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Beginning to think the Birthers were right..

nope, you birfers lost control of the narrative long ago

High School teachers use the various birfer narratives online as hilarious teaching aids in classes on history and about logic.

The kids laugh uproariously at your confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

what narrative obotstarkey ? your's ?? that nobody will notice ??
The overwhelming majority of Americans laugh uproariously at the birfer story.

You are here only for grins and giggles.
we birthers are usurping the narrative, nice tide.

You're really not. You're repeating your conspiracy narrative to each other. And then bizarrely assuming that because you agree with each other, that the rest of us give a shit.

nope, you birfers lost control of the narrative long ago

High School teachers use the various birfer narratives online as hilarious teaching aids in classes on history and about logic.

The kids laugh uproariously at your confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

what narrative obotstarkey ? your's ?? that nobody will notice ??
The overwhelming majority of Americans laugh uproariously at the birfer story.

You are here only for grins and giggles.
why do all the obots say nope.
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Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

And that's also how the universe works. We leave footprints that can be traced. Anyone who wants to know about me will eventually find where I was raised, who my teachers were in school, who babysat me, who my friends were, what achievements of mine made the local paper, etc. Nobody exists in a vacuum, and here we've been presented with a forged birth certificate that's supposed to convince is in spite of the mountainous LACK of supporting evidence that Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

Other than the COLB issued by Hawaii that states he was born in Hawaii. Which stands as prima facie evidence of Obama's hawaiian birth in any court of law.
....And the two birth announcements that Obama was born in Honolulu published in local papers in 1961.
...Other than the State of Hawaii stating that they had Obama's Birth Certificate on file.
...And the State of Hawaii stating in a separate press conferrence that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.
...Other than then Republican Governor Linda Lingle confirming Obama was born in Hawaii.
...Other than republican appointed Chiyome Fukino Director of the Department of Health confirming that Obama was born in Hawaii 3 separate times.
...And thenState of Hawaii sending official verification of Obama's Hawaiian birth to the Secretary of State of Arizona, signed by the Registrar of Hawaii Alvin Onaka,
...Other than republican Secretary of State for Arizona Ken Bennett affirming that the State of Hawaii had affirmed Obama's eligibility to run and Hawaiian birth.
...Other than the State of Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka confirming in writing for a Mississippi lawsuit that the long form birth certificate published on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records....

Other than all that, yeah, nothing at all.

There's far more evidence he was born in Kenya, even relatives who attest to the fact. The preponderance of evidence militates against a Hawaii origination.

Actually, Obama's Grandmother said he was born in Hawaii. About 6 times. And in a 2007 article before Obama was even elected, stated that she learned of Obama's birth when she received a letter from her son 6 months after her grandchild was born.

And the picture you posted was a confirmed fake by Snopes.

So, you've got nothing. I don't think 'preponderance of evidence' means what you think it means.

ADMISSION DIRECTOR: I see you were born in Kenya, that makes you elibible for special treatment Mr. Obama
OBAMA: That is correct.

BOOK PUBLISHER: Tell me a little something about you that I can put into a book jacket.
OBAMA: Blah, blah, blah.
BOOK PUBLISHER: Do you have anything that would make you unique and make people want to buy your book?
OBAMA: You could say I was born in Kenya.
BOOK PUBLISHER: Yeah good stuff.

Later after it was point out their mistake after 20 years.

BOOK PUBLISHER: It was a mistake on my part. (yes a mistake in either believing Obama or printing something that she new false)
OBAMA: I know nothing.......

Posts satire and believes it to be fact.

Burfurs are the gift that keeps on giving and I, for one, will really miss them once Obama declares himself King Of The Universe.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

This was 50 years ago. Doctor David A Sinclair, the signing physician on the birth certificate, died in 2003. So apparently birthers need some kind of zombie movie to become real before they will accept reality.
And again: we know that 'impeachment' will fail because the president has committed no 'crime,' there would be no issue for the Senate to 'try.' True, the House has the authority to 'impeach' a president because the sky is blue, but absent an actual crime as was the case in previous impeachments – obstruction of justice or perjury, for example – any attempt to 'impeach' the president would in fact be a political stunt.

But didn't Templar say that 6, count them SIX democrats are going to cross the aisle to join the republicans in trying to remove the president for doing something that isn't a crime, let alone an impeachable offense?

Ask him who these democrats are and what indication they've given that they'd support impeachment....and Templar gets quiet.

But its gonna happen. For some reason. Somehow. Involving someone. Unless it doesn't.

I'm starting to get why the republicans blinked on the impeachment issue and are now giving us one snivelling excuse after another why they won't back up their empty rhetoric with action.

Oh darn. I was just about to ask if TemplarKormac told us who those 6 (SIX!) Democrats are.

These nutters always say IT is going to happen just any day now.

Yep, just any day now, Orly/Trump/Arpaio will make their findings public. And then ...???

And again: we know that 'impeachment' will fail because the president has committed no 'crime,' there would be no issue for the Senate to 'try.' True, the House has the authority to 'impeach' a president because the sky is blue, but absent an actual crime as was the case in previous impeachments – obstruction of justice or perjury, for example – any attempt to 'impeach' the president would in fact be a political stunt.

But didn't Templar say that 6, count them SIX democrats are going to cross the aisle to join the republicans in trying to remove the president for doing something that isn't a crime, let alone an impeachable offense?

Ask him who these democrats are and what indication they've given that they'd support impeachment....and Templar gets quiet.

But its gonna happen. For some reason. Somehow. Involving someone. Unless it doesn't.

I'm starting to get why the republicans blinked on the impeachment issue and are now giving us one snivelling excuse after another why they won't back up their empty rhetoric with action.

Oh darn. I was just about to ask if TemplarKormac told us who those 6 (SIX!) Democrats are.

These nutters always say IT is going to happen just any day now.

Yep, just any day now, Orly/Trump/Arpaio will make their findings public. And then ...???


Its okay. Templar already tucked his tail on the impeachment issue once the gravitas of mathematics set in. Such realizations are the beating heart of why republicans are such sniveling chickenshits on the impeachment issue.
And again: we know that 'impeachment' will fail because the president has committed no 'crime,' there would be no issue for the Senate to 'try.' True, the House has the authority to 'impeach' a president because the sky is blue, but absent an actual crime as was the case in previous impeachments – obstruction of justice or perjury, for example – any attempt to 'impeach' the president would in fact be a political stunt.

But didn't Templar say that 6, count them SIX democrats are going to cross the aisle to join the republicans in trying to remove the president for doing something that isn't a crime, let alone an impeachable offense?

Ask him who these democrats are and what indication they've given that they'd support impeachment....and Templar gets quiet.

But its gonna happen. For some reason. Somehow. Involving someone. Unless it doesn't.

I'm starting to get why the republicans blinked on the impeachment issue and are now giving us one snivelling excuse after another why they won't back up their empty rhetoric with action.

Oh darn. I was just about to ask if TemplarKormac told us who those 6 (SIX!) Democrats are.

These nutters always say IT is going to happen just any day now.

Yep, just any day now, Orly/Trump/Arpaio will make their findings public. And then ...???


Its okay. Templar already tucked his tail on the impeachment issue once the gravitas of mathematics set in. Such realizations are the beating heart of why republicans are such sniveling chickenshits on the impeachment issue.

Just like he did when he swore that congressional Dems are Communists.

SSDD from the official board mascot.

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.
Freewill, that would be as an unusual as you making a worthwhile comment in elementary school.
Freewill, that would be as an unusual as you making a worthwhile comment in elementary school.

Gees Jake Rightwinger I was going to leave you alone in your fantasy but you had to be inane and poke me.

You speak of what the majority thinks, yet the majority on the board has to agree that you are not really very honest. I seriously doubt there is a person on this board that thinks of me as anything other then a conservative right winger hack. Why? Because that is what I am and that is how I post and I claim to be nothing more or less. YOU on the other hand SAY you are a middle of the road Republican but as everyone can see that really is not that case. You speaking from authority about anything is thus tainted by your lack of true honesty.
Wouldn't we expect a Polaroid picture of Obama at birth? Something, anything? I actually feel a little sad that apparently his birth was so low keyed, one snippet in the local newspaper.

Then we have the book brochure that stood for years saying he was born in Kenya. Obviously making him the first birther, LOL.

Then we have the Hillary camp starting the rumor of his birth and a democrat being the first to file suit.

Truly it is amazing how the left turned this into a right wing issue and equally amazing how SOME on the right joined them in doing so.

Obama was born in Hawaii then lied about it, end of story.
You are one of the inflexible belief brigade. You leave me alone generally because I kick your ass when you get stupid in discussion. Then you forget, like now, and get your face rubbed in the mud yet again.

You are a far right reactionary, not a mainstream Republican, thus your comments about general GOP issues does not matter. Few of the far right's opinion matter because almost are inflexibly bonded into a group think that would damage America.

Yeah, BHO was born in Hawaii. Only the fool's brigade believes differently. As if an editor's mistake means squat: as if.

You are what you are: a loser.
The Citizenship Status of Our 44 Presidents

The Citizenship Status of Our 44 Presidents

The Citizenship Status of Our 44 Presidents
By: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.Written: February 14, 2011
Revised: February 16, 2011
A famous Holmesian dictum provides that "a page of history is worth a volume of logic."New York Trust Co. v. Eisner, 256 U.S. 345, 349 (1921) (Holmes, J.). There have been43 Americans that have served as President (not including Barack Obama). Ten wereborn before 1787. Until Martin Van Buren (who was born in 1782 or six years after thesigning of the Declaration of Independence) became President in 1837 (making him the8th president), all the Presidents had been born before 1776 to parents who, undoubtedly,at the time considered themselves to be loyal subjects of one of the British Kings. Thepresident following Van Buren, William H. Harrison (the 9th president), was also bornbefore 1776 to parents who were British “natural born subjects.” All Presidents bornbefore July 4, 1776, were born British “natural born subjects.” Those early presidentswere naturalized to become “Citizens of the United States” through the Declaration of Independence and by adhering to the American Revolution. These presidents includedWashington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, and Harrison. ArticleII, Section 1, Clause 5, allowing anyone who was a “Citizen of the United States” at thetime of the adoption of the Constitution to be eligible to be President, grandfathered thesepresidents to be eligible. All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur andBarack Obama, met the “natural born Citizen” criteria, i.e., born on U.S. soil to a motherand father who were themselves U.S. citizens at the time of the President’s birth. NeitherArthur nor Obama were “natural born Citizens” at the time of birth. Arthur was born toan alien father who also made his U.S. citizen mother an alien. Obama was born to a non-U.S. citizen father who never became a U.S. citizen and, being here only on a temporarystudent visa, was never even an immigrant. There have been 46 Americans that haveserved as Vice-President (not including Mr. Biden). Ten were born before 1787. AllVice-Presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur, met the “natural bornCitizen” criteria. Fourteen Vice Presidents have gone on to be President
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