Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

I disagree. Managers and CEO's of charities should be paid competitively, like at any other job, otherwise the turnover is too high and the talent limited. There was a guy who pointed this out many years ago. $75 K isn't 'Big Bucks', unless you live in Africa somewhere, like Biafra. Same with pastors and key church employees when the church reaches a certain size, for that matter. Your own Bible says a workman is worthy of his hire, so are teachers, which is what pastors are along with being administrators and counselors. There is nothing in the New Testament that says all Christians have to live out of dumpsters and live in cardboard boxes; in fact it would be impossible to do anything churches are called upon to do without some wealth to do it with. Christian obligations to live in poverty are a myth invented by its critics, none of whom are credible. You go live in poverty if you think its noble and required. My bet is you don't last long.
CEO's of charities living high defeats the purpose of a charity which is to help others. CEOs are fundraisers above all else. I can't stand when a so-called charity becomes a big business instead. Jesus lived poor. Jesus' followers should also live modestly, particularly His preachers. I have lived that way all my life, even though I could live any way I wanted. I admire so much the nuns I had in Catholic school who made do on a shoestring.
I like printing cost being taken out!
We print for a number of non-profits.
It is not difficult to tell the difference between truly honest NPs and the ones ran by those who are most interested in how much money they can pull in.
We love United Way. They print a lot. Been doing even better since United Way has joined several chapters to become larger chapters over regions rather than one per town. We printed for 3 local United Ways, then then joined in with large ones and thankfully the lady put in charge is the same gal I have worked with for over 15 years. So now we print for 2 regional United ways over 10 counties. Cha-Ching!
The NPS that are mainly in it for the money always want high end stuff. High end papers, special inks, custom foiling etc. They ENJOY spending the money and you can tell it. Those... I don't like either. I do the work, but it always feels a bit icky doing it.
I will say United Way is not that way. They pick standard sheets, and try to gang run different pieces together to get a better price. So at least they are responsible with their funds.
Interesting post. The only problem I have with the United Way is some chapters give to Planned Parenthood, including the one in my city which was run by a so-called "Catholic" director
Yes. You're too judgemental. It's YOUR decision to give or not give. You DONT know their life even though you've already decided that you do.

You owe them nothing. Give of you choose to, or don't. But once you do, it's no longer your business what they do with it.

You mentioned that you call yourself Christian. Have you really taken the time to read what Christ COMMANDS of His people on this topic? He's very specific, and it is 3asy to understand, but so hard to follow.

Rather than ask the advice of mere men, go directly to the One who sits at the right hand of GOD
So you're saying you give to panhandlers no questions asked?
I give to INDIVIDUALS I KNOW and I KNOW they could use some help. Rarely have I given to a beggar. I'm not sure, but I may never have
So you criticize me for being judgmental, and lecture me on the scripture, yet you do the same thing I do regarding not giving to beggars.
We have the richest and most comfortable poor of any nation in the world.

I've seen real poverty...America doesn't have any. Our poor don't fight over opportunities to pick through garbage at the dump.

Nope, our poor get apartments and food, clothing and SSD payments...all funded by charities and Government services.

Most people begging have SEVERE mental health issues...stay away from them. They have nothing to lose most days of the week.
Jail is nothing but better accommodations, healthcare, food, and a bunch of buddies for them.
So you're saying you give to panhandlers no questions asked?
No, I didn't say that at all.

I said, give or don't give. It's your money (until you give it away)

I said, I don't think I ever gave to a street beggar.

You'd know that if you read my posts before "axing"
So you criticize me for being judgmental, and lecture me on the scripture, yet you do the same
So you criticize me for being judgmental, and lecture me on the scripture, yet you do the same thing I do regarding not giving to beggars.
No, YOU said in your OP that you ALREADY KNOW they are ALL frauds and scammers. I didn't say that. You did.

Your priests, whom you consult, told you pretty much the same thing. Did you argue with them the way you're arguing with me?

And you pretty much admitted that YOUR problem with them is one of ATTITUDE toward them. You said that's where you struggle, and you're right.

You seem to want to argue with me when I simply agree pretty much with what your own priests have said.

Did you ever do an actual BIBLE STUDY on how to deal with people who "ask", like I suggested, rather than ask a group of strangers here on the forum?

This is the Religion forum, so don't be annoyed when someone suggests you get the answer from GOD
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What go by the office before going through the check out line ? You know it's management or ownership that tells their worker's what to ask the customer's when checking out right ? No need to ever be angry at the clerk's, because they just work there doing what they are told.
i didn't say be angry. I just said to ask them first. Getting to the manage is a damn good idea though...thanks.
We have the richest and most comfortable poor of any nation in the world.

I've seen real poverty...America doesn't have any. Our poor don't fight over opportunities to pick through garbage at the dump.

Nope, our poor get apartments and food, clothing and SSD payments...all funded by charities and Government services.

Most people begging have SEVERE mental health issues...stay away from them. They have nothing to lose most days of the week.
Jail is nothing but better accommodations, healthcare, food, and a bunch of buddies for them.
Well said. My son went to Guatemala. He said we have no idea of what poverty is like. Large families living in hovels and such.
I give to INDIVIDUALS I KNOW and I KNOW they could use some help. Rarely have I given to a beggar. I'm not sure, but I may never have
There you go, friend. You said it. You don't give to beggars. Why deny it? Then why blast me for doing the same thing?
I just LINKED where you said it, genius. You said you don't give to beggars. STOP lecturing me.
I SAID....



I don't care what you do with YOUR MONEY

I then told you the same thing the priests you worship told you. But you want to argue. If you respond with more of this, I will put you on ignore. Move on
I SAID....



I don't care what you do with YOUR MONEY

I then told you the same thing the priests you worship told you. But you want to argue. If you respond with more of this, I will put you on ignore. Move on
You started this whole thing by taking a shot at me, when your attitude is exactly the same about not giving to beggars. It's time for you to back off. No more comments about it. This is the last word. If you respond again, you're on iggy.
One of my pet peeves is this CONSTANT request donations at every cashier. If I make three stops for errands, I will be asked three times to donate. One time, at a pet store, I was asked if I would like to contribute $10 - and the food I had just bought totaled only $8!

Same thing with the “tip” request added to self-service places, like a hamburger joint or Panera, where you have to wait on a long line to place your order, fill up your own drink, go back to the counter to pick up your order, and then bus your own table when you’re done. These people are already being paid $16 and $17 an hour to ring up your order, and you are being charged a lot more to cover the increased compensation. Now we are supposed to tip on top of that..

Basically, everywhere you go it’s: “this is the inflated price you owe us, How much more beyond that would you like to pay?”
The begging business has exploded !!! It's everywhere we happen to be.

They're on TV and radio 24/7:

Donate $19 bucks a month, to: feed starving kids in Nigeria, feed starving people in Ethiopia, protect the disappearing elephants, buy school supplies so teachers don't have to waste their own money, save endangered animals, provide internet for poor kids, support the overloaded animal shelter.

And the ones I find most nauseating. Those for public broadcasting. They ask that people include them in their "estate" - so they can keep on giving...from their freaking grave! Lol.

PBS also asks listeners to give their old car to the station (so they can do all that work of calling a junkyard to sell your old heap. Then pocket the money). A donation is fine. But some of this stuff is a bit sick, imo.

There are a million of them. They seem to appear at every media station break.

It's great to donate to a good cause. But it's a huge turnoff to have loud ads in your face all day and all night, wherever you happen to be.
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The begging business has exploded !!! It's everywhere we happen to be.

They're on TV and radio 24/7:

Donate $19 bucks a month, to: feed starving kids in Nigeria, feed starving people in Ethiopia, protect the disappearing elephants, buy school supplies so teachers don't have to waste their own money, save endangered animals, provide internet for poor kids, support the overloaded animal shelter.

And the ones I find most nauseating. Those for public broadcasting. They ask that people include them in their "estate" - so they can keep on giving...from their freaking grave! Lol.

PBS also asks listeners to give their old car to the station (so they can do all that work of calling a junkyard to sell your old heap. Then pocket the money). A donation is fine. But some of this stuff is a bit sick, imo.

There are a million of them. They seem to appear at every media station break.

It's great to donate to a good cause. But it's a huge turnoff to have loud ads in your face all day and all night, wherever you happen to be.
The TV ads don’t bother me as much as the “in your face” requests for extra money at every turn. The “would you like to donate to help feed the hungry children“ or “could you spare $5 to help the homeless shelter provide for abused women?” is intended to embarrass you into parting with more money, beyond the inflated prices, so the company asking for money gets a tax deduction.

But the worst is when the cashier rings you up, after which you have to do all the work to get food, your napkins, your drink, and then clean it all up afterwards, and stands there In front of you while you hit “no tip.” I mean wth? I just paid $17 for a hamburger and a drink at a counter, and now I have to tip on top of that?

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