Beastiality and incest to be added to the LGBT acronym?

snuff films already have
cannibals............well we have had films about them
ritual and religious cannibalism, perhaps if there were enough of them and we lived in another part of the world

I saw some photos of that 'spirit cooking' shindig Podesta got the invite to and it was a faux cannibal feast. There was a live-sized cake or somesuch of a nude woman and they carved it up and ate it. Sickening.

From a post I wrote on another thread but it falls right in line with your post......

Yeah, nothing to see in his e-mails at "spirit cooking", pasta, "walnut sauce" and a map related black and white checkered handkerchief with a "map" on it and his connections to Comet Ping Pong and Pizza....move long, sheeple.....nothing to see here. Don't even pay attention to the fact that Podesta's art in his house has a painting of little girls in panties with their panties yanked up in their cracks, hands behind their backs with red asses.......because in leftard land? That's just fucking normal and simply "abstract art"........nothing to raise an eye brows over. I mean when you see an e-mail that says "My partner is gone for the night and I need a pizza for an hour"???? That makes sense to leftards and they can justify an e-mail that says "Do you think I would do better playing dominoes on pasta than pizza"????? Leftards can justify it and they can find a way to excuse the pedophile code words and "laugh it off".........they are either that fucking stupid or just that perverted with the same desires....either way? They are sick motherfuckers.......
snuff films already have
cannibals............well we have had films about them
ritual and religious cannibalism, perhaps if there were enough of them and we lived in another part of the world

I saw some photos of that 'spirit cooking' shindig Podesta got the invite to and it was a faux cannibal feast. There was a live-sized cake or somesuch of a nude woman and they carved it up and ate it. Sickening.

it was more symbolic but I understand the sentiment to the visual of it

as for placenta, that is eaten and used medicinally and for cosmetics

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