their cult leader---JESUS. Seventh day Adventists are FAR MORE-----a jewish JESUS cult------than anything remotely related to the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----and would be----under the laws of
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----considered heretics and murdered

SDA's don't buy into worshiping on the Lord's day, either, like the rest of Christianity does. They follow the teaching of the false prophet Ellen G. White. They are just another heretical Millerite cult like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not surprised to find you defending them.

Against what am I "DEFENDING" them?-----you want to attack them?. Long ago I did read a book they were handing out----a real book---nicely done-----not an idiot pamphlet. Nice recipes------sorta stuff I can use. What is "HERETICAL" about them? They seem to have a much higher level of respect for the religion of Jesus than do most Christian sects
My point stands, without the RCC there would have been no "Protestant" church, by definition. Deal with that.

oh----that means that the Protestant church OWES something
to the catholic church------I am not at all sure that Christianity
would have not become something like Seventh day Adventist is today had Constantine not stepped in and FUCKED THINGS UP.
Do those of my relatives who speak Spanish "owe" something to the whore "queen Isabella" for creating the circumstances that led to the language Ladino?

Are you deliberately trying to get this thread closed? You know as little about Adventism as you know about Catholicism, or you would know that 1st century Christianity had no resemblance to Adventism.

actually there are some similarities between Adventism and the PRE CONSTANTINE church-------. I did not say it was
the same-------I conjectured a possible OTHER path for the
pre Constantine Christian movement

You're all wet. Constantine didn't do anything but bring the East and the West together, he was just trying to unite the empire, and do do that he had to unite the Eastern and Western Churches. And the only similarity Adventism has with early Christianity is that they both named the name of Jesus.

wrong-----seventh day Adventists DID NOT BUY INTO THE FILTH OF CONSTANTINE----and did not buy into the ---POPE thing and the Pope's rejection of the religion of their cult leader---JESUS. Seventh day Adventists are FAR MORE-----a jewish JESUS cult------than anything remotely related to the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----and would be----under the laws of
the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----considered heretics and murdered

What "filth of Constantine"? I don't think you know what you are talking about.
the tortures of the Inquistion on NON CATHOLICS and catholic heretics who refuse to repent were mediated by THE POPE.(also homosexuals)

You will need to provide a specific case. I don't find broad brushes that useful when it comes to detail, but I'll be more than happy to discuss a specific case.

I do not HAVE to do anything-----I was born in the USA --not in some INQUISITION SHIT HOLE-----I did mention relatives
who grew up speaking SPANISH---at home----not in a Spanish speaking country----all because the whore bitch ISABELLA decided to confiscate their property and give them the choice of leaving or dying to PROVE HERSELF A GOOD CATHOLIC in the name of ""da fadda, da son, and da 'holy ghost'. There is a whole website devoted to the CANONIZATION ((something catholics picked up from rome ---where the senate (same as college of cardinals) liked to declare genocidal pigs "GODS" )) of the Nazi slut
If those people who were pillaged and evicted had been
CATHOLIC or swore they would buy into the crap-----they would have been ok<<<< that is the real nature of the "INQUISITION" ------OVER THE DEAD BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO kiss pope ass <<< MAKE THAT NAZI SLUT with hands dripping with blood A SAINT..... have fun, She also
murdered Montezuma and committed a genocide upon
Aztecs ----why? EL ORO----THE GOLD. ----such a good girl.
THANKS to her, lots of jews speak spanish

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

The fact of the matter is most of the atheist and secular Jews could not stand the orthodox Jews, just like now in Israel.

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