Beating the system is easy if you control it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is nothing like a fair system and American society has little patience for those who abuse it. Just ask Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong and Martha Stewart. All three had their reputations tarnished by the system under a cloud of accusations that they cheated or perpetrated a fraud on the rest of the people in the system which gave them an unfair advantage. Stewart actually went to jail.

Rose, Armstrong and Stewart were not in control of the system that judges them like the US Congress consisting of Republicans and Democrats is so they paid a high price for getting an advantage on the system.

The first act of US Congress after the passage of Obamacare was to vote itself out of its own insurance program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) which would have required members of congress to enter the shabby exchanges along with everyone else. Section 1312(d)(3)(D) required members of Congress and staff to enroll in the new health insurance exchange system which means they would have lost their employer-based insurance contributions.

Because members of Congress make $174,000 a year they would have been ineligible for any subsidies just like anyone else in that income bracket. Congress desperately needed to come up with exclusive funding unavailable to average Americans stuck in the exchanges so this is where the smoke and mirrors were brought in.

Swinging into action, all kinds of closed-door, backroom deals were made by the Obama administration and members of congress to get special taxpayer-paid subsidies for Congress that taxpayers would never get themselves.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Congress was a “small business” making members eligible for generous subsidies Under the Washington D.C. “SHOP” Exchange, a health insurance exchange reserved for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. It was like magic and Congress had succeeded in handing the people a bag of fertilizer while they got the crop.

Because they were in control of the system there was no one to hold them accountable for the scam they were pulling on the system so they got the fruit while the rest of us got the manure. This is why Donald Trump was elected.

Realizing the people were on to them they concocted the Mueller investigation to overthrow the election because it is their only chance to escape the justice that took down Rose, Armstrong and Stewart.

Let’s keep trump in Washington.
There is nothing like a fair system and American society has little patience for those who abuse it. Just ask Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong and Martha Stewart. All three had their reputations tarnished by the system under a cloud of accusations that they cheated or perpetrated a fraud on the rest of the people in the system which gave them an unfair advantage. Stewart actually went to jail.

Rose, Armstrong and Stewart were not in control of the system that judges them like the US Congress consisting of Republicans and Democrats is so they paid a high price for getting an advantage on the system.

The first act of US Congress after the passage of Obamacare was to vote itself out of its own insurance program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) which would have required members of congress to enter the shabby exchanges along with everyone else. Section 1312(d)(3)(D) required members of Congress and staff to enroll in the new health insurance exchange system which means they would have lost their employer-based insurance contributions.

Because members of Congress make $174,000 a year they would have been ineligible for any subsidies just like anyone else in that income bracket. Congress desperately needed to come up with exclusive funding unavailable to average Americans stuck in the exchanges so this is where the smoke and mirrors were brought in.

Swinging into action, all kinds of closed-door, backroom deals were made by the Obama administration and members of congress to get special taxpayer-paid subsidies for Congress that taxpayers would never get themselves.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Congress was a “small business” making members eligible for generous subsidies Under the Washington D.C. “SHOP” Exchange, a health insurance exchange reserved for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. It was like magic and Congress had succeeded in handing the people a bag of fertilizer while they got the crop.

Because they were in control of the system there was no one to hold them accountable for the scam they were pulling on the system so they got the fruit while the rest of us got the manure. This is why Donald Trump was elected.

Realizing the people were on to them they concocted the Mueller investigation to overthrow the election because it is their only chance to escape the justice that took down Rose, Armstrong and Stewart.

Let’s keep trump in Washington.
I am still waiting for the day when the "tennis" sisters have DNA done on them. Can you imagine what the tennis world will do, when actually the sisters are really brothers? Tranny's are the new minority and when women lose to tranny men, then it is okay with the liberals. Talk about a War on Women....

Serena slams Russian official who called Williams sisters 'brothers'

Which has nothing to do with the topic.
There is nothing like a fair system and American society has little patience for those who abuse it. Just ask Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong and Martha Stewart. All three had their reputations tarnished by the system under a cloud of accusations that they cheated or perpetrated a fraud on the rest of the people in the system which gave them an unfair advantage. Stewart actually went to jail.

Rose, Armstrong and Stewart were not in control of the system that judges them like the US Congress consisting of Republicans and Democrats is so they paid a high price for getting an advantage on the system.

The first act of US Congress after the passage of Obamacare was to vote itself out of its own insurance program, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) which would have required members of congress to enter the shabby exchanges along with everyone else. Section 1312(d)(3)(D) required members of Congress and staff to enroll in the new health insurance exchange system which means they would have lost their employer-based insurance contributions.

Because members of Congress make $174,000 a year they would have been ineligible for any subsidies just like anyone else in that income bracket. Congress desperately needed to come up with exclusive funding unavailable to average Americans stuck in the exchanges so this is where the smoke and mirrors were brought in.

Swinging into action, all kinds of closed-door, backroom deals were made by the Obama administration and members of congress to get special taxpayer-paid subsidies for Congress that taxpayers would never get themselves.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Congress was a “small business” making members eligible for generous subsidies Under the Washington D.C. “SHOP” Exchange, a health insurance exchange reserved for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. It was like magic and Congress had succeeded in handing the people a bag of fertilizer while they got the crop.

Because they were in control of the system there was no one to hold them accountable for the scam they were pulling on the system so they got the fruit while the rest of us got the manure. This is why Donald Trump was elected.

Realizing the people were on to them they concocted the Mueller investigation to overthrow the election because it is their only chance to escape the justice that took down Rose, Armstrong and Stewart.

Let’s keep trump in Washington.
I am still waiting for the day when the "tennis" sisters have DNA done on them. Can you imagine what the tennis world will do, when actually the sisters are really brothers? Tranny's are the new minority and when women lose to tranny men, then it is okay with the liberals. Talk about a War on Women....

Serena slams Russian official who called Williams sisters 'brothers'


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