Because of no right to own firearms...

Like I said the Doctor living in an affluent suburb of my state never thought he would be the victim of a home invasion where he would be beaten almost to death and his wife and teen aged daughters were raped beaten and burned alive

I suppose that if the Doc had a gun he could have deterred the violent criminals that were probably armed. Considering they came with a gas can filled with gas, you can bet they had firearms as well. There are so many ways to prevent this that it boggles your mind. Things like, he's a Doctor. How did they get past the security system? Why didn't the mother and daughters have a predetermined place to hide or an exit plan? The Doc could have bought them time. Violent Criminals with violent crime on their minds aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. You give them way too much credit.

Now, since you say this happened, how about a cite to it so we can all see it and pay our respects.
One piece of shit had a baseball bat
Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders - Wikipedia

I don't make shit up

and they didn't have a plan because they thought it could never happen like you

Now you are from Connecticut. You sure do get around. You will notice that the guilty parties will never see the light of day and never get the chance to repeat that crime again.

Looking at the write up, the cops were already aware of a crime in process but sat on their butts and did nothing until after the fact. They could have stopped it at any time. This isn't a reason for the Doc to be armed. It's time to fire about half your police force and get a decent police force willing to do their frigging jobs. This whole thing was 100% preventable.
Courts have already ruled the cops are NOT required to intervene at all nor to protect you as an individual.

They were in position already to stop it. Instead of moving in, they sat there. While they were wasting public funds, the finish of the crimes were done. And a Cop has a moral obligation to protect the public. Otherwise, why the hell would we be paying them.
No legal obligation according to the Courts.
No law aimed at preventing law abiding citizens from gaining a firearm or putting huge roadblocks in their way will do ANYTHING about criminals using and having firearms. Pretty simple concept. No amount of whining from the left about wild west if some state loosens its law has come to pass AT ALL. Your restrictions do NOTHING to stop firearms crimes and do only prevent law abiding citizens from using their 2nd amendment rights.

My restriction restrict the mentally imbalanced, under 21, people under investigation for violence, outsized weapons, universal background checks and a few other tidbits. None of which is outside the 2nd amendment.

You want a Hunting Rifle, you got it. You want a handgun, you got it. You want a Varmint Rifle, you got it. You want a Goose Gun, you got it. Hell, you want a stable of 60 of them which isn't heard of, you got it. No problems over here. But if you want people that have been seen to be unstable buying them you ain't got it. If you want everyone on the street to be required to have a firearm, you better look elsewhere. If you want to arm every drunk in a Bar with guns let me know which bar so I can have the ambulances standing by as well as the hearses. If you want a rifle that literally revolutionized the art of war then I draw the line. You want to be able to pack 30 or more rounds in your rifle then don't look for my support. At some point we all need to look at what is within the 2nd amendment and what is just plain excessive.
No it is not the 2nd was put in place for one reason, NOT THE ONLY ONE, to provide a promise that if needed the people could form a militia. That means any weapon of use or in use by the military is covered and that was a ruling of the Supreme Court in 1939.

What it didn't do was say the EVERY weapon the Military has for it's uses shall be made available. Under the 1934 Fire Arms Act, it specifically named the Automatic Weapon. The AW wasn't banned, it was regulated. And then in 1969, they went a step further and banned the manufacturer of Civilian Automatic Weapons. Again, they didn't ban the weapons made prior to that date, just banned the manufacture of new ones. These were not done against the Second Amendment, they were done under the Public Safety Interests that you completely disregard.
An ar-15 is semi automatic JUST LIKE every other semi automatic. And there is no compelling reason to ban 30 round magazines either.

The original AR was the AR-15 Model 601 introduced and sold to various armies in 1959. It was designed for a scared kid with little training filled full of adrenaline. And it did a bangup job. It replaced the M-1A1 and the M-14 which were based on the old M-1 and the Mini-14 is based on them as well. It makes a fantastic battle weapon due to the mag change, layout of the controls, lack of barrel rise and more. Unlike the M-14, the Mag drops straight down using gravity alone and you can slam another on in it's place quickly and easily. Unlike the M-14, the charging lever is on the left side of the gun instead of the right side meaning you can do it all with only one hand. The Charging handle was placed at the rear of the action meaning you could use either hand instead of the one that is normally on the trigger. It revolutionized the assault rifle for war. And the civilian AR has those same features. This is why it's the most deadly mass shooting weapon ever made that a civilian can easily get their hands on. It was designed for war. And even without the full auto, it's still equivalent to the M-4 in battle since you don't really have any need for a fully auto feature or even a 3 shot feature. The fact that it does varmint okay is just an after thought. So does a M-2 Mah Duece if you wish to step it off to about 1000 yards.

As for the 30 round clips, when was the last time you had the entire MS-13 attack you at your home. Never happened around here. And I have yet to see a herd of Deer armed with AK-47s coming up the hill with murder on their minds. Fact remains, if I can't bag that deer with 2 shots, it ain't gonna be bagged that day and I deserve the ribbing in the hunters camp.
Again for the slow and stupid, the AR-15 is semi automatic JUST LIKE every other semi automatic in existence.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Not to mention tyrannical governments, which is exactly why our forefathers guaranteed our right to be as well armed as government. They knew why government disarmed people.

They carefully put together a constitutional Republic with inalienable rights.

The left doesn't believe in these inalienable rights. They believe that government exists to decide which rights we have or not. They don't embrace the concept of government being a necessary evil that is intended to uphold the constitution. They see government as the ultimate power and believe that people should not hold power. People are meant to be controlled by government instead of the other way around.

You see why the two sides can never agree on policy. One is right by insisting that we abide by the constitution and protect our liberty. The other side believes we should shred the constitution and allow leftists to dictate how things should be run. Disarming the people is the only way to insure that no one is able to oppose them.

True that criminals will continue to have guns, as they always do after government disarm people. That may explain the left's sympathy toward the worst of the worst. You don't hear them complain about the gangs, the drug cartels, the terrorists, or the other criminals who pour through our borders illegally. They all get sympathy and hugs. It's only political opponents who bear the brunt of the left's violence. My guess is that should the left ever get the opportunity to take over the country and turn us into a socialist hellhole, they would easily recruit all the violent criminals to help them keep the population in check. If leftists get their way, we would be ruled by criminals, both in and out of government.

Again for the slow and stupid, the AR-15 is semi automatic JUST LIKE every other semi automatic in existence.

You can repeat things all you want. The leftist's useful idiots are only trained to regurgitate talking points, not debate or engage in any kind of discussion. If you try to teach them something or expose the truth, they will scamper off crying to the nearest safe space. Nice try, though.
Last edited:

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Yeah, Americans who want America to remain American. That would be 90% of Americans... you may be surprised about the blue drought.

90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Yeah, Americans who want America to remain American. That would be 90% of Americans... you may be surprised about the blue drought.

90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Yeah, Americans who want America to remain American. That would be 90% of Americans... you may be surprised about the blue drought.

90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

Indeed, the response of this Dumbling person is so incredibly stupid that it offends me a great deal that we have to deal with such nonsense in a civilized society.

"Americans who want America to remain America" is the mantra of anyone who is an American. In this idiot's mind it translates to some fascist slogan, because obviously we should be a 3rd world country like his socialist utopia.
The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Yeah, Americans who want America to remain American. That would be 90% of Americans... you may be surprised about the blue drought.

90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

Indeed, the response of this Dumbling person is so incredibly stupid that it offends me a great deal that we have to deal with such nonsense in a civilized society.

"Americans who want America to remain America" is the mantra of anyone who is an American. In this idiot's mind it translates to some fascist slogan, because obviously we should be a 3rd world country like his socialist utopia.

Don't talk to me about civilized. Your rhetoric isn't civilized.

Mantras like that mean very little. Populist bullshit. It is possible for me to revere our 2nd Amendment and the firearms I own and still disagree with the likes of people like yourself, because of the 1st. You come across as a xenophobe and an isolationist that seems bent on coveting this country for the whites and whites only. The 'third world country' and 'socialist utopia' rhetoric are your own political dog whistles as a means to your goal of a white nationalist 'utopia' of your own. Since 'utopia' doesn't really exist either, normal, rational centrist people don't buy it.
90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

One could say that I don't have much in common with white supremacists as I am sort of on their hit list. The one sliver of virtue I do see in their tenet of traditionalism is that in addition to the black stains in our Nation's past to be lamented over, we do have a trove of lofty precedent to be culturally and Societally clung to. We have the undergirding of natural rights, the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional protections and a Governmental structure like none other. Is it gaslighting on a National level to say that all that is good and lofty in our protected freedoms under the law and from the Government's abuse of the law, hinges on the GUN,.. No absolutely not! Without the gun all else is lost & if you think that that is sensationalist hyperbole, look around the globe in our past and present...
90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

One could say that I don't have much in common with white supremacists as I am sort of on their hit list. The one sliver of virtue I do see in their tenet of traditionalism is that in addition to the black stains in our Nation's past to be lamented over, we do have a trove of lofty precedent to be culturally and Societally clung to. We have the undergirding of natural rights, the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional protections and a Governmental structure like none other. Is it gaslighting on a National level to say that all that is good and lofty in our protected freedoms under the law and from the Government's abuse of the law, hinges on the GUN,.. No absolutely not! Without the gun all else is lost & if you think that that is sensationalist hyperbole, look around the globe in our past and present...

We are the best country on the planet precisely because of the Bill of Rights and the protections our Constitution affords it citizens. The fabric of our Republic is currently in jeopardy precisely because of rampant partisanship run amok in BOTH parties, creating the exact abuses of the law you are eluding to. Most of us understand firearms and the subsequent ownership of them by our citizens are crucial in keeping our Republic intact and our government honest. But we must refrain from becoming a society of inclusion, and that seems to be the direction were headed. Any forthright, hard working individual that seeks to become a citizen of our great nation must have a fair opportunity to do so, no matter the race or religion of said individual. Currently, that system is quite broken, and isolationism, bigotry and extreme nationalism is not the solution.
90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

One could say that I don't have much in common with white supremacists as I am sort of on their hit list. The one sliver of virtue I do see in their tenet of traditionalism is that in addition to the black stains in our Nation's past to be lamented over, we do have a trove of lofty precedent to be culturally and Societally clung to. We have the undergirding of natural rights, the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional protections and a Governmental structure like none other. Is it gaslighting on a National level to say that all that is good and lofty in our protected freedoms under the law and from the Government's abuse of the law, hinges on the GUN,.. No absolutely not! Without the gun all else is lost & if you think that that is sensationalist hyperbole, look around the globe in our past and present...

We are the best country on the planet precisely because of the Bill of Rights and the protections our Constitution affords it citizens. The fabric of our Republic is currently in jeopardy precisely because of rampant partisanship run amok in BOTH parties, creating the exact abuses of the law you are eluding to. Most of us understand firearms and the subsequent ownership of them by our citizens are crucial in keeping our Republic intact and our government honest. But we must refrain from becoming a society of inclusion, and that seems to be the direction were headed. Any forthright, hard working individual that seeks to become a citizen of our great nation must have a fair opportunity to do so, no matter the race or religion of said individual. Currently, that system is quite broken, and isolationism, bigotry and extreme nationalism is not the solution.
Illegal aliens DO NOT qualify for citizenship rights and are to be shipped back as soon as possible, anyone that claims illegal aliens should have those rights is a dumb ass.
I am willing to use it in SELF DEFENSE OR DEFENSE OF MY WIFE.

I will not play cop
I will not defend the public

If you won't defend yourself I sure as hell ain't going to.

And no one thinks they'll be the victim of a violent crime ........................until they are.

Like I said the Doctor living in an affluent suburb of my state never thought he would be the victim of a home invasion where he would be beaten almost to death and his wife and teen aged daughters were raped beaten and burned alive

So go ahead and play the odds but don't criticize those who choose not to play the odds

Yet you are not willing to kill. Your nice bravado looks good on paper. But when the adrenaline starts to flow and the actions starts, it's a whole new ball game. One that I doubt you are ready for. You see I am willing to protect the public and willing to kill to do it. I will hesitate while doing a micro time of assessing the situation. The first step is to control the situation. If knocking someone like you out to prevent the situation from escalating is in order, say goodnight. If doing nothing and letting the bad guy have all the money seems in order then that's the best action. If laying the first thing that's close to me to the side of the bad guys head is the only way, say goodnight. If you are with your Wife and She is in danger, chances are, it's going to be you that puts her in that danger in the first place. Control the situation first. The Bad guy won't be ready for that and won't even be aware you are doing it. But, you, as a Sillyvillian, probably can't do that since you have never faced that type of situation. Your best bet is to give the bad guy the money, the car keys and the credit cards and call the cops afterwards from a borrowed cell phone.


And you know that how oh, Great Karnak?

Tell you what put your hands on my wife and see if I'm willing. And you assume to know a lot about me don't you? You don't know shit about me

More than you will ever know, you sill rabbit.

You know people who want to call other names should learn to spell so they don't sound fucking stupid

Silly Rabbit, guns are for people that are willing to kill.

And I told you I have no problem pulling the trigger in self defense or the defense of my wife or my dogs I just won't defend you or anyone else who chooses to trust government law enforcement with their safety

It's a bit contradictory that you want to impose your will on people but you think people who respect your choices are Nazis
90% of Americans aren't fascists. Your peddling of fascist propaganda only appeals to a small minority of like minded fascists. This is why the Orange Virus and his cabal of deplorables must be neutered sooner than later. Listen to your own terminology: "Americans who want America to remain American" is a tried and true mantra of a white supremacist. You're just gas lighting to mask your true intolerance and intentions to try to appeal to the conservative and moderate mindset. It won't work.

One could say that I don't have much in common with white supremacists as I am sort of on their hit list. The one sliver of virtue I do see in their tenet of traditionalism is that in addition to the black stains in our Nation's past to be lamented over, we do have a trove of lofty precedent to be culturally and Societally clung to. We have the undergirding of natural rights, the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional protections and a Governmental structure like none other. Is it gaslighting on a National level to say that all that is good and lofty in our protected freedoms under the law and from the Government's abuse of the law, hinges on the GUN,.. No absolutely not! Without the gun all else is lost & if you think that that is sensationalist hyperbole, look around the globe in our past and present...

We are the best country on the planet precisely because of the Bill of Rights and the protections our Constitution affords it citizens. The fabric of our Republic is currently in jeopardy precisely because of rampant partisanship run amok in BOTH parties, creating the exact abuses of the law you are eluding to. Most of us understand firearms and the subsequent ownership of them by our citizens are crucial in keeping our Republic intact and our government honest. But we must refrain from becoming a society of inclusion, and that seems to be the direction were headed. Any forthright, hard working individual that seeks to become a citizen of our great nation must have a fair opportunity to do so, no matter the race or religion of said individual. Currently, that system is quite broken, and isolationism, bigotry and extreme nationalism is not the solution.
Illegal aliens DO NOT qualify for citizenship rights and are to be shipped back as soon as possible, anyone that claims illegal aliens should have those rights is a dumb ass.
10US246 is more important than federal immigration laws.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Meanwhile here in the US the Moon Bats get most of their news from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central. Then they wonder why we ridicule for being uneducated and low information.
It's not my job to make you feel safe

If it has been your job to make us feel unsafe, you have done a remarkable job. Lately, though, you have fallen down on that job as more and more people are no longer falling for the fear factor you keep peddling.

If you feel unsafe that's your problem and none of my doing

And it's you people that are selling fear that anyone who owns a gun will one day snap and go on a shooting spree

I have never said a gun is anything but a tool. A gun has no mysterious powers to make people kill others or commit suicide

The fact is in this country the cops have no obligation to come to your aid so you have to decide if you want the option to protect yourself or wait for the government to come to your aid.

I have also been quite clear on my stance on concealed carry.

My weapon is for self defense and the defense of my wife not defense of the public.

If you choose not to be armed I respect that choice hence I will not draw my weapon to defend anyone who chooses not to carry because it is your choice to trust government law enforcement with your personal safety. I will call the cops and an ambulance for you and hope your choice will not see you end up dead

Oh, how Gorebels of you.

Hey I'm not a cop and I don't want to be a cop

What's the matter anyway you don't like it when I respect your choices?

Well, Cupcake, you have already shown you have no respect for my opinion or me, for that matter. I think that a couple here know the answer that I would give but I want to hear your answer. Have you EVER killed anyone? If so, how did that make you feel? Expand on the answer. I have a album in my head I sometimes review at night.

So how many times have you had to ferociously defended your wife?
Be afraid, be very afraid

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Meanwhile here in the US the Moon Bats get most of their news from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central. Then they wonder why we ridicule for being uneducated and low information.

I think it's established that they have slightly better Ed than our white supremist doublewide rubes
No, SUCCESSFUL Gun suicides are by far the most common.
And Countries with No firearms prove that suicides happen in large numbers even with out them.

Perfect example
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great commie benefits"

Watch it, Coward. I am retired Military. And I was smart enough to retire and open a successful National Business that I also retired from later on. How are YOU doing there, snowflake. I know I am doing at least as good as the cupcakes that I joust with.

Coward? I thought it was your hero who got 5 deferments.
So we sucked off the military, got the benefits and then left?
Do list your hand to hand experiences
Sucking off your commie SS Medicare I assume.
You do know the original snowflakes?
Pro slavery white boys?
Oh, you do?

Until your last 2 posts, you had my tacid support. Not any more. You are just a vile little creature that attacks anyone that comes near you. I also am on SS and Medicare as well as Tricare and Military Retirement. And I have a pension on top of that. I helped to pay the price so you could be so stupid. I wonder if it was really worth it at times.

Too much truth in the military jokes?
Just wondered if you battled hand to hand or had the crap bombed out of you and saw dead people 20' away?
I don't attack anyone, just laugh as a filthy rich corporate guy at the white rubes.
Always whining but doesn't prevent them from sucking off their commie benefits.
And they think they have paid for. Them somehow.
I assume you only paid in 40% of what you collect?

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Meanwhile here in the US the Moon Bats get most of their news from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central. Then they wonder why we ridicule for being uneducated and low information.

I think it's established that they have slightly better Ed than our white supremist doublewide rubes

Have you forgotten about our ghetto dwelling Democrat voting welfare queens? The one represented by such intellectual giants as Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee?

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Meanwhile here in the US the Moon Bats get most of their news from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central. Then they wonder why we ridicule for being uneducated and low information.
And all the respected media and newspapers around the world who all think the GOP is an insane disgrace..
Yet you are not willing to kill. Your nice bravado looks good on paper. But when the adrenaline starts to flow and the actions starts, it's a whole new ball game. One that I doubt you are ready for. You see I am willing to protect the public and willing to kill to do it. I will hesitate while doing a micro time of assessing the situation. The first step is to control the situation. If knocking someone like you out to prevent the situation from escalating is in order, say goodnight. If doing nothing and letting the bad guy have all the money seems in order then that's the best action. If laying the first thing that's close to me to the side of the bad guys head is the only way, say goodnight. If you are with your Wife and She is in danger, chances are, it's going to be you that puts her in that danger in the first place. Control the situation first. The Bad guy won't be ready for that and won't even be aware you are doing it. But, you, as a Sillyvillian, probably can't do that since you have never faced that type of situation. Your best bet is to give the bad guy the money, the car keys and the credit cards and call the cops afterwards from a borrowed cell phone.


And you know that how oh, Great Karnak?

Tell you what put your hands on my wife and see if I'm willing. And you assume to know a lot about me don't you? You don't know shit about me

More than you will ever know, you sill rabbit.

You know people who want to call other names should learn to spell so they don't sound fucking stupid

Silly Rabbit, guns are for people that are willing to kill.

And I told you I have no problem pulling the trigger in self defense or the defense of my wife or my dogs I just won't defend you or anyone else who chooses to trust government law enforcement with their safety

It's a bit contradictory that you want to impose your will on people but you think people who respect your choices are Nazis

Pulling the trigger is not willing to kill. Unless you are willing to kill, guns are for killers, you silly rabbit.
And Countries with No firearms prove that suicides happen in large numbers even with out them.

Perfect example
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great commie benefits"

Watch it, Coward. I am retired Military. And I was smart enough to retire and open a successful National Business that I also retired from later on. How are YOU doing there, snowflake. I know I am doing at least as good as the cupcakes that I joust with.

Coward? I thought it was your hero who got 5 deferments.
So we sucked off the military, got the benefits and then left?
Do list your hand to hand experiences
Sucking off your commie SS Medicare I assume.
You do know the original snowflakes?
Pro slavery white boys?
Oh, you do?

Until your last 2 posts, you had my tacid support. Not any more. You are just a vile little creature that attacks anyone that comes near you. I also am on SS and Medicare as well as Tricare and Military Retirement. And I have a pension on top of that. I helped to pay the price so you could be so stupid. I wonder if it was really worth it at times.

Too much truth in the military jokes?
Just wondered if you battled hand to hand or had the crap bombed out of you and saw dead people 20' away?
I don't attack anyone, just laugh as a filthy rich corporate guy at the white rubes.
Always whining but doesn't prevent them from sucking off their commie benefits.
And they think they have paid for. Them somehow.
I assume you only paid in 40% of what you collect?

I paid a higher price than most. And some of my friends paid the ultimate price. I don't mourn them, I rejoice them. The Military doesn't get into politics. If it did, people like you would be shot on a regular basis. But in the US, our Military doesn't do politics and leaves that bucket of wickets to your morons. This is why the US of A has lasted longer than any other Country in the World and will continue to exist.

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