Beautiful blonde ww calls Michelle O a ape!!

Georgia Elementary School Educator Fired After Allegedly Calling Michelle Obama A ‘Gorilla’
It’s the second time this year a district employee has been disciplined for social media comments.

What is so surprising to me, a woman of color, is that this woman is a school teacher, a mentor to young people and the first as do most white women, to go nigga huntin when they gain weight, get old or look like shit...cause we all know negro men are the first to boost self esteem in white bitches when they own turn against them....I just don't get this white bitch at all!!

I wish ww would understand, its these gorilla mama's thats providing yaw with negro men these days

But she does look like a gorilla. What's wrong with saying that? It's not like she said all black women look this way, because they don't. It's just saying she's ugly. Is it racist to call someone ugly too?
I don't know how many times I've heard someone referred to as "horseface", or "butterface" or any other names, but you can't point out that a percentage of Africans bear a striking resemblance to various primates. That's just "RACIST!"
We have posters here who refer to people as chimps, cave dwellers, white fucks! We have a double standard.
Georgia Elementary School Educator Fired After Allegedly Calling Michelle Obama A ‘Gorilla’
It’s the second time this year a district employee has been disciplined for social media comments.

What is so surprising to me, a woman of color, is that this woman is a school teacher, a mentor to young people and the first as do most white women, to go nigga huntin when they gain weight, get old or look like shit...cause we all know negro men are the first to boost self esteem in white bitches when they own turn against them....I just don't get this white bitch at all!!

I wish ww would understand, its these gorilla mama's thats providing yaw with negro men these days

Only white trash go for the black boys.
this is good news. for once a school teacher is getting a real education about how totalitarian control freaks are in charge of education. the freedom of conscience is the first casualty in the system, some institutional frame based upon the belief that individuals have absolutely no right to think for themselves, their minds are literally the property of some ''master'' both on and off campus. and the libtards actually think this institutional frame is the key to making well informed citizens capable of democracy! hopefully it's a significant wake up call for that community, what sort of thing their tax dollars are paying for, like it or not.
So, if somebody says that Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla (which is true) gets her fired, would sombody get a promotion and raise in pay if she said Michelle Obama was beautiful (which is a lie) ?
Why are negroes so sensitive about being accused of looking like apes?

Perhaps because they are the closest relatives of the ape family.

Genetic studies can provide much knowledge, and some of the newer technologies are quite powerful and useful. However, some of the older and more basic studies are quite interesting as well, and some shed important light on racial and species differences. I'd like to talk about two here.

The more important of the two is Deka et al., Am. J. Human Genetics 56, pgs. 461-474, 1995. This study looks at some genetic markers and compares the genetic distances of eight human populations (Samoans, North Amerindians, South Amerindians, New Guineans, Kachari [Mongolids], Germans, more generalized Caucasians, and Sokoto Negroes from Nigeria [Nigerian sub-Saharan African Negroes]) to each other and to chimpanzees. The data were analyzed two ways - with Nei's standard genetic distance, and with modified Cavalli-Sforza distance.

Which group was genetically closest to chimpanzees? The answer for both methods was the Nigerian Negro group. Using Nei's method, the Nigerian-chimp distance was 1.334 +/- 0.375, by far the closest value (second closest was the Kachari value of 1.527 +/- 0.493). To be fair, and show we are not knee-jerk "Eurocentrics" hiding data, the group farthest from the chimps was the South Amerindians (1.901 +/- 0.529); however the Germans (1.865 +/- 0.506) and the more general Caucasians (1.860 +/- 0.497) were right behind them (and given the +/- values, virtually overlapping).Looking at the Cavalli-Sforza method, the Sokoto Nigerians were again the closest to chimps (0.539) by a large margin. The farthest were again the South Amerindians (0.712), with the Germans (0.680) and general Caucasians (0.667) being a very close third and fourth behind the South Amerindians as well as Samoans (0.711) and North Amerindians (0.697). So, while the two methods give slightly different orders, in both cases the Nigerians are by far the closest group to the chimps. Once again, given the first method, these sub-Saharan Africans were at 1.334 while all the other groups ranged from 1.527-1.901, and given the second method they were at 0.539 while the other groups ranged from 0.643 (Kachari again) to 0.712. Thus, based on these data, the sub-Saharan African group is genetically closest to chimps. The authors state the following about "neighbor-joining trees" based on these data, using the chimps as the "outgroup":

"...the SO [Sokoto Nigerian - my note] population is the furthest from all the other human populations."
So, if somebody says that Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla (which is true) gets her fired, would sombody get a promotion and raise in pay if she said Michelle Obama was beautiful (which is a lie) ?
Nobody cares what this fat pink jelly looking white bitch said, but you not gonna be my gotdamn child's fuckin teacher...clearly this jolly white bitch don't like blacks and that's okay, but find another job, like these fuckin cops need to, when I'm footin the fuckin bill for you and your fukin family.

Got it, fool?
Why are negroes so sensitive about being accused of looking like apes?

Perhaps because they are the closest relatives of the ape family.

Genetic studies can provide much knowledge, and some of the newer technologies are quite powerful and useful. However, some of the older and more basic studies are quite interesting as well, and some shed important light on racial and species differences. I'd like to talk about two here.

The more important of the two is Deka et al., Am. J. Human Genetics 56, pgs. 461-474, 1995. This study looks at some genetic markers and compares the genetic distances of eight human populations (Samoans, North Amerindians, South Amerindians, New Guineans, Kachari [Mongolids], Germans, more generalized Caucasians, and Sokoto Negroes from Nigeria [Nigerian sub-Saharan African Negroes]) to each other and to chimpanzees. The data were analyzed two ways - with Nei's standard genetic distance, and with modified Cavalli-Sforza distance.

Which group was genetically closest to chimpanzees? The answer for both methods was the Nigerian Negro group. Using Nei's method, the Nigerian-chimp distance was 1.334 +/- 0.375, by far the closest value (second closest was the Kachari value of 1.527 +/- 0.493). To be fair, and show we are not knee-jerk "Eurocentrics" hiding data, the group farthest from the chimps was the South Amerindians (1.901 +/- 0.529); however the Germans (1.865 +/- 0.506) and the more general Caucasians (1.860 +/- 0.497) were right behind them (and given the +/- values, virtually overlapping).Looking at the Cavalli-Sforza method, the Sokoto Nigerians were again the closest to chimps (0.539) by a large margin. The farthest were again the South Amerindians (0.712), with the Germans (0.680) and general Caucasians (0.667) being a very close third and fourth behind the South Amerindians as well as Samoans (0.711) and North Amerindians (0.697). So, while the two methods give slightly different orders, in both cases the Nigerians are by far the closest group to the chimps. Once again, given the first method, these sub-Saharan Africans were at 1.334 while all the other groups ranged from 1.527-1.901, and given the second method they were at 0.539 while the other groups ranged from 0.643 (Kachari again) to 0.712. Thus, based on these data, the sub-Saharan African group is genetically closest to chimps. The authors state the following about "neighbor-joining trees" based on these data, using the chimps as the "outgroup":

"...the SO [Sokoto Nigerian - my note] population is the furthest from all the other human populations."
Ah, and yet....white women from all over the globe chase down monkey meat like a dog in what the fuck does that say about your race of white whores?
Whether or not she meant it to be racist she should have known it would be taken that way. She should have been fired on the grounds of being a retard.
Georgia Elementary School Educator Fired After Allegedly Calling Michelle Obama A ‘Gorilla’
It’s the second time this year a district employee has been disciplined for social media comments.

What is so surprising to me, a woman of color, is that this woman is a school teacher, a mentor to young people and the first as do most white women, to go nigga huntin when they gain weight, get old or look like shit...cause we all know negro men are the first to boost self esteem in white bitches when they own turn against them....I just don't get this white bitch at all!!

I wish ww would understand, its these gorilla mama's thats providing yaw with negro men these days

Woo. You find her "beautiful?" No wonder you failed to post the link. Evidently your self-esteem is dragging the floor again. What's up with dat?

That said there is no room at the inn for blatantly racist bitches (and that goes for that West York, PA mayor) of any color. If they can't control their hateful demons, they deserve to work at McD's.
I was being tongue in cheek, trying to get yaw to read my post....we all know if Tigger come's off deep, my message never gets heard....personally I find this white bitch fat disgusting and just a nigga away from a love affair.
I am just curious as to how your racists comments would go over at your place of employment! Ever ask yourself that?
How the fuck am I racist, Willow for calling out you racist white mf's here on this thread???? I have yet for your white ass to call out nar one of these threads that clearly border on racism, yet yo white ass is the first to attack me, bitch please. I don't go on a racist rant with my co workers nor my neighbors because they don't go there with me. However, I can assure you when attacked....I attack back..end of fuckin story!
Ewe are the biggest fucking racist on the board you stupid imbecile!
Georgia Elementary School Educator Fired After Allegedly Calling Michelle Obama A ‘Gorilla’
It’s the second time this year a district employee has been disciplined for social media comments.

What is so surprising to me, a woman of color, is that this woman is a school teacher, a mentor to young people and the first as do most white women, to go nigga huntin when they gain weight, get old or look like shit...cause we all know negro men are the first to boost self esteem in white bitches when they own turn against them....I just don't get this white bitch at all!!

I wish ww would understand, its these gorilla mama's thats providing yaw with negro men these days
Praise Allah, she brought back the mammyspeak, yawz
So, if somebody says that Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla (which is true) gets her fired, would sombody get a promotion and raise in pay if she said Michelle Obama was beautiful (which is a lie) ?
Nobody cares what this fat pink jelly looking white bitch said, but you not gonna be my gotdamn child's fuckin teacher...clearly this jolly white bitch don't like blacks and that's okay, but find another job, like these fuckin cops need to, when I'm footin the fuckin bill for you and your fukin family.

Got it, fool?
Really? If you did not care why did your racist ass start this thread? You stamped with stupid?
Georgia Elementary School Educator Fired After Allegedly Calling Michelle Obama A ‘Gorilla’
It’s the second time this year a district employee has been disciplined for social media comments.

What is so surprising to me, a woman of color, is that this woman is a school teacher, a mentor to young people and the first as do most white women, to go nigga huntin when they gain weight, get old or look like shit...cause we all know negro men are the first to boost self esteem in white bitches when they own turn against them....I just don't get this white bitch at all!!

I wish ww would understand, its these gorilla mama's thats providing yaw with negro men these days

I only clicked for the beautiful blonde....tiger always fails to deliver.

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