Been warning you the starvation strategy is coming. Two large food processing plants burned.

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In February, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon burned down, leaving two employees injured. Just a few days ago on April 13, the Taylor Farms Food Processing Plant in Salinas, California burned with plumes of smoke visible for miles away and prompted evacuations. On April 19, the Headquarters of Azure Standard Food Processing Plant in Dufur, Oregon also burned, leaving one building a total loss. People are beginning to wonder what’s going on.

One in commiefornia, where else and of course Oregon.

In the last 5 months, 18 Food processing plants have been burned down.

They are also claiming bird flu is running rampant in the chicken Tyson chicken.

Told you all the process of the marxists or globalists....really forever. Population controls.

Wars, famines, diseases.

Go ahead and laugh everyone.
I think this is more democrat-inspired panic porn. The Shearer plant in Hermiston is a contract mfr. for "potato chips and other salty snacks" and the fire was sparked by a portable gas-fired boiler. Hardly food shortage material. As for Tyson and the bird flu--meh. The bird flu comes around annually someplace. Foster Farms of CA and WA are very careful AT ALL TIMES with it. If you enter one of their facilities that house birds, you are required to don hazmat level protections even as far as walking through foot baths to prevent spread brought in on your feet.
Only the foolish will keep making excuses for this or deny the reality of what is being done, systematically. I'll be AMAZED if the dollar doesn't collapse before the next presidential election. Hell... it could happen before '22. The stage is being set and all that will be left is the decision to pull the trigger.

I never thought too much until a couple of years ago, about the idea of America having a collapse of our dollar and economy or what the consequences would be. It would essentially be the same as a near-total "grid-down" crisis. Millions of people have ZERO stored food or medicines. The idiots that genuflect before the DC scum every couple of years, will finally wake up to the hard, cold reality that bad things happen and NO government will be there to save them. It will be a slap upside the head for people who have depended on Uncle Sugar to feed, clothe, house, and provide them medical care. I suspect they will be PISSED about the "racisms" and they will feel totally justified in rioting and looting and burning.

When the balloon goes up, the chaos will begin and by the time Uncle Sugar gets his act together,10s or even 100s of thousands of Americans will be dead. Some will die from starvation but most will die in the violent uprising that will occur as soon as people get hungry. Those who've been blessed with some foresight and who have squirrelled away some basic food supplies, will be faced with violent, desperate people at their doors, begging for food, THEN demanding it - likely at gunpoint.

I believe the DC crowd will stand by and watch the dying for a few months before even trying to restore order. Desperate, hungry people are MUCH easier for government to control. I'm thankful that I live in an area where there is some separation from the major metropolitan population areas. That won't stop the hungry hordes from coming but it will give a little lead time to finish preparations for the battles it will cause.
And EVERY BIT OF THE CHAOS will have been intentionally instigated against us.
Gives a new meaning to "Will work for food" eh?
Our pacific NW oceans and lands are chocked full of food. Dem city dwellers may starve, but conservatives will just fire up the BBQ.
The employees of the Hermiston plant sound like they are shocked naturally and the media is painting it as more of a humanitarian crisis event, 1 in 30 residents out of work in this town. The company is giving them five weeks of severence before COBRA kicks in. While inconvenient to be sure, I suspect that the company will be back up and producing by the end of that five weeks.
Only the foolish will keep making excuses for this or deny the reality of what is being done, systematically. I'll be AMAZED if the dollar doesn't collapse before the next presidential election. Hell... it could happen before '22. The stage is being set and all that will be left is the decision to pull the trigger.

I never thought too much until a couple of years ago, about the idea of America having a collapse of our dollar and economy or what the consequences would be. It would essentially be the same as a near-total "grid-down" crisis. Millions of people have ZERO stored food or medicines. The idiots that genuflect before the DC scum every couple of years, will finally wake up to the hard, cold reality that bad things happen and NO government will be there to save them. It will be a slap upside the head for people who have depended on Uncle Sugar to feed, clothe, house, and provide them medical care. I suspect they will be PISSED about the "racisms" and they will feel totally justified in rioting and looting and burning.

When the balloon goes up, the chaos will begin and by the time Uncle Sugar gets his act together,10s or even 100s of thousands of Americans will be dead. Some will die from starvation but most will die in the violent uprising that will occur as soon as people get hungry. Those who've been blessed with some foresight and who have squirrelled away some basic food supplies, will be faced with violent, desperate people at their doors, begging for food, THEN demanding it - likely at gunpoint.

I believe the DC crowd will stand by and watch the dying for a few months before even trying to restore order. Desperate, hungry people are MUCH easier for government to control. I'm thankful that I live in an area where there is some separation from the major metropolitan population areas. That won't stop the hungry hordes from coming but it will give a little lead time to finish preparations for the battles it will cause.
And EVERY BIT OF THE CHAOS will have been intentionally instigated against us.
Here is the frightening thought. This will sound crazy I know. Not a conspiracy nut, but at this point we have to know there is a real cabal of globalists pulling strings. I mean just look at biden and trudeau. Are those ACTUAL LEADERS of ANYTHING?

At this point this cabal are not even hiding their stated goals anymore. They are blatantly coming out and saying it and that is why kamal toe harris looks so exasperated to have to do the dog and pony show with those utterly absurd pressers.

This chicken flu thing does not make any sense to me. RodISHI Do you understand it?

'Round here, they came in and killed the chickens then wrapped them in big plastic tarps and buried does that make sense?? They say..... it's brought in by wild birds...well then why aren't they dying? Why aren't we killing them??
There are a few wild flocks getting it too. Part of the problem that makes it worse in the commercial flocks is those birds are over bred, vaxxed and chemically treated. They also have very little fat. They are not bred and fed for longevity but fed and bred for fast growth. Simply put they are not natural birds have no natural immunity thus more susceptible to diseases. In chickens for awhile they were putting arsenic in the feed because it put more weight on the birds. More weight better profits on sale day for the producer. It was all okay until someone noticed all that chicken had arsenic in the meat too. Arsenic damages the pancreas and the liver. Damaged or improperly working pancreas causes weight gain generally. Another trick the pharma mix masters who also control a lot of the feed mixes put into feed was an ecoli and other disease particles; again improving the weight of the birds and for those who are having them butchered in a few weeks it ups their profits... Just common sense alone should be enough to understand how fucked up that all is.

That same thing happens to people who are chemically screwed through environment, food, shot up with shitloads of vaccines (lots of auto-immune disease out there) and it has been known for ages that inbreeding causes health issues too.
Probably they are doing this on purpose.... no evil is too much for them :dunno:
ahhhhhh....two fires in a is the end of the world!

I just do not know how you people even get out of your bed in the morning (assuming you do) living in this constant state of fear and paranoia.
Oh no's, Now they are attacking our food processing by air. We are DOOMED!!!!

A small plane crashed into a General Mills plant in Georgia Thursday evening.

The crash happened just after 7 p.m., shortly after takeoff and less than a mile away from Covington Municipal Airport’s runway, 30 miles east of Atlanta, according to WAGA-TV.

Pictures of the scene published by the station showed thick black smoke rising from the plant and several damaged trailers."
Icefarmer is reporting on it daily. 20 fires in the last 2 months and a plane crashed into a potato plant last week. Todays crash was at general mills.

he also created a map.

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How do you know birds are not dying?

because we'd see them dead or dying on the ground...and they're not...just like the homeless are not dead and dying in their homeless camps.
In February, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon burned down, leaving two employees injured. Just a few days ago on April 13, the Taylor Farms Food Processing Plant in Salinas, California burned with plumes of smoke visible for miles away and prompted evacuations. On April 19, the Headquarters of Azure Standard Food Processing Plant in Dufur, Oregon also burned, leaving one building a total loss. People are beginning to wonder what’s going on.

One in commiefornia, where else and of course Oregon.

In the last 5 months, 18 Food processing plants have been burned down.

They are also claiming bird flu is running rampant in the chicken Tyson chicken.

Told you all the process of the marxists or globalists....really forever. Population controls.

Wars, famines, diseases.

Go ahead and laugh everyone.
Don’t mind if I do…lol
Don’t mind if I do…lol
Hi karencorn. How's your beachfront property doing? Voluntarily paying more taxes?


You taking tax cuts?


I bet your husband is. Don't worry karencorn, its all good. The water isn't boiling. It's all just great.
The potato airplane accident. He'll probably have the details on the Georgia one soon too.

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