Before the election: Benghazi as well as IRS scandal, does BHO get elected?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying
Yes. Obama could have shot JR live on public TV, and still nobody but the most ardent Obama hater would have voted for Mitt "Plastic Man" Romney, arguably the worst candidate the GOP has offered up since John C. Fremont.
Yes, he would. The majority of Americans aren't politically intelligent enough to know anything about Benghazi, the IRS, or the phonetapping, except for people who already are against Obama.

He still would have won. Maybe by a smaller margin, but he still would have won.
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

Yes because there is no scandal or cover up.
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

Yes because there is no scandal or cover up.

your right, Jeep is moving some of there operations to China

the other?

House Oversight recently lifted a subpoena for Thomas Pickering after the retired ambassador agreed to sit for a transcribed interview behind closed doors. Pickering was a key figure in the State Department’s own probe into last September’s attack.

Chaffetz said Friday that the committee still had yet to hear from what he estimated as the more than two dozen Americans who were in Benghazi when the attack happened. Greg Hicks, a senior U.S. diplomat who was in Tripoli during the attack, recently appeared before House Oversight in closely watched testimony.

The Utah Republican also said there were thousands of emails, transcripts and other documents that the administration won’t hand over, impeding the committee’s investigation.

This is 2013, June
not 9-11-2012

Read more: Rep. Chaffetz: Administration covering up on Benghazi terror attack - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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In the meantime, Newsbusters quotes Lauren French, a reporter for Politico, as saying that the IRS policy likely affected the outcome of the 2012 elections. This is because the groups targeted were inhibited and intimidated from fully participating in the political process in the months leading up to the presidential election.

These bits of news set up a heart breaking counterfactual. What if the news of the IRS assault on the tea party had come out before the election? The revelations have currently created a firestorm that threatens to consume the Obama administration, depending on how high up the matter is found to have gone. If that firestorm had happened a year earlier, Mitt Romney might be president today and we would be living in a completely different world.

It has become something of an axiom that Romney managed to lose an election that by rights he should have won. The economy was then as now in the doldrums. The Benghazi scandal was just starting up with dodgy explanations about an anti-Islamic video obscuring administration incompetence and malfeasance. Add into that mix the widespread news that the IRS was targeting administration political opponents and one would think that not even Romney could have avoided being elected president.

Of course we live in the world as it is and not the alternate universe in which the scandal broke early. But there are lessons to be learned about the dangers of electing a president who seems to have at least set the tone for widespread corruption and a flagrant disregard for the Constitution in his own administration. Even if there is no smoking gun email from the president ordering that illegal acts be committed, he is yet culpable.
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First off, Nixon decided to resign, he was not impeached or removed from office.

Secondly Romney still lost and his lies are recorded.
With the "47%'ers" behind Him no matter what, and the rest of the Liberal voting public brain-dead zombies.... hell yeah he would have got reelected.
All presidents, given time, have their scandals but a popular president is hard to beat with weak scandals.
Another factor, when a political party understands it is up against a popular president it may not run their strongest candidate. In effect, why waste him or her on a lost cause. Against Ike, Democrats ran Adlai Stevenson twice, and it was a lost proposition both times. Against FDR Republicans ran--anyone remember, you get four chances.
Romney probably had little chance.
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

It wouldn't have changed my vote.
If a sucky economy and UE at 7.9% didn't make people stop and think then Benghazi, four dead men, the IRS and the AP scandal wouldn't have changed a thing.

I'm just wondering how folks are gonna vote in 2014 when the train wreck of the Obamacare rolls down the track.

If the GOP is smart they will pound that day and night.

The Dems passed that POS bill all on they're own. Make em pay for it at the polls.
All presidents, given time, have their scandals but a popular president is hard to beat with weak scandals.
Another factor, when a political party understands it is up against a popular president it may not run their strongest candidate. In effect, why waste him or her on a lost cause. Against Ike, Democrats ran Adlai Stevenson twice, and it was a lost proposition both times. Against FDR Republicans ran--anyone remember, you get four chances.
Romney probably had little chance.

It is really that sad
The problem I have with all of this is why did so many conservatives stay home?
that is why he lost
I think it makes difference
you fire up the base, he wins
in the key states he lost, the GOP staying home is why
Romney first to win independents big, lose election |
For what ever reason (I think the Jeep lie the media told hurt him also)
the GOP stayed home
If a sucky economy and UE at 7.9% didn't make people stop and think then Benghazi, four dead men, the IRS and the AP scandal wouldn't have changed a thing.

I'm just wondering how folks are gonna vote in 2014 when the train wreck of the Obamacare rolls down the track.

If the GOP is smart they will pound that day and night.

The Dems passed that POS bill all on they're own. Make em pay for it at the polls.

The base staying home is why Romney lost
does the IRS scandal fire up the base?
and while the media ignores Benghazi, does his assult on the freedom of press do the same?
who knoiws
I agree with much of what you said. Even the dems are running from Obama-care
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

It wouldn't have changed my vote.

Why do you support BHO?
He is the worst leader we have had sense J Carter
the country is still in its biggest economic mess
His yearly defict is more in 2 years than the GOP and GWB had in 6, with 2 wars, 9-11, the recession (Clintons) Katrina. We created 8 million jobs until the dems took congress over.
The public pays attention to what ever is in front of it. The regime was successful in persuading the media to keep all information about Obama's scandals hidden. Having kept this information from the people, the regime was able to pretend that the people just didn't care.
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

Yes because there is no scandal or cover up.

This ^^^^^^^
is exactly what my response was going to be.

Regardless of how much these things grow and further evidence is presented, the Obama supporters will refuse to see it and blindly follow Barrack around by the nose.
Yes, Obama would have won anyway. Politics has gotten more and more about identity than policy and most voters on both sides vote with their heart instead of their head.
The public pays attention to what ever is in front of it. The regime was successful in persuading the media to keep all information about Obama's scandals hidden. Having kept this information from the people, the regime was able to pretend that the people just didn't care.

The administration hasn't managed to convince FOX to keep it "hidden," yet there's still no traction, even though they talk about it endlessly.

Why is that?
Yes. Obama could have shot JR live on public TV, and still nobody but the most ardent Obama hater would have voted for Mitt "Plastic Man" Romney, arguably the worst candidate the GOP has offered up since John C. Fremont.

McCain was far worse than Romney
Nixon got impeached for events that where the same. Covering up events that had a direct effect on an election that he had no part in conducting
The question is does these cover-ups re-elect BHO?
No doubt in my mind

The press was talking about Romney and the China/GM While ignoring the events of Benghazi and the IRS was being covered up.
BTW Romney was not lying

It wouldn't have changed my vote.

Why do you support BHO?
He is the worst leader we have had sense J Carter
the country is still in its biggest economic mess
His yearly defict is more in 2 years than the GOP and GWB had in 6, with 2 wars, 9-11, the recession (Clintons) Katrina. We created 8 million jobs until the dems took congress over.

I considered him the best choice of the two available. I considered McCain the best choice the first time he was elected and still do.

He is not the worst leader we have had. I'd say he has done a fairly good job overall, considering what he inherited. As to the deficit, I would point out what people seem to consistently forget. The budget is controled by the House of Representatives - not the President. If you have a problem with the deficit, I suggest you look to the people in charge of it.

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