BECK & FOX Goldine Scam

THANK YOU SO MUCH. This guy's take is the best I've heard in quite a while.


people ought to be forced by friends to listen to this one take on Gold as a currency of exchange for the end times. :lol:

If you buy gold, you should buy it from someone who will sell it to you at the value it's worth at the time of the purchase. Not from these crooks who are selling it at twice the value.

That's just stupid.

And Glenn Beck cannot be trusted.

And I don't see what is so hard about that.

I like Dave Ramsey's take on it:

[ame=]YouTube - Dave Ramsey on Gold[/ame]

"What matters to people at the time."

Ramsey is pretty good. I like listening to him, though politically I doubt we'd agree on much.

The problem with Gold now is that people are buying it out of fear. They don't realize that if things get that bad their Gold is going to be worthless too. If I am a farmer and I have cows and people are starving what good is someone else's gold to me? Can I eat or drink it? Nope.

So, when the shit hits the fan, you are stuck with a bunch of metal that you can't burn, eat, or build with and surrounded by people with guns and no law enforcement body.
Here are the talking points from Goldline...

Goldline International is a Precious Metals Industry Leader Committed to Full Disclosure and Exemplary Customer Relations | Earth Times News

•Every Goldline customer must review and sign a detailed Account and Storage Agreement which sets forth all of the terms and conditions of the purchase or sale of precious metals. No sale is finalized until the customer has reviewed Goldline’s risk disclosure materials and reviewed and signed this Agreement.
•Goldline enjoys an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
•Contrary to other assertions, Goldline’s roundtrip spread, which is the difference between its selling price and the price it buys back a product, ranges from 5% to 20% for bullion products and 30%-35% for all other products. These fees are consistent with fees charged on other investment alternatives.
•Goldline complies with all applicable state and federal laws and has one of the most comprehensive compliance programs in the industry.
•Goldline has been assisting investors and collectors acquire gold and other precious metals since 1960. Many prominent analysts and experts believe that precious metals are appropriate in a diversified portfolio.
•Goldline remains committed to providing the best service to its customers with transparent and honest communication throughout every step of the process. Goldline invites Congressman Weiner to visit Goldline and learn more about our business and dedication to full and accurate disclosure of its sales practices

In an October 2006 consent order, Goldline agreed to return $217,000.00 to a Missouri elderly couple after it was determined that the couple was pressured by a Goldline salesperson to liquidate all their investments and put it into gold. The Missouri Secretary of State had investigated whether the company's agent was acting as an unregistered investment advisor.[7][8]

Goldline International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this was one bad actor, but it doesn't reflect well on the company.

No it does not reflect well at all. Sounds like Goldline hired a real assclown. If the individual guy broke any laws I hope he serves the max time possible in jail. (I still have one surviving Grandparent myself)

I put the BBB link up for the purpose of putting individual stories that folks like Weiner are apt to tell into some perspective. I don't defend any company asshatery though, lol. Still, finding and unhappy Goldline costomer is likely about as hard as me finding an unhappy Weiner constituent.
Here is the "hard sell" from Glen Beck via WeinerFacts. I just learned tonight that Beck (or at least his people) run the site so take that for what it is worth...

Weiner Facts Blog Archive Audio: Weiner Report vs Reality!

Audio from the Beck program/Goldline Ads...

They use an attack mentioning MediaMatters?

gawd, I still have a few outstanding bets out there where I gave people info they didn't like hearing. Told them if they could refute the evidence without resorting to saying it can't be trusted because it comes from MediaMatters, I would pay ___________ whatever.

I love Media Matters because like Wikipedia they always link to sources I can check out. As a resource, Media Matters for America has never let me down.

This, for example, is what 2 million TV viewers who clicked on Beck's nightly Fox News Channel show heard on Oct. 6, 2009:

You don't have any gold, right? This is you. This is you. This is your savings. How much did you lose if you had any money in your 401k? Did you lose, let's say, I don't know, 40 percent of it? So, that's gone. Now, did you know that the dollar has lost nearly 29 percent of its value in the last seven years? Twenty-nine percent. OK, that's gone. Just gone.
Rep. Weiner goes after Beck's house of gold | Media Matters for America
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

:anj_stfu: you enter threads and insult for no reason and then run away.

you're so tied up with group think you imagine hanging out in the USMB Coffee shop makes you sweet? You're a nasty little bitch and we both know it. I liked that about you before. The naked honesty. I admire a nasty little bitch who isn't ashamed.

I insult for good reason. Sometimes, it is the most effective method to point out the fucking obvious to the terminally stupid.

People take media stories as fact, never bothering to critically analyze the information, its source or anything else. Dig into these stories and you get a whole different picture but, do many on here bother to do that? No. Dig into this story and see where it goes. This is soooo not about gold or investments.

You're not a stupid person, Dante. I just wish that you'd use that intellect to actually think instead of flaming occasionally.
Here is the "hard sell" from Glen Beck via WeinerFacts. I just learned tonight that Beck (or at least his people) run the site so take that for what it is worth...

Weiner Facts Blog Archive Audio: Weiner Report vs Reality!

Audio from the Beck program/Goldline Ads...

They use an attack mentioning MediaMatters?

gawd, I still have a few outstanding bets out there where I gave people info they didn't like hearing. Told them if they could refute the evidence without resorting to saying it can't be trusted because it comes from MediaMatters, I would pay ___________ whatever.

I love Media Matters because like Wikipedia they always link to sources I can check out. As a resource, Media Matters for America has never let me down.

This, for example, is what 2 million TV viewers who clicked on Beck's nightly Fox News Channel show heard on Oct. 6, 2009:

You don't have any gold, right? This is you. This is you. This is your savings. How much did you lose if you had any money in your 401k? Did you lose, let's say, I don't know, 40 percent of it? So, that's gone. Now, did you know that the dollar has lost nearly 29 percent of its value in the last seven years? Twenty-nine percent. OK, that's gone. Just gone.
Rep. Weiner goes after Beck's house of gold | Media Matters for America

Well at least it's honest hard left hackery. :tongue:

Media Matters is part of the Soros, Clinton, Podesta and other Democratic funders playtime pals. I think they have gotten better and at least finally split the opinion and so called research into seperate entities.
Here are the talking points from Goldline...

Goldline International is a Precious Metals Industry Leader Committed to Full Disclosure and Exemplary Customer Relations | Earth Times News

•Every Goldline customer must review and sign a detailed Account and Storage Agreement which sets forth all of the terms and conditions of the purchase or sale of precious metals. No sale is finalized until the customer has reviewed Goldline’s risk disclosure materials and reviewed and signed this Agreement.
•Goldline enjoys an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
•Contrary to other assertions, Goldline’s roundtrip spread, which is the difference between its selling price and the price it buys back a product, ranges from 5% to 20% for bullion products and 30%-35% for all other products. These fees are consistent with fees charged on other investment alternatives.
•Goldline complies with all applicable state and federal laws and has one of the most comprehensive compliance programs in the industry.
•Goldline has been assisting investors and collectors acquire gold and other precious metals since 1960. Many prominent analysts and experts believe that precious metals are appropriate in a diversified portfolio.
•Goldline remains committed to providing the best service to its customers with transparent and honest communication throughout every step of the process. Goldline invites Congressman Weiner to visit Goldline and learn more about our business and dedication to full and accurate disclosure of its sales practices

I love it. Obama and company are scamming us for billions and Dante is bitching about a commercial.
Here are the talking points from Goldline...

Goldline International is a Precious Metals Industry Leader Committed to Full Disclosure and Exemplary Customer Relations | Earth Times News

•Every Goldline customer must review and sign a detailed Account and Storage Agreement which sets forth all of the terms and conditions of the purchase or sale of precious metals. No sale is finalized until the customer has reviewed Goldline’s risk disclosure materials and reviewed and signed this Agreement.
•Goldline enjoys an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
•Contrary to other assertions, Goldline’s roundtrip spread, which is the difference between its selling price and the price it buys back a product, ranges from 5% to 20% for bullion products and 30%-35% for all other products. These fees are consistent with fees charged on other investment alternatives.
•Goldline complies with all applicable state and federal laws and has one of the most comprehensive compliance programs in the industry.
•Goldline has been assisting investors and collectors acquire gold and other precious metals since 1960. Many prominent analysts and experts believe that precious metals are appropriate in a diversified portfolio.
•Goldline remains committed to providing the best service to its customers with transparent and honest communication throughout every step of the process. Goldline invites Congressman Weiner to visit Goldline and learn more about our business and dedication to full and accurate disclosure of its sales practices

I love it. Obama and company are scamming us for billions and Dante is bitching about a commercial.

Billions? :eusa_whistle: :razz:

You know, since wimpy Weiner is the one who started this tiff, I wonder if it's worth looking into weather or not the congressmen owns gold or has been involved in any legislation reguarding gold companies or has asked any elderly constituents for campaign donations they could ill afford or pays his illegal gardener in stolen silver White House culery or if he has a valid birth... oops (j/k)

That's the signal, time to put away the wine and go to bed.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

shut the fuck up you douche whore bitch
Well thank God you are here to elevate the debate.

If this is what passes for 'debate' to you, then I pity you.

And I pity you for thinking you are any better.

Unlike you, I don't thump my chest and act like this message board is an academic exercise.

It's entertainment pure and simple.

And let's not act like we have clean hands when we have been more than willing to get down in the mud and the blood with the other posters.

I don't do that at all. I treat this board for what it is. Partisan hackery and moronic banter reign.... so that's what I do. For Dante, of all posters, to whine about others, is the height of hypocrisy. He's one of the boards worst offenders.

This could be a decent topic, but linking to wiki and finding 1 example of bad practice does not make a company a bad company.

Personally, I do invest in gold.... not just gold, but it is one of the best places to stick some spare cash.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

shut the fuck up you douche whore bitch

Fuck off you stupid little person. Go get Daddy Obama to fix your state.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

shut the fuck up you douche whore bitch

Fuck off you stupid little person. Go get Daddy Obama to fix your state.

So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

:anj_stfu: you enter threads and insult for no reason and then run away.

you're so tied up with group think you imagine hanging out in the USMB Coffee shop makes you sweet? You're a nasty little bitch and we both know it. I liked that about you before. The naked honesty. I admire a nasty little bitch who isn't ashamed.

I insult for good reason. Sometimes, it is the most effective method to point out the fucking obvious to the terminally stupid.

People take media stories as fact, never bothering to critically analyze the information, its source or anything else. Dig into these stories and you get a whole different picture but, do many on here bother to do that? No. Dig into this story and see where it goes. This is soooo not about gold or investments.

You're not a stupid person, Dante. I just wish that you'd use that intellect to actually think instead of flaming occasionally.

I've had stimulating and informative discussions with people in threads where you were absent. Correlations can be drawn by others.
Well at least it's honest hard left hackery. :tongue:

Media Matters is part of the Soros, Clinton, Podesta and other Democratic funders playtime pals. I think they have gotten better and at least finally split the opinion and so called research into seperate entities.

Care t point out where Media Matters is wrong?

and they are attacking the NYT this week for the same type of things they've attacked FOX and others.
If this is what passes for 'debate' to you, then I pity you.

And I pity you for thinking you are any better.

Unlike you, I don't thump my chest and act like this message board is an academic exercise.

It's entertainment pure and simple.

And let's not act like we have clean hands when we have been more than willing to get down in the mud and the blood with the other posters.

I don't do that at all. I treat this board for what it is. Partisan hackery and moronic banter reign.... so that's what I do. For Dante, of all posters, to whine about others, is the height of hypocrisy. He's one of the boards worst offenders.

This could be a decent topic, but linking to wiki and finding 1 example of bad practice does not make a company a bad company.

Personally, I do invest in gold.... not just gold, but it is one of the best places to stick some spare cash.

nobody linked to wiki with 1 bad example.

and there you go again...personalities. you just can't help yourself.

you're a pretender. you can't take your own shit. Dante doesn't whine about you. Dante doesn't care about you. Dante has pos rep-ed you when he thought you were deserving.
If you buy gold, you should buy it from someone who will sell it to you at the value it's worth at the time of the purchase. Not from these crooks who are selling it at twice the value.

That's just stupid.

And Glenn Beck cannot be trusted.

How would you know? It's obvious you don't listen or watch anything he has to say.

If you don't want to pay twice it's value (a totally debatable amount), no one is forcing you. I choose not to. I don't think gold is a practical item to have in troubling times. I think seeds would be far more practical.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

:anj_stfu: you enter threads and insult for no reason and then run away.

you're so tied up with group think you imagine hanging out in the USMB Coffee shop makes you sweet? You're a nasty little bitch and we both know it. I liked that about you before. The naked honesty. I admire a nasty little bitch who isn't ashamed.

Amazing that you accuse others of group think when they disagree with you, but not any of the people who are going right along with what you think.

And more amazing that you don't seem to think spouting the days talking points is group think.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

shut the fuck up you douche whore bitch

That oil must really be effecting your thinking patterns lately. That was really lame.
So, basically, a Democrat is whining at Beck. Yep, that news. Thanks.

What would be seriously cool would be if certain posters actually bothered thinking before posting. Every fucking thread is a flame these days. Each and every damned thread is a set up by one side or the other as a 'whine'....

:anj_stfu: you enter threads and insult for no reason and then run away.

you're so tied up with group think you imagine hanging out in the USMB Coffee shop makes you sweet? You're a nasty little bitch and we both know it. I liked that about you before. The naked honesty. I admire a nasty little bitch who isn't ashamed.

Amazing that you accuse others of group think when they disagree with you, but not any of the people who are going right along with what you think.

And more amazing that you don't seem to think spouting the days talking points is group think.

Idiot, I go after progressives and their group think too.

get a clue
:anj_stfu: you enter threads and insult for no reason and then run away.

you're so tied up with group think you imagine hanging out in the USMB Coffee shop makes you sweet? You're a nasty little bitch and we both know it. I liked that about you before. The naked honesty. I admire a nasty little bitch who isn't ashamed.

I insult for good reason. Sometimes, it is the most effective method to point out the fucking obvious to the terminally stupid.

People take media stories as fact, never bothering to critically analyze the information, its source or anything else. Dig into these stories and you get a whole different picture but, do many on here bother to do that? No. Dig into this story and see where it goes. This is soooo not about gold or investments.

You're not a stupid person, Dante. I just wish that you'd use that intellect to actually think instead of flaming occasionally.

I've had stimulating and informative discussions with people in threads where you were absent. Correlations can be drawn by others.

I could say likewise. I've seen you walk into a decent thread and totally derail it, so kindly don't bitch at others. It's called 'what goes around, comes around'.

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