Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

The beggars should enroll in college, and quickly take out some huge tuition loans. Then whine to Santa Biden, who would send them $20,000 for their freaking vote.

Seriously, I ignore street beggars. I prefer to choose where my donation dollars go. I have a couple of organizations I trust.

What I really HATE are they charity people at the doors of every store during holidays.

And having a grocery store cashier ask if I want to donate a buck makes me see red!!
If I perceive enough of a safety hazard, I call the police.

Playing in the middle of a busy intersection is dangerous and illegal.

It is one thing to have sympathy for those who appear to be less fortunate.

It is another thing entirely to tolerate and encourage behavior that creates a serious threat to human life and safety.

Much of what sympathy I ever had for panhandlers, I lost not long after I moved to Sacramento, in 2004.

At this point, at a very low point in my career, I was taking day work through an outfit that was then known as Labor Ready. It was often hard, dirty, unpleasant work, and it didn't pay very well, but it was honest work. At earlier, wealthier parts of my life, it was not unknown for me to hand a $10 or A $20 to some panhandler in the street.

By at this point, I worked very hard for what little money I had. Labor Ready had easy standards to meet, and at that point, anyone who was willing to work as hard as I did, and was willing to meet some very basic standards of ethical behavior, could be making as much money as I was. For a while, when I encountered a panhandler, I told him about Labor Ready, and sometimes even offered to give him a ride there.

You'd be amazed the excuses that many young men, younger than I was, and appearing to be stronger and healthier than I was, had for not being willing to join me in working for Labor Ready.

Like I said, I worked very hard, at that time, for what little money I had. If someone else wasn't willing to work as hard, to earn his own money, he sure as Hell wasn't getting any of mine. I quickly decided that I was not doing Labor Ready or its clients any favor by trying to refer these sorts to it anyway. It seems that those who were willing to work found their way to Labor Ready without my help, and those that I tried to help turned out not to be worthy of the effort.
Different time's today, where as labor is being filled by cheap labor source's from south of the border and beyond. If one doesn't get college educated somehow, then they are in for a huge eye opener if wanting to join the labor force with their dignity to ramain somehow intact shortly afterwards, otherwise like one could in the olden days. So the fall out has come, and drug's seem to be the choice for many who can't figure out how to function in a situation that seeks to exploit them or they weren't briefed on, so they fall into drugs or alcoholism as a means to cope. After that takes them further and further down the rabbit hole, so they are found dead at a young age because of it all.

The huge growth of this class of poor signal's that bad government has grown over the year's, and the lack of encouragement, enthusiasm, and empathy in promoting our young early in their live's has come back to haunt the same as it does in an individual family who has the same individual problem's.
Do you not understand how the remark/reply thing works? You said to make then care. I asked how that would work? How are you going to make them care?
Well don't cut my post up, and this way I can keep reference when read your response, and then attempt to reply.
Different time's today, where as labor is being filled by cheap labor source's from south of the border and beyond. If one doesn't get college educated somehow, then they are in for a huge eye opener if wanting to join the labor force with their dignity to ramain [sic] somehow intact shortly afterwards, otherwise like one could in the olden days. So the fall out has come, and drug's seem to be the choice for many who can't figure out how to function in a situation that seeks to exploit them or they weren't briefed on, so they fall into drugs or alcoholism as a means to cope. After that takes them further and further down the rabbit hole, so they are found dead at a young age because of it all.

The huge growth of this class of poor signal's that bad government has grown over the year's, and the lack of encouragement, enthusiasm, and empathy in promoting our young early in their live's [sic] has come back to haunt the same as it does in an individual family who has the same individual problem's.

Two college degrees, and my current profession, more satisfying than what my college education got me, is as an electrician. My path to that involved a trade school course, but there are paths into this profession that one can pursue right out of high school, without going to college. The skilled trades can be as lucrative and satisfying as any white-color college-degree-based profession, and easier to get into.
I don't see any people like that where I live, but in the past I saw millions of them.....and I mean so many.....

Sometimes I did give them sometimes I didn't.

If it was a very old and visibly sick grandmother....very weak.........under the rain ....going from car to car...I had to give her something....had to:confused:

Those were the kind of exceptions to the rule

I never gave to capable healthy men or women asking. Never.
I drive on by. If I’m caught at a light, I no longer acknowledge them. I know. I know. All heartless and whatever. But I’ve concluded that giving them anything only goes to the very drug use that led them there in the first place.
The beggars should enroll in college, and quickly take out some huge tuition loans. Then whine to Santa Biden, who would send them $20,000 for their freaking vote.

Seriously, I ignore street beggars. I prefer to choose where my donation dollars go. I have a couple of organizations I trust.

What I really HATE are they charity people at the doors of every store during holidays.

And having a grocery store cashier ask if I want to donate a buck makes me see red!!
I'm one of those charity people who asks for donations in front of stores. You have to ask, or you won't get much.
I drive on by. If I’m caught at a light, I no longer acknowledge them. I know. I know. All heartless and whatever. But I’ve concluded that giving them anything only goes to the very drug use that led them there in the first place.
Agree. I would never give them money. It makes me angry when people do. That keeps them out there.
People who are able to work should not ask for money in the intersections or anywhere

That's that.
The thing that aggravates me is it only takes a few hits for them to get $20 bucks an hour. Four hits out of 500 cars works well for them. Better than any job they could get. No drug test. No withholding. Flexible hours.
Two college degrees, and my current profession, more satisfying than what my college education got me, is as an electrician. My path to that involved a trade school course, but there are paths into this profession that one can pursue right out of high school, without going to college. The skilled trades can be as lucrative and satisfying as any white-color college-degree-based profession, and easier to get into.
Yes of course, but what is going on in the streets is something new, where as we are seeing a fall out of some sort, and not just a choice being made as to whether or not one work's at the local farm's as labourers, chicken house's, a mechanic trainee, landscaping (cutting grass), right of way clearing, journeyman lineman trainee, handyman, helper to the elderly, contractor trainee in construction work, driving job's, electrician trainee, distribution yard dog, cattle barn or other auction/sales helper's, fast food industries, hotel industries, automotive industries, and any other one I probably have forgotten...

No they are making choices instead to walk around with back packs on their back's, separated from family and old friend's now begging, living in the woods, and standing on the street corners using drug's, being prostituted or etc at such young ages ?

We are seeing a fall out from bad government or politician's up to no damned good when they attempt to lead this COUNTRY. Now we got the ignoramuses Democrat's throwing gasoline on the fires hoping for what ? Maybe to let these people parish either before leaving the womb or to starve them to death when they set the stage for their failure's once they are out of the womb ? If I wasn't seeing what I've been seeing as a growing issue in the cities or communities, then, I wouldn't be wondering about what is happening.
Beat them to the punch and ask them to make a donation to YOUR Charity du Jour before they ask you for your change.
What go by the office before going through the check out line ? You know it's management or ownership that tells their worker's what to ask the customer's when checking out right ? No need to ever be angry at the clerk's, because they just work there doing what they are told.
The thing that aggravates me is it only takes a few hits for them to get $20 bucks an hour. Four hits out of 500 cars works well for them. Better than any job they could get. No drug test. No withholding. Flexible hours.
I believe it's probably harder for them in life than one makes it sound. First they have to swallow any pride in themselves, they have no running water in their self-made encampment's, they wear the same clothes, they don't look well, and they smell. The money undoubtedly is being used for drug's and food or maybe to pay a pimp. Wonder why the local journalist aren't involved heavily in reporting on that population, and finding out what the scope of it all is, how fast is it growing, and what's the solution to it ??

It's definitely growing in the numbers, yet meanwhile Biden and his Democrat's are feeding this stuff by their open border policies, aiding and abetting illegal crossers by the hundred's of thousand's and etc.
The beggars should enroll in college, and quickly take out some huge tuition loans. Then whine to Santa Biden, who would send them $20,000 for their freaking vote.

Seriously, I ignore street beggars. I prefer to choose where my donation dollars go. I have a couple of organizations I trust.

What I really HATE are they charity people at the doors of every store during holidays.

And having a grocery store cashier ask if I want to donate a buck makes me see red!!
One of my pet peeves is this CONSTANT request donations at every cashier. If I make three stops for errands, I will be asked three times to donate. One time, at a pet store, I was asked if I would like to contribute $10 - and the food I had just bought totaled only $8!

Same thing with the “tip” request added to self-service places, like a hamburger joint or Panera, where you have to wait on a long line to place your order, fill up your own drink, go back to the counter to pick up your order, and then bus your own table when you’re done. These people are already being paid $16 and $17 an hour to ring up your order, and you are being charged a lot more to cover the increased compensation. Now we are supposed to tip on top of that..

Basically, everywhere you go it’s: “this is the inflated price you owe us, How much more beyond that would you like to pay?”
One of my pet peeves is this CONSTANT request donations at every cashier. If I make three stops for errands, I will be asked three times to donate. One time, at a pet store, I was asked if I would like to contribute $10 - and the food I had just bought totaled only $8!

Same thing with the “tip” request added to self-service places, like a hamburger joint or Panera, where you have to wait on a long line to place your order, fill up your own drink, go back to the counter to pick up your order, and then bus your own table when you’re done. These people are already being paid $16 and $17 an hour to ring up your order, and you are being charged a lot more to cover the increased compensation. Now we are supposed to tip on top of that..

Basically, everywhere you go it’s: “this is the inflated price you owe us, How much more beyond that would you like to pay?”
Yep, that's become a racket too I believe.
Yes, places are begging for workers. These people probably can't pass drug tests, which leads me to another question: Why do moronic Democrats legalize pot if it means people can't pass drug tests for jobs?
That’s quite an assumption. There are plenty of people who are just refusing to take jobs because liberals keep funding assistance programs.

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