Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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You are indulging in false equivalence. You SHOULD be intelligent enough to indulge in moral reasoning, yet you don't in order to cast aspersions on those who believe Jewish people should be able to defend themselves.

Hamas kills Jewish babies INTENTIOLNALLY. Israel then goes after the killers, and the resultant death of children isn't because they are targeting children, but because Hamas WANTS to rack up the body count so they can use it as propaganda.

I don't really give a damn what they do to each other over there.

My own country is going to hell in a hand basket. That's where my priorities lay.

But flipping through the board these days, it seems like I'm in very, very short company.
Palestinians nor Israelis are justified in massacres …. Everybody who follows the Israel Palestine conflict in a non-bias matter knows that there has been horrific violence on both sides. I’ve provided many links showing it. I’ve also provided videos , showing Jewish rabbis and soldier saying they will kill Palestinian children. To which some pro Israel people laugh at so they’re the same thing as these pro Hamas people.
We had to shoot Vietnamese children who had bombs strapped to them, but it wasn't because of being child killer's as people like you and your propaganda are suggesting. The same happened in Iraq.

It is a tactic of a savagery for an enemy to use children and women in unexpected ways, and worse to groom them or raise them up in such ways, so the children's blood is on their master's hands, and not on the one's who have to defend themselves from such horrific tactics that involve women and children.

Although a movie, this was learned by script writer's through actual accounts of this type of attack in which placed it into the movie as a reminder of the barbarity in tactics used by an enemy.

The same was shown in various movies being born of the same stories told in war diaries and interview's by soldier's during their tours of duty.
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It won't change their minds, because they have been brainwashed to believe that Israel is more barbaric than Hamas is, and that Hamas is just resisting Israel's barbarity against the Palestinians. It's all a lie, because over the year's we've seen the barbaric acts in support of the Palastinians via their handler's, and you would think that the Palestinians would reject horrific attacks and barbarism as being a way towards regional peace. So the Palastinians are complicit which makes them supporters of terrorism.
It's Palestinians who chant:
From the river to the sea, PALESTINE will be free (of Jews)
It's Palestinians who chant:
From the river to the sea, PALESTINE will be free (of Jews)
They have been brainwashed to believe this by their activist handler's. The same bull shite is going on right here in America as we speak, and a generation of people are being brainwashed as we speak. America best wake it's ace back up.
Wow! In that second video, she certainly builds a good case this attack by Hamas was a false flag of sorts. The Israeli government may have known it was coming and set the whole thing up. So that now they can commit the genocide of Gaza they’ve always wanted.

She does build a very good case that there's much more to it than meets the eye.

But she brought up a few different possibilities for the reason behind it, I didn't think that the motivation you brought up was the one she believes is most likely. Although she was careful (and honest) to say we don't know at this point, I got the impression that she believes there were likely bigger forces at work, for a global agenda, for example another big war in the M.E.
She does build a very good case that there's much more to it than meets the eye.

But she brought up a few different possibilities for the reason behind it, I didn't think that the motivation you brought up was the one she believes is most likely. Although she was careful (and honest) to say we don't know at this point, I got the impression that she believes there were likely bigger forces at work, for a global agenda, for example another big war in the M.E.
Yeah, it couldn't POSSIBLY have been Hamas for those who don't want it to be Hamas.
35:00 , "we're fighting now, we'll talk about it later'" sums it up Buttercup....~S~

Yep. Also, the censoring and bullying people into silence that she brought up says a lot. Apparently some people want to move forward with an agenda, no questions asked. I'm sure they LOVE those on this thread who are doing just that, they are very useful.
Yep. Also, the censoring and bullying people into silence that she brought up says a lot. Apparently some people want to move forward with an agenda, no questions asked. I'm sure they LOVE those on this thread who are doing just that, they are very useful.
Where have you been censored, and how have you been bullied?

You have made it very clear that you do not want Hamas held responsible for their actions. Only certain types of people say those things as most people are thoroughly repulsed by what they did and so do not deny their accountability.
And all this takes to create steam is a false flag , which governments have traditionally have had grand success with, least of which is USA
I agree that more and more people are waking up to all the globalist lies in general, on a number of issues. Thank God there are people who value truth and put truth first, above hyperpartisanship, tribalism and emotion. (Unfortunately for the most part that doesn't seem to be the case on this site. This is the most partisan, mainstream-minded forum I've ever been on, in all my years on the internet.)

As for what you said about this particular situation....He's not the only one who said a stand down order may have been given. I've heard that several times from different people, because reportedly hours went by which allowed the horrible events of that day to occur.

As a few of us here have mentioned, a number of former IDF soldiers have publicly stated that there's no way what happened that day could have happened without the knowledge of the IDF and Israeli intelligence.

Not only that, but MANY regular Israelis are also questioning the government about what happened. In fact, there's a recent article about that here: Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign

So are those former IDF soldiers and all the Israelis who have questioned the government Jew haters? Are all those Israelis anti-Israel? :rolleyes: Are they all "loons"?

The video clips of the former IDF soldiers are hard to track down, so I just want to post this lady, Efrat Fenigson, for now.

This first clip is fairly short, and she was speaking the same day it happened.

This next one is an interview that's a MUST-SEE. It's an excellent discussion. I don't see any "loons" in this video, to me they appear to be intelligent, decent, aware people who care about getting to the truth. And they understand that this whole situation is not as simplistic as people assume it is. Since the talk is long, I started the video at the part where they talk about the attack.

This is the same talk, but started in a different place in the video...I liked this part, where they talked about possible 'higher forces'... and she explains why she thinks many people don't think that way. It's a really interesting talk:

This was a great post.

It is a shame very few will watch the discussion from a person on the ground, that knows what is going on, dispelling the propaganda, who worked that border. They would rather be lied to. Damn shame.

While there were discussions of Iran being behind this, and there was no proof. . . IMO? I believe the WEF, DAVOS and the Trilateral Commission are behind this. I have had the belief that they are also behind the war in Ukraine as well.

This whole Hamas incursion pulled off alone, is only slightly more believable as an intelligence failure, IOW, it isn't IMO. I don't know if you have seen this thread. Folks that don't learn from and study the past, are easily fooled;


Israeli False Flag Possibility, Baptist Hospital Massacre & Israel Already Lost The Information War​

Israel had intel on Hamas activity but didn't put Gaza border on high alert​


Then we retake Gaza: Hardline minister hails repeal of West Bank Disengagement​

The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military
اقرأ المزيد من صدى الحقيقية :
The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military
صفحتنا على الفيس بوك
صفحتنا على تويتر

Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says​

Haaretz | Opinion
Opinion |

Killing Children Brings Israelis Together​


For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces​

Remember when Wikileaks revealed cables indicating Hamas might be working with/for the IDF to further Israel state policy? SOURCE

How Israel helped create Hamas​

Egypt refuses foreigners passage from Gaza except as part of aid agreement​

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You are indulging in false equivalence. You SHOULD be intelligent enough to indulge in moral reasoning, yet you don't in order to cast aspersions on those who believe Jewish people should be able to defend themselves.

Hamas kills Jewish babies INTENTIOLNALLY. Israel then goes after the killers, and the resultant death of children isn't because they are targeting children, but because Hamas WANTS to rack up the body count so they can use it as propaganda.
But you’re choosing to ignore the video evidence, showing Israeli rabbis and soldier, saying they will kill Palestinian children

You’ve also ignore the fact that Israel has had Jewish mass murderers

Ok that is not a unrighteous equivalence. It is literally the same thing. Goldstein and those Jewish soldiers + rabbis who support his ideology are no different than Al-Qaeda. Nobody with common sense can deny it. Now people can play Word games in response or continue to deny this reality it’s up to them.

The United States should call out the bad guys on both sides, and help out the poor people in our own country
We had to shoot Vietnamese children who had bombs strapped to them, but it wasn't because of being child killer's as people like you and your propaganda are suggesting. The same happened in Iraq.

It is a tactic of a savagery for an enemy to use children and women in unexpected ways, and worse to groom them or raise them up in such ways, so the children's blood is on their master's hands, and not on the one's who have to defend themselves from such horrific tactics that involve women and children.

Although a movie, this was learned by script writer's through actual accounts of this type of attack in which placed it into the movie as a reminder of the barbarity in tactics used by an enemy.

The same was shown in various movies being born of the same stories told in war diaries and interview's by soldier's during their tours of duty.

No need to make assumptions. I support the US military. But I disagree with some of our politicians wars in our country’s history. Vietnam I guess could go both ways.

But I don’t think we should’ve ever invaded Iraq that did not serve our purposes.

We can make the argument that the invasion of Afghanistan to get bin Laden was justified.
If you did not give a damn, you would not be calling people "war mongers" for supporting the right of Jewish people to defend themselves against genocidal maniacs.

If you were truly concerned with the globalist agenda, you would be DEFENDING the right of Israel to continue as a sovereign nation. Globalists DON'T WANT sovereign nations, which is the reason they target Trump.
Ok practically nobody has criticized Israel’s right to exist as a country. Muslim majority countries recognize Israel. Israel has more recognition around the world compared to Palestine.

And Israel is not even facing a real Military in Palestine. It’s one of the most lopsided conflicts ever. Israel is nuclear armend they can’t lose.
Sigh. First off, I wasn't talking about me. We were talking about the video I posted in post #67, and the woman in the video, an Israeli and a former IDF soldier, said that about people in Israel who are asking too many questions.

Secondly, even after I made my position crystal clear yesterday on another thread, you are continuing to post vicious lies about me. You've been doing that to a lot of other people too, all over this site. You've already been warned more than once. So I'm asking you again to stop posting to me, unless you can begin acting like a reasonable civil rational person. I've already given you chances to post in a civil way a few times, but you keep coming back with more of the same dishonest, nasty, hateful tactics. So if that's all you have, just put me on ignore and stop harassing me.
I have no plans to self-censure simply because you do not want opposition to your various false flag conspiracy theories designed to divert responsibility away from Hamas.
I have no plans to self-censure simply because you do not want opposition to your various false flag conspiracy theories designed to divert responsibility away from Hamas.

Yet another false statement. I have no problem at all with opposition to the views some of us here have been talking about. In fact, I expect it and I'm OK with honest disagreement. What I DO have a problem with, and I've stated this multiple times, is the way you've been accusing everyone who doesn't agree with you of being a "Jew hater" or "Hamas supporter" or other nasty hateful lies. Again, you've been doing that to all sorts of people all over this site. And even after many people have corrected your hateful lies, you've continued to do it. But I'm having déjà vu right now, we've already had this conversation, and I'm not going to keep repeating it.

Put me on ignore if it bothers you so much that some of us dare to think outside the sandbox and question what we've been told by a controlled msm who has lied to us numerous times, especially in regard to wars.
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