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Beck draws over 80,000. "I have a dream" draws 20,000

If MLK was alive, every conservative in America would be screaming that he was a race hustler. But since he's dead, different standards apply. A few conservatives still stick with the "MLK was a communist!" conspiracy, but most have flipflopped to the weird historical revisionism where MLK was really espousing fine Republican principles.

Back in the real world, MLK was shot at a rally in support for striking union members. That kind of tells you how Republican the guy was.
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If MLK was alive, every conservative in America would be screaming that he was a race hustler. But since he's dead, different standards apply. A few conservatives still stick with the "MLK was a communist!" conspiracy, but most have flipflopped to the weird historical revisionism where was MLK really espousing fine Republican principles.

Back in the real world, MLK was shot at a rally in support for striking union members. That kind of tells you how Republican the guy was.

your crystal ball tell you all this..
you need to a new one
the only ones dragging his memory down is Sharpton, Jackson and Obama
he would be ashamed of them for using him to continue stirring up racial hatred in this country

Making it harder for african americans to vote is a path to racial reconcilliation.

Why do you give black folks so little credit? I have complete faith in them having the capacity to get themselves a free id.

Because theyre racists who think Blacks are incapable of governing themselves.
Carnival sideshow barker vs. inspirational speaker.

Who's going to draw the bigger crowd?
No offense, but why should the media cover a beck rally? Other than becksters, nobody gives an ef. You get more people at a baseball games.

The march on washington was a turning point in american history. Personally, I view it as an anachronism. Dec. 7, June 6, 1776, July 3 and 4, 1863 (The Confederacy's high water mark, and the day the yankee army of northern aggression forced Vicksburg's surrender)). (-:

Because Beck's rallies were about Civil rights and Civilized virtues.

And I remember the 8/28 Rally Beck had a few years ago. There were close to 500,000 people there. It was packed.
If MLK was alive, every conservative in America would be screaming that he was a race hustler. But since he's dead, different standards apply. A few conservatives still stick with the "MLK was a communist!" conspiracy, but most have flipflopped to the weird historical revisionism where MLK was really espousing fine Republican principles.

Back in the real world, MLK was shot at a rally in support for striking union members. That kind of tells you how Republican the guy was.

He was espousing Republican principles. Just people according to the content of their character and not their skin color. That's a totally different concept than people like Sharpton and Jackson have been preaching. You can see it in this very thread. The Democrats are the ones who seem to think Blacks have an issue obtaining a free ID to vote. The left treats blacks like children and wonder why no one believes them when they say they are for minorities.
Carnival sideshow barker vs. inspirational speaker.

Who's going to draw the bigger crowd?

do you not think that both where earning a living by speaking?
Both are inspirational with there speech
you see it different because one is a hero to you and the other is protrayed as a right wing nut case
both have there vision and both made there living speaking about what there beliefs are

no different
If MLK was alive, every conservative in America would be screaming that he was a race hustler. But since he's dead, different standards apply. A few conservatives still stick with the "MLK was a communist!" conspiracy, but most have flipflopped to the weird historical revisionism where MLK was really espousing fine Republican principles.

Back in the real world, MLK was shot at a rally in support for striking union members. That kind of tells you how Republican the guy was.

He was espousing Republican principles. Just people according to the content of their character and not their skin color. That's a totally different concept than people like Sharpton and Jackson have been preaching. You can see it in this very thread. The Democrats are the ones who seem to think Blacks have an issue obtaining a free ID to vote. The left treats blacks like children and wonder why no one believes them when they say they are for minorities.

Using black people is their livelihood for people Sharpton and Obama and for the Democrat party...gotta keep preaching how they are so mistreated and how Republicans want to keep them down to keep them angry and to stir up hate against others...it is an ugly tactic and unfortunately has worked on a lot people
I have always believed that one would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of people who buy Sara Palin and Coulter books, and listens to Linbaugh and Beck.

I'll bet on the average IQ of a Coulter/Rush fan over a typical Obama voter, "I have a dream" marching welfare leech.

Her foreign polcy chops was "I could see Russia from my house". I win.
Ann Coulter is the best political satirist since Swift.

Democrats are too dumb to get her. Part performance artist, part political partisan, part haughty bitch, Coulter plays the left like a violin while laughing her way to the bank.
Coulter is hugely amusing.

The democrats' autoerotic disgust with Palin says much more about the democrats than about Palin. What is it about attractive, fertile, heterosexual women that drives them into a frenzy of hatred?

I think you misspoke, it should read: "Coulter plays the right like a violin while laughing her way to the bank." I do not see any lefties buying her books on con websites for $2.99, buy one get one free.
the only ones dragging his memory down is Sharpton, Jackson and Obama
he would be ashamed of them for using him to continue stirring up racial hatred in this country

Making it harder for african americans to vote is a path to racial reconcilliation.

Requiring to show an ID when one votes is NOT a manifestation of racism or any desire to oppress the black vote. NONE of any State's indicated/implied/declared that the ID is required only for blacks.

To say that requiring to show an ID suppresses the black/Democrat vote should be offensive to any and all black people, because it presupposes that they are to be automatically taken for granted to vote Democrat.

That is exactly what the GOP has presupposed for several decades now; the black vote is Democratic. That's why the attempts to suppress low income votes by the GOP, since blacks are disproportionately represented in the low income demographic.

The GOP strategists know this, black people know this, you and the other rubes drinking the piss are the only ones who do not know this.
If MLK was alive, every conservative in America would be screaming that he was a race hustler. But since he's dead, different standards apply. A few conservatives still stick with the "MLK was a communist!" conspiracy, but most have flipflopped to the weird historical revisionism where MLK was really espousing fine Republican principles.

Back in the real world, MLK was shot at a rally in support for striking union members. That kind of tells you how Republican the guy was.

He was espousing Republican principles. Just people according to the content of their character and not their skin color. That's a totally different concept than people like Sharpton and Jackson have been preaching. You can see it in this very thread. The Democrats are the ones who seem to think Blacks have an issue obtaining a free ID to vote. The left treats blacks like children and wonder why no one believes them when they say they are for minorities.

Using black people is their livelihood for people Sharpton and Obama and for the Democrat party...gotta keep preaching how they are so mistreated and how Republicans want to keep them down to keep them angry and to stir up hate against others...it is an ugly tactic and unfortunately has worked on a lot people

It obviously works the other way too. Nightly rants from Oreilly, Hannity and the like about poor persecuted cons and how the Democratic party just wants too keep the "real Americans" down. Using white older conservatives to boost their ratings by playing to their fears about a demographically changing America. What do you think politicos do for a living, dunderhead?
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist talking. Writing off the Negro vote for all time, and using race baiting to scare the racist Democrats into the GOP. Actually saying that weakening the VRA would cause racist Democrats not to move into the GOP, and so the GOP must not allow the VRA to be weakened!

Diabolical. Boldly and plainly stated.
I have always believed that one would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of people who buy Sara Palin and Coulter books, and listens to Linbaugh and Beck.

I'll bet on the average IQ of a Coulter/Rush fan over a typical Obama voter, "I have a dream" marching welfare leech.

Her foreign polcy chops was "I could see Russia from my house". I win.

and Obama was what? he should of said, hey I didn't even serve a full term in Congress but trust me I know all about foreign policy....so those of you who voted for Obama might want to look in a mirror when it comes to judging others and their IQ's....it won't pretty
I have always believed that one would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of people who buy Sara Palin and Coulter books, and listens to Linbaugh and Beck.

I'll bet on the average IQ of a Coulter/Rush fan over a typical Obama voter, "I have a dream" marching welfare leech.

Her foreign polcy chops was "I could see Russia from my house". I win.

Except she never said that, Tina Fey said that while playing Palin on SNL, you lose.. again.

Here's what the actual Palin, (not a comedienne on SNL pretending to be Palin) said regarding Russia:

"They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Do you ever exit fantasy land?
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Did Obama touch on MLK's adultering?

Ad hominem fallacy, a cheap and ignorant tactic no different than touching on the Founders' ownership of slaves in a vain attempt to distract from the correctness of their work.

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