Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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The grand conspiracies that always lead back to Jews, I might add.
I'm ashamed of the Christians here who have fallen for these demonic Conspiracies.

You are right. It ALWAYS leads back to "those evil Jews.". Throughout history, SATAN has always tried to wipe them out. These Christians don't see WHO is behind their theories

And notice they NEVER back up their theories with any serious proof. But they demand you FOLLOW along.
BULL. SHIT. And you know it it you terrorist propaganda spreaders. You debunked nothing you screeching asshole. Just another Anti-Semite who has yet to prove anything you‘ve spouted. Go fuck yourself you lying, Anti-Semitic, troll asshole “mod”.
He surprised me. I never knew he was one of those
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Nope. Clicked it 4 times. Attempts to do something but doesn't.

You're not worth reading anyway. You're predictable

Edit: Okay, NOW I figured out what you did. You linked to a 17 page PDF and didn't inform us.

Sorry, but I can't won't read it on my phone

Yes. It's polite to alert people when you link to a pdf download instead of a web page.
We had to shoot Vietnamese children who had bombs strapped to them, but it wasn't because of being child killer's as people like you and your propaganda are suggesting. The same happened in Iraq.

It is a tactic of a savagery for an enemy to use children and women in unexpected ways, and worse to groom them or raise them up in such ways, so the children's blood is on their master's hands, and not on the one's who have to defend themselves from such horrific tactics that involve women and children.

Although a movie, this was learned by script writer's through actual accounts of this type of attack in which placed it into the movie as a reminder of the barbarity in tactics used by an enemy.

The same was shown in various movies being born of the same stories told in war diaries and interview's by soldier's during their tours of duty.

Lying again, there is no evidence Vietnamese used child suicide bombers, there is plenty of evidence the US raped and murdered Vietnamese kids.
Not only that, but MANY regular Israelis are also questioning the government about what happened. In fact, there's a recent article about that here: Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign

So are those former IDF soldiers and all the Israelis who have questioned the government Jew haters? Are all those Israelis anti-Israel?
You're making a leap in logic that isn't logical.

YOUR belief that the attack was an "inside job" isn't at all what the poll you're trying to pass off is saying. I'll leave it at that. But try to be a little bit honest here
I now have several copies downloaded into my phone because I ASSUMED the link was going to a website

Are they hard to delete? I have a PC and a tablet, never use a phone for innernetz stuff. I carry a cheapo flip phone for emergencies while out driving or at the store, but never used one for anything else. With some posters I never click on any link they post anyway, they're too stupid to post links to anything informative or factual. Don't see how anybody can read anything on them.
Are they hard to delete? I have a PC and a tablet, never use a phone for innernetz stuff. I carry a cheapo flip phone fro emergencies while out driving or at the store, but never used one for anything else.
No, I can delete them. Just haven't bothered yet. The point is, I kept clicking the link trying to figure out why I couldn't get to the site.

I use my phone 99% of the time. I will not read 17 pages of nonsense on my phone screen
Misterbeal,gipper buttercup and sparky took you to school,they gave you the videos but you are too scared to watch them as always.
Trollboy shill from Langley try’s to laugh off these facts when he has failed to debunk those videos,what a joke.
All over the forum, you’re making personal attacks and calling people anti-Semitic , which makes you the same as BLM supporters that call people racist for no good reason.

You’re ignoring the people in Israel, who have suggested that their own government played some kind of a role in allowing the October 7 attack to occur. That doesn’t mean Israel is guilty, that doesn’t mean people are against Jews, it is a legitimate concern that rogue elements within the IDF either gave a stand down order, looked the other way or in some form allowed October 7 to occur.

What about it? We’re talking about fellow American citizens young boys and girls killed every day in this country by gangbangers. That is of the upmost importance to confront.
Well said. :thup:
Just accept it. You got destroyed in this debate. All you can do is name calling.
Thanks. I don't think so though. Most mature, intelligent folks that are educated and have studied history, know this, it shouldn't even have to be remarked upon, at this point.

They destroyed themselves when they started buying into the state/corporate narratives they wanted to just bleev w/o question.

After that corrupt passage of the Sixteenth Amendment and the passage of the Federal Reserve, no one should be buying a damn thing coming from the corporate owned press any longer, IMO.

These folks selling it, don't even try to get a new play book. :rolleyes:




Babies on Bayonets - #PropagandaWatch

Corbett • 11/26/2018 • 15 Comments

And these same folks? Were the progenitor of both The Royal Institute of International Affairs & The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

These are supposed to be, the best and the brightest, yeah? :puhleeze:


When in the FUCK, can't they just pleeeeze get some new material for the unwashed lemmings to parrot?

I know there are some intelligent members on this board that support these fascist eugenic policies, that don't actually bleev this garbage. . . but one would think, that they could at least come up with some new material after a century?
It won't change the conspiratorial minds of those who said only days ago that these reports have not been confirmed. I already know the arguments so spare us

I believed the Jews from the begining. There can be no reconciliation with the so-called Palestinians as long as Hamas still exists.
No, this thread is total crap, it has been called out, and folks that are Zio-con-Troskyite, Warmongers, that are on board with the New World Order, WEF, Great Reset - New Normal can't handle the truth. They have resorted to poisoning the well, and throwing out ad homs now. Calling folks, "antisemitic," or "conspiracy theorists," for accurately describing what the hell is going on in the world. :rolleyes:

It is the last gasp, and grasping at straws, when folks know they have lost the argument. I saw it when folks saw right through the bullshit Jan. 6th narratives. A trap was set, and it was sprung.

I and many others in this thread have a already debunked these narratives, the globalist warmongers, and their useful idiots have no arguments left for their ethnic cleansing agenda. . . so go pound sand.

If you want to stand with evil? Feel free. Yes, Hamas is a vile dastardly terrorist organization, but, just as the January 6th capitol riot came as no surprise to the establishment, and the powers that be LET THAT HAPPEN FOR A REASON, so too, THIS WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, for that same damn agenda. . . .

We'll all be their slaves in the end, and they will own your ass and mine.

Atrocity Propaganda

October 17, 2023
Israel and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, writes Elizabeth Vos.
"Forced to Apologize

". . CNN journalist Sara Sidner, who first aired the narrative, was forced to publicly recant and apologize for her statements:

"This wasn’t only a journalistic error. It was Western media falling in line with the Israeli government’s claim of an atrocity, only to walk back the narrative when Israel refused to confirm the story. Her apology came after the original story went wildly viral on social media and repeated in multiple corporate news outlets, as noted by Mintpress News.

As the 40 babies narrative fell apart, Netanyahu and the Israeli government published three shocking images on X, formerly Twitter, to further justify the pulverization of Gaza: one of a dead infant, two of what appears to be the bodies of either one or two horrifically burned toddlers.

When right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro republished the images, he received accusations that one of the images was generated by artificial intelligence. It has not yet been confirmed that the image was in fact created by AI. However, even if the images are real, the Israeli government has not provided any additional information about the image. As journalist Dan Cohen pointed out,

Even if we assume that these images do document Israeli infants killed by Hamas in their recent attack, the moral math of excusing genocide doesn’t add up. . . . "

Israeli and Palestinian deaths preceding the war. Most were civilians. (ARandomName123, based on data from the U.N., Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

". . . .The Times of London ran a headline regarding the previously discussed images of dead Israeli children misleadingly alongside images of terrorized Palestinian children, with a tiny caption properly citing the image most likely missed by casual observers.


Israel’s supporters in the U.S. also — apparently unwittingly — reappropriated images of traumatized and injured Palestinian children to generate public support across the West for Israel, before deleting their posts in embarrassment.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis and musician Justin Bieber posted images of Palestinian children and land respectively, as if they were Israeli children and bomb damage, only to later delete their mistaken posts.

Footage of Palestinian children kept in chicken coop cages by Israeli forces circulated online, wrongly described as Israeli children captured by Hamas. . . . "


And we could be where we were at before October 7th, and that was just living in peace before Hamas decided to attack, attack attack. I challenge you to produce one plan or even a shred of evidence that Israel is somehow a player in the one world order, and show us how this event was a false flag operation that was to get the world kicked into full gear towards a one world government.

We'll be waiting..

I will add though, that ISRAEL needs take heed that the U.S. is undergoing some grave problems in it's culture, so yes help is needed, but at what cost
Nope I dont give a damn. Been seeing you say the same shit for a decade. Same convetsation bavk in 2014.

You are always demanding restraint from Israel. You are a con man for da Muslims. Fooled me for years
Funny how that works isn't it ? These posters think people have very short memories, but they are just fooling themselves when they do.
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