Because it becomes bad when Obama does it!



Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.
Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.

Why is simple. They have to pretend that Barack Obama was not freely elected by a majority of American voters, or they'll have to admit to themselves that their agenda is wrong, that American's don't want their vision of the future.

So....they have to oppose everything he does, not only out of spite, but to keep what few supporters they have left from bolting to a new party. It's all about their appearance...not principle.
Republicans love disaster relief when it goes to a red state. If a blue state needs it....we can't afford it
Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.

Why is simple. They have to pretend that Barack Obama was not freely elected by a majority of American voters, or they'll have to admit to themselves that their agenda is wrong, that American's don't want their vision of the future.

So....they have to oppose everything he does, not only out of spite, but to keep what few supporters they have left from bolting to a new party. It's all about their appearance...not principle.

Its gotten to the point where they even refuse to attend state dinners when invited to the White House
It's more about "branding" than it is about good government. It's disgusting. I believe both parties do it, but I think the Republicans of late have gone over the cliff with it.
President Obama Can?t Get a Republican Date - ABC News

It sounds like President Obama is getting lonely. And – surprise – Republicans aren’t keen on helping him out.

Asked about the state of congressional relations at his news conference today, the president mused aloud that to some Republicans, “it doesn’t look real good socializing with me.”

“I’m a pretty friendly guy. And I like a good party,” the president said. “I promise you, we invite folks from Congress over here all the time. And when they choose to come, I enjoy their company. Sometimes they don’t choose to come, and that has to do with the fact that I think they don’t consider the optics useful for them politically.”

Obama’s often futile attempts to get a Republican to punch his dance card are fairly well-documented.

House Speaker John Boehner’s decision to not have his photo taken with the president at a White House holiday party last month may have been overblown, but it was taken as a sign that the fiscal cliff wasn’t making the power players any friendlier with each other.
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Gee and when they are in the room with the leading Dems they tell them to FucK themselves
both sides do this. bush was called a tyrant, dictator etc...for doing what obama has done...and left loves obama for it
Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.

Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.


And the only reason his opinion on that changed is because his VP is fuckin idiot
Ever notice how the GOP is for the opposite of Obama even when Obama uses one of their ideas?

The "public option" used so successfully by Romney came from the "Herritage Foundation". Now, it's the WORST THING EVER!

Republicans felt we should stay in Afghanistan until it was clear Obama wanted to stay, then they wanted to pull out. Up until Obama annouced a date for leaving and now they want to stay.

Republicans were outraged over the BP spill untill Obama got 20 billion from BP. Then Republican apoligized - to BP!

Republicans felt using reconcilliation was fine. They used it against powerless Democrats under Bush "THREE TIMES".

Republicans approved Bush, Bush and Reagan using the "Executive Order" but when Obama does it, it's suddenly "unconstitutional".

The list is endless.

Obama always sets the agenda, so every issue he chooses is designed to attack the GOP.

Trayvan Martin
Sandra Flucke
Taxing the rich
The fiscal cliff
Sandy Hook
The debt-ceiling

All of these issues are design for the expressed purpose of attacking the GOP platform.

Whites killing blacks, free birth-control, the rich need to pay their fair share, the GOP wants to give tax-cuts to the rich so teachers, police, and fire-fighters unions lose members, the GOP wants to kill your kids.

It's all bullshit. Obama is a fake president push fake ideas intended to bring down the GOP that is simply trying to protect us from Obama's radical dictates. Yet you want to wrap your arms around him and hug him.
the left was wholly against it when bush was president, virtually silent now that obama is president...
the left was wholly against it when bush was president, virtually silent now that obama is president...

Are you talking about the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act?
The one that passed in 1978 and that Jimmy Carter signed?

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