Before the election: Benghazi as well as IRS scandal, does BHO get elected?

Under the Constitution it isn't his job. It is the job of the Congress. It is custom that he sends a recommended budget, but the Congress is the branch of government responsible for creating the budget. So if people are upset about taxes or pork, they have to look to the Congress. Not the president.

it is his job to be a leader and to submit a budget
it is the job of congress to Appropriate those funds and fix the budget
The last GOP budget was 2.7 trillion in 2007. In 2009 that same number was 3.4 trillion
or 3.5 as I recall. allmost all of that was added by the left

If that makes you feel better. The president doesn't have the authority to create a budget, only administer it once it is passed by Congress. The House, which by law originates all revenue legislation, has not been in the hands of the left for several years. I know they want you to think it is not their fault, but that doesn't change the reality of it.

I never said he did
I am not sure what agenda you are own here
the word submit means exactly that
as you can clealry see I am not the only one who uses that word submit

February 1, 2010

Submitted by
Barack Obama
Submitted to
111th Congress
Total revenue

$2.567 trillion (requested)[1]
$2.303 trillion (actual)[2]

Total expenditures
$3.834 trillion (requested)[1]
$3.603 trillion (actual)[2]

2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some-how the left claims that GWB base-line of 2.7 trillion in 2007 has something to do with this (and the GOP congress at that time)
medicare D
2 wars and no child left behind were wide open in 2007
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it is his job to be a leader and to submit a budget
it is the job of congress to Appropriate those funds and fix the budget
The last GOP budget was 2.7 trillion in 2007. In 2009 that same number was 3.4 trillion
or 3.5 as I recall. allmost all of that was added by the left

If that makes you feel better. The president doesn't have the authority to create a budget, only administer it once it is passed by Congress. The House, which by law originates all revenue legislation, has not been in the hands of the left for several years. I know they want you to think it is not their fault, but that doesn't change the reality of it.

I never said he did
I am not sure what agenda you are own here
the word submit means exactly that
as you can clealry see I am not the only one who uses that word submit

February 1, 2010

Submitted by
Barack Obama
Submitted to
111th Congress
Total revenue

$2.567 trillion (requested)[1]
$2.303 trillion (actual)[2]

Total expenditures
$3.834 trillion (requested)[1]
$3.603 trillion (actual)[2]

2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some-how the left claims that GWB base-line of 2.7 trillion in 2007 has something to do with this (and the GOP congress at that time)
medicare D
2 wars and no child left behind were wide open in 2007

The president can submit anything he likes. It is the Congress which creates the budget. The president can't spend a dime that is not approved by the Congress. So any deficits are not the result of the president but of the Congress. There really is more than one person in Washington and more than one party with their hands in the pie.

My "agenda" is place responsibility where it belongs.
If that makes you feel better. The president doesn't have the authority to create a budget, only administer it once it is passed by Congress. The House, which by law originates all revenue legislation, has not been in the hands of the left for several years. I know they want you to think it is not their fault, but that doesn't change the reality of it.

I never said he did
I am not sure what agenda you are own here
the word submit means exactly that
as you can clealry see I am not the only one who uses that word submit

February 1, 2010

Submitted by
Barack Obama
Submitted to
111th Congress
Total revenue

$2.567 trillion (requested)[1]
$2.303 trillion (actual)[2]

Total expenditures
$3.834 trillion (requested)[1]
$3.603 trillion (actual)[2]

2011 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some-how the left claims that GWB base-line of 2.7 trillion in 2007 has something to do with this (and the GOP congress at that time)
medicare D
2 wars and no child left behind were wide open in 2007

The president can submit anything he likes. It is the Congress which creates the budget. The president can't spend a dime that is not approved by the Congress. So any deficits are not the result of the president but of the Congress. There really is more than one person in Washington and more than one party with their hands in the pie.

My "agenda" is place responsibility where it belongs.

the dems nor the president have not passed a budget sense the Omnibus in 2009, adding to it the failed stimulus, the lat 50% of tarp also
these are the facts
I imagine he would, 47% would vote for him if he pissed on the constitution and flag in the White house front yard.

If the conservative base got out in force, he loses
he won the independants in the swing states
the base is fired up about his lying about Beghazi and the IRS along with Eric Holders messes
simply put the press re-elected Obama as I asses it
I say yes. Merely because we knew about both before the election. It just wasnt as well known.

Besides, we cannot change the past. We cannot look at the past election adn ask "What if" and change anything. We only control what we can do now. So let's accept what has happened so far and do what we can to change the future.
I say yes. Merely because we knew about both before the election. It just wasnt as well known.

Besides, we cannot change the past. We cannot look at the past election adn ask "What if" and change anything. We only control what we can do now. So let's accept what has happened so far and do what we can to change the future.

what won Obama the election was the base for the GOP stopped caring
they where absent
I feel like this would have fored the base up maybe?
you mybe right
it is sad we are were ae are
I say yes. Merely because we knew about both before the election. It just wasnt as well known.

Besides, we cannot change the past. We cannot look at the past election adn ask "What if" and change anything. We only control what we can do now. So let's accept what has happened so far and do what we can to change the future.

what won Obama the election was the base for the GOP stopped caring
they where absent
I feel like this would have fored the base up maybe?
you mybe right
it is sad we are were ae are

It wouldn't have made a difference. The base did not come out because they were satisfied with Obama but rather that they were disatisfied with Romeny. More specifically, disastified with the Republican Party. The primary system forced all of the candidates to get into a contest of who was the most right wing in order to get the nomination. Once he got it, Romney was sidled with positions he probably didn't truly hold. The bulk of republicans are not on the far right, they are centrists. If you expect to hold the center you can't focus your attention on the extremes. So long as the party continues to cater to what I call the "idiot right", I will probably tend to vote Democrat.
At the very least, the bottom line, obama didn't think he could be reelected if these things were known, or he wouldn't have gone through such pains to hide them.
I say yes. Merely because we knew about both before the election. It just wasnt as well known.

Besides, we cannot change the past. We cannot look at the past election adn ask "What if" and change anything. We only control what we can do now. So let's accept what has happened so far and do what we can to change the future.

what won Obama the election was the base for the GOP stopped caring
they where absent
I feel like this would have fored the base up maybe?
you mybe right
it is sad we are were ae are

If the IRS targeting of conservatives had been known before the election, that certainly would have energized the base.
I say yes. Merely because we knew about both before the election. It just wasnt as well known.

Besides, we cannot change the past. We cannot look at the past election adn ask "What if" and change anything. We only control what we can do now. So let's accept what has happened so far and do what we can to change the future.

what won Obama the election was the base for the GOP stopped caring
they where absent
I feel like this would have fored the base up maybe?
you mybe right
it is sad we are were ae are

If the IRS targeting of conservatives had been known before the election, that certainly would have energized the base.

I agree, as it was the party was not united behind Romney. this would have definitely swung many voters
what won Obama the election was the base for the GOP stopped caring
they where absent
I feel like this would have fored the base up maybe?
you mybe right
it is sad we are were ae are

If the IRS targeting of conservatives had been known before the election, that certainly would have energized the base.

I agree, as it was the party was not united behind Romney. this would have definitely swung many voters

I doubt it. It would only have impacted the people who were going to vote against Obama no matter what. The people who either switched to Obama or stayed home were getting the stories of candidates supported by the Tea Party who were saying things like women didn't get pregnant if they were raped. It was those organizations which were turning off those people.
Watergate was entirely different than the Republican made up scandals against President Obama.

noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on
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Yes, he is black and he would be reelected for no other reason.

Without Benghazi there was still Gitno, the economy, the war in Afghanitan that he admitted was a failure, 6 trillion in debt, the growing number on food stamps, his comments about "you didn't build that."

A white Obama would have lost, and should have lost, in a landslide. A black Obama, not so much.

Nothing would have changed the election.

And it has been demonstrated that the democrats committed voter fraud.
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I am telling you folks, and I am not sure why this isn't the issue. The drone program should be Obama's downfall. Why he is being protected is any one's guess. I am thinking all this other BS is just BS brought up to make us forget about REAL war crimes and crimes against AMERICANS whether you like those AMERICANS or not.

Hell the Fort Hood murderer is getting more rights then the 16 year old boy killed by Hellfire. Why doesn't BO just drop a hellfire on the Fort Hood murderer there is no doubt of his guilt.
Obama beat Romney so badly that one must assign at least some responsibility for the result to Mitt. Don't you think? It was an intense election though, wasn't it? oh man....the illiterate nutters are in a tizzy! I wonder if JRK actually hears the gears turning when he tries to form a sentence in that muddled noggin of his?
Obama beat Romney so badly that one must assign at least some responsibility for the result to Mitt. Don't you think? It was an intense election though, wasn't it? oh man....the illiterate nutters are in a tizzy! I wonder if JRK actually hears the gears turning when he tries to form a sentence in that muddled noggin of his?

The popular vote was about 3 percent that means if 1.5 percent had changed their mind then it would be a toss up, hardly a bad beating.
Obama beat Romney so badly that one must assign at least some responsibility for the result to Mitt. Don't you think? It was an intense election though, wasn't it? oh man....the illiterate nutters are in a tizzy! I wonder if JRK actually hears the gears turning when he tries to form a sentence in that muddled noggin of his?

The popular vote was about 3 percent that means if 1.5 percent had changed their mind then it would be a toss up, hardly a bad beating.

let me add that in the "swing states" it was very close
the GOP stayed home is why Romnet lost
Obama lost an incredible 9 million voters from his 2008 haul. If told on Monday that fully 13 percent of the president’s support would vanish, the GOP establishment would have stocked up on champagne and confetti.
To be sure, some of the Obama slide is attributable to “super-storm” Sandy. Its chaotic aftermath reduced turnout in a couple of big blue states: New York, where about 6 million people voted, and New Jersey, where 3.5 million did. That is down from 2008 by 15 and 12 percent, respectively. Yet, given that these solidly Obama states were not in play, and that — thanks to Chris Christie’s exuberance — our hyper-partisan president was made to look like a bipartisan healer, Sandy has to be considered a big net plus on Obama’s ledger.
The Voters Who Stayed Home | National Review Online
Yes. The GOP base stayed home becUse Christie....who they love....made a necessary connection with the POTUS!

You have it all figured out! It had nothing to do with the terrible candidate you had....who beat the shit out of every contender you nutcases put against him. It could not be because he hired a douchebag with dry mouth for his VP choice. Loved by the base. Loved.

It could not be because Obama and the DNC have a sane platform and were able to right the economic ship after the GOP tanked it.....and Mitt was talking about reversing the trend. was Sandy and the media.

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