Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

In that evil period that you're referring to, the working class went from being 1/3rd unionized to having most of its labor unions dismantled through lack of government protection, as they had before, in the "religious period". After WW2, the US became the world's manufacturing hub, p

you don't understand the first thing about the R party

which is far from saying it is perfect... but LMAO @ anyone who acts like the D party is so much better!

I guess you think babies should be subject to mutilation and murder up until the 9th month?

I guess you believe as your sick party does that any stranger (terrorist... drug trafficker, human trafficker...) should be allowed into our country?

Take your R party-hating sorry ass out of here.

Go live in Russia... or Iran or China
you don't understand the first thing about the R party

which is far from saying it is perfect... but LMAO @ anyone who acts like the D party is so much better!

I guess you think babies should be subject to mutilation and murder up until the 9th month?

I guess you believe as your sick party does that any stranger (terrorist... drug trafficker, human trafficker...) should be allowed into our country?

Take your R party-hating sorry ass out of here.

Go live in Russia... or Iran or China

I'm prolife and for closed borders. Also deporting all illegals. I'm a right-winger when it comes to social issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ issues and a leftist on economics. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, I'm an independent.
Well, if you vote for a dim, you can't call yourself Christian.
Voting for Republicans who support unnecessary wars, are in the pockets of the military-industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, and big pharma, who impose economic sanctions/embargoes on developing countries, and defund government programs that help the poor, including children, are just as bad (if not worse) according to Jesus, and His heavenly Father than a pro-abortion or LGBTQ+ democrat. You're supporting a right-wing ideology that is just as destructive to human life if not all life on this planet. Of course, you're going to poopoo all of the above, because it's you who isn't a Christian disciple of Jesus Christ. You're just a right-wing, mammon-worshiping devil.
  • Funny

You can't debunk any of the points I made, so you just nervously laugh.
Voting for Republicans who support unnecessary wars, are in the pockets of the military-industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, and big pharma, who impose economic sanctions/embargoes on developing countries, and defund government programs that help the poor, including children, are just as bad (if not worse) according to Jesus, and His heavenly Father than a pro-abortion or LGBTQ+ democrat. You're supporting a right-wing ideology that is just as destructive to human life if not all life on this planet. Of course, you're going to poopoo all of the above, because it's you who isn't a Christian disciple of Jesus Christ. You're just a right-wing, mammon-worshiping devil.

you're wrong about most of what you say here

You need Jesus. You probably think you have him. But Jesus said to many trying to enter Heaven

"Depart from me, you evil doers; I never knew you"

It is the dims who are into war, esp on the unborn

and true Christians do not accuse other Christians of not being that unless there is an obvious lack of Christian faith there... I haven't said anythng that fits into that category. You have.
you're wrong about most of what you say here

You need Jesus. You probably think you have him. But Jesus said to many trying to enter Heaven

"Depart from me, you evil doers; I never knew you"

It is the dims who are into war, esp on the unborn

and true Christians do not accuse other Christians of not being that unless there is an obvious lack of Christian faith there... I haven't said anythng that fits into that category. You have.

You're just a confused demon, who will hear those same words you are citing to me, directed at you. Jesus is going to tell you, "Depart from me, lawless one".

You are the supposed champion of fetuses while depriving children who are born and out of the womb, of sustenance by supporting economic terrorism/sanctions/embargoes on the poor:

Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of all of the above. I don't vote for any of them.

You vote for Republicans who support unjust wars. You defund government programs that assist the poor and support vested interests at the expense of working-class people, due to your worship of mammon. Your inordinate love for this evil world. You're the one who is definitely not a Christian.
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What does it mean to be a leftist on economics?


I believe capitalism when unregulated leads to gross inequality, abject poverty, lack of public goods and services, disease, and death. The collapse of the economy and society in general. Capitalism needs to be regulated and the rights of workers must take precedence over the vested interests of profit pursuing capitalists. Capitalism must contribute to the public good.

As advanced technology develops, it increasingly automates production, eliminating wage labor and the drudgery of work, hence allowing society to produce all of the goods and services people consume and use, without capitalists. Production inevitably, by necessity, is forced to adopt a non-profit system, that is democratized and socialized, no longer in the hands of private capital or the wealthy elites. The workers who work in the productive enterprise own the facilities and machinery collectively.

The way to gradually democratize and socialize production is by encouraging and assisting working-class people to start worker-owned cooperatives. Businesses that are run democratically and are owned and operated by their employees.

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Your satanic false god and bible is worthless. The only true God, is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and His written Word is the Holy Bible. According to the true God, and His written Word, His people must feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless. Those who refuse to do that, are disobeying God and following their false god, the devil, not Jesus.
You are such a self righteous turn off.
Absolutely nothing. I don't concern myself with someone who begs. I also don't give them any money.
Yeah. I don't get people who get indignant or angry about it. I'm content to ignore them. If they're pleasant I might even give them some money. Though, that's almost never.

That's as long as the beggars are civil. If they get threatening at all, even the subtle "I'm crazy, be afraid of me", I'll call the cops.

But I don't hate people who beg. Shit happens.
I believe capitalism when unregulated leads to gross inequality, abject poverty, lack of public goods and services, disease, and death.

I don't even like the word capitalism. I like free markets. But if you say free markets and capialism together, we don't have that. We have economic intervention and central planning by a central bank. We have a welfare state. Abelief in deficit finance and inflationism.

All bad, of course, but it's not free market capitalism. But what you're lobbying goes the same way.

The collapse of the economy and society in general.

The monetary policy is designed to fail. The system is finite. Of course it;s gonna fail. lol. I've been saying that for years. But yeah. The gradual erosion of virtue in general society is a pretty big deal. We're certainly observing it happen. And it's getting worse and faster.

Capitalism needs to be regulated and the rights of workers must take precedence over the vested interests of profit pursuing capitalists. Capitalism must contribute to the public good.

I think we just need to get back to free markets and sound money.

As advanced technology develops, it increasingly automates production, eliminating wage labor and the drudgery of work, hence allowing society to produce all of the goods and services people consume and use, without capitalists. Production inevitably, by necessity, is forced to adopt a non-profit system, that is democratized and socialized, no longer in the hands of private capital or the wealthy elites. The workers who work in the productive enterprise own the facilities and machinery collectively.

The way to gradually democratize and socialize production is by encouraging and assisting working-class people to start worker-owned cooperatives. Businesses that are run democratically and are owned and operated by their employees.

Pretty sure that the startups are being largely funded by taxpayers at the behest of a government gun.

Ultimately it goes and ends the same way whether it's a Keynesian or a communist.

As I said. The system is finite. It will end. They're out of road to kick the can. Your philosophy isn't really different in the end, but of course you;re gonna say that it;s so bad that what he need is socialism. Ha. Come on, man. In reality it's just a transition to a planned outcome. Uhnt anyvay, I sink zey haz already peneetrated zee cabeenets and now zey haz moved on to having zee AI write a religion zat eez correct to control better zee society.
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I don't even like the word capitalism. I like free markets. But if you say free markets and capialism together, we don't have that. We have economic intervention and central planning by a central bank. We have a welfare state. Abelief in deficit finance and inflationism.

All bad, of course, but it's not free market capitalism. But what you're lobbying goes the same way.

The monetary policy is designed to fail. The system is finite. Of course it;s gonna fail. lol. I've been saying that for years. But yeah. The gradual erosion of virtue in general society is a pretty big deal. We're certainly observing it happen. And it's getting worse and faster.

I think we just need to get back to free markets and sound money.

Pretty sure that the startups are being largely funded by taxpayers at the behest of a government gun.

Ultimately it goes and ends the same way whether it's a Keynesian or a communist.

As I said. The system is finite. It will end. They're out of road to kick the can. Your philosophy isn't really different in the end, but of course you;re gonna say that it;s so bad that what he need is socialism. Ha. Come on, man. In reality it's just a transition to a planned outcome. Uhnt anyvay, I sink zey haz already peneetrated zee cabeenets and now zey haz moved on to having zee AI write a religion zat eez correct to control better zee society.

Capitalism is when production is for the purpose of profits. For-profit production. That's exactly what we have now. There's no such thing as free markets. All markets have to be regulated and supported by the government. Without public services and infrastructure, commerce can't function. I consider all sovereign fiat currencies to be sound and much better than gold-backed currencies.

When advanced automation and artificial intelligence significantly replaces wage-labor, society will be forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of production a.k.a. socialism.
Capitalism is when production is for the purpose of profits. For-profit production. That's exactly what we have now. There's no such thing as free markets. All markets have to be regulated and supported by the government. Without public services and infrastructure, commerce can't function. I consider all sovereign fiat currencies to be sound and much better than gold-backed currencies.

When advanced automation and artificial intelligence significantly replaces wage-labor, society will be forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of production a.k.a. socialism.

If you catch me in the mood, I'll shoot the breeze with you about it. I'm in a funny meme mood today, though. And I'm only popping in in here for a few minutes anyway.

I think that this modern endeavor on the part of your group is advantaged in the general public debate because, frankly speaking, the general public hasnlt caught up to the angle you're hitting them from. And even if/when they finally do, it'll likely just be regurgitating the few shavings of that carrot on the stick that the central economic planners have em chasing around.

Anyway, Wheether we agree in scope or not, I appreciate the tenor of dialogue.
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If you catch me in the mood, I'll shoot the breeze with you about it. I'm in a funny meme mood today, though. And I'm only popping in in here for a few minutes anyway.

I think that this modern endeavor on the part of your group is advantaged in the general public debate because, frankly speaking, the general public hasnlt caught up to the angle you're hitting them from. And even if/when they finally do, it'll likely just be regurgitating the few shavings of that carrot on the stick that the central economic planners have em chasing around.

Anyway, Wheether we agree in scope or not, I appreciate the tenor of dialogue.

Unfortunately, people are going to "get it" when it's too late, and the inequality get's even worse. The situation, economically and socially, is going to get much worse before it's better. People will eventually get it, when the billionaires put everyone on a "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income, to keep capitalism on life support, for a few more decades, and they see themselves living in squalor, while a small, wealthy elite owning all of the robots and factories, mines, the advanced AI (the means of production). The former "working class", which will be unemployed and worthless, consigned to the compost heap by the elites, will wake up and say:

"Why the hell are we living this way, in abject poverty, when we have so much technology? We can all own the robots and artificial intelligence, and the factories and mines, the means of production, together. We will organize production together, democratically, to meet our needs. We will live much better than how we're living now in scarcity, and hunger, without healthcare, or an education. The billionaires and multimillionaires forced the politicians to give us our UBI and took away all of our benefits. We can do better than this."
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