Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

Any thoughts about this topic?
You seem to have a lot of trouble giving to the poor as the son of YHWH commanded.


But that's ok, after all you don't want to be perfect...

Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me. Good News Translation Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come and follow me."
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That’s quite an assumption. There are plenty of people who are just refusing to take jobs because liberals keep funding assistance programs.
That too, but he does have a valuable point about the pot, because no company or very few will allow an employee to be under the influence of anything while on the job. The Democrat's keep shooting themselves in their foot, but no matter because they are forcing us to pay for it.
You seem to have a lot of trouble giving to the poor as the son of YHWH commanded.


But that's ok, after all you don't want to be perfect...

Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me. Good News Translation Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come and follow me."
I give to the poor. I just don't buy drugs for drug addicts. And what is it you do, other than volunteer OTHER people's money? Do you give of your own resources to the poor? Or do you have a double standard; a higher one for Christians and a lower one for yourself?
That’s quite an assumption. There are plenty of people who are just refusing to take jobs because liberals keep funding assistance programs.
It was certainly the case before the pandemic-related giveaways. The company my brother-in-law works for would hire temps for a 60-day period. Some would be good workers and the company would have offered them permanent jobs, but they would quit on day 59 because they knew they couldn't pass the drug test.
It's definitely growing in the numbers, yet meanwhile Biden and his Democrat's are feeding this stuff by their open border policies, aiding and abetting illegal crossers by the hundred's of thousand's and etc.
Yes, not to mention the huge amount of drugs that are keeping these people hooked and creating more of them.
I think you're a generous person, the type moochers exploit. I also think your instincts and judgment are superior to those you humbly asked for advice, including Frannie.

These people typically make more money than they would at a warehouse or restaurant, with frequent bonus days where someone is feeling especially generous and gives them a $100 bill or multiple people give them $20's.

They only "work" half a day or so, set their own schedule, don't get drug-tested or have to explain missed days. The American people are reliably generous. What a country!

The public assumes these people are homeless, when that's usually not the case. They often have cars and homes. The begger gig beats working for a living.

These people are exploitative. They don't feel embarrassed. I don't give them anything and I don't feel the need to explain why to them or feel guilty. They are counting on good people feeling awkward. I'm also not unfriendly or rude. In fact, I often simply say "no thanks" and move on.

Your mention of needing permits to solicit money from strangers sparked the idea that perhaps that should be applied by local authorities and enforced on these people, too.

Don't worry about them further. I'm sure your decency and generosity can be put to better use elsewhere. 👍🏻
I actually mistyped in my OP and said I would buy someone a meal again, just do it in a different way. I meant to say I would NOT buy someone a meal again, but would help in a different way. I saw the error past the one-hour window given to edit.
Nothing says I have to agree with some lower court political activist hack judge's decision. The SC even disagreed with a previous SC decision, when they overturned Roe vs. Wade.

Therefore, if anyone walks up to my window and begs for money, I will tell them to STFU and GTFO.

I had one asshole who walked up to the car once and and said "Gimme a cigarette." I saw him coming and before he'd gotten to the car, I'd already unholstered my Glock 19 and was holding it in my lap. When he saw that pistol, he turned around and walked away.
That's the problem with engaging these people at the intersections. You never know if one of these crazy people will get mad and scratch or damage your car.
That's the problem with engaging these people at the intersections. You never know if one of these crazy people will get mad and scratch or damage your car.
I buy pre dented and pre scratched so it is one less worry in the world. Sounds like you live in the material world.
It's a mixed bag when it comes to the homeless, and panhandlers. Recently I say a guy posted out front of the local WalMart, waving a piece of cardboard, saying he's out of work, anything helps. He even had his wife and two kids with him. Well it just so happened I was on my way to a piece of my property to do some land clearing. I offered the guy 20 bucks an hour to help, and he can keep at it as long as he wanted too. He of course declined the offer. He probably makes more than what I offered through handouts by suckers at the grocery store.. oh well...

But I'll tell you who are the worst, most devious con artists when it comes to "donating" to those in need. It stores like WalMart, and Publix that ask you to round up, or donate to a given charity. Like StJudes, or children's hospitals ect... This is a flat out scam. Sure. They do give the money to said charity. What they don't tell you, is that that sum of money is then written off, as a tax deductible donation by the store. So you aren't really donating to charity. You are donating to that corporations tax payments. Fuck that!
I've been told that's illegal. I've inquired about this very thing. I'm trying to get a convenience store chain to round up for our charity. Could be they just don't want to do it.
I generally give them free advice if I'm stuck at a red light where they are bumming.

I tell them to get Square Reader so they can accept credit and debit card donations as well. So many people nowadays don't have any change, much less spare change available. Getting with the times is what they need to do if they are going to succeed as a professional bum looking for people with spare change.
The funny thing is I got a square terminal to use for my soliciting in front of stores. I got tired of people saying "Sorry, I don't carry cash". So the Square calls them out on that excuse. As it turns out, probably 80% are making an excuse. 20% actually mean it. Some people like the idea that you accept credit cards. A few people are incredulous. They see it as ridiculous as your scenario where a beggar uses a CC acceptor.

Before I became involved in my charity,----which is 100% volunteer by the way, no paid employees---I was like many of you who hated being asked for money. But now, I give to any reputable group who is soliciting, just as the Lion's Club or the local women's shelter, or the high school volleyball team, because I know how it feels when somebody gives you something when you're soliciting. When you are involved in a great charity, you take it very personally. When somebody donates, you feel absolutely great; better than you would if they gave money to you personally.
Jesus lived on donations during his ministry and would most likely not like your attitude towards those in need who ask.
I don't think Jesus would buy heroin for a heroin addict. What makes you think He would? Notice you haven't said you give money to the poor. Do you feel your atheism excuses you?
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Couldn't care less what Jesus would do.
I am still not giving freeway bums my money.
In a number of major cities, the bums at the intersections will squeegee your windshield for the spare change.
What annoys me is when they start doing it unsolicited as I saw in Mexico. I was with a guy they did this to. He gave the guy a dollar. Instead of thanking my friend, he asked for another dollar for his 'coworker'. They play the con to the hilt.
If God speaks to us and nudges us to give money, by all means, obey God. We have no idea why God wants to give that particular person money. He may just want to feed him breakfast. He may want the beggar to know He is listening, has compassion, and wants to give him what’s needed at that moment.
So why aren't you giving them money?

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