Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

Uh huh.... and that is the exact attitude that lead to the crushing demise of the black population.

Wow, I note how we can address the reasons women have abortions (can't afford a pregnancy at that time) and you rant about blacks?

Holy cow.
The reason you get blowback is because all your 'solutions' involve massive government spending. You people aren't interested in real solutions, such as Christian moral education from an early age to encourage marriage and commitment before sex. You want no emphasis on personal responsibility or morality.

I get it. $$$$ is more important than these lives you pretend to want to protect.
In the past two years, I have noticed an epidemic of people begging at major intersections in my city. At a big four-way stop, you'll see them at all four medians. They're working in tandem. All have cardboard signs. All begging for help.

What do you do about it?

My first impulse is anger. I'm angry that they're implicitly lying about how they'll use the money, probably going for drugs or booze. The other thing is my charity solicits in front of certain stores. We have to go through a lot of red tape to get permission and permits to solicit. From the business; from the state; from the strip mall owner. And it absolutely frosts me to see these beggars at those same strip mall exits panhandling for themselves...not for buy drugs and booze. They didn't ask permission from anyone. It angers me even more when dunderheads give them money.

Now as a Christian, I wrestle with this. I feel bad that I get angry. I've talked to two priests about this. Both said I shouldn't get angry. One said that rather than give them money, I should engage with them and offer to accompany them to a restaurant and have a meal with them. The other priest said I should be pleasant and treat them like a human being, though I don't have to give them anything. He said "How rotten must their lives be that they would stand out there, regardless of what they do with the money?" He had a point. People addicted to drug or alcohol are not happy or well people. Anger isn't the proper response.

One time I did as the first priest instructed. The very next day after I talked to him, I was sitting in the parking lot at Lowe's looking at my phone. A woman tapped on my window and asked for money for something to eat. I thought it was divine providence. So I offered to go into the Kroger's and get her some fruit and bread and such. But that wasn't what she had in mind. She wanted to eat at the Sonic across the way. So I said fine and let her order. She got a meal deal with fries and a drink. I bristled at what I considered a junk meal, but went with it. I paid $8.64. Trying to make conversation, I asked her name. She refused to tell me. We talked a little bit about her circumstance. Everyone in her life was a f*cking asshole by her account. At the end, she asked for money. I declined. She thanked me for the meal and went on her way .

Pope Francis when asked the question, said he would not only talk to a beggar kindly, he would give them money. He said "So what if the person wants to buy a glass of wine. Who among us doesn't have a guilty pleasure?" I don't see it that way. I see it as enabling an addiction. I was talking to a woman who works in the ABC stores. She said she'll see these guys who were out panhandling come in with stacks of bills to buy liquor. Homeless professionals advise people to NOT give beggars money, that you can give them vouchers for the local shelter. It is a fact that most homeless are not beggars, and most beggars are not homeless.

So how did I feel after my encounter with the woman at Lowe's? Ambivalent. I felt sort of good, but also sort of like a sucker. Probably more the latter. I definitely didn't like getting her a junk meal, but I guess that wasn't the point. I liked that she seemed appreciative, and may it did help her a little. But I decided I probably would do it again if given the same circumstance, at least not in the same way.

I have softened recently, when I considered the plight of a neighbor girl my daughter's age who fell into drugs. Nice family, good neighborhood. But she just went bad. Now they don't know where she lives. She has a child her parents have adopted and take care of. What if it was this neighbor girl whom I've know since she was six who I saw pandhandling on the street corner? I wouldn't be angry then. I would feel compassion and sorrow. I'd ask her if she needed anything or to be driven somewhere. But I wouldn't give her any money.

Any thoughts about this topic?

Beggars at intersections have been around for decades.
Wow, I note how we can address the reasons women have abortions (can't afford a pregnancy at that time) and you rant about blacks?

Holy cow.
Not Holy Cow at all.
I use that as a very reasonable comparison in what happens if you supply a free system that people can depend on.
The free shit only attracts more people to it. And more people. And more people. Until you reach an inevitable point in which you are now the main reason why the population is even in this position.
Not Holy Cow at all.
I use that as a very reasonable comparison in what happens if you supply a free system that people can depend on.
The free shit only attracts more people to it. And more people. And more people. Until you reach an inevitable point in which you are now the main reason why the population is even in this position.

More people attracted to getting the health care they need. How horrible.
I ignore them as if they don't even exist.
I won't give money to anyone begging under any circumstances including politicians.

Local news a few years ago followed some beggars working the State Fair. At the end of the day one of them walked a half mile to their new Lincoln SUV and drove off.
There are tons of stories on Google of professional beggars.
I was driving out of the Las Vegas Airport once.....and had to stop due to the red light....a beggar was there.....I rolled down my window and axed him did anyone ever give him any money.....he pulled a huge wad of money out of his pocket to show me.

However as long as they are not creating a traffic or safety problem I have no problem with them.

In fact I think they may do society a favor....reminding folks they may wind up begging themselves if they do not work hard and save their money.
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More people attracted to getting the health care they need. How horrible.
I don't think you are the simpleton you are allowing yourself to be.
They "need" the healthcare because they can get it for free.
It really doesn't matter what "free" thing you offer to the public, there will be an underlying population that will use that free shit to avoid having to earn it. It has a direct correlation.
The more free shit you offer, and the easier you make it to get it - the more people will show up to get it.
Till - AGAIN - you arrive to the inevitable point to where you are actually the reason they are in the situation they are in because they depend on your free shit to survive.
I don't think you are the simpleton you are allowing yourself to be.
They "need" the healthcare because they can get it for free.

No, she needs it because she is pregnant.

It really doesn't matter what "free" thing you offer to the public, there will be an underlying population that will use that free shit to avoid having to earn it. It has a direct correlation.
The more free shit you offer, and the easier you make it to get it - the more people will show up to get it.
Till - AGAIN - you arrive to the inevitable point to where you are actually the reason they are in the situation they are in because they depend on your free shit to survive.

Yes, people rely on health care to survive. Is this some revelation?
In the past two years, I have noticed an epidemic of people begging at major intersections in my city. At a big four-way stop, you'll see them at all four medians. They're working in tandem. All have cardboard signs. All begging for help.

What do you do about it?

My first impulse is anger. I'm angry that they're implicitly lying about how they'll use the money, probably going for drugs or booze. The other thing is my charity solicits in front of certain stores. We have to go through a lot of red tape to get permission and permits to solicit. From the business; from the state; from the strip mall owner. And it absolutely frosts me to see these beggars at those same strip mall exits panhandling for themselves...not for buy drugs and booze. They didn't ask permission from anyone. It angers me even more when dunderheads give them money.

Now as a Christian, I wrestle with this. I feel bad that I get angry. I've talked to two priests about this. Both said I shouldn't get angry. One said that rather than give them money, I should engage with them and offer to accompany them to a restaurant and have a meal with them. The other priest said I should be pleasant and treat them like a human being, though I don't have to give them anything. He said "How rotten must their lives be that they would stand out there, regardless of what they do with the money?" He had a point. People addicted to drug or alcohol are not happy or well people. Anger isn't the proper response.

One time I did as the first priest instructed. The very next day after I talked to him, I was sitting in the parking lot at Lowe's looking at my phone. A woman tapped on my window and asked for money for something to eat. I thought it was divine providence. So I offered to go into the Kroger's and get her some fruit and bread and such. But that wasn't what she had in mind. She wanted to eat at the Sonic across the way. So I said fine and let her order. She got a meal deal with fries and a drink. I bristled at what I considered a junk meal, but went with it. I paid $8.64. Trying to make conversation, I asked her name. She refused to tell me. We talked a little bit about her circumstance. Everyone in her life was a f*cking asshole by her account. At the end, she asked for money. I declined. She thanked me for the meal and went on her way .

Pope Francis when asked the question, said he would not only talk to a beggar kindly, he would give them money. He said "So what if the person wants to buy a glass of wine. Who among us doesn't have a guilty pleasure?" I don't see it that way. I see it as enabling an addiction. I was talking to a woman who works in the ABC stores. She said she'll see these guys who were out panhandling come in with stacks of bills to buy liquor. Homeless professionals advise people to NOT give beggars money, that you can give them vouchers for the local shelter. It is a fact that most homeless are not beggars, and most beggars are not homeless.

So how did I feel after my encounter with the woman at Lowe's? Ambivalent. I felt sort of good, but also sort of like a sucker. Probably more the latter. I definitely didn't like getting her a junk meal, but I guess that wasn't the point. I liked that she seemed appreciative, and may it did help her a little. But I decided I probably would do it again if given the same circumstance, at least not in the same way.

I have softened recently, when I considered the plight of a neighbor girl my daughter's age who fell into drugs. Nice family, good neighborhood. But she just went bad. Now they don't know where she lives. She has a child her parents have adopted and take care of. What if it was this neighbor girl whom I've know since she was six who I saw pandhandling on the street corner? I wouldn't be angry then. I would feel compassion and sorrow. I'd ask her if she needed anything or to be driven somewhere. But I wouldn't give her any money.

Any thoughts about this topic?

I never give them money, I give them food.
The the guys begging on the corners holding signs saying they are homeless Veterans needing food and money are the people I tend to disbelieve and don't give money.
The VA has all kinds of programs to house and feed veterans and help them out financially, medically, and also with job training.
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The best way is to go up to them and try to get them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

They will quickly move along because everyone knows Fundamentalist Christians are more annoying than Panhandlers

Are you ever not an asshole?
I occasionally have given them clothes, money or food but not lately. I'm very dismayed at the explosion in homelessness that has occurred here which is certainly due to the out of control border situation. Homelessness has TRIPLED in my city over the last 2 years. It is also becoming dangerous. There is a group that hangs out under a busy underpass who are obviously drug addicts. I've seen them sitting there in 100 degree heat, high as a kite. Last month I saw on the local news one of them wandered out into the street caused a big accident and was killed.
I occasionally have given them clothes, money or food but not lately. I'm very dismayed at the explosion in homelessness that has occurred here which is certainly due to the out of control border situation. Homelessness has TRIPLED in my city over the last 2 years. It is also becoming dangerous. There is a group that hangs out under a busy underpass who are obviously drug addicts. I've seen them sitting there in 100 degree heat, high as a kite. Last month I saw on the local news one of them wandered out into the street caused a big accident and was killed.

I on occasion take packages of socks down to the homeless camps. Now my experience in no way represents the entire country but not a one appear to be Hispanic.

Now the influx can cause other issues but as we have noted here 100's of times, no one wants to address those issues.
To be fair, you don't know how much they are, or are not suffering. You don't know (and have no right to believe) the pittance you give them will make any difference to their lives. You have no idea how any money you give them will be spent.

If giving to the poor makes you feel better then it is money well spent. Some people get a thrill out of spending their money on lots of things that wouldn't bring me any enjoyment. But, that is their right.

However, in my case, I feel no satisfaction in the act and would never give money, or anything else I value, to a stranger.
You misinterpret completely my points here, but it's ok.

You have to read my stance on this if you are following it, but I'm guessing that you just responded to what was written to you, where as you didn't get the entirety of my positions held on the issue if weren't reading my other post included. I think this happens a lot here, otherwise people just respond if they were responded too, but if not knowing the posters core opinions that would be in response to the op in general, and not responses based upon individual post to other posters that can become confusing and detached, then responses like your's to me end up being the result.
Of course you are, just ask you.

But no criticism for the scam artist ripping people off?
Some are definitely scammers out there, but taking in the totality of what's been going on across America, it's more of a fall out situation born of government incompetency and corruption that is causing the situation to grow exponentially huge. People are seeing this stuff on the rise, and your normal looking scammers are becoming younger and younger in which indicates a riff in the system. Now being bold enough to find out where the riff is coming from is up to the citizen's becoming more active in holding government and it's policies accountable.

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