Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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For those who believe THIS:

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all conspiracies lead to Jews. Blaming Jews is their fallback position, as they have been led to believe that Jews are sneaky, manipulative and cannot be trusted. That is why they latch on to these conspiracies where it was actually the IDF behind these grisly acts committed against Jewish children. Despite the fact that this makes absolutely NO sense, they continue with these diversionary tacks because deep down, they believe that Jews are manipulative and controlling and so reality must be anything OTHER than what it appears.

For them, Jews have always been the mother of all conspiracy theories.
It is a bit disappointing to see just how many Anti-Semites there are here. Including some you wouldn’t have expected it from. And boy do they get testy when called out on it.
I always find it interesting how some of them post on the exact, same style and language.

Call them on their conspiracy b.s. and you are "poisoning the well". Oppose their agenda and they call you stupid, uninformed, gullible, and then proceed to call YOU the bully when you shoot holes in their claims that Jews are somehow behind these repulsive acts. Post any opinion but theirs and they try to remove your very right to post, either though claim of victimhood our suggestions of violence against you.

I am not even Jewish and shudder to think what Jewish people must be dealing with right now.
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It is a bit disappointing to see just how many Anti-Semites there are here. Including some you wouldn’t have expected it from. And boy do they get testy when called out on it.
They think they see things you lesser humans don't see. It makes them angry that you cannot see the grand conspiracy
You posted a bunch of total crap, got called out on it, and are running away.
No, this thread is total crap, it has been called out, and folks that are Zio-con-Troskyite, Warmongers, that are on board with the New World Order, WEF, Great Reset - New Normal can't handle the truth. They have resorted to poisoning the well, and throwing out ad homs now. Calling folks, "antisemitic," or "conspiracy theorists," for accurately describing what the hell is going on in the world. :rolleyes:

It is the last gasp, and grasping at straws, when folks know they have lost the argument. I saw it when folks saw right through the bullshit Jan. 6th narratives. A trap was set, and it was sprung.

I and many others in this thread have a already debunked these narratives, the globalist warmongers, and their useful idiots have no arguments left for their ethnic cleansing agenda. . . so go pound sand.

If you want to stand with evil? Feel free. Yes, Hamas is a vile dastardly terrorist organization, but, just as the January 6th capitol riot came as no surprise to the establishment, and the powers that be LET THAT HAPPEN FOR A REASON, so too, THIS WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, for that same damn agenda. . . .

We'll all be their slaves in the end, and they will own your ass and mine.

Atrocity Propaganda

October 17, 2023
Israel and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, writes Elizabeth Vos.
"Forced to Apologize

". . CNN journalist Sara Sidner, who first aired the narrative, was forced to publicly recant and apologize for her statements:

“Yesterday the Israeli Prime Minister’s office said that it had confirmed Hamas beheaded babies & children while we were live on the air. The Israeli government now says today it CANNOT confirm babies were beheaded. I needed to be more careful with my words and I am sorry.”

"This wasn’t only a journalistic error. It was Western media falling in line with the Israeli government’s claim of an atrocity, only to walk back the narrative when Israel refused to confirm the story. Her apology came after the original story went wildly viral on social media and repeated in multiple corporate news outlets, as noted by Mintpress News.

As the 40 babies narrative fell apart, Netanyahu and the Israeli government published three shocking images on X, formerly Twitter, to further justify the pulverization of Gaza: one of a dead infant, two of what appears to be the bodies of either one or two horrifically burned toddlers.

When right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro republished the images, he received accusations that one of the images was generated by artificial intelligence. It has not yet been confirmed that the image was in fact created by AI. However, even if the images are real, the Israeli government has not provided any additional information about the image. As journalist Dan Cohen pointed out,

“1. None of these photos show evidence of beheading – let alone 40 of them.
2. There is no evidence that these photos are from Kfar Aza.
3. None of the journalists who visited Kfar Aza in the aftermath personally saw any beheaded or burned babies.
4. No families have come forward, none of the allegedly beheaded children have been named, and no photos of them from when they were alive have been presented. 5. Netanyahu is a notorious liar and is currently murdering hundreds of children in Gaza.”

Even if we assume that these images do document Israeli infants killed by Hamas in their recent attack, the moral math of excusing genocide doesn’t add up. . . . "

Israeli and Palestinian deaths preceding the war. Most were civilians. (ARandomName123, based on data from the U.N., Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

". . . .The Times of London ran a headline regarding the previously discussed images of dead Israeli children misleadingly alongside images of terrorized Palestinian children, with a tiny caption properly citing the image most likely missed by casual observers.


Israel’s supporters in the U.S. also — apparently unwittingly — reappropriated images of traumatized and injured Palestinian children to generate public support across the West for Israel, before deleting their posts in embarrassment.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis and musician Justin Bieber posted images of Palestinian children and land respectively, as if they were Israeli children and bomb damage, only to later delete their mistaken posts.

Footage of Palestinian children kept in chicken coop cages by Israeli forces circulated online, wrongly described as Israeli children captured by Hamas. . . . "


No, this thread is total crap, it has been called out, and folks that are Zio-con-Troskyite, Warmongers, that are on board with the New World Order, WEF, Great Reset - New Normal can't handle the truth. They have resorted to poisoning the well, and throwing out ad homs now. Calling folks, "antisemitic," or "conspiracy theorists," for accurately describing what the hell is going on in the world. :rolleyes:

It is the last gasp, and grasping at straws, when folks know they have lost the argument. I saw it when folks saw right through the bullshit Jan. 6th narratives. A trap was set, and it was sprung.

I and many others in this thread have a already debunked these narratives, the globalist warmongers, and their useful idiots have no arguments left for their ethnic cleansing agenda. . . so go pound sand.

If you want to stand with evil? Feel free. Yes, Hamas is a vile dastardly terrorist organization, but, just as the January 6th capitol riot came as no surprise to the establishment, and the powers that be LET THAT HAPPEN FOR A REASON, so too, THIS WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, for that same damn agenda. . . .

We'll all be their slaves in the end, and they will own your ass and mine.

Atrocity Propaganda

October 17, 2023
Israel and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, writes Elizabeth Vos.
"Forced to Apologize

". . CNN journalist Sara Sidner, who first aired the narrative, was forced to publicly recant and apologize for her statements:

"This wasn’t only a journalistic error. It was Western media falling in line with the Israeli government’s claim of an atrocity, only to walk back the narrative when Israel refused to confirm the story. Her apology came after the original story went wildly viral on social media and repeated in multiple corporate news outlets, as noted by Mintpress News.

As the 40 babies narrative fell apart, Netanyahu and the Israeli government published three shocking images on X, formerly Twitter, to further justify the pulverization of Gaza: one of a dead infant, two of what appears to be the bodies of either one or two horrifically burned toddlers.

When right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro republished the images, he received accusations that one of the images was generated by artificial intelligence. It has not yet been confirmed that the image was in fact created by AI. However, even if the images are real, the Israeli government has not provided any additional information about the image. As journalist Dan Cohen pointed out,

Even if we assume that these images do document Israeli infants killed by Hamas in their recent attack, the moral math of excusing genocide doesn’t add up. . . . "

Israeli and Palestinian deaths preceding the war. Most were civilians. (ARandomName123, based on data from the U.N., Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

". . . .The Times of London ran a headline regarding the previously discussed images of dead Israeli children misleadingly alongside images of terrorized Palestinian children, with a tiny caption properly citing the image most likely missed by casual observers.


Israel’s supporters in the U.S. also — apparently unwittingly — reappropriated images of traumatized and injured Palestinian children to generate public support across the West for Israel, before deleting their posts in embarrassment.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis and musician Justin Bieber posted images of Palestinian children and land respectively, as if they were Israeli children and bomb damage, only to later delete their mistaken posts.

Footage of Palestinian children kept in chicken coop cages by Israeli forces circulated online, wrongly described as Israeli children captured by Hamas. . . . "


Your cut and pastes just get longer and longer the more desperate you get.
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All those brave Hamas freedom fighters did was paraglide into Israel and hand out flowers to all the Jewish children they could find.

Just give it a rest already with the this straw man argument that anyone is pro Hamas here. Who is actually saying Hamas is wonderful and super?
You gotta listen to Beale/buttercup here, folks.

All those brave Hamas freedom fighters did was paraglide into Israel and hand out flowers to all the Jewish children they could find.

If you believe anything else, you are a Ziocon Trotskyite warmongering poopoohead idiot for all the people who frightens them when they go to sleep at night.
Your cut and pastes just get longer and longer the more desperate you get.
Just trying to shower off the BS of the OP pal. . .

That's just your fucked up view based upon your disturbing levels of prejudice.
Can you show me the post where you condemned the murders, kidnappings, torture and rapes without qualification?

Can you tell me what the fate of Hamas should be?

I'll wait.
Can you show me the post where you condemned the murders, kidnappings, torture and rapes without qualification?

Can you tell me what the fate of Hamas should be?

I'll wait.

Can you show me where I celebrated them and thought it was cool and good? I'll wait. No one needs to grovel to another that is grossly mischaracterizing them.
What bullshit?
Go watch the video.. . .


Does Video Show Children in Chicken Coop Cages in Israel-Hamas Conflict in October 2023?​

The thread? IS GARBAGE, fake news!

The only conspiracy theorists here? Are those gullible fools who buy garbage propaganda, because it accords with their world view. :rolleyes:

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