Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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Still no proof. Even if there was proof There are horrific murders in every country of the world committed by all people, including Jews, Christians, Muslims. You have to ask yourself why is the Israel Palestine issue such a massive topic of the American media.?

What about the 50 dead young black men in Chicago every weekend including babies. What about that?
Were they all killed randomly by a terrorist group?

No? Then, never mind!
When folks read things they don't like, if they cannot find alternative material which proves those facts or arguments false, fallacies and slander is all that is left. :dunno:


We've definitely seen a truckload of logical fallacies here. Just about every one in the book.

Thanks for posting those fallacies, hopefully people will learn but I won't hold my breath.
I have NEVER once said or even thought that the NWO leads back to "Da Jooos
Where did I say this? I NEVER talk about the NWO. That comment came out of your own head, not from anything I wrote

ANSWER: i didn't. Some one is too busy hitting every post with "fake news" to spend time actually reading.
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Attention buttercup

You forgot to answer #71. I'll assume you didn't read it, so I'll post again.

What does that mean?
.I'll ask you what I asked Matt Joy Bird:

Show me your first post where you condemned Hamas -- without qualification -- for the atrocities committed in October 7th. I haven't seen such a post from you

Hell, from what I read from your posts, it APPEARS you believe the Israeli government did this. Show me in your past posts that I am wrong.

I'll wait. Matt couldn't denounce Hamas. I hope you are able

edit: if you're intentionally refusing to answer these simple questions, I have my answer. I'm betting buttercup is not going to answer these simple questions
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but all you've been posting on this thread (in regard to me) is strawmen and horrible mischaracterizations of my position
Slander ("slander" because you are speaking to me) I've been careful not to attack you personally as you have been doing to me. I do attack the conspiracy theories that you have attached yourself too. You want "friends" who are yes-men and not people willing to tell you when you're making mistakes. I will always tell you the truth as I understand it. If you can't handle it, so be it
We've definitely seen a truckload of logical fallacies here. Just about every one in the book
Like, "it was an inside job" because someone on YouTube said, "it's not possible for Israel not to have known the attack was coming"

That is how you "prove" your theories. Yep. Pure logic in YOUR responses 😂
No, you're adding OPINION. I shall quote:

It is like when ISIS was destroying ancient landmarks. . because they weren't their religion, and they just didn't give a shit

This is called "O P I N I O N"

You have no idea why that church was hit. You have an OPINION and expressed it.

My EDUCATED OPINION is that your perspective is rooted in a hatred of "the Jews"
Ohhhhh. . . my mistake.

Clearly that Church, and all the children and old ladies in it. . . according to your. . .


. . . . was a military target.


Yes, now I see the difference between what ISIS and the IDF have done.

thanks for clearing that up. :113:
What hate? Just posting facts
Here's facts you neglect to post, and THIS is why some see your anti-Israel bias

The fighter jets that carried out the attack were trying to destroy a Hamas command center near the church that the military believes has been involved in launching rockets and mortars toward Israel, the statement said
Ohhhhh. . . my mistake.

Clearly that Church, and all the children and old ladies in it. . . according to your. . .


. . . . was a military target.


Yes, now I see the difference between what ISIS and the IDF have done.

thanks for clearing that up. :113:
Your hate is showing again. Why can't you simply say you rushed to judgement? And you have a bias that favors murderers of Jews?

The fighter jets that carried out the attack were trying to destroy a Hamas command center near the church that the military believes has been involved in launching rockets and mortars toward Israel, the statement said
Reopened for further discussion, after removing a significant number of posts that were not advancing the topic.
Obviously, this is a horrific event, that the entire world is watching, however, please contribute to staying on topic and avoid the personal attacks, and accusations, or the next step will be to close the thread.
Thank you.
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There is a HUGE amount of confirmation bias at work, here, isn't there.

Antisemites always jump at the first thing that implicates Jews while ignoring anything that doesn't. What, with the way that antisemitic conspiracy theories are part and parcel of globalist conspiracy theories, some people go so far down that rabbit hole that they do not recognize where they have ended up.

They are too busy accusing posters of being tools for an agenda that they do not recognize the agenda THEY are serving.
All I want to see from some of them is ANY expression of empathy for the 1,400 murder victims and those poor souls held captive in Gaza-- especially the Christians. I am disappointed in several here.

Instead they use every thread on this topic as their springboard to advance their conspiracy theories

If this is their interest, they should be creating their own threads on their topic. People like buttercup wouldn't be so angry because most of us wouldn't bother to participate in THEIR threads. I know I wouldn't. That stuff doesn't interest me
They don't do it.

I have seen countless threads on Jews over the years, and it never happens in any genuine way. About the only thing you will receive is a huffy "Well, of course I don't support that!" but only after they indulge in post after post doing just that.
I have empathy for any inocent civilians, that's more than you do after almost 5000 are dead after two weeks of frenzied bombing, and this didn't start on the 7th of October it started 75 years ago, you make the same mistake with the Ukraine conflict you take your start point from when Russia went in, not the years before that led to it, it's like saying WW2 started on D-Day.
If only this were the "Keep Your Thoughts limited To Placating CarlinAnnArbor's Wants And Feelings So As Not to Disappoint Him Forum."

It isn't, of course.

And you are, in my view, a horrible representative for Christianity. One of the worst I've ever observed in all of my years. So please do not don't flatter yourself. Your nature is consistently combative, observably. You lack discipline consistently. You have an infantile need for centrality, also observable. And you have control issues. You shouldn't throw rocks at other professed Christians, or anyone else for that matter, from inside of your own glass house.
This thread is not about him any more than it is me.

He is a Christian who opposes the massacre of Jewish people including the beheading of Jewish children.

If that makes him one of the worst examples of Christianity you have ever seen, that really says more about you than it does him.
This thread is not about him any more than it is me.

Then tell your friend to quit dropping other people's names in order to validate his feelings...

People like buttercup...

I, for one, tend to agree with Katsteve's thoght on the matter...

...avoid the personal attacks, and accusations, or the next step will be to close the thread...

Apparently your friend missed the memo.

And I didn't say ''one of the worst examples.''

I said ''one of the worst representatives.''

Again, do not change my words or put words in my mouth. Words mean things. I select them very carefully.

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This thread is not about him any more than it is me.

He is a Christian who opposes the massacre of Jewish people including the beheading of Jewish children.

If that makes him one of the worst examples of Christianity you have ever seen, that really says more about you than it does him.

I think its more the genocide and ethnic cleansing support plus dehumanizing innocents and and being totally fine with their deaths that's makes Carli a terrible exemplar of Christianity
I think its more the genocide and ethnic cleansing support plus dehumanizing innocents and and being totally fine with their deaths that's makes Carli a terrible exemplar of Christianity
I have seen no support for genocide out of him.

This, as opposed to all the Hamas supporters in this forum who support genocide by very nature of their supporting Hamas.
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