Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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You are dealing with folks that don't read a lot, watch short clips of propaganda from their TEE VEE, and are influenced by Dominionist Theology. They don't really give a shit about the Constitution anymore. The core of neo-con ideology, is, at its heart, a Trotskyist foundation. So for them? Using Alinsky type, or Machiavellian type tactics, to disparage the Constitution & American citizens who freely use debate and inquiry of those, that are trying to impose a global managerial dystopia through force and use of their tax money, while ignoring and disparaging mature conversation? That's totally fine.

They certainly have been using Alinksy tactics, good observation. And very good point about the root of neocon ideology.

The only thing I would add to what you said is that I get the feeling that most of the ignorant armchair warhawk "kill all the ragheads" types have never set foot in the Middle East. I wouldn't be surprised if some of louder ones have never been outside the US.

As I've mentioned before, I lived in the M.E for a couple years, many years ago when I was a pre-teen, because of my Dad's job. I've been to Israel, as well as some of the Muslim countries. So I have a different perspective than the ones here who hate based on ignorance and indoctrination.
There are factions with agendas beagle, most hail from the entitled elites of this rock

And they have false flags, repetitively at that, to achieve their agendas

Their tools call it a conspiracy theory (a CIA contruct)

And the mis-info does just what they wish it to

But hey, i could be wrong , and they'll find WMD any day now


George Carlin on Conspiracies​

There are factions with agendas beagle, most hail from the entitled elites of this rock

And they have false flags, repetitively at that, to achieve their agendas

Their tools call it a conspiracy theory (a CIA contruct)

And the mis-info does just what they wish it to

But hey, i could be wrong , and they'll find WMD any day now

How do you know that Sadam didn't move the WMD's before detection of them, therefore making the US look the fool by not finding them ? Think about it, you are defending known terrorist state's over your country regardless of what methods were used to end one of these terrorist regimes who invaded it's neighbor Kuwait without provocation. You have no idea what the real truth is, because the information is highly classified material, but you gotta hate in one form or another.
most hail from the entitled elites of this rock

The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency​

While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.


Infants Died. Does It Matter if They Were Beheaded or Not?​

How do you know that Sadam didn't move the WMD's before detection of them, therefore making the US look the fool by not finding them ? Think about it, you are defending known terrorist state's over your country regardless of what methods were used to end one of these terrorist regimes who invaded it's neighbor Kuwait without provocation. You have no idea what the real truth is, because the information is highly classified material, but you gotta hate in one form or another.
IT isn't really that classified. We all knew what the hell was going on back then. We really did.

Yeah, that is quite possible Saddam had them, we all knew it. We know he at one time possessed them, the only question, were they all used, or did he destroy what was left? He used them on his own people for land's sake.

How do we know he had them? Because. .. we had the receipts! :auiqs.jpg:

Bill Hicks Check the Invoice​

We have seen the carnage ..... the murders the killings the rapings....the mutilating... the torturing

Skye, I listened to the eyewitness report of a person who went in and found some of the dead murdered and left by Hamas.

Unless you have a strong stomach and don't mind having bad dreams tonight, you probably won't want to read this.

What Hamas did wasn't just murder, it was atrocities upon the civilians of Israel. One report involved finding a family, parents and kids, who were apparently just getting ready to sit down to eat. The bodies were all tied up and left leaning against the walls, each showing signs of torture. They did something to the fingers, I missed what it was I could not understand that part, but the children, one of the things they did was gouge one of the boy's eyes out. Just one. The kids were alive when they did this. They apparently made the kids watch as they tortured and killed the parents then killed the kids. This was done to inflict the greatest pain on those who found them.

But perhaps worst of all, they could tell that as the torture went on, some of the others there sat down and calmly ate the family's food, in the same room as the family was tortured and killed.

Now, some people gave me a thumbs down for what I said before but I'll say it again, I don't like saying it but here are the facts. Hamas are brutal animals who did these things calmly and premeditated to innocent people. You don't reason with animals. You can't rehabilitate them.

With a wild animal, you can train it to trust you and rehabilitate it by rewarding it with food and kindness. You can't do that with people like this, because they operate on a conscious level, not instinctive, with conditioned, sciopathic and deliberate political motivations.

Israel was wrong to wait this long to go into Gaza. Once again, the international community wrongly pressured them not to respond immediately. Joe Biden is wrong to get involved and work on getting "innocents" out. Does he think they are tattooed on the forehead? He is wrong to be sending in billions in aid. Hamas will just use it for themselves.

All that the terrorists will take from this is weakness and reward. They are only showing them that the world cannot deal with them. All that such savages understand is fear. The only way you stop such barbarity whether anyone wants to face facts or not is to hit them back 10X harder with a response so severe that it instills a fear in them that they are afraid of ever incurring it ever again.

I mean, seriously: our own law, look how they imprison you if you steal. Execute you for murder. The whole point is DETERRENT because the punishment is so severe that it instills FEAR of the consequences! Instead, now, Hamas will get away. They have had time to leave booby traps and make new plans. Joe Biden has allowed untold numbers of terrorist cells into this country.

Time and again we go through this because many people refuse the reality that the only way to deter such savage terrorism is hitting them back worse than what they did to others, by making the PRICE of terrorism higher than they are willing to pay, the consequences of their actions worse than the benefit. Same as you keep away a pack of wolves with fire.

Instead, idiots perpetually reason that there is no justification because it would just make us as bad as them! And so, terrorism goes on year after year, murder after murder, worse and worse again. Imagine now if a terror cells hits us from within. Meanwhile, Joe doesn't even protect our own border, did nothing for the town of East Palestine or the people of Maui.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden totally ignores our own border as violence and war spread all through our cities and all around the world. First it was the horrible Afghan pullout, next it was Russia and Ukraine, now it is Israel and Gaza. Soon it will be Taiwan and China. All the world sees in Joe Biden is weakness. And Joe Biden's answer? Given them a 100 billion dollars we must borrow on interest that we already cannot afford. The US government just had an interest payment come due of 1 trillion dollars on our debt. 1000 billion dollars. Sure Joe, borrow more. Our country is on the verge of collapse.

The Palestinians are Arab refugees that no one wants. Their own people don't want them. At least 1/2-3/4 of the people in Gaza are terrorists, want to be terrorists, intend to be terrorists given the chance, or will grow up to be terrorists. Joe Biden is trying to export them to other countries now including here. AOC calls it our American and moral "duty."

Stupid people die a stupid death.
We have seen the carnage ..... the murders the killings the rapings....the mutilating... the torturing

oh believe me.....we have seen the carnage :(
And what regime has a track record on film of killing Palestinian children?

And what country has a track record of 35-40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2, that has cost the lives of millions of Arab civilians?

All apparently inconsequential on account of it justified by them being the 'chosen', or in support of same religious fairy tales?

Infants Died. Does It Matter if They Were Beheaded or Not?​

In a way it really does matter that these animals have so little respect for life, it takes a special kind of demonic evil to do something like that to desecrate a body and especially an innocent human being whose only "crime" is being Jewish.

What appalls me are the so called "Christians" who are quick to call a nation in mourning, liars and attempt to undermine a nation responding to an unbelievably barbaric attack on the innocent population.

I've provided enough proof in two videos that babies WERE beheaded. It is a FACT, but nothing will convince these anti-Israel nuts
IT isn't really that classified. We all knew what the hell was going on back then. We really did.

Yeah, that is quite possible Saddam had them, we all knew it. We know he at one time possessed them, the only question, were they all used, or did he destroy what was left? He used them on his own people for land's sake.

How do we know he had them? Because. .. we had the receipts! :auiqs.jpg:

Bill Hicks Check the Invoice​

Give it a rest finally for Dog sake. Blix knew all along that it was invented and sold to the UN by Colin Powell and his little bottle of bio warfare agents that weren't
Skye, I listened to the eyewitness report of a person who went in and found some of the dead murdered and left by Hamas.

Unless you have a strong stomach and don't mind having bad dreams tonight, you probably won't want to read this.

What Hamas did wasn't just murder, it was atrocities upon the civilians of Israel. One report involved finding a family, parents and kids, who were apparently just getting ready to sit down to eat. The bodies were all tied up and left leaning against the walls, each showing signs of torture. They did something to the fingers, I missed what it was I could not understand that part, but the children, one of the things they did was gouge one of the boy's eyes out. Just one. The kids were alive when they did this. They apparently made the kids watch as they tortured and killed the parents then killed the kids. This was done to inflict the greatest pain on those who found them.

But perhaps worst of all, they could tell that as the torture went on, some of the others there sat down and calmly ate the family's food, in the same room as the family was tortured and killed.

Now, some people gave me a thumbs down for what I said before but I'll say it again, I don't like saying it but here are the facts. Hamas are brutal animals who did these things calmly and premeditated to innocent people. You don't reason with animals. You can't rehabilitate them.

With a wild animal, you can train it to trust you and rehabilitate it by rewarding it with food and kindness. You can't do that with people like this, because they operate on a conscious level, not instinctive, with conditioned, sciopathic and deliberate political motivations.

Israel was wrong to wait this long to go into Gaza. Once again, the international community wrongly pressured them not to respond immediately. Joe Biden is wrong to get involved and work on getting "innocents" out. Does he think they are tattooed on the forehead? He is wrong to be sending in billions in aid. Hamas will just use it for themselves.

All that the terrorists will take from this is weakness and reward. They are only showing them that the world cannot deal with them. All that such savages understand is fear. The only way you stop such barbarity whether anyone wants to face facts or not is to hit them back 10X harder with a response so severe that it instills a fear in them that they are afraid of ever incurring it ever again.

I mean, seriously: our own law, look how they imprison you if you steal. Execute you for murder. The whole point is DETERRENT because the punishment is so severe that it instills FEAR of the consequences! Instead, now, Hamas will get away. They have had time to leave booby traps and make new plans. Joe Biden has allowed untold numbers of terrorist cells into this country.

Time and again we go through this because many people refuse the reality that the only way to deter such savage terrorism is hitting them back worse than what they did to others, by making the PRICE of terrorism higher than they are willing to pay, the consequences of their actions worse than the benefit. Same as you keep away a pack of wolves with fire.

Instead, idiots perpetually reason that there is no justification because it would just make us as bad as them! And so, terrorism goes on year after year, murder after murder, worse and worse again. Imagine now if a terror cells hits us from within. Meanwhile, Joe doesn't even protect our own border, did nothing for the town of East Palestine or the people of Maui.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden totally ignores our own border as violence and war spread all through our cities and all around the world. First it was the horrible Afghan pullout, next it was Russia and Ukraine, now it is Israel and Gaza. Soon it will be Taiwan and China. All the world sees in Joe Biden is weakness. And Joe Biden's answer? Given them a 100 billion dollars we must borrow on interest that we already cannot afford. The US government just had an interest payment come due of 1 trillion dollars on our debt. 1000 billion dollars. Sure Joe, borrow more. Our country is on the verge of collapse.

The Palestinians are Arab refugees that no one wants. Their own people don't want them. At least 1/2-3/4 of the people in Gaza are terrorists, want to be terrorists, intend to be terrorists given the chance, or will grow up to be terrorists. Joe Biden is trying to export them to other countries now including here. AOC calls it our American and moral "duty."

Stupid people die a stupid death.
People are more interested in spinning their tales than they are comprehending what actually happened.

Good, decent people feel for the victims. Too many, though, place responsibility ON the victims
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Skye, I listened to the eyewitness report of a person who went in and found some of the dead murdered and left by Hamas.

Unless you have a strong stomach and don't mind having bad dreams tonight, you probably won't want to read this.

What Hamas did wasn't just murder, it was atrocities upon the civilians of Israel. One report involved finding a family, parents and kids, who were apparently just getting ready to sit down to eat. The bodies were all tied up and left leaning against the walls, each showing signs of torture. They did something to the fingers, I missed what it was I could not understand that part, but the children, one of the things they did was gouge one of the boy's eyes out. Just one. The kids were alive when they did this. They apparently made the kids watch as they tortured and killed the parents then killed the kids. This was done to inflict the greatest pain on those who found them.

But perhaps worst of all, they could tell that as the torture went on, some of the others there sat down and calmly ate the family's food, in the same room as the family was tortured and killed.

Now, some people gave me a thumbs down for what I said before but I'll say it again, I don't like saying it but here are the facts. Hamas are brutal animals who did these things calmly and premeditated to innocent people. You don't reason with animals. You can't rehabilitate them.

With a wild animal, you can train it to trust you and rehabilitate it by rewarding it with food and kindness. You can't do that with people like this, because they operate on a conscious level, not instinctive, with conditioned, sciopathic and deliberate political motivations.

Israel was wrong to wait this long to go into Gaza. Once again, the international community wrongly pressured them not to respond immediately. Joe Biden is wrong to get involved and work on getting "innocents" out. Does he think they are tattooed on the forehead? He is wrong to be sending in billions in aid. Hamas will just use it for themselves.

All that the terrorists will take from this is weakness and reward. They are only showing them that the world cannot deal with them. All that such savages understand is fear. The only way you stop such barbarity whether anyone wants to face facts or not is to hit them back 10X harder with a response so severe that it instills a fear in them that they are afraid of ever incurring it ever again.

I mean, seriously: our own law, look how they imprison you if you steal. Execute you for murder. The whole point is DETERRENT because the punishment is so severe that it instills FEAR of the consequences! Instead, now, Hamas will get away. They have had time to leave booby traps and make new plans. Joe Biden has allowed untold numbers of terrorist cells into this country.

Time and again we go through this because many people refuse the reality that the only way to deter such savage terrorism is hitting them back worse than what they did to others, by making the PRICE of terrorism higher than they are willing to pay, the consequences of their actions worse than the benefit. Same as you keep away a pack of wolves with fire.

Instead, idiots perpetually reason that there is no justification because it would just make us as bad as them! And so, terrorism goes on year after year, murder after murder, worse and worse again. Imagine now if a terror cells hits us from within. Meanwhile, Joe doesn't even protect our own border, did nothing for the town of East Palestine or the people of Maui.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden totally ignores our own border as violence and war spread all through our cities and all around the world. First it was the horrible Afghan pullout, next it was Russia and Ukraine, now it is Israel and Gaza. Soon it will be Taiwan and China. All the world sees in Joe Biden is weakness. And Joe Biden's answer? Given them a 100 billion dollars we must borrow on interest that we already cannot afford. The US government just had an interest payment come due of 1 trillion dollars on our debt. 1000 billion dollars. Sure Joe, borrow more. Our country is on the verge of collapse.

The Palestinians are Arab refugees that no one wants. Their own people don't want them. At least 1/2-3/4 of the people in Gaza are terrorists, want to be terrorists, intend to be terrorists given the chance, or will grow up to be terrorists. Joe Biden is trying to export them to other countries now including here. AOC calls it our American and moral "duty."

Stupid people die a stupid death.

Absolutely horrible! worst nightmare :(

And as you rightly say toobfreak , the Arab world doesn't want the Palestinians.

Palestinians have a reputation of being troublemakers all over the region!

No wonder nobody wants them!
In a way it really does matter that these animals have so little respect for life, it takes a special kind of demonic evil to do something like that to desecrate a body and especially an innocent human being whose only "crime" is being Jewish.

What appalls me are the so called "Christians" who are quick to call a nation in mourning, liars and attempt to undermine a nation responding to an unbelievably barbaric attack on the innocent population.

I've provided enough proof in two videos that babies WERE beheaded. It is a FACT, but nothing will convince these anti-Israel nuts
Globalists conspiracy theories and antisemitic conspiracy theories are joined at the hip
How do you know that Sadam didn't move the WMD's before detection of them, therefore making the US look the fool by not finding them ? Think about it, you are defending known terrorist state's over your country regardless of what methods were used to end one of these terrorist regimes who invaded it's neighbor Kuwait without provocation. You have no idea what the real truth is, because the information is highly classified material, but you gotta hate in one form or another.
He had them 1st Gulf War. We blew the shit out of their ammo dumps. We didnt know how much was left.

Marines who went into Kuwait told me that their Sarin monitors went off on threir Humvees. Not just 1. Several Humvees. 1 a malfunction. Several...doesnt happen.

But shit. We should have read the fucking book posts here and the Marines should have turned off the monitors because the Sarin wasnt there. Mr Bealle said so.
No wonder nobody wants them!

Joe will take them. I wonder if this boob at all on some level realizes his role in this by funneling billions to Iran and now wanting to funnel more billions to Gaza? Meanwhile, the derp has now diverted missiles intended for Ukraine to Israel.

Joe sends humanitarian aide to one side while arming the other.

This is like Groundhog Day but the story line is like a million times worse.

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