'Been There, Seen That, Done That, Don't Want Any Part Of That' - Cuban Immigrant Warns Americans

How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
That isn't "my way," child. That's called a straw man argument. You still have failed to show any difference between the Dim leadership and the agenda of the CPUSA.
We are losing it, gone bat sh-- crazy, Are there any level headed pragmatic people in either ruling political party? I can think of one Republican off the top of my head. can think of several Democrats who want to do the right thing, but don't know how to get there. As for this thing that Democrats are Commies Who started that lie? & for what purpose? Just way to many people are leaning way to far left or right of anything close to reason.
Yep. We have the hardcore left screaming RACISM at everything and the Trumpsters screaming COMMIE at everything. They both take terribly important words and turn them into nothing.

These guys are just making up their own definitions for COMMIE so that they can scream the word and scare each other. Modern day Archie Bunkers. Arrogant ignorance.
We are losing it, gone bat sh-- crazy, Are there any level headed pragmatic people in either ruling political party? I can think of one Republican off the top of my head. can think of several Democrats who want to do the right thing, but don't know how to get there. As for this thing that Democrats are Commies Who started that lie? & for what purpose? Just way to many people are leaning way to far left or right of anything close to reason.
Yep. We have the hardcore left screaming RACISM at everything and the Trumpsters screaming COMMIE at everything. They both take terribly important words and turn them into nothing.

These guys are just making up their own definitions for COMMIE so that they can scream the word and scare each other. Modern day Archie Bunkers. Arrogant ignorance.
You have yet to explain how the agenda of the Democrat Riech differs from the agenda outlined on the website of the CPUSA. That's because there is no difference.
stupid as her comment was, there is no way to know what she actually meant. Communism is not based on one issue.

Show me Democrats who want America to be communist.

You keep demanding a name

But when I give you the name you say believe you instead of my own lying eyes and ears

If the next Stalin or Chairman Xi has not emerged from the democrat ranks its only because libs have not created enough chaos yet

But crashing the US economy will make plenty of sheep willing to hand over their freedom to the dems

And whatever you call it total government control is what it will be

Something the left has dreamed of for generations
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

I never said they were. Bernie Sanders and AOC do however
Great. Show me where Sanders and AOC advocate for government taking over all production and distribution, and for the elimination of private property.

Because THAT'S what communism ACTUALLY is, huh?

You claim to know more about this than me. I'm sure this will be easy. Knock it out of the park.
No that is not what communism really is.

Communism is a process and all of that is only one small part.

Knocked out asnd you have been schooled
So now "communism is a process". The first time it's ever been called that.

THAT'S what communism REALLY is.

You should be embarrassed, but I know you're not.

Another example of why communicating with you sheep is pointless.A
Communism is a fantasy. It's a triangle with four sides. It can never be put into practice. The result of trying is always mass starvation. Fools like Bernie never use the word "communism" but they advocate all the same polices put in place by Cuba and Venezuela. Bernie has visited the USSA, Cuba and Venezuela and shook hands with their dictators. So did Obama, for that matter.
And again: Show me where a Democrat is advocating for government ownership of all production and distribution, and for the elimination of private property.

Man up for a change and back up your words. Come on, boy.
Asked and answered You refuse to address facts coward

I was correct and it was not the first time calling it that you are massively ignorant and nothing more
You couldn't name any communists. You even had to change the definition of the word.

You have been conned, just like the other Trumpsters.
You did not ask for names and I did not change it one bit you lied to describe it and I corrected you.

You are uninformed uneducated and know nothing about it boy so deal with it
I've been asking for names and examples throughout the whole thread.

You guys have all failed to provide anything.

But hey, you're Trumpsters. I'm not expecting much.

Nams weere given in your face proving you are a coward and liar.

Now go back to school BOY
I was given names, but no proof that they want actual communism.

You're welcome to provide that proof. Actual communism, please.

And when you can't, you'll just evade and attack, like a good Trumpster.
governing by EO is that step. Not happy Trump did that. Although many of his were to take away the ones previous wantabe dictator obammmy injected. But governing by EO is indeed communist. No checks and balances either. What happened to Giuliani is one example right there.
EOs aren't necessarily a problem unless they are used to override the laws on the books.
governing by EO is outside our law, Executive orders that don't change law but manipulate it still are damaging.
Communism is government ownership & control of all means of production and distribution.

It's disturbing that I actually need to tell you that, but I must admit I'm not surprised.
you think it happens overnight? set up regulations to shut businesses down. eliminate jobs by over taxing corporations. raising minimum wages drive out employment. closing up cities, driving out businesses. hmmm virus sounds good huh? talking about green energy as the only source and shutting off fuel. hmmmmmmmmm. guess what that does? hmmmmmm? too fking funny. you're all in it up to your eyeballs.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
I just asked you guys to prove that the Democrats actually want communism.

Communism is a specific and identifiable political/economic ideology. The word has meaning.

I admit, I wasn't expecting any honest responses.
Liberals are the dumbest mutherfuckers on the face of the earth. The historical record of Socialism being a failure is absolutely overwhelming but yet these Libtard idiots in the US are bound and determined to make the US a Socialist shithole.

That is greed for you. They are so hell bent on getting somebody else to pay their bills that they don't give a crap it will screw up the country big time. Despicable assholes, aren't they?
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
I just asked you guys to prove that the Democrats actually want communism.

Communism is a specific and identifiable political/economic ideology. The word has meaning.

I admit, I wasn't expecting any honest responses.
how would one prove someone else's intentions? we explained to you their language and the need to desolve private business. your main point was loss of private items?

many ways to do that, own the media. only report on specific items and leave all opposition news or opposing points of view, create a rift between people, it seems that is their current pattern.

mandate masks, vaccines, private rights removed. it's really quite simple.

remove choice.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.
When do the workers get to take control of the means of production?
Happened in several different countries after taking control of production you just have to murder millions of people to keep that control.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
I just asked you guys to prove that the Democrats actually want communism.

Communism is a specific and identifiable political/economic ideology. The word has meaning.

I admit, I wasn't expecting any honest responses.
how would one prove someone else's intentions? we explained to you their language and the need to desolve private business. your main point was loss of private items?

many ways to do that, own the media. only report on specific items and leave all opposition news or opposing points of view, create a rift between people, it seems that is their current pattern.

mandate masks, vaccines, private rights removed. it's really quite simple.

remove choice.
Murder everyone who disagrees.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
I just asked you guys to prove that the Democrats actually want communism.

Communism is a specific and identifiable political/economic ideology. The word has meaning.

I admit, I wasn't expecting any honest responses.
how would one prove someone else's intentions? we explained to you their language and the need to desolve private business. your main point was loss of private items?

many ways to do that, own the media. only report on specific items and leave all opposition news or opposing points of view, create a rift between people, it seems that is their current pattern.

mandate masks, vaccines, private rights removed. it's really quite simple.

remove choice.
That's not communism. It really is disturbing that you guys don't even know what the word means.

But, again, not surprising.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

You can't even quote anyone advocating for communism on the CPUSA website, moron. Commies don't admit what their agenda is. It's all just peace, love and healthcare.
I looked. They don't provide any more than empty platitudes and worthless talking points.

Show me specifics and I'll address them. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to back up my words.

And you still can't show me any Democrats who want communism.

You are a liar and a coward. But I already knew that.
Funny how that is just like Dims!

You are afraid to back up your words. Quote the site where it says they are going to expropriate everyone's property. Quote where they even admit they are going to raise taxes.
You don't even know what I'm talking about. Communism is government control and ownership of all means of production and distribution. No owning of businesses. No one in the Democratic Party wants this, and you clearly can't prove that they have.

Honestly, you are depressing. The fact that people like you vote is a sad commentary.

Apparently no one in the CPUSA wants it either because you can't find any such demand on their website. So the questions remains: how do you distinguish a Democrat from a communist? The answer is that you can't.
In your simplistic, binary mind. I know.

And yet, you can't provide proof that Democrats are advocating for communism.

You just make shit up, just like the man you adore.
You're the guy that says you either admit you want to abolish private property, or you're not a communist. Of course, not even the communists admit they want to abolish private property. So how does one prove that someone is a communist?

Here's a clue for you, shit for brains: Failure to meet your criteria isn't proof that you aren't a communist. Your test is total horseshit. It's a weasel, and you know it.
Okay, we'll do it your way: Anyone who doesn't adore Trump is a commie.

Commie commie commie.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You are a child.
keep moving your goal posts. we get it.
I just asked you guys to prove that the Democrats actually want communism.

Communism is a specific and identifiable political/economic ideology. The word has meaning.

I admit, I wasn't expecting any honest responses.
how would one prove someone else's intentions? we explained to you their language and the need to desolve private business. your main point was loss of private items?

many ways to do that, own the media. only report on specific items and leave all opposition news or opposing points of view, create a rift between people, it seems that is their current pattern.

mandate masks, vaccines, private rights removed. it's really quite simple.

remove choice.
That's not communism. It really is disturbing that you guys don't even know what the word means.

But, again, not surprising.
Yes it is actually you do not know what it is.

Authoritarian tyranny is in fact a part of it.
No one wants communism here. Or anything near it.

Trumpsters really need to get a fucking grip.

Right, nobody wants it accept the leftist politicians. Democrats are too stupid to realize where we are headed with far leftists policies.
That's the narrative your political tribe is pushing.
These guys are conditioned to operate on pure assumption and paranoia.

The worst part is, they're making it easier for those they oppose.
No one wants communism here. Or anything near it.

Trumpsters really need to get a fucking grip.

Right, nobody wants it accept the leftist politicians. Democrats are too stupid to realize where we are headed with far leftists policies.
Let's see if YOU have the balls to provide examples of "leftist politicians" who advocate for communism.

Show me them saying it. Go ahead. No one else can.

Just like you can’t find one that says they are for overturning the 2nd amendment or that they are for open borders, you can’t find one of them bold enough(yet) to come out and say that. They simply pass policies that inch closer and closer to those goals. Bernie was bold enough to call himself a Democratic Socialist and he still didn’t scare off many Democrats. Don’t be so naive.
If you didn't have the fear of what the scary left might do, your radicalized political tribe would cease to have talking points.

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