Beastiality and incest to be added to the LGBT acronym?

LGBTBi...I can already see it in lights.
How much longer will it take regressives and Liberals to advocate and support in favor of the lunacy? I have a hard time believing they will ever draw the line in the sand as to what is going too far. 'They' are just to excited by "change" and regression.
Sounds far-fetched but I ask this as a serious question.

Bestiality is not a sexual orientation or gender identification. Neither is incest. It's an act. Stupid question.

Mama always such thing as a stupid question...only stupid answers.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving animals.

Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.
Awfully odd that no Liberal will pipe in a say: "That's going way too far!"
I'm guessing "some people" would like to keep the potential alive and well.

So many different and strange way of behavior sexually. there probably always will be.
Do you expect to legislate every aspect of life for all people in the world? Do you think in some case they would care or stop because you disapprove?
The more you try to control people the more they will try to find other outlets. Can't control their thoughts even if you could control their actions.
LGBTBi...I can already see it in lights.
How much longer will it take regressives and Liberals to advocate and support in favor of the lunacy? I have a hard time believing they will ever draw the line in the sand as to what is going too far. 'They' are just to excited by "change" and regression.
Sounds far-fetched but I ask this as a serious question.

Bestiality is not a sexual orientation or gender identification. Neither is incest. It's an act. Stupid question.

Mama always such thing as a stupid question...only stupid answers.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving animals.

Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?
LGBTBi...I can already see it in lights.
How much longer will it take regressives and Liberals to advocate and support in favor of the lunacy? I have a hard time believing they will ever draw the line in the sand as to what is going too far. 'They' are just to excited by "change" and regression.
Sounds far-fetched but I ask this as a serious question.

Bestiality is not a sexual orientation or gender identification. Neither is incest. It's an act. Stupid question.

Mama always such thing as a stupid question...only stupid answers.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving animals.

Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?

Again, more semantics.
Let me frame this better for your little tiny mind.
How long before 'some groups' advocate to have Zoophilia considered an accepted "sexual orientation"?
Is that easier for you..or should we split more hair?
Bestiality is not a sexual orientation or gender identification. Neither is incest. It's an act. Stupid question.

Mama always such thing as a stupid question...only stupid answers.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving animals.

Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?

Again, more semantics.
Let me frame this better for your little tiny mind.
How long before 'some groups' advocate to have Zoophilia considered an accepted "sexual orientation"?
Is that easier for you..or should we split more hair?

They can lobby all they want, but it's unlikely to be added to the LGBT label. Nor is it likely to gain much of an advocacy since animals can not consent to sex any more than children.

People can lobby for any thing they want.
The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????
The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It makes no difference what you CALL it - it's still illegal and will remain that way.

Who is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered?

The California law isn't as straight forward as you seem to think - the rationale is not to treat them as criminals, but as VICTIMS - and get them the help they need as opposed to jail and back on the streets. In reality - it's an iffy proposition, but the motivation isn't what you are implying.

And...while you're shoving all this on the leftists don't forget - there are rightists among pedos, and there are rightists who child marriage is biblical, there are rightwing gays as well.
LGBTBi...I can already see it in lights.
How much longer will it take regressives and Liberals to advocate and support in favor of the lunacy? I have a hard time believing they will ever draw the line in the sand as to what is going too far. 'They' are just to excited by "change" and regression.
Sounds far-fetched but I ask this as a serious question.

Why specifically do you want to add those categories to categories of consensual sex between adults?

Well you know me...I never wanted any of the "categories" added. I'm just wondering if there will ever be an end to where ones penis should or shouldn't go in the lame and twisted minds of Liberals?
The original question is quite simple and well defined...what's your thoughts?
What I do with my penis is between me and my penis...Get your mind of my penis...
The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It makes no difference what you CALL it - it's still illegal and will remain that way.

Who is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered?

The California law isn't as straight forward as you seem to think - the rationale is not to treat them as criminals, but as VICTIMS - and get them the help they need as opposed to jail and back on the streets. In reality - it's an iffy proposition, but the motivation isn't what you are implying.

And...while you're shoving all this on the leftists don't forget - there are rightists among pedos, and there are rightists who child marriage is biblical, there are rightwing gays as well.

Dude, I don't have a political party that I subscribe to...I have as much disdain for the neocons as I do the leftards clown's just that the leftards are much more vocal and active/ "in your face" about their agenda. Yeah, they are pushing for age of consent to be lowered. Do your own due diligence and tell me that I am wrong. Tell me that GLSEN (which is attached at the hip of common core) isn't going into public grade schools pushing the normalcy of queerness.....I fucking dare ya......
The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It makes no difference what you CALL it - it's still illegal and will remain that way.

Who is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered?

The California law isn't as straight forward as you seem to think - the rationale is not to treat them as criminals, but as VICTIMS - and get them the help they need as opposed to jail and back on the streets. In reality - it's an iffy proposition, but the motivation isn't what you are implying.

And...while you're shoving all this on the leftists don't forget - there are rightists among pedos, and there are rightists who child marriage is biblical, there are rightwing gays as well.

Dude, I don't have a political party that I subscribe to...I have as much disdain for the neocons as I do the leftards clown's just that the leftards are much more vocal and active/ "in your face" about their agenda. Yeah, they are pushing for age of consent to be lowered. Do your own due diligence and tell me that I am wrong. Tell me that GLSEN (which is attached at the hip of common core) isn't going into public grade schools pushing the normalcy of queerness.....I fucking dare ya......
Ah, if only we could do like US citizens in the US from the inception of the USA,, right up to the time of women getting the vote..Why great grandpa was allowed to marry a female as old as ten in over thirty states in the USA...
Mama always such thing as a stupid question...only stupid answers.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving animals.

Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?

Again, more semantics.
Let me frame this better for your little tiny mind.
How long before 'some groups' advocate to have Zoophilia considered an accepted "sexual orientation"?
Is that easier for you..or should we split more hair?

They can lobby all they want, but it's unlikely to be added to the LGBT label. Nor is it likely to gain much of an advocacy since animals can not consent to sex any more than children.

People can lobby for any thing they want.

The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It's what the left side Loonys do and always have done.
Decriminalize, find fancier less demoralizing labels for perpetrators, make perps and criminals feel like victims and often times glamorize crimes and criminals. It's the coddle and excuse make theory...It's twisted logic derived from pure ignorance.
We're talking about pathetic low grade humans for the most part...They're truly incapable of applying basic logic and reason. They're lost twisted souls.
Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?

Again, more semantics.
Let me frame this better for your little tiny mind.
How long before 'some groups' advocate to have Zoophilia considered an accepted "sexual orientation"?
Is that easier for you..or should we split more hair?

They can lobby all they want, but it's unlikely to be added to the LGBT label. Nor is it likely to gain much of an advocacy since animals can not consent to sex any more than children.

People can lobby for any thing they want.

The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It's what the left side Loonys do and always have done.
Decriminalize, find fancier less demoralizing labels for perpetrators, make perps and criminals feel like victims and often times glamorize crimes and criminals. It's the coddle and excuse make theory...It's twisted logic derived from pure ignorance.
We're talking about pathetic low grade humans for the most part...They're truly incapable of applying basic logic and reason. They're lost twisted souls.
Mama always said to be nice to retards here goes.

It's not a serious question. It's flame bait. Zoophilia is not a sexual orientation.

Fair enough it whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but you get the point. You can't blur the issue with semantics...try again.
I'll post my education credentials and iQ results right after you post your middle school diploma.

People have sexual fetishes with shoes - that doesn't mean retifism is a sexual orientation or gender.

Are these the credentials you got from the bottom of a cracker jacks box?

Again, more semantics.
Let me frame this better for your little tiny mind.
How long before 'some groups' advocate to have Zoophilia considered an accepted "sexual orientation"?
Is that easier for you..or should we split more hair?

They can lobby all they want, but it's unlikely to be added to the LGBT label. Nor is it likely to gain much of an advocacy since animals can not consent to sex any more than children.

People can lobby for any thing they want.

The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

It's what the left side Loonys do and always have done.
Decriminalize, find fancier less demoralizing labels for perpetrators, make perps and criminals feel like victims and often times glamorize crimes and criminals. It's the coddle and excuse make theory...It's twisted logic derived from pure ignorance.
We're talking about pathetic low grade humans for the most part...They're truly incapable of applying basic logic and reason. They're lost twisted souls.

"They got to where they're getting hard to find, mainly because these boys are waiting 'til they get to be about 20 years old before they marry 'em," Robertson says in a video clip that resurfaced Monday. "Look, you wait 'til they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that's going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They'll pick your ducks."

Pastor is arrested after he 'dated an 8-year-old girl, married her at 10 and got her pregnant three years later'

oh's the left side looneys...
I honestly expect to see the cannibals and snuff film freaks come out at some point and demand 'tolerance.'

snuff films already have
cannibals............well we have had films about them
ritual and religious cannibalism, perhaps if there were enough of them and we lived in another part of the world
The leftists are already pushing for the term "Minor Attracted Persons" as opposed to pedophile and the LGBTQ and their offshoot organization GLSEN is pushing for the age of consent to be lowered. The queer leftard clown posse will not be happy until some 13 year old boy can be sodomized by some 40 year old pervert without fear of legal prosecution and they can claim that the 13 year old gave consent and it's a "he said, he said" situation.....that is just how fucking disgusting the left is. I said this 15 years ago when the leftards were pushing for same sex acceptance that this would be the next phase I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". Califlakia passes an ordinance as to where child prostitutes can't be arrested????? How about taking them off of the street and giving them some help?.......USA.INC does it for illegals and their anchor babies but we can't provide help for our own??? Are you shitting me????

The California law isn't as straight forward as you seem to think - the rationale is not to treat them as criminals, but as VICTIMS - and get them the help they need as opposed to jail and back on the streets. In reality - it's an iffy proposition, but the motivation isn't what you are implying.

And...while you're shoving all this on the leftists don't forget - there are rightists among pedos, and there are rightists who child marriage is biblical, there are rightwing gays as well.

"The California law isn't as straight forward as you seem to think - the rationale is not to treat them as criminals, but as VICTIMS - and get them the help they need as opposed to jail and back on the streets. In reality - it's an iffy proposition, but the motivation isn't what you are implying."
You aren't kidding, that's the retarded California Democratic ass-backward theory at it's finest. They think 'treat' the problem for eternity by covering it up with taxpayer cash, don't dare solve it at the root by criminalizing criminals and setting precedent for future perps. "It's not the perps fault; he / she has a problem."...."Everyone can be rehabilitated." blah blah blah. Total pussies with no nut-sack.
"And...while you're shoving all this on the leftists don't forget - there are rightists among pedos, and there are rightists who child marriage is biblical, there are rightwing gays as well."
No one really cares to acknowledge the 1.367% of anything.
We know who pushes these filthy agendas.
snuff films already have
cannibals............well we have had films about them
ritual and religious cannibalism, perhaps if there were enough of them and we lived in another part of the world

I saw some photos of that 'spirit cooking' shindig Podesta got the invite to and it was a faux cannibal feast. There was a live-sized cake or somesuch of a nude woman and they carved it up and ate it. Sickening.

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