Before it is too late!

Look at modern history. Where has Great Britain gone? Where has Communist Russia gone? Where has France gone? Where is Nazi Germany? Where did all these superpowers go? Allah who made them disappear will make America disappear too. Allah who made Russia disappear overnight is capable of making America disappear and fall, Allah willing.

We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits the infidel. Join us today before it is too late.
No, thanks...I won't follow a religion whose founding prophet was a child rapist.

What about following a religion some of whose priests are child rapists?
Look at modern history. Where has Great Britain gone? Where has Communist Russia gone? Where has France gone? Where is Nazi Germany? Where did all these superpowers go? Allah who made them disappear will make America disappear too. Allah who made Russia disappear overnight is capable of making America disappear and fall, Allah willing.

We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits the infidel. Join us today before it is too late.


Do you know what he is wearing in that picture?

No, Cruiser Skank thinks this picture makes Obama look vaguely Islamic. Yet another Cruiser Skank move to spread fear and disinformation.

I think Cruiser Skank is a birther.
Look at modern history. Where has Great Britain gone? Where has Communist Russia gone? Where has France gone? Where is Nazi Germany? Where did all these superpowers go? Allah who made them disappear will make America disappear too. Allah who made Russia disappear overnight is capable of making America disappear and fall, Allah willing.

We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits the infidel. Join us today before it is too late.
No, thanks...I won't follow a religion whose founding prophet was a child rapist.

What about following a religion some of whose priests are child rapists?
They are supposed to be followers of the religion who teach congregants the values of the religion.

It isn't the sheep's fault that the sheperds abuse the sheep is it?
No, thanks...I won't follow a religion whose founding prophet was a child rapist.

What about following a religion some of whose priests are child rapists?
They are supposed to be followers of the religion who teach congregants the values of the religion.

It isn't the sheep's fault that the sheperds abuse the sheep is it?

And it's largely irrelevant anyway because while the Church protects offenders to protect its brand name it's no different from many other organisations which also cover up offenders (not paedos, I'm thinking corporate fraudsters who get sacked on the quiet). The perverse actions of a few are not representative of the character of the many.

And so, to the idea that Mohammed was a "child rapist'. I've seen the slur repeated but I haven't seen any evidence for it.
We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again.
Demonstrably untrue at its height Islam only ruled a modest portion of the world. It fell because it is not backed by god, but is just another fake religion propagated by self serving priests.
Sure there are lots of Islamic fanatics and they breed like maggots in rotting meat, but that doesn't make their idiotic beliefs the truth.
We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again.
Demonstrably untrue at its height Islam only ruled a modest portion of the world. It fell because it is not backed by god, but is just another fake religion propagated by self serving priests.
Sure there are lots of Islamic fanatics and they breed like maggots in rotting meat, but that doesn't make their idiotic beliefs the truth.

Every religion thinks it has a monopoly on the truth. That's why some fundamentalist Christians do their best to attack science at every opportunity, how the hell do those uppity scientists know the world is older than 10,000 years? :lol:
Which false gods? If you mean Jesus Christ then I think I have to make the point that in Christian theology Jesus Christ isn't seen as separate from God.

Similarly, many Hindus believe that their multitudinous deities are merely different manifestations of Brahman. Tawhid, the doctrine of God's oneness, is stricter than most non-Islamic conceptions of monotheism:

Say: He, Allah, is one.
Allah is He on Whom all depend.
He begets not, nor is He begotten;
And none is like Him.
- Ikhlas (112)​

No room is left for offspring or multiple forms, much less coequals. My reference was to the trinity, yes.
The Prohet Muhammed is the only savious of mankind. The Jewish Zombie that Christians refer to as the Christ is not equal to the Prohet.
Say: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit. - 3:84​

Go be a troll somewhere else.
Look at modern history. Where has Great Britain gone? Where has Communist Russia gone? Where has France gone? Where is Nazi Germany? Where did all these superpowers go? Allah who made them disappear will make America disappear too. Allah who made Russia disappear overnight is capable of making America disappear and fall, Allah willing.

We Muslims have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits the infidel. Join us today before it is too late.


Do you know what he is wearing in that picture?

And so, to the idea that Mohammed was a "child rapist'. I've seen the slur repeated but I haven't seen any evidence for it.

'Aishah (RA), the mother of the believers, was between the ages of nine and nineteen at the time of the consummation of her marriage depending on which reports are deemed more accurate.
She (Asma) was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years. - Mishkat al-Masabih​

That would make 'Aishah 90 years old at the time of Asma's death and 18 in the year of the Hijra. The consummation of her marriage took place after the Hijra. Alternatively:

Narrated Hisham's father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. - Sahih Bukhari, Merits of the Ansaar, no. 236​

Western scholars have speculated that the age was artificially lowered to make it clear that 'Aishah was a virgin at the time of the marriage; this was called into question because she had previously been betrothed to Jubayr ibn Mut'im. Proving these allegations incorrect would have been important to the Abbasid Caliphate that was in power during the lives of both Bukhari and Muslim. Regardless of her age, accounts of her life in the ahadith make it clear that she was intelligent and scrupulous to such a degree that she would have been able to make the momentous decision to marry Muhammad (SAWS) at any age within that range. The baseless charges of "rape" are, of course, products of ignorance and anti-Islamic prejudice.

My apologies for the lengthy post, but I hope your question was answered. :)
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Well said my child, well said. May Allah be with you.

Well said my child, well said. May Allah be with you.

Thanks, Yukon. :)

Really? The failed pedophile priest who hid out in Canada is back on here at USMB? What the fuck chuck, did you get tired of kneeling for little boys' dicks in your mouth and decided to start praying with your ass in the air, hoping that some mullah was going to show you his "teaching stick"?

Hmmmm..........wonder if Gunny is aware of your new s/n?

He's still pissed (probably) about the last time that you couldn't keep your big assed mouth shut and decided to come out of the closet and tell Gunny you're really Yakking One?

Nice. Mebbe there's a reward in it for me..........
Really? The failed pedophile priest who hid out in Canada is back on here at USMB? What the fuck chuck, did you get tired of kneeling for little boys' dicks in your mouth and decided to start praying with your ass in the air, hoping that some mullah was going to show you his "teaching stick"?

Hmmmm..........wonder if Gunny is aware of your new s/n?

He's still pissed (probably) about the last time that you couldn't keep your big assed mouth shut and decided to come out of the closet and tell Gunny you're really Yakking One?

Nice. Mebbe there's a reward in it for me..........

I reported it twice. Apparently, nobody up there gives a shit.

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