Beating tour of teen muslim asylseekers in Amberg ( a 20,000 city in Merkel's Madhouse )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The criminal case of Amberg is a diagnose of Merkel's Madhouse as a failed state. Unbelievable are following facts:

- So called 'police' ( too coward, too politically correct, too nonprofessional ) can not stop FOUR MUSLIM TEENS for many hours
- Presstitutes start immediately brainwashing of stupid Germans
- Local 'Politicians' whitewash perps
- There is no one man in a 20,000 city who dares to stop 'kids'
- You betcha, in a couple of days all four 'teens' get released and their victims beat or murdered as 'Nazis' by Merkel's Youth ( Antifa )

Merkel's Madhouse is finished

....On Saturday evening, according to police, four youths in the baroque city centre of Amberg "hit passers-by for no reason and injured several of them". Four "people seeking protection" - two Afghans, one Iranian and one Syrian aged 17 to 19 - began their "beatings" (BILD) on Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Amberg railway station area. According to the police, they randomly hit an arriving traveller in the face several times and then "again randomly" beat two other passers-by on the station forecourt.

"The passers-by concerned tried to escape. At the station forecourt they were caught up by the thugs, one of the fugitives went down under blows and kicks", the media reported in the sign of the large exchange of fugitives to the Bavarian metropolitan regions (Markus Söder: "Islam belongs to Bavaria")....
The police initiated the search for the "fugitive group", but without success for the time being. The "refugees" were then able to flee via the picturesque Georgenstrasse to the old town. Shortly afterwards, the Merkel zombies injured a further six people. At about 8:45 p.m. the perpetrators struck again in the truest sense of the word, this time in Bahnhofstrasse. A passer-by wanted to help the injured man, but was also attacked by the perpetrators. The group of four again fled towards the Old Town, one of them kicking a passing vehicle at the Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring. In the Oberen Nabburger Straße two more passers-by fell victim to them, who had to be taken to hospital with moderate injuries.

A police spokesman: "At 8:45 p.m., the same group of perpetrators again brutally and for no reason struck passers-by in Bahnhofsstraße. The passers-by tried to flee from the group of perpetrators." A passer-by was "thrown to the ground and massively beaten and kicked".

The members of the "Religion of Peace" were finally arrested near the railway station. A suspect put up considerable resistance and insulted the officials. Some of the injured persons had to be taken to the Amberg hospital for treatment. An arrest warrant was initially requested for the four young people. The Relotius media explain: "The detainees are young people aged 17 to 19, against whom a request for arrest has been made. They injured a total of nine people slightly to moderately severe".......

Prügelorgie: Amberger flüchten in Todesangst vor „Flüchtenden“

As PI-NEWS already reported in detail, frightening scenes took place in the small town in the Upper Palatinate on Saturday evening. Uninvolved people, among them a father with his 5-year-old daughter, tried to escape, but were caught up, partly thrown to the ground, beaten and kicked before the Merkel orcs moved on to the old town. The eastern Neu Oberpfälzer began their punching tour? (BILD) on Saturday evening starting from 18:30 clock in the Amberger station range: They hit according to police indiscriminately first Nino M. (only 13) reasonlessly into the belly and hit shortly thereafter Marco S. (29, landscape gardener) in the face. The next attack at the station forecourt: One of the men is said to have insulted and harassed a girl (17) as a "whore". When the girl's companions (both 17) intervened, they were "again randomly" injured by blows to their faces.

Next (mainstream media: "pushed") the "asylum seekers", according to eyewitnesses, pushed a man down the stairs at the station underpass. Another victim: "They insulted one of us as a 'n-word' and immediately struck. We wanted to run away, but they caught up with us at the traffic lights. There were at least six of them. Three of my friends were beaten, I was knocked down and kicked. The trainee came to the nearby Mariahilf hospital with bruises and concussion. A man who wanted to help the victims in front of the station was also beaten up.
"The affected passers-by tried to escape. At the station forecourt they were caught up by the thugs, one of the fugitives went to the ground under blows and kicks", some media reported - so in the course of the big UN relocation exchange Germans finally became veritable "fugitives" before the "fugitives", as desired and elected.
The hunt went on - for hours and hours

An initial police search for the perpetrators of the violence was unsuccessful. At 8:30 p.m., however, the "Hass-Mob" (BILD one day later) continued its hunt for the German citizens. The system party zombies injured at least six other passers-by in the pedestrian zone and Bahnhofstrasse. A passer-by wanted to help an injured person, but was also brutally attacked by the perpetrators. In the Oberen Nabburger Straße two more passers-by fell victim to them, who had to be taken to hospital with "moderate injuries". A police spokesman: "Passers-by tried to flee from the group of perpetrators. After that, the "escapees" also fled. When they were temporarily arrested by three patrol crews, four men were initially detained. One of them resisted, insulting an officer as a "****". The "alleged" perpetrators are currently still in custody.

Police "A rare case" - Lord Mayor shows horror

"It is a very rare case that so many people are attacked for no reason," explained police spokesman Koch. However, the police are not aware of any motive for the excess. The "Mittelbayerische Zeitung" relativizes: "The 17- to 19-year-olds are asylum seekers of different nationalities. Two are without a permanent residence, one is registered in a Regensburg accommodation, one in Auerbach. The men were "drunk".

Amberg's Lord Mayor Michael Cerny, CSU, appeared "shocked" in a Facebook post and immediately warned against generalizations: "The judiciary must react with the appropriate harshness and subsequently also the asylum authorities and youth welfare institutions. Of course it must not be generalised, but in the whole these idiots have also done a disservice to the peaceful and committed asylum seekers".

The beautiful appearance deceives in Amberg

Amberg's Lord Mayor Michael Cerny in particular is a staunch supporter of the "boundless cosmopolitan welcome culture" in Amberg, which is becoming increasingly apparent every day in the cityscape of the baroque Old Town. Against an event of the largest democratic opposition party in the Bundestag, the AfD, Cerny went to battle with all means in October:

"On the occasion of the announced AfD event in our city, it is important for us as Amberg city councillors to note that together we stand for a cosmopolitan, social, friendly and solidary city in which exclusion and hatred have no place. [...] We are worried when these basic values, packed into populist demands, are attacked. We therefore welcome the civic commitment to express this in a creative and peaceful event. The city councils stand behind this form of peaceful protest and will participate in it."


If you're a German, why aren't you telling this to your fellow Germans instead of screaming like a harpie at foreigners?

If you're not a German, why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Germans do to themselves?
If you're a German, why aren't you telling this to your fellow Germans instead of screaming like a harpie at foreigners?

If you're not a German, why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Germans do to themselves?

Because he's a Russian. The OP does have a valid point, though.

That's what happens when you let the leftists pass PC rules.
I think that its both funny and a good thing to see . And I didn't read all the account but I get the idea that 'muslims' are simply acting as 'muslims' act .
If you're a German, why aren't you telling this to your fellow Germans instead of screaming like a harpie at foreigners?

If you're not a German, why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Germans do to themselves?

If you are non-Jew why you nosing around looking for 'nazis', 'haters', 'hitlers', 'putin friends', 'trump admirers', right-wingers etc.
and just reported on FOX a minute ago but a stabbing spree reported happened in England a little while ago with stabber yelling ' allahu akbar' . Just some related news out of England concerning 'muslims' practicing their religion .
I also see the account as warning about the USA and its invading population of third worlders ,

You are wrong, you shall see it as work of a Putin's troll who preparing the way for new meddling in US, German, French, UK's and more as 100 other elections.
and just reported on FOX a minute ago but a stabbing spree reported happened in England a little while ago with stabber yelling ' allahu akbar' . Just some related news out of England concerning 'muslims' practicing their religion .

FOX is a putin's troll too, only CNN and German presstitutes are trustworthy sources of information
I also see the account as warning about the USA and its invading population of third worlders ,

You are wrong, you shall see it as work of a Putin's troll who preparing the way for new meddling in US, German, French, UK's and more as 100 other elections.

I thought you were Putin's troll? Hmm...


How brainwashed by presstitutes must be by seeing in any sane anti-war poster a Putin's troll?

Are these guys Kremlin officers too?

Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website |

If you're a German, why aren't you telling this to your fellow Germans instead of screaming like a harpie at foreigners?

If you're not a German, why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Germans do to themselves?
A'll about "learning" from the mistakes of others, though that seems almost impossible with the tards.
If you're a German, why aren't you telling this to your fellow Germans instead of screaming like a harpie at foreigners?

If you're not a German, why do you give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Germans do to themselves?
A'll about "learning" from the mistakes of others, though that seems almost impossible with the tards.

Lefts want to keep you silenced and not discussing their failures.
Anything you saying is 'putin's/trump's propaganda' , 'hate' , 'racism' or 'nazi'



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