Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

when they bring christianity to justice for their crimes, the c-bible ... you will be one of them.

butthurt doll.jpg
.xxxx - xxx

porno boy - the religion of servitude ...


how to warm their hearts - the quitter knows better just can not stop themself ... begging for forgiveness hand out at the intersection - their ticket to the heavens.

no, no money for that beggar ... nor an open gate their last gasp before they poof from existence.
so interesting... how people attack Christianity for sinfulness

then on voting day, they pull the lever for baby murderers and child molesters

tell all porno boy ...


how long have they been molesting children your celibate leaders ... enabled by the christian congregations over the centuries from the very beginning.
so interesting... how people attack Christianity for sinfulness

then on voting day, they pull the lever for baby murderers and child molesters

and go on i-net forums and try to get others to follow them...


It's very telling, now that the groomers are starting to feel the pushback, that all the stuff starts coming back up about the pedo clergy, as if the groomers are saying to us "You let THEM get away with it. Now it's OUR turn and you'll shut up about it".
Especially when there is plenty of evidence that child sexual abuse by educators is far more prevalent than it ever was by clergy.

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I no longer live in a big city, so they're no longer an issue. But when I did live in the city, I ignored them because I had learned that panhandling brings in big bucks. Some of those beggars were bringing in more money that I was, and it was all tax-free. If they have the energy to hold up a sign all day, they have the energy to get a real job.

It's very telling, now that the groomers are starting to feel the pushback, that all the stuff starts coming back up about the pedo clergy, as if the groomers are saying to us "You let THEM get away with it. Now it's OUR turn and you'll shut up about it".
Especially when there is plenty of evidence that child sexual abuse by educators is far more prevalent than it ever was by clergy.

Public school teachers sexually abuse more children than priests - Stephen Porter GREAT ONE!
They can't specifically attack their Christian enemy if the focus is taken off and placed on the fact that sin exist in all institutions by degree, and sadly it exist within all people who have unfortunately been born into it, but that's also by degree as it grows or is held down by good whichever is the case..... Once the character's begin to evolve, and the choices are beginning to develope due to the environment's surrounding the character's etc, well that's when we begin to see the separation's come as it begins to form or take shape among the individuals and/or groups.

The attack's are an effort to distort and cover up what is an on going culture of debauchery and evilness that must live on in the radicals way of thinking, so it must be that any reason that a rational minded person thinks or engages in that makes sense, otherwise in order to do good in life, well it must first be laid upon the trolls scale for weighing, and then it is weighed by them (who are trying to be the evil troll gate keeper's within the world), who then hope to determine the outcomes by leveling accusations against that good or against the good intent that is desired by the one's wanting to do good instead of wanting to do evil in order to keep the good alive and prospering.

If an institution has become bad within, then yes it can bring about distortion and confusion in which the evil on lookers then try to paint everyone that is a participant of the institution as being somehow an accessory to the fact, but depending on the size of the institution it is impossible to suggest such a thing even though they will try it in hopes to destroy all.

If they have too, they (the evil trolls), will place their finger upon that scale in hopes to tip it into their favor, just like they attempt to always do if people want to break their chains and turn instead to do good, and especially so if the troll's hate that good by the degree of which it develope's or is developing right before them.
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I no longer live in a big city, so they're no longer an issue. But when I did live in the city, I ignored them because I had learned that panhandling brings in big bucks. Some of those beggars were bringing in more money that I was, and it was all tax-free. If they have the energy to hold up a sign all day, they have the energy to get a real job.
Worse is the poor souls are probably working for a pimp, drug dealer etc, otherwise who demands they pay up while they are in captivity to them.
you're a joke or as called a malicious christian - those on the street neither want your money or anything to do with a right wing religious zealot.
Oh trust me, they want anyone's money if they have a debt to pay to their pimp's or drug dealers that will kill them if they don't pay up, but I'm the joke eh ? Better rethink who you are referring to as a joke, because it appears that in the context of my post that you've responded too, is that my post is basically saying that anyone enabling the tragedy that is going on within the American society like we are seeing out on the streets now, uhhhhh is truly the one who is not only a joke, but a jokester, joker or worse an evil figure that is among us who advocates not for solution's but rather a continuation of it because they have no solutions. What role are you playing ?

Heck you better run on down to city hall and call for more Police defunding, yeah that'll work.
In the past two years, I have noticed an epidemic of people begging at major intersections in my city. At a big four-way stop, you'll see them at all four medians. They're working in tandem. All have cardboard signs. All begging for help.

What do you do about it?

My first impulse is anger. I'm angry that they're implicitly lying about how they'll use the money, probably going for drugs or booze. The other thing is my charity solicits in front of certain stores. We have to go through a lot of red tape to get permission and permits to solicit. From the business; from the state; from the strip mall owner. And it absolutely frosts me to see these beggars at those same strip mall exits panhandling for themselves...not for buy drugs and booze. They didn't ask permission from anyone. It angers me even more when dunderheads give them money.

Now as a Christian, I wrestle with this. I feel bad that I get angry. I've talked to two priests about this. Both said I shouldn't get angry. One said that rather than give them money, I should engage with them and offer to accompany them to a restaurant and have a meal with them. The other priest said I should be pleasant and treat them like a human being, though I don't have to give them anything. He said "How rotten must their lives be that they would stand out there, regardless of what they do with the money?" He had a point. People addicted to drug or alcohol are not happy or well people. Anger isn't the proper response.

One time I did as the first priest instructed. The very next day after I talked to him, I was sitting in the parking lot at Lowe's looking at my phone. A woman tapped on my window and asked for money for something to eat. I thought it was divine providence. So I offered to go into the Kroger's and get her some fruit and bread and such. But that wasn't what she had in mind. She wanted to eat at the Sonic across the way. So I said fine and let her order. She got a meal deal with fries and a drink. I bristled at what I considered a junk meal, but went with it. I paid $8.64. Trying to make conversation, I asked her name. She refused to tell me. We talked a little bit about her circumstance. Everyone in her life was a f*cking asshole by her account. At the end, she asked for money. I declined. She thanked me for the meal and went on her way .

Pope Francis when asked the question, said he would not only talk to a beggar kindly, he would give them money. He said "So what if the person wants to buy a glass of wine. Who among us doesn't have a guilty pleasure?" I don't see it that way. I see it as enabling an addiction. I was talking to a woman who works in the ABC stores. She said she'll see these guys who were out panhandling come in with stacks of bills to buy liquor. Homeless professionals advise people to NOT give beggars money, that you can give them vouchers for the local shelter. It is a fact that most homeless are not beggars, and most beggars are not homeless.

So how did I feel after my encounter with the woman at Lowe's? Ambivalent. I felt sort of good, but also sort of like a sucker. Probably more the latter. I definitely didn't like getting her a junk meal, but I guess that wasn't the point. I liked that she seemed appreciative, and may it did help her a little. But I decided I probably would do it again if given the same circumstance, at least not in the same way.

I have softened recently, when I considered the plight of a neighbor girl my daughter's age who fell into drugs. Nice family, good neighborhood. But she just went bad. Now they don't know where she lives. She has a child her parents have adopted and take care of. What if it was this neighbor girl whom I've know since she was six who I saw pandhandling on the street corner? I wouldn't be angry then. I would feel compassion and sorrow. I'd ask her if she needed anything or to be driven somewhere. But I wouldn't give her any money.

Any thoughts about this topic?
Ignore them. The truly needy don't do that.

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