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Beginning to think the Birthers were right..

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).

I'll agree with that, but I would think that maybe they could put 2 and 2 together and realize that it probably was Obama.

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).

I'll agree with that, but I would think that maybe they could put 2 and 2 together and realize that it probably was Obama.

Maybe, but now we're getting into speculation. As I said earlier in the thread I am NOT an Obama supporter. It's just accepting A LOT of assumption:

-Expecting those people to still be alive. If they were 30 at the time...they would be 83 today.

-Expecting someone who when they delivered a baby 53 years ago to remember the baby's name, in case that baby happened to become the president. Again they might be like "remember that time when a bi-racial was child was born? Wasn't that rare?"...but that at the most, I wouldn't expect them to remember every detail (which you agreed to).

-After all of that even IF they did realize it was Obama (which is certainly not impossible), the next step is to expect that person to open themselves to the public scrutiny that would come along with going public with that information

-The final assumption is the person is alive, remember, and is ok with going public...that they actually care enough to do so (I think that most Americans have become apathetic).

Like I said, I'm not Obama supporter and he's a TERRIBLE president, but that theory (the whoever gave birth to them to come out) just doesn't make much sense to me. I personally choose to focus on issues that are screwing up our country, and where he was born.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).

I'll agree with that, but I would think that maybe they could put 2 and 2 together and realize that it probably was Obama.

Maybe, but now we're getting into speculation. As I said earlier in the thread I am NOT an Obama supporter. It's just accepting A LOT of assumption:

-Expecting those people to still be alive. If they were 30 at the time...they would be 83 today.

-Expecting someone who when they delivered a baby 53 years ago to remember the baby's name, in case that baby happened to become the president. Again they might be like "remember that time when a bi-racial was child was born? Wasn't that rare?"...but that at the most, I wouldn't expect them to remember every detail (which you agreed to).

-After all of that even IF they did realize it was Obama (which is certainly not impossible), the next step is to expect that person to open themselves to the public scrutiny that would come along with going public with that information

-The final assumption is the person is alive, remember, and is ok with going public...that they actually care enough to do so (I think that most Americans have become apathetic).

Like I said, I'm not Obama supporter and he's a TERRIBLE president, but that theory (the whoever gave birth to them to come out) just doesn't make much sense to me. I personally choose to focus on issues that are screwing up our country, and where he was born.

It is more of a mind candy discussion then really giving a crap. There is really little information about where he was born, if outside the US. So logically we must side with the information available and, in my opinion, it all points towards him being born in Hawaii. It is probably better that no one does steps forward, they would only be accused of being an Obama droid.

Which means he let the lie that he was born in Kenya stand for a very long time. Up unitl he realized it would get in his way running for President. I also believed he used the lie to get into college but again that is just speculation.
The inflexible opponents for the most part, I think, are not traitors, just deficient in common sense.
Beginning to think the birthers along with all the others totally against the President are disloyal traitors.

So those accusing Reagan of high crime in another thread are just disloyal traitors? those who brought up Laura Bush accident in which her boy friend was killed are sick and disloyal traitors? Where do you draw the line? Especially since you seem to have drawn the line at where Obama was born. I can't imagine what you think of people who disagree with something important like Obamacare.
Beginning to think the birthers along with all the others totally against the President are disloyal traitors.

So those accusing Reagan of high crime in another thread are just disloyal traitors? those who brought up Laura Bush accident in which her boy friend was killed are sick and disloyal traitors? Where do you draw the line? Especially since you seem to have drawn the line at where Obama was born. I can't imagine what you think of people who disagree with something important like Obamacare.

When there's an actual criminal allegation against the President one can prove at trial, that's one thing. As with President Nixon. When it's a lot of conspiracy nonsense that doesn't involve criminality, continuing to use it to undermine a sitting President is sedition/treason (civilian/military.)
I swore an oath:

"The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.""

While I may not be bound to it any longer in law, I consider it binding in spirit. As do most veterans who served honorably.

If you have a gripe against the President and can prove it, send it up the chain-of-command. If not, shut that silly little hole under your nose.
Beginning to think the birthers along with all the others totally against the President are disloyal traitors.

So those accusing Reagan of high crime in another thread are just disloyal traitors? those who brought up Laura Bush accident in which her boy friend was killed are sick and disloyal traitors? Where do you draw the line? Especially since you seem to have drawn the line at where Obama was born. I can't imagine what you think of people who disagree with something important like Obamacare.

When there's an actual criminal allegation against the President one can prove at trial, that's one thing. As with President Nixon. When it's a lot of conspiracy nonsense that doesn't involve criminality, continuing to use it to undermine a sitting President is sedition/treason (civilian/military.)

you did not answer the question. Reagan never went on trial nor was he charged.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

No- not really. I wouldn't actually expect many of them to be alive. I am close to Obama's age- the doctor that delivered me died 20 years ago, as has Obama's.

A quick look shows that doctors may deliver between 250-300 babies a year- presuming a 40 year career- that would be upward of 12000 babies over the course of a career- 24,000 parents.

Why would you expect anyone to remember any baby that had no complications?
Wouldn't we expect a Polaroid picture of Obama at birth? Something, anything? I actually feel a little sad that apparently his birth was so low keyed, one snippet in the local newspaper.

Then we have the book brochure that stood for years saying he was born in Kenya. Obviously making him the first birther, LOL.

Then we have the Hillary camp starting the rumor of his birth and a democrat being the first to file suit.

Truly it is amazing how the left turned this into a right wing issue and equally amazing how SOME on the right joined them in doing so.

Obama was born in Hawaii then lied about it, end of story.

Why would you expect you would see a polaroid at Birth?
I am close to Obama's age- there exist no photo's- Polaroid or otherwise- of us at birth- as far as I know just wasnt' done. But feel free to share the photo's at birth of say George Bush?

Why would you expect anyone to realize that baby Obama was going to be President in 50 years and they better make a big deal of him then?

The brochure? Two problems with your comment- first of all- the brochure is a clear anomaly- in 1990 the year before the brochure- Barack Obama's was interviewed in newspapers across the country- and his place of birth of Hawaii was mentioned several times. Never Kenya.

The 1991 brochure was obscure- so obscure that Birthers didn't even know of it until Breitbart found it and published it in 2012. That is the second problem with your claim- unless you think that Barack Obama hopped in with Michael J. Fox and went back in time- Birthers were birthing in 2008- 4 years before they found this brochure.

Some of Hilary's supporters were early Birthers- but it started on right wing blogs- and essentially all Birthers are right wing nut jobs.

I am sure Obama has lied about many things- he is President after all- but there is no evidence he ever said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on Krypton once though.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).

I'll agree with that, but I would think that maybe they could put 2 and 2 together and realize that it probably was Obama.

There are some anecdotal stories- a wife who remembers someone mentioning the odd name- but with the vagaries of memory- why would anyone care?

Why do you care?
Do you honestly expect doctors who deliver hundreds or thousands of babies to remember the first and last name of every baby they ever deliver for 50+ years? :cuckoo:

Obama's a terrible president, don't get me wrong. But some people just can't let this birther issue go.

Actually wouldn't you expect them to remember? Assuming his father was there at birth that would mean a very white woman and a very black man, which in that time period would be something of an oddity.

I would maybe expect them to maybe remember that, but not all of the details (his specific name).

I'll agree with that, but I would think that maybe they could put 2 and 2 together and realize that it probably was Obama.

Maybe, but now we're getting into speculation. As I said earlier in the thread I am NOT an Obama supporter. It's just accepting A LOT of assumption:

-Expecting those people to still be alive. If they were 30 at the time...they would be 83 today.

-Expecting someone who when they delivered a baby 53 years ago to remember the baby's name, in case that baby happened to become the president. Again they might be like "remember that time when a bi-racial was child was born? Wasn't that rare?"...but that at the most, I wouldn't expect them to remember every detail (which you agreed to).

-After all of that even IF they did realize it was Obama (which is certainly not impossible), the next step is to expect that person to open themselves to the public scrutiny that would come along with going public with that information

-The final assumption is the person is alive, remember, and is ok with going public...that they actually care enough to do so (I think that most Americans have become apathetic).

Like I said, I'm not Obama supporter and he's a TERRIBLE president, but that theory (the whoever gave birth to them to come out) just doesn't make much sense to me. I personally choose to focus on issues that are screwing up our country, and where he was born.

It is more of a mind candy discussion then really giving a crap. There is really little information about where he was born, if outside the US. So logically we must side with the information available and, in my opinion, it all points towards him being born in Hawaii. It is probably better that no one does steps forward, they would only be accused of being an Obama droid.

Which means he let the lie that he was born in Kenya stand for a very long time. Up unitl he realized it would get in his way running for President. I also believed he used the lie to get into college but again that is just speculation.

I put this list together a year or so ago, when hearing the same kind of crap.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever noticed that brochure being wrong- or having read the brochure- it was intended for a limited audience of potential book publishers- and in every other publication- including his own autobiography from 1995- he states he was born in Hawaii.

New York Times,February 6, 1990 - daily circution- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
There are some anecdotal stories- a wife who remembers someone mentioning the odd name- but with the vagaries of memory- why would anyone care?

Why do you care?:question:

Los Angeles Times,August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine,June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

put this list together a year or so ago, when hearing the same kind of crap.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever noticed that brochure being wrong- or having read the brochure- it was intended for a limited audience of potential book publishers- and in every other publication- including his own autobiography from 1995- he states he was born in Hawaii.michaelreesehospitalchicagoreference..

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