Before the election: Benghazi as well as IRS scandal, does BHO get elected?

Yes. Obama could have shot JR live on public TV, and still nobody but the most ardent Obama hater would have voted for Mitt "Plastic Man" Romney, arguably the worst candidate the GOP has offered up since John C. Fremont.

I agree...Chris Mathews and the like would have been screaming that the GOP was trying to smear Obama because he's black.And the low information voters that make up
Obama's followers would have voted for him twice if they could have. :eusa_whistle:
Yes. Obama could have shot JR live on public TV, and still nobody but the most ardent Obama hater would have voted for Mitt "Plastic Man" Romney, arguably the worst candidate the GOP has offered up since John C. Fremont.

I agree...Chris Mathews and the like would have been screaming that the GOP was trying to smear Obama because he's black.And the low information voters that make up
Obama's followers would have voted for him twice if they could have. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, and they did.

Romney may have been plastic as the left wing smear likes to say but at least he had a proven track record of success. Much unlike the empty suit we got who freezes up as fast as his teleprompter.
Yes. Obama could have shot JR live on public TV, and still nobody but the most ardent Obama hater would have voted for Mitt "Plastic Man" Romney, arguably the worst candidate the GOP has offered up since John C. Fremont.

I agree...Chris Mathews and the like would have been screaming that the GOP was trying to smear Obama because he's black.And the low information voters that make up
Obama's followers would have voted for him twice if they could have. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, and they did.

Romney may have been plastic as the left wing smear likes to say but at least he had a proven track record of success. Much unlike the empty suit we got who freezes up as fast as his teleprompter.

Romney is a good man and would have made a great president
The media should never been allowed to get to where they are
there failing the american public supporting an agenda that is failing
I agree...Chris Mathews and the like would have been screaming that the GOP was trying to smear Obama because he's black.And the low information voters that make up
Obama's followers would have voted for him twice if they could have. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, and they did.

Romney may have been plastic as the left wing smear likes to say but at least he had a proven track record of success. Much unlike the empty suit we got who freezes up as fast as his teleprompter.

Romney is a good man and would have made a great president
The media should never been allowed to get to where they are
there failing the american public supporting an agenda that is failing

Romney was a bit liberal leaning but he was heads and shoulders above what we have today. I watched a special on Reagan and the cold war, made me cry, we need a Reagan we got a Carter.

As for the news, what can more be done? Fox news out draws the competition by a large amount. Conservative talk show buries the liberal competition yet the majority of the MSM carries on as if they were paid to stay in business and push their dope.
Between the low info voter and the slugs at the trough, the magic neeeeegro probably would have won in any case. When will we ever learn??
Yes, and they did.

Romney may have been plastic as the left wing smear likes to say but at least he had a proven track record of success. Much unlike the empty suit we got who freezes up as fast as his teleprompter.

Romney is a good man and would have made a great president
The media should never been allowed to get to where they are
there failing the american public supporting an agenda that is failing

Romney was a bit liberal leaning but he was heads and shoulders above what we have today. I watched a special on Reagan and the cold war, made me cry, we need a Reagan we got a Carter.

As for the news, what can more be done? Fox news out draws the competition by a large amount. Conservative talk show buries the liberal competition yet the majority of the MSM carries on as if they were paid to stay in business and push their dope.

The problem is the low info voter and the base giving up.
The news on cable is being won by fox
you add up ABC, CBS, NBSC, CNN, MSNBC, Washington post, NY times, LA times, PRN as one and holy sh--
not to mention like the papers in Gainsville Florida, Raliegh NC, St Pete Florida. my god liberal is not the word
Watergate was entirely different than the Republican made up scandals against President Obama.

noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on

Benghazi wasnt a cover up, in the fog of war details are often sketchy, having wrong info a day or two after an attack is not a cover up.
running against these three? Are you kidding me? :lol:

Watergate was entirely different than the Republican made up scandals against President Obama.

noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on

Benghazi wasnt a cover up, in the fog of war details are often sketchy, having wrong info a day or two after an attack is not a cover up.

To this day there has been no explanation as to why there was no effort from the white house to get involved
Time limit?
bull shit


From the start it was clear it was a planned terror attack and at no time was it anything else
so why did they lie?
noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on

Benghazi wasnt a cover up, in the fog of war details are often sketchy, having wrong info a day or two after an attack is not a cover up.

To this day there has been no explanation as to why there was no effort from the white house to get involved
Time limit?
bull shit


From the start it was clear it was a planned terror attack and at no time was it anything else
so why did they lie?

There was rioting going on all over the mid east at that time so no it was not clear it was a planned attack, and an attempted military rescue would have resulted in a Blackhawk down situation rather than an actual rescue, military operations need intelligence info and planning.
noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on

Benghazi wasnt a cover up, in the fog of war details are often sketchy, having wrong info a day or two after an attack is not a cover up.

To this day there has been no explanation as to why there was no effort from the white house to get involved
Time limit?
bull shit


From the start it was clear it was a planned terror attack and at no time was it anything else
so why did they lie?

In his remarks, Panetta said the initial reports of the attack were given "almost immediately" to the U.S. Embassy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

Within 17 minutes, Panetta said, an unarmed, unmanned surveillance aircraft was dispatched to give U.S. officials a better idea of what was happening. It arrived at the site about 70 minutes after the attack, he said.

Soon, Panetta and Dempsey met with President Barack Obama, the secretary told lawmakers.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -
Watergate was entirely different than the Republican made up scandals against President Obama.

noose there exactly the same
a cover up is a cover up and Beghazi was coverd up and lied about
the IRS scandal is just piling on

Benghazi wasnt a cover up, in the fog of war details are often sketchy, having wrong info a day or two after an attack is not a cover up.

CNN: Al Qaeda Involved in Benghazi Attack; FNC Source Says WH, State Department Ignored Rescue Plans - Guy Benson
For a story that the White House ("happened a long time ago") and our last two Secretaries of State ("what difference does it make?" / "more important things to worry about") insist is basically over, the Benghazi attack continues to make headlines. CNN is reporting that at least three Al Qaeda operatives took part in the 9/11 raid. The administration knew within the first few hours of the assault that it was the work of radical Islamist terrorism.
see the whole WMD lie was made up. They did exist. Every-one knew they did
the UN made claim that there where 6500 munitions missing 1-27-2003
there still missing today
they were there
That truth was turned into a lie and you libs re-peated it until it became the truth

This is an event were the admin was caught red handed in a lie
yet GWB legacy will be for the left that he lied about WMDs, yet you defend this president

Why is it that this admin made claims about an event that never took place and 4 Americans were killed due to there lack of action
yet it is no big deal
Before the election: Benghazi as well as IRS scandal, does BHO get elected?

Absolutely he would. Same way Clinton did. The media downplayed his scandals.

It has gotten absurd stat the level the main stream media has went to harm the conservative movement an to protect the chosen one
Hell if I was a lib I would not support BHO. no-one should be treated the way he is VS. the way BOoooooooooooooooosh was treated.
If GWB had any of these scandals during his term(s) he would have been hung
Before the election: Benghazi as well as IRS scandal, does BHO get elected?

Absolutely he would. Same way Clinton did. The media downplayed his scandals.

It has gotten absurd stat the level the main stream media has went to harm the conservative movement an to protect the chosen one
Hell if I was a lib I would not support BHO. no-one should be treated the way he is VS. the way BOoooooooooooooooosh was treated.
If GWB had any of these scandals during his term(s) he would have been hung

The media would be sieging the White House demanding resignations and impeachments. The double standards are ridiculous. And all the liberals arguing for now what they were ready to set themselves on fire protesting in Lafayette Park under Bush are jokes.
I thought the navy seals killed him?

They did, but Obama had trained as a seal since becoming President and personally lead the raid, hand picked his team and took the fatal shot. So he still gets credit.
It has become a joke. Like I have allways said, I could not support BHO no matter because he is treated like the class room pet
It is like a bunch of kids playing in a sand box while others are in the real world making it happen

I really am ashamed of the press and the way they treated W and the way they treat BHO
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