Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

In the past two years, I have noticed an epidemic of people begging at major intersections in my city. At a big four-way stop, you'll see them at all four medians. They're working in tandem. All have cardboard signs. All begging for help.

What do you do about it?

If I perceive enough of a safety hazard, I call the police.

Playing in the middle of a busy intersection is dangerous and illegal.

It is one thing to have sympathy for those who appear to be less fortunate.

It is another thing entirely to tolerate and encourage behavior that creates a serious threat to human life and safety.

Much of what sympathy I ever had for panhandlers, I lost not long after I moved to Sacramento, in 2004.

At this point, at a very low point in my career, I was taking day work through an outfit that was then known as Labor Ready. It was often hard, dirty, unpleasant work, and it didn't pay very well, but it was honest work. At earlier, wealthier parts of my life, it was not unknown for me to hand a $10 or A $20 to some panhandler in the street.

By at this point, I worked very hard for what little money I had. Labor Ready had easy standards to meet, and at that point, anyone who was willing to work as hard as I did, and was willing to meet some very basic standards of ethical behavior, could be making as much money as I was. For a while, when I encountered a panhandler, I told him about Labor Ready, and sometimes even offered to give him a ride there.

You'd be amazed the excuses that many young men, younger than I was, and appearing to be stronger and healthier than I was, had for not being willing to join me in working for Labor Ready.

Like I said, I worked very hard, at that time, for what little money I had. If someone else wasn't willing to work as hard, to earn his own money, he sure as Hell wasn't getting any of mine. I quickly decided that I was not doing Labor Ready or its clients any favor by trying to refer these sorts to it anyway. It seems that those who were willing to work found their way to Labor Ready without my help, and those that I tried to help turned out not to be worthy of the effort.
One of the weakest and dumbest arguments the left will make about poor people is "no one chooses to be poor" or "No one wants to be homeless"
The sheer level of blind stupidity that is required to make such a statement... just wow.
Since I wasn't raised in the affluent Burbs among narcissistic brats who are raised to believe they're 'Speshul' and who would sell out their Grandma if it got them out of a parking ticket, I don't mind giving out a hand out or two; don't care what they do with it, since it's a gift. I do have a limit on how much, just several bucks a month. I've heard all the weird bullshit excuses about all these beggars being seen getting into Lincolns and Mercedes and other dumbass claims, and few are legit, some just like to shit on the down and out, just because they can. The one I see are all pushing around grocery carts or pulling wagons, and playing a role in the recycling food chain; they are working, and standing out in the weather all day here in the summers is work as well. Many also sleep in crappy old cars.

Nobody is more heavily subsidized by govt. than the middle class and the Top 10%ers; beggars don't donate to political campaigns. As for the GOP, Democrats got their big coporate welfare bill passed because it was easy to find Republicans who wanted those big tax breaks for hedge funds and that accelerated depreciation scam, so everybody at the top got what they wanted, a package worth hundreds of billions to Wall Street.

My big checks go to locals, the Union Gospel Mission and Meals On Wheels. I do occasional volunteer work here locally with the small churches with elderly help and also the occasional food drives.
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In my community there are all kinds of charitable organizations in addition to the government welfare state.

A person does not have to beg to live. The begging is a scam to get cash. Cash to be spent on drugs, cigarettes and liquor.

I just ignore them. I would never give them anything.
Since I wasn't raised in the affluent Burbs among narcissistic brats who are raised to believe they're 'Speshul' and who would sell out their Grandma if it got them out of a parking ticket, I don't mind giving out a hand out or two; don't care what they do with it, since it's a gift. I do have a limit on how much, just several bucks a month. I've heard all the weird bullshit excuses about all these beggars being seen getting into Lincolns and Mercedes and other dumbass claims, and few are legit, some just like to shit on the down and out, just because they can. The one I see are all pushing around grocery carts or pulling wagons, and playing a role in the recycling food chain; they are working, and standing out in the weather all day here in the summers is work as well. Many also sleep in crappy old cars.

Nobody is more heavily subsidized by govt. than the middle class and the Top 10%ers; beggars don't donate to political campaigns. As for the GOP, Democrats got their big coporate welfare bill passed because it was easy to find Republicans who wanted those big tax breaks for hedge funds and that accelerated depreciation scam, so everybody at the top got what they wanted, a package worth hundreds of billions to Wall Street.

My big checks go to locals, the Union Gospel Mission and Meals On Wheels. I do occasional volunteer work here locally with the small churches with elderly help and also the occasional food drives.
I liked the Meals on Wheels until I found out our local director made $75,000 about ten years ago. Probably six figures now.
I don't like when leaders of charities make big bucks. Goodwill is even worse. Our local people make big bucks from that.

I think anyone involved in a charity should do it from the heart. I know all the arguments, that you can't find people who will work for free. I say you can. My charity which I will not name has no paid personnel from top to bottom. Everything is volunteer. We fight hard for the claim that 100% of the money donated goes to the cause it is supposed to help. I don't even like printing costs being taken out.
I liked the Meals on Wheels until I found out our local director made $75,000 about ten years ago. Probably six figures now.
I don't like when leaders of charities make big bucks. Goodwill is even worse. Our local people make big bucks from that.

I think anyone involved in a charity should do it from the heart. I know all the arguments, that you can't find people who will work for free. I say you can. My charity which I will not name has no paid personnel from top to bottom. Everything is volunteer. We fight hard for the claim that 100% of the money donated goes to the cause it is supposed to help. I don't even like printing costs being taken out.

I disagree. Managers and CEO's of charities should be paid competitively, like at any other job, otherwise the turnover is too high and the talent limited. There was a guy who pointed this out many years ago. $75 K isn't 'Big Bucks', unless you live in Africa somewhere, like Biafra. Same with pastors and key church employees when the church reaches a certain size, for that matter. Your own Bible says a workman is worthy of his hire, so are teachers, which is what pastors are along with being administrators and counselors. There is nothing in the New Testament that says all Christians have to live out of dumpsters and live in cardboard boxes; in fact it would be impossible to do anything churches are called upon to do without some wealth to do it with. Christian obligations to live in poverty are a myth invented by its critics, none of whom are credible. You go live in poverty if you think its noble and required. My bet is you don't last long.
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I liked the Meals on Wheels until I found out our local director made $75,000 about ten years ago. Probably six figures now.
I don't like when leaders of charities make big bucks. Goodwill is even worse. Our local people make big bucks from that.

I think anyone involved in a charity should do it from the heart. I know all the arguments, that you can't find people who will work for free. I say you can. My charity which I will not name has no paid personnel from top to bottom. Everything is volunteer. We fight hard for the claim that 100% of the money donated goes to the cause it is supposed to help. I don't even like printing costs being taken out.
I like printing cost being taken out!
We print for a number of non-profits.
It is not difficult to tell the difference between truly honest NPs and the ones ran by those who are most interested in how much money they can pull in.
We love United Way. They print a lot. Been doing even better since United Way has joined several chapters to become larger chapters over regions rather than one per town. We printed for 3 local United Ways, then then joined in with large ones and thankfully the lady put in charge is the same gal I have worked with for over 15 years. So now we print for 2 regional United ways over 10 counties. Cha-Ching!
The NPS that are mainly in it for the money always want high end stuff. High end papers, special inks, custom foiling etc. They ENJOY spending the money and you can tell it. Those... I don't like either. I do the work, but it always feels a bit icky doing it.
I will say United Way is not that way. They pick standard sheets, and try to gang run different pieces together to get a better price. So at least they are responsible with their funds.
We were desperate for laborers ... union scale was $17/hr in 1993 ... boss' wife thought to ask the beggers on the street corners ... they all refused, and a few were quite candid ... they make $100 a day begging, why work hard for not much more? ...
Any thoughts about this topic?
Yes. You're too judgemental. It's YOUR decision to give or not give. You DONT know their life even though you've already decided that you do.

You owe them nothing. Give of you choose to, or don't. But once you do, it's no longer your business what they do with it.

You mentioned that you call yourself Christian. Have you really taken the time to read what Christ COMMANDS of His people on this topic? He's very specific, and it is 3asy to understand, but so hard to follow.

Rather than ask the advice of mere men, go directly to the One who sits at the right hand of GOD
I give to bonafide charities, where I know that my money will be going to people (or animals) in need.
I give to INDIVIDUALS I KNOW and I KNOW they could use some help. Rarely have I given to a beggar. I'm not sure, but I may never have
I give to INDIVIDUALS I KNOW and I KNOW they could use some help. Rarely have I given to a beggar. I'm not sure, but I may never have
I have never given to a beggar, and never will. This is 2022. There is literally a plethora of both governmental and charitable organizations proving SOOO much assistance to these people.
The ones that ask on the streets are doing so because they are wanting funds for what they can't get from the above - drugs and alcohol.
We were desperate for laborers ... union scale was $17/hr in 1993 ... boss' wife thought to ask the beggers on the street corners ... they all refused, and a few were quite candid ... they make $100 a day begging, why work hard for not much more?
I remember a television program being aired about professional beggars. It is tax free income. Then there are the issues of whether one is being used as a co-dependent or for a scam.

Those on a strict budget of their own are willing to do without for someone truly in need; not so willing to do without if begging is how another gives themselves a tax break or takes advantage of a soft heart.

My rule of thumb is to keep a sharp eye out for those I know who could use a hand. Remember the rich man and Lazarus? Lazarus was right on his doorstep, but was overlooked by the rich man.
I remember a television program being aired about professional beggars. It is tax free income. Then there are the issues of whether one is being used as a co-dependent or for a scam.

Those on a strict budget of their own are willing to do without for someone truly in need; not so willing to do without if begging is how another gives themselves a tax break or takes advantage of a soft heart.

My rule of thumb is to keep a sharp eye out for those I know who could use a hand. Remember the rich man and Lazarus? Lazarus was right on his doorstep, but was overlooked by the rich man.
Yep - local channel in Indianapolis did a fantastic 3 part series uncovering what was going on with interstate beggars.
In their investigation they were unable to find a single beggar that was real. Not one single sign or claim out of dozens and dozens of folks doing they investigated was true.
They also uncovered a group of organized beggars that live in normal apartments, have late model cars and literally dress like bums on purpose and come back home and high five from all the cash they rake in.

Giving to these people is absolutely foolish.
I have never given to a beggar, and never will. This is 2022. There is literally a plethora of both governmental and charitable organizations proving SOOO much assistance to these people.
The ones that ask on the streets are doing so because they are wanting funds for what they can't get from the above - drugs and alcohol.

Rubbish. The media leads people to believe they all get free houses and big new cars every year and lots of free cash. It's a load of BS, but it lets people off the hook for ignoring their Big Giant Free Enterprise thing really exists, when the fact is the upper classes suck all the productivity gains up and people with real jobs barely subsist, unless they have a family relative;y well off from from previous generations who had the big paying Defense industry jobs and union scales and pensions from before the waves of illegal immigrants and green card slaves and out-sourcing. You just like the anecdotal bullshit because you like having people lower on the food chain than you are, makes you feel 'prosperous' when in real life you're just one serious health problem away from bankruptcy yourself. Most people who have saved all their lives just end up forking it all over to the drug and health care parasites.
I give to INDIVIDUALS I KNOW and I KNOW they could use some help. Rarely have I given to a beggar. I'm not sure, but I may never have

All the anecdotal bullshit aside it's easy to see who is 'real' and who isn't; making excuses for not giving a shit is all that is going on here. Same people who beleive 'free markets' exist and the rich are all 'self made' need to make up nonsense and criminalize poverty. Around here if you can't afford to keep a car running you're dead in the water as far as finding work, and when you have no address or phone you have zero options except standing on corners fighting with criminal illegal aliens for day labor jobs offered by shitheads and crooks.
I have never given to a beggar, and never will. This is 2022. There is literally a plethora of both governmental and charitable organizations proving SOOO much assistance to these people.
The ones that ask on the streets are doing so because they are wanting funds for what they can't get from the above - drugs and alcohol.
That's not really true. There used to be someone in my life who honestly TRIED to work hard, but her symptoms got progressively worse by the year. She died in 2016 at th3 age of 43, technically of heart failure.
All the anecdotal bullshit aside it's easy to see who is 'real' and who isn't; making excuses for not giving a shit is all that is going on here. Same people who beleive 'free markets' exist and the rich are all 'self made' need to make up nonsense and criminalize poverty. Around here if you can't afford to keep a car running you're dead in the water as far as finding work, and when you have no address or phone you have zero options except standing on corners fighting with criminal illegal aliens for day labor jobs offered by shitheads and crooks.
I was surprised by some who push "government help" when some of these talk a out minimal government.

I've also had experience with a couple individuals who fell through the cracks trying to get government help.
Two girls i knew in college lived in DC area...when they went home for holidays or whenever, they would go to one of the airports and beg money for the day. Generally they did pretty good. They graduated with a degree and they're probably hooking.

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