Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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Buttercup has given me loads of them the last couple of days for not going along with the conspiracy theories.

That is not why I gave you those fake news emojis. I don't care if you go along with my or other people's views. We've already made clear to you numerous times what the problem is, so yet again you're being blatantly dishonest, with just about every post. Mister Beale was absolutely right in post #168, you have no good will and you play dirty and controlling, and I have no interest in having any more discussion with you. Keep my name out of your mouth.
Get a life. Trolling on internet forums at your age is unbecoming.
The fact that you say "we" confirms you as a part of a group rather than an individual -- the specifics of the group identity being indulging in conspiracy theories that paint the victims as being responsible for the attacks against them.
The fact that you say "we" confirms you as a part of a group rather than an individual -- the specifics of the group identity being indulging in conspiracy theories that paint the victims as being responsible for the attacks against them.

Why does everything need to be spelled out for you? A few of us here told you what the problem is with your posts. That's why I said "we", because it wasn't just me. As for the second thing you said, again, you have shown you are not capable of civil and honest discussion, so find someone else to argue with about this. Have a good night.
It says that you have to wait to get to the truth if it is there to find. Good luck with that, otherwise if it's quickly being covered up.
ok then, why would governments choose to hide the truth from their constituency concerning that which would incite war ?

It has already been proven that globalists set up, funded, and are having Hamas work with the IDF. The whole thing is orchestrated.
I don't quite know about that. During the Arafat/Muslim brotherhood days, yes....Hamas was a counter to the PLO, you know 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' more or less. Much like we helped out OBL in Afghanistan. In both cases, radical ideology festered in and they became problems instead of friends.
They want you to believe this. . . now Abbas and Netanyahu, along with global corporations, are all going to have their way.
The great reset......corporate governance......Coca Cola and Delta excersising their corporate governance in Georgia. Many corporations have jumped into the game since then, using their new found powers to slap the populace around.
There are no Nation States anymore, the world is just one big giant business, AND YOU WILL OWN NOTHING!
And enjoy it.

Alinsky has been in the dem party, at least visibly, since Bill Clinton. The dem playbook is Rules for Radicals........
Look at Trump 'isolate-polarize the target' use their own tactics against them.....on and on. Pay attention to the dem propaganda and you can see it quite clearly. Look at the MSM reporting. Right out of Alinsky. I mentioned these things on other forums easy 15 years ago and was laughed off. Even pointed out back then the progs leaning pedophile, starting in Europe.....can you hear me now?

You made inferences to the second coming thing. It's like hitting the lottery, IMHO. Sooner or later. It looks like we are well into the rise of the second Roman Empire, again. I read loads of books on biblical prophesy a long time ago, and yes the signs have appeared in the past w/o being fulfilled.
That could all change quickly.....look at the mobization of the anti-Israel movement, globally. Wow.....Open Societies done good.

Some pissed of IAF pilot goes Zeke on the mosque and all bets are off.

Let's not forget the Cloward-Piven Strategy on display at the border and in all our cities.

At least 1/2-3/4 of the people in Gaza are terrorists, want to be terrorists, intend to be terrorists given the chance, or will grow up to be terrorists.
yanno Toob, every culture on this rock has 'tortured' and 'terrorized' , they all simply change the definition to suit their agendas.

in recent times , we have Gitmo.

Are we any more guilty by proxy, than the muslim world is of government factions & extremist activities?

yanno Toob, every culture on this rock has 'tortured' and 'terrorized'

Really? Dug the eyes of children out of their sockets after making them watch their parents tortured and killed then had the heads cut off?

You really wanna run with that as same old same old?

The entire world has blamed the Israelis yet again just to keep from admitting that they've known all along why Egypt and Jordan won't take a single Palestinian refugee.
Really? Dug the eyes of children out of their sockets after making them watch their parents tortured and killed then had the heads cut off?

You really wanna run with that as same old same old?

The entire world has blamed the Israelis yet again just to keep from admitting that they've known all along why Egypt and Jordan won't take a single Palestinian refugee.
My point being painting them all the same is bigotry toob

yanno Toob, every culture on this rock has 'tortured' and 'terrorized' , they all simply change the definition to suit their agendas.

in recent times , we have Gitmo.

Are we any more guilty by proxy, than the muslim world is of government factions & extremist activities?

Never heard of a beheading in Gitmo.
ok then, why would governments choose to hide the truth from their constituency concerning that which would incite war ?

Government's do hide the truth from time to time, otherwise not giving it to their people straight up, and yes it can definitely lead to war's and rumors of war's when that happens.

What's your point ?
My point being painting them all the same is bigotry toob

Only thing I wanted painted is cross hairs on Hamas Heads and pulling the trigger.

All these threads are Hamas is real Bad but Israel caused them to be bad.

Riddlr me this...Hamas broke into your home. Raped and murdered your wife and daughter. You had a baby too. They murdered him too.

To top that off....these evil sum bitches couldnt give them clean deaths...they tortuted them.

What would you do?
Meanwhile, here in civilized America: "Guttmacher’s national total for 2020 was 930,160 (abortions), a 1.5% increase from 916,460 (abortions) in 2019.

In Israel?: "About 20,000 abortions take place in Israel every year ..."

It seems that the blood of babies is on just about everyone's hands.
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