Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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Because I don't take the word of terrorists instead of the truth? The number of Anti-Semites revealing themselves here is astonishing.
Yep, it definitely has been an eye opener for sure ... It's a crying shame that even posters here that I've agreed with many times on common sense issues, are found to be pro-russian after Russia has been allied with Iran who is a state sponsor of Terrorism in the ME and beyond.
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Try reality sometime you Anti-Semitic POS. The fact that you take the word of terrorists over the truth is telling. As is the fact that you have yet to back up ANY of your garbage. That goes for your fellow Anti-Semites here. You know jack and shit about history. Parroting propaganda is all you retards know how to do. You, gipper, and the rest of you go join the terrorists you love so much.
How about Israeli rabbis judaism Jewish people themselves condemning the ZIONISTS actions of Israel? I guess in your fucked up minds they are terrorists as well and are spewing garbage,don’t you guys ever get tired of having shit on your face in embarrassment getting owned? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
How about Israeli rabbis judaism Jewish people themselves condemning the ZIONISTS actions of Israel? I guess in your fucked up minds they are terrorists as well and are spewing garbage,don’t you guys ever get tired of having shit on your face in embarrassment getting owned? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
The shill from paid Langley is laughing this off so I know I hit a nerve with him.:up:he laughs facts off when cornered and nowhere to run.:abgg2q.jpg:
Try reality sometime you Anti-Semitic POS. The fact that you take the word of terrorists over the truth is telling. As is the fact that you have yet to back up ANY of your garbage. That goes for your fellow Anti-Semites here. You know jack and shit about history. Parroting propaganda is all you retards know how to do. You, gipper, and the rest of you go join the terrorists you love so much.
Hopefully they will come around, because they've got to know that siding against Israel when it has every right to defend itself against a hot bed of Antisemite's in GAZA, is just a big time fools errand.
How about Israeli rabbis judaism Jewish people themselves condemning the ZIONISTS actions of Israel? I guess in your fucked up minds they are terrorists as well and are spewing garbage,don’t you guys ever get tired of having shit on your face in embarrassment getting owned? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
So what's your problem with Israel as opposed to HAMAS ??
You and your little twin sure do love the term "poison the well" even as you call people "Ziocons", "Trotskyites" and "warmongers" if we do not share in your antisemitic conspiracy theories or parrot Islamist attitudes towards Israel.

"The association fallacy is a formal logical fallacy that asserts that properties of one thing must also be properties of another thing, if both things belong to the same group. For example, a fallacious arguer may claim that "bears are animals, and animals are dangerous; therefore your dog, which is also an animal, must be dangerous."

"Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864).[1] The etymology of the phrase lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the invading army's strength. . . "
I apologize if any of my characterizations of where you stand on this issue are incorrect. As I posted in Post number #124, this is a well established link between neocon world supremacist take over, and Marxist revolutionary thought.

If you think this is a hyperbolic, one off, it is not. The very well regarded paleo-conservative link, Lew Rockwell even recognizes this. It is mainstream intellectual thought at universities. If it bothers you, change your ways.

The term, ZioCon? It is not mine, it is a description of the globalist Trotskyite forces which have taken over the CFR and the Chatham House ruling classes, to create a world technocratic dystopia. It is the predominant ideology over there at Davos/WEF and at the World Bank/IMF.

I am personally opposed to a global digital ID, mandatory Vaccines, Carbon/Social Credit scores, and central bank digital currency. . . It is sad to see that you have finally hopped onto Lucifer's plan. :oops:

lottsa war making and refugees for that to come about, eh? wot wot.

Defense Spending Waste & Corruption.​

This one deals with the bickering power factions within our government and in the Deep State, over the money in the military industrial complex. It is a major source of the road blocks, and why these impasses get stickier and stickier every year. If you are at all adverse to hearing things that border on "conspiracy theory," or nasty things about your favorite politicians? Skip it.

This conversation was recorded during the Trump presidency, but it is even more on point now.

Enforce The US Constitution | Dr. Cynthia McKinney​

20,261 views Jul 5, 2017
"This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally.

For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world.

The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound.. . . (more in the description)"

"The association fallacy is a formal logical fallacy that asserts that properties of one thing must also be properties of another thing, if both things belong to the same group. For example, a fallacious arguer may claim that "bears are animals, and animals are dangerous; therefore your dog, which is also an animal, must be dangerous."

"Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864).[1] The etymology of the phrase lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the invading army's strength. . . "
I apologize if any of my characterizations of where you stand on this issue are incorrect. As I posted in Post number #124, this is a well established link between neocon world supremacist take over, and Marxist revolutionary thought.

If you think this is a hyperbolic, one off, it is not. The very well regarded paleo-conservative link, Lew Rockwell even recognizes this. It is mainstream intellectual thought at universities. If it bothers you, change your ways.

The term, ZioCon? It is not mine, it is a description of the globalist Trotskyite forces which have taken over the CFR and the Chatham House ruling classes, to create a world technocratic dystopia. It is the predominant ideology over there at Davos/WEF and at the World Bank/IMF.

I am personally opposed to a global digital ID, mandatory Vaccines, Carbon/Social Credit scores, and central bank digital currency. . . It is sad to see that you have finally hopped onto Lucifer's plan. :oops:

lottsa war making and refugees for that to come about, eh? wot wot.

Defense Spending Waste & Corruption.​

This one deals with the bickering power factions within our government and in the Deep State, over the money in the military industrial complex. It is a major source of the road blocks, and why these impasses get stickier and stickier every year. If you are at all adverse to hearing things that border on "conspiracy theory," or nasty things about your favorite politicians? Skip it.

This conversation was recorded during the Trump presidency, but it is even more on point now.

Enforce The US Constitution | Dr. Cynthia McKinney​

20,261 views Jul 5, 2017
"This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally.

For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world.

The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound.. . . (more in the description)"

I have reduced you to quoting Cynthia Fucking McKinney.

That is just rich!! Do you even know who she is? She was, like, gang of 4 before there was a gang of 4.
"The association fallacy is a formal logical fallacy that asserts that properties of one thing must also be properties of another thing, if both things belong to the same group. For example, a fallacious arguer may claim that "bears are animals, and animals are dangerous; therefore your dog, which is also an animal, must be dangerous."

"Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864).[1] The etymology of the phrase lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the invading army's strength. . . "
I apologize if any of my characterizations of where you stand on this issue are incorrect. As I posted in Post number #124, this is a well established link between neocon world supremacist take over, and Marxist revolutionary thought.

If you think this is a hyperbolic, one off, it is not. The very well regarded paleo-conservative link, Lew Rockwell even recognizes this. It is mainstream intellectual thought at universities. If it bothers you, change your ways.

The term, ZioCon? It is not mine, it is a description of the globalist Trotskyite forces which have taken over the CFR and the Chatham House ruling classes, to create a world technocratic dystopia. It is the predominant ideology over there at Davos/WEF and at the World Bank/IMF.

I am personally opposed to a global digital ID, mandatory Vaccines, Carbon/Social Credit scores, and central bank digital currency. . . It is sad to see that you have finally hopped onto Lucifer's plan. :oops:

lottsa war making and refugees for that to come about, eh? wot wot.

Defense Spending Waste & Corruption.​

This one deals with the bickering power factions within our government and in the Deep State, over the money in the military industrial complex. It is a major source of the road blocks, and why these impasses get stickier and stickier every year. If you are at all adverse to hearing things that border on "conspiracy theory," or nasty things about your favorite politicians? Skip it.

This conversation was recorded during the Trump presidency, but it is even more on point now.

Enforce The US Constitution | Dr. Cynthia McKinney​

20,261 views Jul 5, 2017
"This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally.

For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world.

The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound.. . . (more in the description)"

This excellent speech by Cynthia McKinney makes far too much sense with logic and pesky facts fornthe Israeli apologists to comprehend. :up:

McKinney is no longer in congress anymore sense she dared to be a patriot and dared to stand up to our corrupt institutions and dared to denounce aipac.
I challenge you to produce one plan or even a shred of evidence that Israel is somehow a player in the one world order, and show us how this event was a false flag operation that was to get the world kicked into full gear towards a one world government.

We'll be waiting..
You already gave an "informative," reaction to post #128. . . so you ARE in fact, aware that Israel is tied into all the other global players.

So now, should I just assume, you don't understand how, or why this Hegelian Dialectic being played upon all of us, has to do with the international rules of fair play toward the common folks, and why you should give a damn about that. . . Is THAT what you are asking me?

As if this ISN'T in fact, rolling back all of the humanitarian guarantees that the Jewish people won for everyone at Nuremberg, at the conclusion of WWII. . . is that what you are asking?

I have reduced you to quoting Cynthia Fucking McKinney.

That is just rich!! Do you even know who she is? She was, like, gang of 4 before there was a gang of 4.

The cabal owned media programmed your mind, and rigged her election using the same means they rigged Trump's. If she really was/is, who you say she is, why does she acknowledge that Trump beat Biden?


. . . you really suck at this. Talk about desperate.
Try reality sometime you Anti-Semitic POS. The fact that you take the word of terrorists over the truth is telling. As is the fact that you have yet to back up ANY of your garbage. That goes for your fellow Anti-Semites here. You know jack and shit about history. Parroting propaganda is all you retards know how to do. You, gipper, and the rest of you go join the terrorists you love so much.
I see the cat has got your tongue on how rediculous this post of yours is the fact that if you call us anti semitic,then you are calling rabbi juduism Jewish humanitarian Jews anti semitic as well for denouncing the Zionists of Israel how they murder palestines all the time,guess according to your warped logic,they are anti semitic as well:laughing0301:
This excellent speech by Cynthia McKinney makes far too much sense with logic and pesky facts fornthe Israeli apologists to comprehend. :up:

McKinney is no longer in congress anymore sense she dared to be a patriot and dared to stand up to our corrupt institutions and dared to denounce aipac.
I know, right? She called out DyneCorps trafficking of women and children in that same grilling of Rummy.
And he was just. . . silent. Establishment dead to rights. :1peleas:

. . and folks actually bleev this guy beat her in an election . . .


This excellent speech by Cynthia McKinney makes far too much sense with logic and pesky facts fornthe Israeli apologists to comprehend. :up:

McKinney is no longer in congress anymore sense she dared to be a patriot and dared to stand up to our corrupt institutions and dared to denounce aipac.
Yup, just integrity.

She is friends with Ron Paul too. . .
I'm ashamed of the Christians here who have fallen for these demonic Conspiracies.

You are right. It ALWAYS leads back to "those evil Jews.". Throughout history, SATAN has always tried to wipe them out. These Christians don't see WHO is behind their theories

And notice they NEVER back up their theories with any serious proof. But they demand you FOLLOW along.

I have NEVER once said or even thought that the NWO leads back to "Da Jooos". Find one post on this site where I have ever talked about the Jews as being the villains. :rolleyes: If anything, I have stated the opposite, I have always been supportive of the Jewish people. I have no problem with Jews OR Arabs/Muslims. I don't hate people, like so many on this site clearly do.

This is the problem. I don't know if it's simple misunderstanding, or intentional vicious dishonesty, but all you've been posting on this thread (in regard to me) is strawmen and horrible mischaracterizations of my position.

That's why I unfollowed you and don't even want to participate in this disgusting thread anymore. I have never seen so much ugly, hateful vile slanderous crap as I have on this thread.

The cabal owned media programmed your mind, and rigged her election using the same means they rigged Trump's. If she really was/is, who you say she is, why does she acknowledge that Trump beat Biden?


. . . you really suck at this. Talk about desperate.
:thankusmile: The understatement of the year.:up:

They also suck in their babble when they keep attacking you saying you are anti semitic when after you tell the facts even rabbi juduism Jewish people in Israel have condemned the murderous actions of the Zionists of Israel the mossad file their warmongering murderous actions,you bring thst up,the cat grabs their tongue and they get strangely quiet knowing they been checkmated,they suck at answering that question as well,they have no answers,just personal attacks,
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I have NEVER once said or even thought that the NWO leads back to "Da Jooos". Find one post on this site where I have ever talked about the Jews as being the villains. :rolleyes: If anything, I have stated the opposite, I have always been supportive of the Jewish people. I have no problem with Jews OR Arabs/Muslims. I don't hate people, like so many on this site clearly do.

This is the problem. I don't know if it's simple misunderstanding, or intentional vicious dishonesty, but all you've been posting on this thread (in regard to me) is strawmen and horrible mischaracterizations of my position.

That's why I unfollowed you and don't even want to participate in this disgusting thread anymore. I have never seen so much ugly, hateful vile slanderous crap as I have on this thread.
Very wise in unfollowing him,it’s so obvious he is a paid shill from Israel that has penetrated this site,too bad the ones that are not shills of Israel on here thst are brainwashed listen to him and can’t see the obvious they have been played by the msm propaganda media.
I have NEVER once said or even thought that the NWO leads back to "Da Jooos". Find one post on this site where I have ever talked about the Jews as being the villains. :rolleyes: If anything, I have stated the opposite, I have always been supportive of the Jewish people. I have no problem with Jews OR Arabs/Muslims. I don't hate people, like so many on this site clearly do.

This is the problem. I don't know if it's simple misunderstanding, or intentional vicious dishonesty, but all you've been posting on this thread (in regard to me) is strawmen and horrible mischaracterizations of my position.

That's why I unfollowed you and don't even want to participate in this disgusting thread anymore. I have never seen so much ugly, hateful vile slanderous crap as I have on this thread.
One of the oldest Christian Churches in the world was bombed by the Israelis. It was built by Crusaders.

It is like when ISIS was destroying ancient landmarks. . because they weren't their religion, and they just didn't give a shit.

Israel-Palestine war: Strike on ancient Gaza church devastates Christian community​

When folks read things they don't like, if they cannot find alternative material which proves those facts or arguments false, fallacies and slander is all that is left. :dunno:

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