Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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I've encountered one or two people who still think the Iraq war was based on honest reasons. Even though everyone else in the world knows it was based on demonstrable lies.

You have to ask yourself why is the Israel Palestine issue such a massive topic of the American media.?

We’re not buying the trash the globalist elite and neocons are trying to sell us.
I keep coming back to this>>>

All conflict on this rock can be traced back to economic roots. This new world order, global hegemony ,or any other conspiracy theory orbits ONE human sin>>>GREED

But that doesn't motivate the great unwashed to make targets outta their fellow unwashed.

Having them fall in line requires them to be manipulated via by fear and coerced into blind hate

They will then proceed to do the unthinkable , the complete reprehensible over the top unspeakable inhuman acts

And all this takes to create steam is a false flag , which governments have traditionally have had grand success with, least of which is USA


Is it really so difficult to believe that a bunch of armed terrorists,
Stoned out of their minds on recreational drugs...
Armed with military weapons,
Given no training in firing discipline....
Taught to hate Israel and all things Jewish....

Killing a group of babies and burning their bodies?

I don't find it a stretch....

But to claim that the poor Palestinians are justified in massacres....
THAT takes a huge stretch of the imagination. (And a lot of psychotropic medications)
Why doubt that horrible crimes were done by Hamas? they are perfectly capable of it.

Crimes like the ones described in the link provided by the OP, and worse crimes than that too.
No genocide here. In fact, this really never happened. The Zionist regime hired this family and hundreds more to stage these murders as a plot to gain support for their planned genocide of the innocent, peace loving Palestinians

It won't change the conspiratorial minds of those who said only days ago that these reports have not been confirmed. I already know the arguments so spare us

why would anyone doubt this story to begin with???................the 8th century inhabitants ran through a concert and shooting everything in sight.young people......who would doubt infants??

libturds want us to live 8th century
It won't change the conspiratorial minds of those who said only days ago that these reports have not been confirmed. I already know the arguments so spare us

One place for such confirmation/videos of gruesome incidents is Kaotic, and there's nothing on there about beheading babies.
Is it really so difficult to believe that a bunch of armed terrorists,
Stoned out of their minds on recreational drugs...
Armed with military weapons,
Given no training in firing discipline....
Taught to hate Israel and all things Jewish....

Killing a group of babies and burning their bodies?

I don't find it a stretch....

But to claim that the poor Palestinians are justified in massacres....
THAT takes a huge stretch of the imagination. (And a lot of psychotropic medications)
Palestinians nor Israelis are justified in massacres …. Everybody who follows the Israel Palestine conflict in a non-bias matter knows that there has been horrific violence on both sides. I’ve provided many links showing it. I’ve also provided videos , showing Jewish rabbis and soldier saying they will kill Palestinian children. To which some pro Israel people laugh at so they’re the same thing as these pro Hamas people.
Palestinians nor Israelis are justified in massacres …. Everybody who follows the Israel Palestine conflict in a non-bias matter knows that there has been horrific violence on both sides. I’ve provided many links showing it. I’ve also provided videos , showing Jewish rabbis and soldier saying they will kill Palestinian children. To which some pro Israel people laugh at so they’re the same thing as these pro Hamas people.
All is fair in Love and War. Israel didnt start this one. But they will finish it.

The blood spilled is on the hands of Hamas.
Palestinians nor Israelis are justified in massacres …. Everybody who follows the Israel Palestine conflict in a non-bias matter knows that there has been horrific violence on both sides. I’ve provided many links showing it. I’ve also provided videos , showing Jewish rabbis and soldier saying they will kill Palestinian children. To which some pro Israel people laugh at so they’re the same thing as these pro Hamas people.

These loons have convinced themselves it was the evil Israeli government that set them up (innocent, peace loving Palestinians), to commit these crimes against their will, and the evil Israelis sat back and waited so they could stir up enough hatred among the Israeli citizens so they would support the evil Zionist government as they committed genocide against the peace loving Palestinians.

These are the "enlightened ones" who have that "special truth" the rest of us don't see 😂

They "know" all this because some obscure guy formerly in the IDF says "there's no way Israel couldn't have known the attack was coming" 😂
I am getting called an immature bully and a war monger in another thread by conspiracy theorists because I believe Jews have a right to defend themselves against these inbred genocidal maniacs.
It won't change the conspiratorial minds of those who said only days ago that these reports have not been confirmed. I already know the arguments so spare us

It won't change their minds, because they have been brainwashed to believe that Israel is more barbaric than Hamas is, and that Hamas is just resisting Israel's barbarity against the Palestinians. It's all a lie, because over the year's we've seen the barbaric acts in support of the Palastinians via their handler's, and you would think that the Palestinians would reject horrific attacks and barbarism as being a way towards regional peace. So the Palastinians are complicit which makes them supporters of terrorism.
You are indulging in false equivalence. You SHOULD be intelligent enough to indulge in moral reasoning, yet you don't in order to cast aspersions on those who believe Jewish people should be able to defend themselves.

Hamas kills Jewish babies INTENTIOLNALLY. Israel then goes after the killers, and the resultant death of children isn't because they are targeting children, but because Hamas WANTS to rack up the body count so they can use it as propaganda.
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