Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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But tell me.

Did Hamas invade Israel?
Were innocent Israelis tortured, raped, murdered, kidnapped.

None of you clowns have even expressed a theory. You only jump at opportunities to TRY to discredit reality.

You need to offer SOMETHING if you're gonna say, "it's all a lie"

What is "the truth"? We're all waiting to be enlightened by those of you who have the "special insight" the rest of us plebes don't have
I'll check in tomorrow to see if any of you can provide the "truth" and what verified sources you have for these "truths"
Why doubt that horrible crimes were done by Hamas? they are perfectly capable of it.

Crimes like the ones described in the link provided by the OP, and worse crimes than that too.
Something about the beheadings upsets them.

But they can accept that children were burned alive. Had their arms and legs chopped off. But they just can't accept that they were beheaded. They need "verification" for that. They were given verification by the IDF. But they reject that
Something about the beheadings upsets them.

But they can accept that children were burned alive. Had their arms and legs chopped off. But they just can't accept that they were beheaded. They need "verification" for that. They were given verification by the IDF. But they reject that

First of all, don't speak for others. Speak only for yourself.

Secondly, can you post a link to the IDF confirming the 40 beheaded babies story? Because AGAIN, this has been explained to you numerous times, it was initially said to be 'confirmed', but then later they said they could not confirm it.

The video you posted in the OP was a week old. You posted it in "Breaking News." So either you didn't check the date of the video, or you're being dishonest. Which is it?

In any event, unless a confirmation DID happen in the last few days, you are posting something that is old news that was already backtracked.

I did a search for a confirmation, and the only thing I'm finding are recent articles talking about war propaganda, and how people shouldn't be so quick to believe everything they're told:

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you folks are being played .......~S~

Truest thing I've read on this thread. I think most of them will realize that eventually.

But maybe not all. I've encountered one or two people who still think the Iraq war was based on honest reasons. Even though everyone else in the world knows it was based on demonstrable lies.

You even have Dubya Bush joking about it. That's how little these globalist elites think about us. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, how many American lives were lost in that war, and he is joking about it.

And then you have some airheads here who automatically believe the same MSM that lied to us about all those other wars. And they say we're the ones not accepting reality. :lol: I actually laughed out loud at that.

First of all, don't speak for others. Speak only for yourself.

Secondly, can you post a link to the IDF confirming the 40 beheaded babies story? Because AGAIN, this has been explained to you numerous times, it was initially said to be 'confirmed', but then later they said they could not confirm it.

The video you posted in the OP was a week old. You posted it in "Breaking News." So either you didn't check the date of the video, or you're being dishonest. Which is it?

In any event, unless a confirmation DID happen in the last few days, you are posting something that is old news that was already backtracked.

I did a search for a confirmation, and the only thing I'm finding are recent articles talking about war propaganda, and how people shouldn't be so quick to believe everything they're told:

The exact number is not even the point. Over a thousand people were murdered including children. It was an act of war .
you folks are being played .......~S~
Most of us Americans are not. We’re not buying the trash the globalist elite and neocons are trying to sell us.

Everyone with a brain knows that Israel is not in an existential war. They’re fighting people stick stones and small arms.

Honorable conservatives like Charlie Kirk have suggested a stand down order may have been given by the IDF to allow the Hamas attack to occur in the first place.

Nobody likes Hamas btw …
The exact number is not even the point. Over a thousand people were murdered including children. It was an act of war .
She is CONFUSING 40 dead babies AND Babies beheaded.

Nobody of importance said 40 babies beheaded. This person simply confuses TWO SEPARATE REPORTS.

This person would know this if this person as actually read what I posted a couple times before


She is also filmed speaking to the deputy commander of the IDF's unit 71, David Ben Zion, who describes Hamas fighters as "aggressive" and "very bad".

He says: "They cut off heads… of children, of women."

And in another live broadcast, Zedek describes "40 babies at least were taken out on gurneys"
- which is where the widely shared 40 figure comes from.

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Most of us Americans are not. We’re not buying the trash the globalist elite and neocons are trying to sell us.

Everyone with a brain knows that Israel is not in an existential war. They’re fighting people stick stones and small arms.

Honorable conservatives like Charlie Kirk have suggested a stand down order may have been given by the IDF to allow the Hamas attack to occur in the first place.

Nobody likes Hamas btw …

We saw enough video that Hamas took of themselves, to know they are pieces of shit. And Israel is in a war with an enemy greater than sticks and stones. Hamas is a Religious movement, not a national one. They are only using the Palestinians needs as a tool to gain their foothold. Which is why Hamas also has no qualms about slaughtering their own people.
What you obviously dont get is that Israel is such a tiny country, that they could easily be overrun if they did not keep tight borders. Iran would make sure of that. The war against Israel is a world wide propaganda war, painting them as an apartheid state, when they are not.
We saw enough video that Hamas took of themselves, to know they are pieces of shit. And Israel is in a war with an enemy greater than sticks and stones. Hamas is a Religious movement, not a national one. They are only using the Palestinians needs as a tool to gain their foothold. Which is why Hamas also has no qualms about slaughtering their own people.
What you obviously dont get is that Israel is such a tiny country, that they could easily be overrun if they did not keep tight borders. Iran would make sure of that. The war against Israel is a world wide propaganda war, painting them as an apartheid state, when they are not.
They don't see they are participants in evil attacking the victim.

It's time to end this.
We saw enough video that Hamas took of themselves, to know they are pieces of shit
These loons have convinced themselves it was the evil Israeli government that set them up (innocent, peace loving Palestinians), to commit these crimes against their will, and the evil Israelis sat back and waited so they could stir up enough hatred among the Israeli citizens so they would support the evil Zionist government as they committed genocide against the peace loving Palestinians.

These are the "enlightened ones" who have that "special truth" the rest of us don't see 😂

They "know" all this because some obscure guy formerly in the IDF says "there's no way Israel couldn't have known the attack was coming" 😂
You trying to say something? Your link goes nowhere

Are you one of those Hamas' apologists trying to tell us no babies were killed
The link goes directly to the report . Just checked .

As you have not yet read it , stop using terms stupidly .
I am no apologist for anything .
But I will support matters based on research , evidence and testimony .
Try it .
The link goes directly to the report . Just checked .

As you have not yet read it , stop using terms stupidly .
I am no apologist for anything .
But I will support matters based on research , evidence and testimony .
Try it .
Nope. Clicked it 4 times. Attempts to do something but doesn't.

You're not worth reading anyway. You're predictable

Edit: Okay, NOW I figured out what you did. You linked to a 17 page PDF and didn't inform us.

Sorry, but I can't won't read it on my phone
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Most of us Americans are not. We’re not buying the trash the globalist elite and neocons are trying to sell us.

Everyone with a brain knows that Israel is not in an existential war. They’re fighting people stick stones and small arms.

Honorable conservatives like Charlie Kirk have suggested a stand down order may have been given by the IDF to allow the Hamas attack to occur in the first place.

Nobody likes Hamas btw …

I agree that more and more people are waking up to all the globalist lies in general, on a number of issues. Thank God there are people who value truth and put truth first, above hyperpartisanship, tribalism and emotion. (Unfortunately for the most part that doesn't seem to be the case on this site. This is the most partisan, mainstream-minded forum I've ever been on, in all my years on the internet.)

As for what you said about this particular situation....He's not the only one who said a stand down order may have been given. I've heard that several times from different people, because reportedly hours went by which allowed the horrible events of that day to occur.

As a few of us here have mentioned, a number of former IDF soldiers have publicly stated that there's no way what happened that day could have happened without the knowledge of the IDF and Israeli intelligence.

Not only that, but MANY regular Israelis are also questioning the government about what happened. In fact, there's a recent article about that here: Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign

So are those former IDF soldiers and all the Israelis who have questioned the government Jew haters? Are all those Israelis anti-Israel? :rolleyes: Are they all "loons"?

The video clips of the former IDF soldiers are hard to track down, so I just want to post this lady, Efrat Fenigson, for now.

This first clip is fairly short, and she was speaking the same day it happened.

This next one is an interview that's a MUST-SEE. It's an excellent discussion. I don't see any "loons" in this video, to me they appear to be intelligent, decent, aware people who care about getting to the truth. And they understand that this whole situation is not as simplistic as people assume it is. Since the talk is long, I started the video at the part where they talk about the attack.

This is the same talk, but started in a different place in the video...I liked this part, where they talked about possible 'higher forces'... and she explains why she thinks many people don't think that way. It's a really interesting talk:

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