Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

No one in my family died nor has anyone I know from COVID vax shotz. I know I will eventually die, we all do, duh.

So, all those people you know who recently died of "natural causes or sudden onset of known illnesses".......
Yep..that was the vax

But you're free to continue the denial
Maybe I missed something in my 16 years of Christian education. Where in the bible did Jesus tell the people to go out to the intersections and ask people for spare change instead of working?
Are you telling me there was no beggars during the time of Jesus Christ?
So, all those people you know who died of "natural causes or sudden onset of known illnesses".......
Yep..that was the vax

But you're free to continue the denial
Again no one has died iny circle of humans during or after the pandemic, you can stop trying to tell me your fantasies.
Maybe I missed something in my 16 years of Christian education. Where in the bible did Jesus tell the people to go out to the intersections and ask people for spare change instead of working?
Panhandling 14:2: Thou shalt go forth to the place where the traffic lights are, and zigzag between the cars when the light turns red. Thou shalt avoid the Prius, though, because those owners are liberal and are generous only with Other People’s Money.
Again no one has died iny circle of humans during or after the pandemic, you can stop trying to tell me your fantasies.

You are either a liar (likely).....or you have an incredibly small circle
Either way, the death rate from "unknown" causes jumped significantly in the past year despite your denials
Even the CDC is having trouble hiding it. Pay attention to the recent SPIKES
Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

Your beloved "trusted" media is falsely attributing increased mortality rates to Covid to cover it and you swallow it.

U.S. Maternal Deaths Spiked Upwards During Pandemic​

July 4, 2022, at 9:01 a.m.
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Are you telling me there was no beggars during the time of Jesus Christ?

Sure, there were lepers and blind people and that.

But the idea of able bodied men have a career of going out on the highways and byways bumming spare change was unheard of.
You don’t know that they’re suffering. My mother once gave $50 to a young man in the bus station who was crying to her that his grandma was dying in South Carolina and he needed $47 more for the ticket.

The next day, it was reported that a scam artist was working the bus station and warned people not to give to the man with the “dying grandma.”
I was approached by a young woman running a similar scam, saying she wasn't from my city and desperately needed to get home due to an emergency, asking for bus fare. Weeks later, the same woman at the same place approached me with the same story. I reminded her of the prior meeting. She wordlessly slinked away. 😁
Sure, there were lepers and blind people and that.

But the idea of able bodied men have a career of going out on the highways and byways bumming spare change was unheard of.
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies.
Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.
Sure, there were lepers and blind people and that.

But the idea of able bodied men have a career of going out on the highways and byways bumming spare change was unheard of.
You know their entire history to make that evaluation or are you guessing blindly?
As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” – Luke 18:35-39
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies.
Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.

To note, Paul said that, not Jesus.
If God speaks to us and nudges us to give money, by all means, obey God. We have no idea why God wants to give that particular person money. He may just want to feed him breakfast. He may want the beggar to know He is listening, has compassion, and wants to give him what’s needed at that moment.
You know their entire history to make that evaluation or are you guessing blindly?

Back in the day, the people were very familiar with leprosy, I don't think it was something one could fake.

I suppose someone could fake blindness, but it wouldn't have gone over very well with the Roman Centurions patrolling the area and I doubt they would have been amused. They might have found you a job in the galleys rowing their ships- if they were in a good mood.
If God speaks to us and nudges us to give money, by all means, obey God. We have no idea why God wants to give that particular person money. He may just want to feed him breakfast. He may want the beggar to know He is listening, has compassion, and wants to give him what’s needed at that moment.

This one young man who complained about hunger always stood outside the liquor store asking the people for fifty cents. Was he being led by Almighty God.
This one young man who complained about hunger always stood outside the liquor store asking the people for fifty cents. Was he being led by Almighty God.

Moonglow said nothing about what was leading others but rather, what God was leading you to do.
The best way is to go up to them and try to get them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

They will quickly move along because everyone knows Fundamentalist Christians are more annoying than Panhandlers

Not everyone is as offended by discussions of religion as you apparently are.

In fact, standing on street corners preaching was the way a lot of religious movements started, and its been a tradition in America even back when we was ruled by colonialists from Britain in the 18th Century.

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