Before calling blacks names when they behave criminally

National gang center is part of Justice, so, yup. Eric Holder's organization compiled the numbers.

About the National Gang Center
The National Gang Center (NGC) is a project jointly funded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The NGC program works to further the mission of DOJ by providing national leadership, information, training, and technical assistance that target gangs and street gang members of all ages. Serving researchers, policymakers, and practitioners nationally, NGC activities contribute to reductions in gang-related crime and violence and gang activity by juveniles and adults.

Looks like a private organization that receives Justice funding.
.gov domain. From what I see, it is funded by 3 separate Justice Department entities.
Lots of private entities have .gov domains because they are funded to operate some kind of center for a federal agency.
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.
Yeah, you can tell how much white people have evolved over the past sixty years from what you read on this forum.

Evolved plenty. But blacks seem to be regressing. 75% of black children today are born to an unwed mother. It is a sad fact indeed to point out the fact that the black two parent family enjoyed a much higher rate in Jim Crow (Almost every black child born to a two parent family) than it does today. Should we blame this trend on racism?
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.
Yeah, you can tell how much white people have evolved over the past sixty years from what you read on this forum.

Evolved plenty. But blacks seem to be regressing. 75% of black children today are born to an unwed mother. It is a sad fact indeed to point out the fact that the black two parent family enjoyed a much higher rate in Jim Crow (Almost every black child born to a two parent family) than it does today. Should we blame this trend on racism?

Plenty of daily examples of the most vile racism imaginable on this forum. What do you suppose the racial demographic for this forum looks like?
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.
Yeah, you can tell how much white people have evolved over the past sixty years from what you read on this forum.

Evolved plenty. But blacks seem to be regressing. 75% of black children today are born to an unwed mother. It is a sad fact indeed to point out the fact that the black two parent family enjoyed a much higher rate in Jim Crow (Almost every black child born to a two parent family) than it does today. Should we blame this trend on racism?

Plenty of daily examples of the most vile racism imaginable on this forum. What do you suppose the racial demographic for this forum looks like?

Lets assume that's true. Now how does that translate to the 75% illegitimate birth rate among blacks?
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.
Yeah, you can tell how much white people have evolved over the past sixty years from what you read on this forum.

Evolved plenty. But blacks seem to be regressing. 75% of black children today are born to an unwed mother. It is a sad fact indeed to point out the fact that the black two parent family enjoyed a much higher rate in Jim Crow (Almost every black child born to a two parent family) than it does today. Should we blame this trend on racism?

Plenty of daily examples of the most vile racism imaginable on this forum. What do you suppose the racial demographic for this forum looks like?

Lets assume that's true. Now how does that translate to the 75% illegitimate birth rate among blacks?

I give up. How does it?
HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.
Yeah, you can tell how much white people have evolved over the past sixty years from what you read on this forum.

Evolved plenty. But blacks seem to be regressing. 75% of black children today are born to an unwed mother. It is a sad fact indeed to point out the fact that the black two parent family enjoyed a much higher rate in Jim Crow (Almost every black child born to a two parent family) than it does today. Should we blame this trend on racism?

Plenty of daily examples of the most vile racism imaginable on this forum. What do you suppose the racial demographic for this forum looks like?

Lets assume that's true. Now how does that translate to the 75% illegitimate birth rate among blacks?

I give up. How does it?

I dunno, that's why I asked.
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

That's like the President when asked to speak about the current reign of terrorists like ISIS
He goes back and says well 900 years ago Christians weren't such good guys....

I can't see why when we are confronted by actions in real time we just shrug and say well in the past so and so were no better
so don't bother me with what's going on today....

Just let them be.
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

That's like the President when asked to speak about the current reign of terrorists like ISIS
He goes back and says well 900 years ago Christians weren't such good guys....

I can't see why when we are confronted by actions in real time we just shrug and say well in the past so and so were no better
so don't bother me with what's going on today....

Just let them be.

Leftist logic. Don't try to make sense of it. Just smile and say "bless his irrational heart."
Thugs being thugs....
It really is that simple.
In the 1950's or today.
Maybe the white people should have stayed out of California, since according to you, diversity never works. There were existing populations of Latinos in most Southwestern/western states (California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming) when those states were annexed by the U.S.:


And they were stuck in the stone age until whitey showed up. If whites are so bad, why do so many hispanics want to live with us.? THINK
The Aryan brotherhood has about 15,000 members and the KKK (5,000,to 8,000 members) are aging has-beens that only get together for funerals and fish fries.

And 90% of those are govt agents who want to keep the groups alive so they can tell the non-whites "we're protecting you from these monsters".
Google 1950s gangs. Mostly white faces I see. Criminality and gangs aren't only a black thing.

HUH?? That was 60 years ago. Today crime and gangs mean black.

Only for morons.

13 American Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Up At Night - Business Insider

1. 18th Street (mexican)
2. Florencia 13 (mexican)
3. Barrio Azteca (mexican)
4. Juggalos (white)
5. Almighty Latin King Nation (puerto rican)
6. Somali gangs (black)
7. Mara Salvatrucha (Salvadoran)
8. Trinitarios (Dominican)
9. Hermanos de Pistoleros (Mexican)
10. Mexican Mafia (Mexican)
11. Mongols Motorcycle Gang (white)
12. Vagos Motorcycle Gang (white & hispanic)
13. Wheels of Soul (black)

Shootspeeders is a dunce that likely lives in some hovel in Appalachia where they dont read the news. The first gang on your list, (18th Street) is the largest street gang in Southern California...over 20,000 members in that group alone.

XVIII St. Los Angeles - L.A. TACO L.A. TACO

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