Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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This was a great post.

It is a shame very few will watch the discussion from a person on the ground, that knows what is going on, dispelling the propaganda, who worked that border. They would rather be lied to. Damn shame.

Thanks, and I couldn't agree more about people choosing to cover their eyes and ears. A couple people on this thread already demonstrated that, and yes, it really is a shame.

This whole Hamas incursion pulled off alone, is only slightly more believable as an intelligence failure, IOW, it isn't IMO. I don't know if you have seen this thread. Folks that don't learn from and study the past, are easily fooled;

Again, I couldn't agree more. And yes, SO very true that people who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. I think the problem is too many Americans only get their information from the MSM. More people need to understand that you're not going to get the whole truth from the mouthpieces of the corrupt powers behind all of these psyops and unconstitutional wars based on lies.

But I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself. You can lead a horse to water, but....
Wow! In that second video, she certainly builds a good case this attack by Hamas was a false flag of sorts. The Israeli government may have known it was coming and set the whole thing up. So that now they can commit the genocide of Gaza they’ve always wanted.
And all the more interesting is the lady in the second video is an Israeli IDF soldier. I mean it is completely preposterous that all of these people from gaza were able to break through Israel and be there for six hours on interrupted on oct 7. Not only that but they were able somehow to bring back hostages. Surreal.

All the worse is some people will look at reasonable posts like mine or yours or the other person and say “oh you just hate Jews you’re blaming it on them”. The logical disconnect they have is stunning. It’s the people of Israel who are asking these questions. How in the world did this attack even occur in the first place on October 7?
It won't change their minds, because they have been brainwashed to believe that Israel is more barbaric than Hamas is, and that Hamas is just resisting Israel's barbarity against the Palestinians. It's all a lie, because over the year's we've seen the barbaric acts in support of the Palastinians via their handler's, and you would think that the Palestinians would reject horrific attacks and barbarism as being a way towards regional peace. So the Palastinians are complicit which makes them supporters of terrorism.
Nobody here supports Hamas

Conclusions that you folks come to in response to what we are saying is wrong and there’s no logical connection to come to your conclusion. Asking how the attack occurred on October 7 it’s legitimate

It’s 100% legitimate to show video proof of Israeli rabbis in soldier, saying they want to kill Palestinian children and then saying they are indeed the same as Al-Qaeda because they are. Nobody can deny that. Unless, of course they want to live a lie.

Don’t you remember the 1990s the Israeli Jew who murdered the Prime Minister of Israel…. It is 100% right to morally equivocate him to Al-Qaeda. And those of Israel, who championed the man who assassinated the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin

There have been Jewish mass murderers, from Israel Israel who have killed innocent Palestinians and they are celebrated by a portion of Israel. It is 100% right to Morley equivocate them to Hamas

Israeli settlers have committed barbaric acts of violence against innocent people.

Now one major difference, I see between neutral people is that they engage in common sense, understanding that there is good and bad people on both the Israel and Palestine side. While the pro Israel fanatics say that all of the Palestinians are evil, engaging in outright fallacies, like this idea that all people in Gaza are evil.
I have no plans on ignoring you, either.

You are spending too much energy diverting responsibility away from Hamas to be ignored.

I really thought you were smarter than this. Obviously Hamas is guilty, does this really need to be spelled out for you? If you can't grasp the idea that Hamas is guilty AND other (higher) forces could be at work at the same time, then I don't know what to tell you. That doesn't excuse diabolical things that Hamas has done. But if you refuse to look at anything other than the idiot box, and refuse to listen to the former IDF woman in the video posted, who worked in intelligence, then you'll never understand that things are not as simplistic and binary as you and others think they are. But I really don't care what you believe. :dunno: As long as you stop falsely accusing and smearing people, you do you.
But I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself. You can lead a horse to water, but....
Then don't. You notice, certain folks don't ever address uncomfortable information and linked facts, they only slander you for bringing it up, using a host a illogical arguments and fallacies grounded on emotion, not reasonable mature arguments. That is all you need to read.

It is a poisoning the well fallacy, ad hom attacks, and composition fallacies. They do this, because they have absolutely nothing. It is a common tactic of communist agitators and leftists TBH.

You are dealing with folks that don't read a lot, watch short clips of propaganda from their TEE VEE, and are influenced by Dominionist Theology. They don't really give a shit about the Constitution anymore. The core of neo-con ideology, is, at its heart, a Trotskyist foundation. So for them? Using Alinsky type, or Machiavellian type tactics, to disparage the Constitution & American citizens who freely use debate and inquiry of those, that are trying to impose a global managerial dystopia through force and use of their tax money, while ignoring and disparaging mature conversation? That's totally fine.

America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy​

Islamofascists — The New Stalinists​

". . . While Putin’s Russia remains a major concern of the present cadre of neo-Trotskyists, Islam has become a significant new world bogeyman for the neo-Trotskyists to continue what amounts to the present-day version of the permanent revolution. The neo-Trotskyists have conjoined the words Fascist and Islam to coin a substitute for Stalinism as the perpetual villain: Islamofascism.

The term Islamofascism seems to have been coined and has been popularised by “neo-conservative” Stephen Schwartz, Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism. Schwartz takes credit for being “the first Westerner to use the neologism in this context,” making reference to its use by George W Bush and “other prominent figures,” which was written of by Schwartz in 2001 in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Schwartz states that the term should be used precisely in regard to certain Islamic movements and states, “because of their congruence with the defining characteristics of classic fascism, especially in its most historically-significant form — German National Socialism.”[40]

The background of Schwartz is as a supporter of the Trotskyist Fomento Obrero Revolucionario during the 1930s. Writing for the Cold War-derived magazine National Review, which had many Trotskyists at its formation, including in particular James Burnham, Schwartz states:

To my last breath I will defend the Trotsky who alone, and pursued from country to country, and finally laid low in his own blood, said no to Soviet coddling of Hitlerism, to the Moscow purges, to the betrayal of the Spanish Republic.… to my last breath, and without apology. Let the neo-fascists, and Stalinists in their second childhood make of it what they will.[41]

Schwartz continues to affectionately refer to Trotsky as “L.D.” (Lev Davidovitch), writing: “To a great extent, I still consider myself to be one of the great disciples of L.D.”

Schwartz states of the origins of the “neo-conservative movement”:

And the fact is that many of the original generation of neoconservatives had a background of association with Trotskyism in its Shachtmanite iteration — that is, they belonged to or sympathized with a trend in radical leftism that followed the principle of opposition to the Soviet betrayal of the revolution to its logical end. The Shachtmanites, in the 1960s, joined the AFL-CIO in its best Cold War period, and many became staunch Reaganites.[42]

That American foreign policy is fundamentally Trotskyist can be discerned through the ideological statements on foreign policy that use terms such as “creative destruction,” “constant conflict”, and “American world revolutionary mission”. For example, Maj. Ralph Peters, a prominent military strategist, appears to have coined the term “constant conflict.”[43] He writes of America’s world revolutionary mission, stating candidly:

We have entered an age of constant conflict…. We are entering a new American century, in which we will become still wealthier, culturally more lethal, and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without precedent…. There will be no peace. At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role of the U.S. armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.[44]

Michael Ledeen, in similar terms to that of Peters, and in thoroughly neo-Trotskyist mode, calls on the USA to fulfil its “historic mission” of “exporting the democratic revolution” throughout the world.[45] Like Peters, Ledeen predicates this world revolution as a necessary part of the “war on terrorism,” but emphasises also that “world revolution” is the “historic mission” of the USA and always has been. Writing in the National Review Ledeen states:

…[W]e are the one truly revolutionary country in the world, as we have been for more than 200 years. Creative destruction is our middle name. We do it automatically, and that is precisely why the tyrants hate us, and are driven to attack us. Freedom is our most lethal weapon, and the oppressed peoples of the fanatic regimes are our greatest assets. They need to hear and see that we are with them, and that the Western mission is to set them free, under leaders who will respect them and preserve their freedom.[46]


"Trotskyism provided the ideological basis for U.S. foreign policy, orientating U.S. foreign policy as a development from Wilsonian global liberal-democracy to what has become America’s “world revolutionary mission.” Trotskyist motivation came very shortly to be dominated by a hatred of the USSR, seeing Russia as the major obstacle to world socialism, and the USA as the only force capable of halting the USSR. From the neo-Trotskyist perspective, dialectically, capitalism became preferable to Stalinism. Capitalism represented a stage towards socialism; Stalinism was an aberration historically. Trotskyists readily joined with the CIA during the Cold War, and in the post-Cold War world have continued to have an influence, in particular ideologically, as it is now expressed by non-Trotskyists from Ledeen to Reagan and Bush. The ideology has not been repudiated by Obama.

“The permanent revolution” has been substituted for “constant conflict,” and “creative destruction;” Stalinism has been substituted for Islamofascism; Russia has been replaced by the USA as the “one truly revolutionary country in the world;” and the “world proletarian revolution” has metamorphosed into the “global democratic revolution.” Have the allegedly “paranoid” concerns of Stalin been vindicated?. . . "


By bringing up uncomfortable facts, you challenge the propaganda, disinformation, and dominant epistemological narratives that threaten the constitutional underpinnings of our great republic. You lay bear the entire hoax that is being perpetrated upon our people and our republic, and the parts of them that are real Americans? They don't like being reminded of that. .. it is a trigger, and it makes them feel guilty I would guess.

No one likes to be reminded that they have been ideologically subverted.
Wow! In that second video, she certainly builds a good case this attack by Hamas was a false flag of sorts. The Israeli government may have known it was coming and set the whole thing up. So that now they can commit the genocide of Gaza they’ve always wanted.
Yeah, that is the one I focused on and watched the whole thing as well. . . really good stuff.

It was the video James linked in his report on it here, lot and lots of good links and further reporting, that interview was included here. Everyone should watch that whole thing.
Then don't. You notice, certain folks don't ever address uncomfortable information and linked facts, they only slander you for bringing it up, using a host a illogical arguments and fallacies grounded on emotion, not reasonable mature arguments. That is all you need to read.

It is a poisoning the well fallacy, ad hom attacks, and composition fallacies. They do this, because they have absolutely nothing. It is a common tactic of communist agitators and leftists TBH.

You are dealing with folks that don't read a lot, watch short clips of propaganda from their TEE VEE, and are influenced by Dominionist Theology. They don't really give a shit about the Constitution anymore. The core of neo-con ideology, is, at its heart, a Trotskyist foundation. So for them? Using Alinsky type, or Machiavellian type tactics, to disparage the Constitution & American citizens who freely use debate and inquiry of those, that are trying to impose a global managerial dystopia through force and use of their tax money, while ignoring and disparaging mature conversation? That's totally fine.

America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy​

Islamofascists — The New Stalinists​

". . . While Putin’s Russia remains a major concern of the present cadre of neo-Trotskyists, Islam has become a significant new world bogeyman for the neo-Trotskyists to continue what amounts to the present-day version of the permanent revolution. The neo-Trotskyists have conjoined the words Fascist and Islam to coin a substitute for Stalinism as the perpetual villain: Islamofascism.

The term Islamofascism seems to have been coined and has been popularised by “neo-conservative” Stephen Schwartz, Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism. Schwartz takes credit for being “the first Westerner to use the neologism in this context,” making reference to its use by George W Bush and “other prominent figures,” which was written of by Schwartz in 2001 in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Schwartz states that the term should be used precisely in regard to certain Islamic movements and states, “because of their congruence with the defining characteristics of classic fascism, especially in its most historically-significant form — German National Socialism.”[40]

The background of Schwartz is as a supporter of the Trotskyist Fomento Obrero Revolucionario during the 1930s. Writing for the Cold War-derived magazine National Review, which had many Trotskyists at its formation, including in particular James Burnham, Schwartz states:

To my last breath I will defend the Trotsky who alone, and pursued from country to country, and finally laid low in his own blood, said no to Soviet coddling of Hitlerism, to the Moscow purges, to the betrayal of the Spanish Republic.… to my last breath, and without apology. Let the neo-fascists, and Stalinists in their second childhood make of it what they will.[41]

Schwartz continues to affectionately refer to Trotsky as “L.D.” (Lev Davidovitch), writing: “To a great extent, I still consider myself to be one of the great disciples of L.D.”

Schwartz states of the origins of the “neo-conservative movement”:

And the fact is that many of the original generation of neoconservatives had a background of association with Trotskyism in its Shachtmanite iteration — that is, they belonged to or sympathized with a trend in radical leftism that followed the principle of opposition to the Soviet betrayal of the revolution to its logical end. The Shachtmanites, in the 1960s, joined the AFL-CIO in its best Cold War period, and many became staunch Reaganites.[42]

That American foreign policy is fundamentally Trotskyist can be discerned through the ideological statements on foreign policy that use terms such as “creative destruction,” “constant conflict”, and “American world revolutionary mission”. For example, Maj. Ralph Peters, a prominent military strategist, appears to have coined the term “constant conflict.”[43] He writes of America’s world revolutionary mission, stating candidly:

We have entered an age of constant conflict…. We are entering a new American century, in which we will become still wealthier, culturally more lethal, and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without precedent…. There will be no peace. At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role of the U.S. armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.[44]

Michael Ledeen, in similar terms to that of Peters, and in thoroughly neo-Trotskyist mode, calls on the USA to fulfil its “historic mission” of “exporting the democratic revolution” throughout the world.[45] Like Peters, Ledeen predicates this world revolution as a necessary part of the “war on terrorism,” but emphasises also that “world revolution” is the “historic mission” of the USA and always has been. Writing in the National Review Ledeen states:

…[W]e are the one truly revolutionary country in the world, as we have been for more than 200 years. Creative destruction is our middle name. We do it automatically, and that is precisely why the tyrants hate us, and are driven to attack us. Freedom is our most lethal weapon, and the oppressed peoples of the fanatic regimes are our greatest assets. They need to hear and see that we are with them, and that the Western mission is to set them free, under leaders who will respect them and preserve their freedom.[46]


"Trotskyism provided the ideological basis for U.S. foreign policy, orientating U.S. foreign policy as a development from Wilsonian global liberal-democracy to what has become America’s “world revolutionary mission.” Trotskyist motivation came very shortly to be dominated by a hatred of the USSR, seeing Russia as the major obstacle to world socialism, and the USA as the only force capable of halting the USSR. From the neo-Trotskyist perspective, dialectically, capitalism became preferable to Stalinism. Capitalism represented a stage towards socialism; Stalinism was an aberration historically. Trotskyists readily joined with the CIA during the Cold War, and in the post-Cold War world have continued to have an influence, in particular ideologically, as it is now expressed by non-Trotskyists from Ledeen to Reagan and Bush. The ideology has not been repudiated by Obama.

“The permanent revolution” has been substituted for “constant conflict,” and “creative destruction;” Stalinism has been substituted for Islamofascism; Russia has been replaced by the USA as the “one truly revolutionary country in the world;” and the “world proletarian revolution” has metamorphosed into the “global democratic revolution.” Have the allegedly “paranoid” concerns of Stalin been vindicated?. . . "


By bringing up uncomfortable facts, you challenge the propaganda, disinformation, and dominant epistemological narratives that threaten the constitutional underpinnings of our great republic. You lay bear the entire hoax that is being perpetrated upon our people and our republic, and the parts of them that are real Americans? They don't like being reminded of that. .. it is a trigger, and it makes them feel guilty I would guess.

No one likes to be reminded that they have been ideologically subverted.
Globalists seek the elimination of the nation state. Israel is a nation state currently under attack by a combination of interests.

If you were rational and consistent, you would defend the nation state instead of demeaning the knowledge and political acumen of others.
Globalists seek the elimination of the nation state
It has already been proven that globalists set up, funded, and are having Hamas work with the IDF. The whole thing is orchestrated.

YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY THE GLOBALISTS! You are taking their side! I have posted the evidence in this very thread, and yet? Because you are so emotionally invested? YOU IGNORE THAT EVIDENCE!

IT is a set up, by those who are pulling the strings. They want you to believe this. . . now Abbas and Netanyahu, along with global corporations, are all going to have their way. They are all going to get rich off of the death and destruction. Are you blind?

There are no Nation States anymore, the world is just one big giant business, AND YOU WILL OWN NOTHING!

Jews? Palestinians? Americans? The folks running all of it? Don't give a fuck about any of us.

"It is a no win situation for the Palestinians. They were forced to get the jab too, from what I have heard. Yes, Hamas is a despicable terrorist organization, but the alternative?


They are in no better position than the rest of us. . . It is just another Hegelian dialectic, to play with folks emotions, and force them to accept an untenable solution to a problem, corrupt and despicable people have created to begin with.



Israel-Palestine War: Hamas' actions do not represent Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas says​

29K views 4 days ago

WATCH: Blinken Meets Mahmoud Abbas in Amman, Jordan​

13K views 7 days ago

Intelligence failure?

Nah bro, it is just a game the globalists are playing on the ignorant masses, and you are playing right into their hands.
This was a great post.

It is a shame very few will watch the discussion from a person on the ground, that knows what is going on, dispelling the propaganda, who worked that border. They would rather be lied to. Damn shame.

While there were discussions of Iran being behind this, and there was no proof. . . IMO? I believe the WEF, DAVOS and the Trilateral Commission are behind this. I have had the belief that they are also behind the war in Ukraine as well.

This whole Hamas incursion pulled off alone, is only slightly more believable as an intelligence failure, IOW, it isn't IMO. I don't know if you have seen this thread. Folks that don't learn from and study the past, are easily fooled;


Israeli False Flag Possibility, Baptist Hospital Massacre & Israel Already Lost The Information War​

Israel had intel on Hamas activity but didn't put Gaza border on high alert​

View attachment 845809

Then we retake Gaza: Hardline minister hails repeal of West Bank Disengagement​

The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military
اقرأ المزيد من صدى الحقيقية :
The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military
صفحتنا على الفيس بوك
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Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says​

Haaretz | Opinion
Opinion |

Killing Children Brings Israelis Together​


For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces​

Remember when Wikileaks revealed cables indicating Hamas might be working with/for the IDF to further Israel state policy? SOURCE

How Israel helped create Hamas​

Egypt refuses foreigners passage from Gaza except as part of aid agreement​

This sounds like a HUGE propaganda post here. It's probably the same tactics used on Trump. Somehow the air between the left and the right has got to be fixed, because it's gotten to the point of complete and total cultural destruction without any direction out of it.
You are dealing with folks that don't read a lot
YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY THE GLOBALISTS! You are taking their side! I have posted the evidence in this very thread, and yet? Because you are so emotionally invested? YOU IGNORE THAT EVIDENCE!
It's what they want Mr B, emotional responses tend to ignore any serious evidence

but then they'll find WMD in iraq any day, right?

It has already been proven that globalists set up, funded, and are having Hamas work with the IDF. The whole thing is orchestrated.

YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY THE GLOBALISTS! You are taking their side! I have posted the evidence in this very thread, and yet? Because you are so emotionally invested? YOU IGNORE THAT EVIDENCE!

IT is a set up, by those who are pulling the strings. They want you to believe this. . . now Abbas and Netanyahu, along with global corporations, are all going to have their way. They are all going to get rich off of the death and destruction. Are you blind?

There are no Nation States anymore, the world is just one big giant business, AND YOU WILL OWN NOTHING!

Jews? Palestinians? Americans? The folks running all of it? Don't give a fuck about any of us.

"It is a no win situation for the Palestinians. They were forced to get the jab too, from what I have heard. Yes, Hamas is a despicable terrorist organization, but the alternative?


They are in no better position than the rest of us. . . It is just another Hegelian dialectic, to play with folks emotions, and force them to accept an untenable solution to a problem, corrupt and despicable people have created to begin with.



Israel-Palestine War: Hamas' actions do not represent Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas says​

29K views 4 days ago

WATCH: Blinken Meets Mahmoud Abbas in Amman, Jordan​

13K views 7 days ago

Intelligence failure?

Nah bro, it is just a game the globalists are playing on the ignorant masses, and you are playing right into their hands.

Wow, that's a lot to unpack, but listen, it's all got to go this way sooner or later or the Biblical read is being mis-interpreted somewhere by us. It's possible we are entering if not already there "the end times". However, no one knows the day nor the hour. All we can do is look at the signs, educate ourself, and depend on the Lord to help us understand it all. First thing is to ask forgiveness, and begin to live a Godly life as best that one can, then and only then will our prayers be answered.
Wow, that's a lot to unpack, but listen, it's all got to go this way sooner or later or the Biblical read is being mis-interpreted somewhere by us. It's possible we are entering if not already there "the end times". However, no one knows the day nor the hour. All we can do is look at the signs, educate ourself, and depend on the Lord to help us understand it all. First thing is to ask forgiveness, and begin to live a Godly life as best that one can, then and only then will our prayers be answered.
Yes yes yes.

Christian doom sayers have been saying this for thousands of years. And before them, other cultures as well. . .

Ragnarök is at long last, upon us. :rolleyes: The Mayan clock was off by a decade and a few. . . yada yada yada. . .

Still no evidence of beheaded babies.

Thanks. I really like Rising. They are one to the best, most reliable news casts, with the most integrity on YouTube. With a libertarian-left reporter, and a libertarian-right reporter, they really don't try to push an agenda, other than getting to the facts.

EDIT: (I watched that debate between West & Dershowitz. It was good. I have never seen Robby Soave get into it so bad and go after Briahna Joy Gray like this before. Wow.)

This was a really good debate as well. They handled it better.

HEATED DEBATE: Cornel West, Alan Dershowitz spar over Israel-Hamas war​

Last edited:
It has already been proven that globalists set up, funded, and are having Hamas work with the IDF. The whole thing is orchestrated.

YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY THE GLOBALISTS! You are taking their side! I have posted the evidence in this very thread, and yet? Because you are so emotionally invested? YOU IGNORE THAT EVIDENCE!

IT is a set up, by those who are pulling the strings. They want you to believe this. . . now Abbas and Netanyahu, along with global corporations, are all going to have their way. They are all going to get rich off of the death and destruction. Are you blind?

There are no Nation States anymore, the world is just one big giant business, AND YOU WILL OWN NOTHING!

Jews? Palestinians? Americans? The folks running all of it? Don't give a fuck about any of us.

"It is a no win situation for the Palestinians. They were forced to get the jab too, from what I have heard. Yes, Hamas is a despicable terrorist organization, but the alternative?


They are in no better position than the rest of us. . . It is just another Hegelian dialectic, to play with folks emotions, and force them to accept an untenable solution to a problem, corrupt and despicable people have created to begin with.



Israel-Palestine War: Hamas' actions do not represent Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas says​

29K views 4 days ago

WATCH: Blinken Meets Mahmoud Abbas in Amman, Jordan​

13K views 7 days ago

Intelligence failure?

Nah bro, it is just a game the globalists are playing on the ignorant masses, and you are playing right into their hands.

That you, Alex Jones?

It's what they want Mr B, emotional responses tend to ignore any serious evidence

but then they'll find WMD in iraq any day, right?

Attempting to group your supposed enemy in like that, just shows that you have a broad reaching agenda.
And all the more interesting is the lady in the second video is an Israeli IDF soldier. I mean it is completely preposterous that all of these people from gaza were able to break through Israel and be there for six hours on interrupted on oct 7. Not only that but they were able somehow to bring back hostages. Surreal.

All the worse is some people will look at reasonable posts like mine or yours or the other person and say “oh you just hate Jews you’re blaming it on them”. The logical disconnect they have is stunning. It’s the people of Israel who are asking these questions. How in the world did this attack even occur in the first place on October 7?
Unbelievable if you two think that Israel created a false flag at the expense of their own soldiers lives, their own citizens lives, and especially at the cost of their own children's lives. If you could convince me of this, then I would be astonished beyond all reasoning.
Attempting to group your supposed enemy in like that, just shows that you have a broad reaching agenda.
There are factions with agendas beagle, most hail from the entitled elites of this rock

And they have false flags, repetitively at that, to achieve their agendas

Their tools call it a conspiracy theory (a CIA contruct)

And the mis-info does just what they wish it to

But hey, i could be wrong , and they'll find WMD any day now

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