Before a single vote is counted in California, Trump and Republicans cry voter fraud!

The 300 ballots that were stolen were part of a larger assortment of mail.

"Last week in Torrance, police officers investigating reports of a man sleeping in his car found stolen driver’s licenses, credit cards and mail, including 300 unmarked, unopened recall ballots. The man was arrested, and voters whose ballots were found will be sent new ones.

Torrance Police Sgt. Ron Salary said the ballots were a small fraction of the mail stolen, and that while the investigation is ongoing, it did not appear to be part of any larger election-related plot.

“When someone gets caught committing a crime, that means the system is working,” said Jenna Dresner, spokesperson for the state’s Office of Election Cybersecurity. “In this case, it was a matter of general mail theft and was referred to the appropriate federal and local law enforcement authorities to investigate and prosecute as needed.”
Whether the criminal was snagging votes or other mail does not matter. The obvious flaw in the system remains unaddressed.
LOS ANGELES — The recall election aiming to oust Gov. Gavin Newsom could make California the next target of right-wing campaigns aiming to discredit the results of an election.

Maybe it already has.

Former President Donald Trump, Fox News' Tomi Lahren and the leading Republican candidate to replace Newsom, Larry Elder, have raised the prospect this week of voter fraud playing a role if Newsom comes out victorious in the Sept. 14 election.


This is a WTF moment. Apparently, there will never be an election again where some Trumpist or Pub does not cry voter fraud or lies that the election is rigged.

You really do have to hate the democratic process to do all in your power to discredit the vote.

Really, this is sad. It is farce.


Widespread Voter Fraud in California Reported: ‘It’s Been Happening All Morning’​

With the polls showing Newsom likely to remain in office, the reprehensible right is making ready false claims of ‘fraud,’ that the election was ‘stolen,’ and other similar lies.
Whether the criminal was snagging votes or other mail does not matter. The obvious flaw in the system remains unaddressed.
I agree. If there is a flaw in the system It needs to be corrected; however, a flaw in the system does mean the entire system is corrupt.
Whether the criminal was snagging votes or other mail does not matter. The obvious flaw in the system remains unaddressed.
It's hardly a flaw of the system that people can break the law. If a bank gets robbed, is it a "flaw in the system"?

And what flaw? Those 300 people that didn't get ballots can call the registrar and ask for another one.
LOS ANGELES — The recall election aiming to oust Gov. Gavin Newsom could make California the next target of right-wing campaigns aiming to discredit the results of an election.

Maybe it already has.

Former President Donald Trump, Fox News' Tomi Lahren and the leading Republican candidate to replace Newsom, Larry Elder, have raised the prospect this week of voter fraud playing a role if Newsom comes out victorious in the Sept. 14 election.


This is a WTF moment. Apparently, there will never be an election again where some Trumpist or Pub does not cry voter fraud or lies that the election is rigged.

You really do have to hate the democratic process to do all in your power to discredit the vote.

Really, this is sad. It is farce.
Quit cheating scumbags.
It obviously isn't you either since you can't actually provide proof of your claims.
Forgive me I DO NOT waste my time on Brain Dead Marxist Government Cultist ...

Perhaps someone else can help you with your infliction.
Recall or not. Businesses are fleeing Cali so they need to change something.

Yes, California has problems, including often-clumsy government (recent example: the slow start of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout) and high-income taxes (often made up for by lower-than-average property taxes). But that has not stopped start-up companies from proliferating, nor does it lessen the state’s attraction for higher-income, better-educated workers. The LAO charts demonstrated that California has actually gained ground over most other states in those categories in the last decade.
So not to worry too much, Californians. This state has a long history of solving its problems and chances are it will again as new Googles and Facebooks and Hulus and eBays keep arising.
Could make? This isn't political news, it's some sort of prediction mentality promoted by somebody named Christal Hayes of US News. It's total bull shat designed to energize the left that doesn't have much to say these days.
Could make? This isn't political news, it's some sort of prediction mentality promoted by somebody named Christal Hayes of US News. It's total bull shat designed to energize the left that doesn't have much to say these days.
These sick Leftist Fucks are so Gullible for the Fake News Marxist Propaganda.

Yes, California has problems, including often-clumsy government (recent example: the slow start of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout) and high-income taxes (often made up for by lower-than-average property taxes). But that has not stopped start-up companies from proliferating, nor does it lessen the state’s attraction for higher-income, better-educated workers. The LAO charts demonstrated that California has actually gained ground over most other states in those categories in the last decade.
So not to worry too much, Californians. This state has a long history of solving its problems and chances are it will again as new Googles and Facebooks and Hulus and eBays keep arising.
So you don’t care that Tesla, Oracle, Schwab, Joe Rogan, Hewlett-Packard and many others have left? Keep burying your head in the sand.
It's hardly a flaw of the system that people can break the law. If a bank gets robbed, is it a "flaw in the system"?

And what flaw? Those 300 people that didn't get ballots can call the registrar and ask for another one.
Of course it's a flaw. Had this person not been caught those ballots would be out there. There is no system to track or void ballots if a duplicate appears.
They even hired someone to waer a monkey's mask and assault and throw eggs at Larry Elder.

It wasn't just monkey girl---the bald punching homeless guy was in on it with her....she tossed the egg and when Elders people went after her, punching bald guy ran interference to allow her to get away. We see these same team efforts with other Soros paid off attackers....they don't have one person do the criminal act--but usual a team do one small part and then disappear as other members do their part and disappear in a different direction.
You just used a lot of words to reiterate the fact that you can't prove your claim. You could have just provided the proof instead. Leads me to believe you don't have any.
FUCK OFF .....

I do not waste my time with Marxist Government Cultist ....

Put me on IGNORE BITCH !!!!!

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